(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Dylan's mum
There are a few cc along Halifax Rd right? I like the big spaces they have there. But not sure if it's convenient for me to bring him to and fro work @ City Hall. Very few cc around town area.
u are looking at which age group to put kyrell into? infant care, 18-24mths or 24mth onwards? the prices slightly differ for each group... infant care is most ex though.

U shld visit soon, if you wanna put kyrell in cos they hv very limited slots available and u need to be put on waiting list if keen.

dylan also the sticky type but guess i'm just gonna have to brave this out and let him get adjusted in cc.

I will be putting dylan in for half days first.. after he is used to it, will extend to full days.

let me know how yr trial goes

yah there are quite a few. I think got some montesorri, chiltern house and pat's. Pat's has 3-4 units on that stretch. Yah there are limited options around city hall, so halifax road is a good consideration for u also.
You're right, the space is good lor... plus there is a park just outside with a big pond and pat's told me they also bring the kids there for walks.
Hi mummies!!

Fidgets gathering is here again!

can put ur name down for which date u prefer?

thanks in advance..

5th April 2009 - Sunday - 3.30pm to 5.30pm
1. Petrina with hubby and child
2. Kim with hb & mal
3. Sharyn with hb & kayden
4. LindaYeo with helper & 3 kids (tba again on the no. of kids)
5 mitchelle with hubby and child (will confirm again on tat week coz might go to labour lol)
6. Constancet with hubby & 3 kids + helper (can only reach ard 4pm)
7 LindaL with hb & Jovan
8 Jane with hb & Jerrell
9 Beranice with hubby & Kyrell

19th April 2009 - Sunday - 3.30pm - 5.30pm
1. Petrina with hubby and child
2. Kim with hb & mal
3. Sharyn with hb & kayden
4. LindaYeo with helper & 3 kids (tba again on the no. of kids)
5. Constancet with hubby & 3 kids + helper (can only reach ard 4pm)
6 LindaL with hb & Jovan
7 Jane with hb & Jerrell
8 Beranice with hubby & Kyrell
9 Li Sa, Hb and shirui
I was amazed too when they told me.. imagine taking the bus alone!

Dylan's mum,
I will probably send him in at the 18-24mths age group. I will discuss with hubby and see if he prefers Serangoon or Halifax ones. Or maybe another sch.

yup, 18-24mths was my original plan also but the school told me that chances of getting a place was slim and said if he 'graduate' over from infant care, he would be more assured of a space there. Since i was already thinking of putting him in infant care anyway (to get him adjusted first cos the routine for both age groups are similar, plus more attention in infant care)... and only 3 month period, decided to go ahead to do it first lor.

price is abt $1k i think, after subsidy, for 18-24mths group.
yes i think so... just google infant care, and the search function on the mcys website will pop up under the first few options.
hi pet,

fyi. prices are available in the website link too, and pretty accurate. at least for the few that i enquired.

I was also "shopping" for toddler care and realised that about $1k seems like a norm. Even the NTUC little skool house that i went to take a look is $900+... After govt increase the subsidy last year, all child care prices went up.

If you are a working mum, you'll realised that after subsidy, full day and half day cost almost the same. sigh...

fyi. Full day subsidy: $300 ; and half day subsidy: $150

Hmm, I only have intention to send my little one to 2 hours playgroup when he turns 18 months... Being a lazy mum, I'll just sign him up for Apple Tree playgroup. Happens that there's one right opposite my place
Haha, usually when we MJ, the Dads and Mums take turns to babysit and play so far ok

Hope all babies here recover soon. Really heartache to see them under the weather
check out my little boy MJing! Haha.
Guess he likes MJ becoz I practically MJ on weekends and then several times a week while waiting to 'deliver' him!

Talk about Tai Jiao haha

hi dylan's mum,

thanks for the link.. its good! managed to get some info on the childcares around my area..

so are u back to work already? is dylan managing well in the centre?

planning to put mikaela in there in june.. but dunno how she'll take it coz i'm still bfing her in the night.. still super clingy too..

hi cheryl,

thanks for the info.. u're right about the half day and full day prices being similar..

why dun u join us for the fidgets gathering that we're having soon?? its going to be fun..
has anyone seen dark green poop in your babies? My boy had dark green poop yesterday and it stank more than usual. He hasn't started any FM yet though.. Pls advise. Thanks

Pet, you're still bf-ing? Your gynae din advise you to stop?
I only intend to put jr in cc next yr. lol. KS go look ard 1st.

cheryl, your are right abt the full day n half day cost for working mums! I asked 1 center.. the half way is more ex then full day! The other one.. only ard $30-$50 diff.. then all recommend go full day better. -_-" Initiallly I also thinking of putting half day.
phy, u win le. I dun have mahjong at home, but think jr will like to play too. Cos he loves to play stacking games with his shape sorts.. he can stack up a max 4 up now.. and will clap himself when he finish. hahaha
jeelomeelo, did bb had too much vegy? Jr had green poo sometimes when he was on similac.. super smelly too! Maybe it's some food that he ate.

my gyne oso encourage me to breastfeed if preggie with #2...
he have mummies breastfeed till the bb is born leh.. he say.. save the hassle for waiting the milk to come in again.. keke
no le, he din eat too much vegy. anyway, i think it might have been the M&S cranberry porridge coz he had that 2days in a row. I suspect la.. not sure oso...

crystalz... that's why dunno whether i should wean him off or not.. if strike #2. coz i read it's ok to bfeed except some may experience contraction when preggy with another bb. and it could be tiring for the mommy as well

haven't started him on cc yet. only in april. i'm still looking for a job.
i also still Bf-ing dylan at night... dunno when i will stop leh. am surprised you still bf mikaela at night. gynea never advise u to stop?


yup dylan got green (dark) poop often... result of FM leh, not sure what foods result in dark green poop.
hope QJ get well soon...

