(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

jr's fav word is still kai (open) and mei you. And he will lift his eyebrows when he say mei you.. v funny. When I ask him to call mama.. he say na na na neh neh neh deh deh.. occassionally mamama.. :p

poor sr!! Gosh she already recognise the needle and know how to show she hates it.

wow sr can say "there"? that's great.. heehe


hahah su is so funny! dylan also hardly calls me... usually jus making mmm sounds. sometimes when he is desperate he will say mama! and he can also call dada. once in a blue moon, he will say bear bear, or ball but most of the time, he like su.. he just go 'eh eh eh' hahah....
hehehe so cute to learn how the bb talk :p
is it true tat girls are closer to daddy and boys to mummy?

kyrell can say alot of things but he just cant say 'gong gong'.. dunno why so he invented a 'name' for my father.. kyrell calls him 'toad toad' :p

he can now say A to Z, repeats after me but some alphabets not very clear lah.. and when I say "say A".. he continues "B C D". And just 2 days back, he can say 1,2,3 when we are taking photo hehe..

This is how he looked when he says "3!", will swing his arm down very forcefully de

i remembered jr looked very surprised and happy when we say "kai" in front of him after the royce kids class hehe... am sure he is putting this word to good use

sr scared of needles ah.. poor girl.. got phobia liao huh. how's your preps for the trip? your hubby not gng is it?
i also brot kyrell to dr ellen tay 2 weeks back leh.. i like her.. very friendly
Louisa can call me..she can say "deh-dee", "mah-mee", pec (for specs), bag, back, per (for slipper), eee (key), milk, apple...but I like "mah-mee" best. hahaha. Just yesterday, she kept going "mah-mee" non-stop while she was sitting on the bumper mat playing by herself. And I just lie down quietly on the sofa and took it all in. hahaha. but kena nagged at by hubby (he jealous maybe? haha). He says, "eh, she's calling you. respond leh. why you let her go on and on? wait she frustrated coz no response". :p hahaha...

oh, she knows how to say "there" too. Ask her where's her bear? She'll say "where? where? There!"(complete with the hand gestures for "where")
kyrell so cute! hahaha...wah, he give ur dad a nickname ah...haha. Louisa also dunno how to say gong gong. but can say por por. dunno why also. haha.

he so cute...swing his arms when count to 3. hahaha...
wahahahahah your hubby is so funny!!! he is jealous!!! i also tink "mummy" is the best word liao, beats anything they can say!!!
yalor.. dunno why he uses this to call my father hahaha!!
aiyah... he alot of action de.. his little pig's tail coming out liao, getting cheekier by the day :p
aiyo csi, i do that to my hub when susu goes dadadadadi non stop. hehheh... JEALOUS!

ber, kyrell is very clever leh! must expose him to more languages! think he's v talented in this area! must zai pei!

aiyo my susu... still use baby language...
shoes = eng ga
bird = nan nan
sometimes when kyrell calls his daddy too much, i also gets jealous :p i will try divert his attention so as to make him stop calling hahaha.. bad hor :p

we do intend to let him learn other languages, maybe next year, since he likes to talk so much :p

this morning in cab, i was giving intructions to the cabby, turn left and go straigh in mandarin, i asked him to repeat after me, he also can say :p

why is shoes = eng ga and bird = nan nan?? what lanuage is tat huh?
wah cocoangel not only does kyrell talks well, his memory is gd too! jr also invent names leh.. he like to look at buses.. but he'll say kai whenever he sees them. 1 kai for each bus he see. haha. And he can rem his fav song on the cd, even before the song come out, he remembers the sequence and will point to his mouth (that song is about eyes, ears, mouth, etc). Babies are amazing!

e name is 'Artic cod liver oil' by Nordic Naturals. Can get it fr vitakids in Paragon. e smell is super duper fishy.. there was one i broke a bottle of it..even after washg e floor wif lots of detergent, e smell still lingered for a few days..can u imagine? but i wld say, its a good supplement la..i hv to give my kids tis becz in e hsehold, my nieces r rather prone to common coughs/cold (they used to b sick almost every 2 weeks)..n they play together a fair bit..so i definitely hv to boost their immunities. i guess if u're still bfg sr, u can take ur fair share of vits..afterall she eats wat u eat..haha..

bb language:

alexis has been chattg a great deal! she's able to call everyone correctly (u must know..my hsehold has more than 10 ppl)..hehe..n she's able to read a few letters already. n yes, she loves completing my songs (tho i croak). it's fun la..
jr really likes to use 'kai' hor hahaha... bus also kai huh? :p

smartz! remembering everyone in your household is no joke!! so many ppl under one roof hehe..
ya..poor girl..she gets her 'drilling' fr my MIL everyday..hahaha...call yeh-yeh, nai nai, ah pek, ah um..pek gong, um po..shu shu..gu-gu..hahah..but its hilarious.
Remember all the different elderly names is not easy. Good work Alexis!

Your Kyrell is really good with his speech. Next time can sweet talk girls. Haha...

QJ is also saying many more words recently. His Ah Gong is 'gng gng'.

I guess our babies are all at the stage where they start developing their language skills. So funny.
went GUG class on sat afternoon.. mummies who went on sunday, wat's ur views?

i quite like the class structure and somehow my slot (sat 4pm), there were 8 kiddos, all on trial class de..

