(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hi mummies, does anyone know if we can take fybogel? im having constipation again...


i'm always having discharge.. very sianz.. always thinking that its water leaking.. but my discharge is rather sticky.. so its different..

been having it for so long that i always wished that it was my water bag bursting instead.. hehehe


thanks for the advice.. i'll see if i can get a free upgrade to a 2-bedder instead.. *fingers crossed*

what i know is that there is more possibility for a free upgrade from 4-bedder to 2-bedder because there are only 2 4-bedder rooms that are usually full.. hence quite a few mummies can get the free upgrade..

but they have quite a few 2-bedder rooms and hence, a free upgrade to a 1-bedder, though possible.. depends on whether all 2-bedder rooms are full or not..
Sorry can't help you cos I chose 1 bedded. My SIL chose 4 bedded and got free upgrade to 2 bedded, think your gynae from TMC then can leh. Dun think that if you choose 2 bedded can upgrade FOC to 1 bedded.
I'm seeing Dr Tham who shared the same clinic at GlenE. Next mon will be my first visit with Dr Yam. That's why some times i go during weekdays and some times weekends.

seems like a lot of doc going on leave. mine also going until 21 dec & my edd is also in between.
can take fibrogel..i also got take during preggie le...

all the best ah!finally the day has come...

re: your question on real labour pain
it all depends on individual pain threshold and how long your labour lasts.. from my past 2 experiences, the contractions in the early part of labour were more of discomfort rather than pain.. more like menstrual cramps. it only became very painful when i was reaching full dilation (maybe very severe menstrual cramps x 2 or 3 times). the worst part was when i had to refrain from pushing when the urge is very great and the contractions at the peak.. if u go without epidural, the pushing part is bearable, coz u wil be pushing hard when the contractions build up and u won't feel so much pain.

but if you are distressed by the discomfort or pain, better to consider pain relief, have a nap and enjoy the birth process

juz hope that you have a fast labour and any pain u may experience will only be for those few hours. once baby comes out, all pain will be forgotten and worth it

at least now u know.. can try and get the free upgrade.. heheh


thanks for ur reply.. i'm also tempted to stay in a 1-bedder but guess its a little over budget so thats why hoping for a free upgrade to a 2-bedder instead..

how's ur torn nipple? is it healing well?

wow! thanks a lot for the description.. at least i will roughly have an idea on what to expect..

i guess my threshold of pain is rather ok.. just got to pyscho myself for the very worst and if it turns out not too bad.. then i'll be ok..

i do want to enjoy the birth process but at the same time.. wanna experience real labour..

guess i'll decide when my little gal has decided on her birth day.. hehehe
etelle, thanks. my dh cant find fybogel at 7 eleven and cold storage... bought senokot instead. have called my gynae to check, its safe. popped 2 pills liao, hopefully it works. if not tonight i will be sleeping in the toilet...
Hi mummies,
so sianz. my maid's pattern come out liao.
Caught her stealing potato chips last week, so i went to buy a big tin of biscuits and told her she can only eat this if hungry. other things gotta ask. and guess what, tonite just found out that my 2 bottles of birds nest are missing from fridge. will have to confront her tomrw morning liao. Sianz mah.

wow, you intend to go without pain relief? Salute!!! My threshold for pain very low.. even hubby said to me,"Think you'd better get epidural."

I've requested for single-bedder since hubby gonna stay overnight with me

Cookiemz, menstrual cramps x 3 times? That must be really really painful!! I remembered I used to have fainting spells when I had bad cramps... *cold sweat* think epidural 100% for me!

I'm a little coward

wahh... yr maid very daring lei. mine is worse hor, caught her red-handed lying but she still insist NO. dun dare to scold her much, fear tat she will poison my food... she cooks for the whole family. we are quite lenient with her, as long as she does her job. she holds a mobile phone too... told her tat she can eat anything she wants in the cupboard, canned food blah blah. and she eats watever we eat. the reason y im still keeping her is becos she can speak and understand mandarin (cos my mum cant speak english) and also does massage my mum everynight. so i guess better dun be so fussy lah, wat if i send her back and request for a another one but turns out to be even worse...
hi gals, i nw in e delivery suite. Already induced n tmr will b my pushing day. Nurses at e suite r nice n jovlous! Really relax me a lot, hehe!
Omigosh! U mummies damn fabulous! Can still send update while in delivery suite! GOod luck Linda - or maybe u've popped by now!
Linda Jia you!!!!! U can do it!!!

so many maids stories.. praying tt mine will b good. Just got approval from MOM for my application. pretty late har.. think many of ur mummies alreadi start popping.. mine still in indonesia.. *piew* hopefully she can come over soon and help out with the chores & not give me prob.
hi sassy
so qiao. mine also can speak mandarin.
Actually i also dun really scold her cos i have 2 young kids at home, somemore 3rd one on the way. Pretended to ask my mum abt the birdnest this morning, when mum said she didn't take any, i turned to the maid. She gave me innocent look and said she didn't take. So i just say very loudly "funny ah, got 6 bottles, i only took 2, now left 2 only. How come 2 missing." Maid quickly go to the kitchen and pretend to busy herself with hsewk. I think i have to talk to her 2nite again. So angry. everytime we always offer her the tidbits and food we buy, she keep saying not hungry, but secretly steal food. So hypocritical. btw, i also found out that she has been using our photocopier machine secretly.