Louisa is still having rashes. I haven't brought her back to see the doc yet (am I a bad mommy? hahaha). Was thinking to wait after 3 days then if rashes still there, then bring her back to the doc. She looks really awful though, with her whole body covered with red bumps. Only the hands and legs are clear...haiz.

oh, anyone giving their babies Gain IQ? I'm thinking of switching my gal to that brand. She's now on Nan Pro 3. Read the label on the tin, it says 4 scoops to 240ml water. But my gal doesn't drink that much leh, so can I "pro-rate" it...2 scoops to 120ml water? hehs...shd be ok right? My gal's FM intake has dropped.
i pro-rate according to whatever YR intake is coz when she's sick she takes less.

dark green poop: maybe iron? Sometimes it's coz FM is iron-fortified, so comes out that way.
Wow, cranberry porridge. Did ur boy like it?
CSI.. my sr is oso on GainIQ as supplement..she dun take it direct, only with her cereal. Cos my ss not enuf for her whole day intake le.
ya, claire. from M&S, the main grain is actually oats porridge. I find it sweet. So i added 2 huge tablespoon of easiyo yoghurt to it. It turned less sweet and not too sour either. just nice :p... hhhmmm iron.. may be too much green/baby peas?
Thanks Mummies! His fever went up quite high last night, got hb and I quite worried. I woke up a few times during the nite to give him water, barley and more paracetamol. He didn't sleep well, neither did I. His temp came down a little this morning but he was still not in his usual 'active mode'. Sigh. Will monitor and see how.

Don't worry. I don't think it was Susu cos they didn't come into contact with each other and it was so brief. Hope Susu's red bumps are gone and she's back in action again.

QJ is taking GainIQ. The instructions say 1 scoop to every 60ml of water. I would think for your NanPro, you can reduce it proportionately too.

Anyone knows where to buy cheaper (than NTUC) GainIQ?
sheng siong? I know dugro is cheaper there.

For fever: Do you have ibuprofen at home? If fever constantly high and not coming down with para, can try dosing with bifen.

i tried the M&S porridge also, actually its very sour once u eat it with the dried fruit. My son squirmed his face and refuse to eat... so now I eat it lor. :p


hope he will be ok, see PD yet? Dylan also woke up with fever yesterday, and was coughing all night... went to PD and discovered he kenna a different strain of hfmd (ulcers in throat). dunno how come so many bb's sick during this period.
Oh dear, our babies are getting sick.

Claire, how's YR?

Josh's sore throat seems better after giving him honey neat. His voice is back to normal again and talking non-stop now.

CSI_Fan, more red bumps on Louisa? Think better bring her to the Doctor.
Ah! Sheng Siong. Good idea. Tks!

My colleague also told me to get ibuprofen. Will get some from pharmacy during lunch.

Dylan's Mom
No, didn't go PD. Thought will monitor first. Just called back and maid said fever went up again and she gave him more paracetamol. Appetite dropped, didn't finish his cereal at bf. But he's playing now, so I guess wait and see for now. If fever persist maybe take 1/2 day later to bring him to doc.

How did Dylan get his hfmd? Did he come into contact with other kids? Sigh, so many kids unwell.

i am not sure how he caught it, probably from whereever we went over the weekend. all it takes is another kid with hfmd to be out there and making contact with stuff... i guess dylan must have came into contact with it and kenna.
ok ok...so can 'pro-rate' the number of scoops horh. coz i was planning to give her for her cereals and 1 feed only. not enough BM liaoz. think i'll go try Gain IQ. Nan, she won't finish up her milk...always leave so much behind...

I happened to check yesterday. NTUC Gain IQ is $27.75. Sheng Siong is $27.80. Got 1 SS and 1 NTUC at my parent's place...hehs.
yup, NTUC's is the cheapest now, somemore with the voucher u can get one 400g free with every 2 900g purchased. H/e i know some provision shops / medical halls may be slightly cheaper, just that we are not able to earn any reward pts.
Hihi Mummies,

My gal tassie is born on 5th of December 07.

hope its not too late for me to join the thread for december mummies.

Dylan's mum,
Which M&S porridge did you get? The blueberry or apple cinnamons one? I have both. Just tried the apple cinnamons last night, I think it smells better and doesn't look so sweet. I mix with abit of fresh milk and add my own fruits in. I did not test it but Kyrell finished whole bowl so I think should be ok (for him) bah...
jeelo & dylan's mum,

gynae did advice me to stop coz it may trigger contractions for #2..

however.. its not easy to stop her leh... dilema..

actually i dun think i have any milk left.. coz i dun feel engorge even if she dun latch on in the day.. and she seems a bit irritated in the night and is sucking harder.. pain siah..


i start mikaela on fresh milk when she turned 1 coz she didn't like any formula milk that was given..

i'm giving her meiji fresh milk..

oh yah.. and i registered mikaela for school in june today..

will be going to House of Kids.. 1 street away from my mum's place and price is only $325 per mth after subsidy.. very reasonable.. and teachers are nice.. so decided to put her there..