But tink sr is the most active one there .. she refuse to sit with me at times and would stand infront of the teacher to listen or c watever they are holding..
coco.. my HB gg HK wif us le .. haa.. his boz released him =P but he refuse to take the flu jab .. hmmm .. i haven take, dr tay says i shld take coz i still bf-g sr

oh ya, dr tay veri friendly hor.. kyrell went to her for jab? she actually recog sr leh.. dat day HB brot sr for 2nd flu jab dr tay looked at them and said "oh its daddy's 2nd time here.." shocking my HB .. =P
steffietan, tks for the fish oil info.. hmm.. my mum's tinking of getting those Scotts Cod Liver oil for sr .. we took them when we were young .. stinkoo.. =P
hi ladies> I'm new to this thread so hi to everyone! I gave birth to my son (1st kid) on 12 Dec 07. He's a real screamer now...is currently screaming in the background in fact!

I now have a new baby (girl), born on Valentines, so she's just over 1 month old.

My DS doesnt call either of us mama or papa... sigh. He says star, straw, bao bao, car...

Started teaching him baby-signs, and he can do the sign for book & dog.
Wah thats good that he can join! Is there any side effects from the flu jab?
We went there cos Kyrell has cough and flu, she was quite thorough and very chatty. She even checked for other symptoms although we were there for cough and flu. She said Kyrell drooled alot haha.. so she checked his teeth too. See if he's growing teeth, i told her "no" cos he has been drooling ALOT since forever :p
Sr so cute, of cos will remember lah!
I like her
i went on sunday...i oso like the class structure...very organized and different from the rest of the trails i went...loved the story telling and the music class (LIVE)...the flashcards thingy oso a thumb-up...princess was very attentive during the story telling and during music lesson, she was shaking and rocking away to the rhythm...NICE...
Hi Angie,
Welcome! My boy is also born on 12 Dec 07 @ TMC
He is not really a screamer but very talkative and just started to walk last month

I have taught hand sign since he is only months old but I have not been very consistent hehe.. he can do for milk and eat.
hahahaha .... coco i like e way u describe :p
" I dun wan them or their parents to come knocking at my door leh"

coco i dun think e flu jab will hv side effect leh. probably u might wanna check wif pd loh

e way kyrell walk is so cute :p
Aiyoh I am worried how he will turn out next time, I dun wan him to be a heart breaker. YIKS!!
He is very careful when he walks but like a jail bird just released, he gets very excited the moment his feet touched the floor!! Cannot walk wants to run liao. Now kept telling me he wants to walk haiz~
Gabby has alot of teeth hor and chubby thighs!! Yum yum!
Ok will call up the PD to check, thanks

Aiyoh.. wrong date hehe...

GUG = Growing Up Gifted.
Some mummies attended the trial class and more will go on this month's weekends.
Hi Angie,
my gal was born on 8 Dec 07. Yeah, now she has company...hahaha. My gal, doesn't scream as much as she talks. she yaks and yaks...and nags...and scolds...hahaha. But, I notice, she has this thing for BAGS and SHOES (mummy faints...). hahaha. Very normal for a gal...but at this young age? hahaha...
hi cocoangel,

thanks, seems like GUG got pretty good reviews from the mommies here!

my girl stil can't speak a word...not even mommy or daddy. :-(
hi ladies,

I am new to this thread. My boy was born 1st dec 07. Have another gal born in Jan 09. Just 2 mths old.

My boy is not talking yet, just yelling a lot.
wow CSI_Fan, my son doesnt talk yet... so certainly he cant scold nor nag! girls talk quicker than boys yah? my son talks gibberish and it's really funny!
cocoangel, saw ur earlier posting on ur son's meals. Looks really interesting.

My son doesn't eat so much. Whatever we are having for dinner we just give him morsels.
jeelo! i saw u on the nov 09 mtb thread! congrats! *) i'm not preggie though... just popped in to kpo. ha...
still veri veri early.. hadn't seen my gynae yet ar... plus i test use cheapo kits (would they play me out?!) 1more wk then arrange for gynae appt.
were u supposed to be in the same session as mine the week before but was full for trial? They called you to reschedule? The other time when they say will reschedule me, till now didn't hear from them. I also forgot abt it.


Hmmm... i think i also saw another mummy who's pregnant too. Shd be around the same time as Jeelo. :p

Btw, anyone has any ID company to recommend for renovation?

Gong Xi Gong Xi

Tub, good that you're not mad anymore at your boss
You know lah, stay angry won't do us much good

Now so shiok right? Term break! I've been going out with a vengeance again

Today took Little one swimming in the morning then went Scumptious at Turf City. Not bad leh

Regarding talking/walking
Well, my ah boy can let go and waddle a few steps but he still lacks confidence. He will hold on to our hands and ask us to support him to wherever he wants to go...

As for talking, he only calls mama and baba.. now he tries very very hard to pronounce 'Ball' and 'Bike'

Anyone keen to go Zoo this Wednesday morning? Going to the Rainforest playground again
daffy - both our kids are very similar in age!!

cocoangel - ah, i got preggy while still exclusive breastfeeding & my period never came back! everyone says close aged kids will be close
but in the early years very taxing for the parents!!
Jeelo, congrats :

welcome daffy and angie

Coco, I am sure Kyrell will be a heartbreaker he is so so cute.

Dylan's mom, actually Josh is also very 'into' bags and shoes. oops~
coco, u can just call Dr tay and ask abt the side effects of the flu jab, i dun rem her saying there's any.. anyway she will b most happy to tell u abt it .. and tell u more .. haa..

hee.. kyrell the heartbreaker .. did he communicate alot with dr tay? she so chatty, he must find her veri good company .. =P
pretty, sr loves the LIVE band oso .. hee.. as usual, she was dancing/shaking all over to the music.. and when they switch off the lights for 'twinkle twinkle little stars' song, sr started 'singing' along .. heee

angie, welcome welcome!! hee.. ur #2 mux ve made u ultra tired tat u rem the wrong birth date for #1.. dun let #1 noe abt it.. =P