Really in dilemna whether to change her. Worried that next one may be worse....
Jasmine, i oso having that leh, yest and this morn! itz not a lot but a small leak lor. worse is i woke up 3 times this morn to go toilet aft feeling the leakage. maybe mi bb is really very very low so keep pressing on mi bladder, i was so worried whether itz water or urine but dun seems to be water though.
then have some thick discharge along with it. is it mucous?
jean and constance

i alreadi postponed my massage lady's service to another 3 weeks later. The pain is killing me last night and had to get my hubby to remove the jamu wrap for me in the middle of the nite.
Any of the mummies here are taking care of your newborns alone?

My mum last min back out, say dont want to help me take care of my gal in the night as she commented very tiring as she has high blood pressure. Then my hubby needs to work in the morning and i did not engage any confinement lady too.

So if were to engage a CL now, i wonder how will she charge me as i had gave birth 2 weeks ago and i order confinement tingkat.

Mummies, can u share w me where u get the contacts for your CL, i need to find 1 urgently.

fanny, u can try to contact my CL agent, guess she would have more contact, esp when it's so last min on your end. u can call Mrs Tang 67566386, say intro by Doris.

yes, it's very tiring to be looking after NB esp during the nite. do take care.
hi ladies

i've been getting contraction every hr or so since 5am. wondering if it's really going to lead to real labor or not. any advice wld b appreciated. thks in adv.
miorei, note yr interval bet each contractions. & if u experience like 10mins (tat means the end of the last & the start of the next) interval & it's regular, then u better go to the hospital... any other signs?? muscus plug (in brownish sticky form) or any bloody discharge?
thks mama_ash for the advice. so far, approximately 1 hr once lor. no discharge at all. :p tat's y i'm confused. :S
in the end I didn't use PD from GlenE. I specially requested for Dr Chan Kit Yee instead. She's based in Mt Alvernia and AMK SBCC (nearer my place). Very nice lady. The Q in Mt Alvernia clinic very short, no need to wait, GlenE clinic always so packed!
Mommies who have delivered,
can I check with you the condition of your stitches? Do you still feel any more pain down there? I was told the threads will dissolve by themselves, but now 9 days already I still see threads there leh. And still so painful...
haha... no prob miorei, i sometimes also confused though it's my #2 pregnancy! hahaha... can't recall how contractions feel liao! hahaha... my hb hear liao also scare & say i crazy! :p
hi petrina,

if the 4 bedder room is not full ie not all taken up,can gynae at tmc still give us a free upgrade to 2 bedder??or is it only when the 4 bedder is full,then can have the upgrade??
Hi mummies,

I have popped. My son Luke was born on 29th Nov at 3.385kg. it was natural with epidural.

Linda could you help me update.

Have been very busy with the new born and my 1st gal. she seems jealous and keep asking for attention.

Now my baby is still having jaudiance and was hospitalised for an additional day in hospital and we rented the photothrepay machine back to our house. Cos jaudience level still high after the 8th day.
Congrats Gina, how much is the machine to rent back?

guess it's the case when we have #1 around, i also afraid my gal will do tat when didi comes...

meanwhile take care & have a good rest!
hi gals, still in delivery suites, lol! My mucus plug already drop, red show, water bag burst n nw on epi. 5cm dilate liao! Today there is a few mtbs due 20dec, they here either red show or water bag burst or like me, induced. Will give full details aft i delivered. Hub nagging liao!
our bbs born on same day
she's currently under phototherapy at home too. $250 for 3 days rental, transport etc. Tomor going to review again. hopefully it'd have gone down then can return the machine. she was ok upon discharge but jaundice lvl went up to 14.8 on wed's check. if hit 15 then must hosp liao.

Have been having trouble bfing, so now expressing out and letting my mil feed. problem is that means i dun even get to hold my bb until bb's nite feeds coz she insists that i just lie there and sleep. dunno how to tell her that it's not the milk thing, it's just that it's my bb n i want some time with her too. tell hb he'll say that it's nothing lah, but it's a pretty big thing to me. sigh. last time with #1 like that, now with #2 also like that. that's why I much prefer to have CL, at least being an employer got more say than being done a favour by mil.
ss also still low despite pumping every 2 hours. no more latching already, and averaging 30-40ml total/2 hrs. trying everything, fernugreek, goat's rue, but still miserable. Argh!
hahaha... linda, u really leh, there to deliver still so busy with yr laptop! hahaha...

claire, i agree, tat's y tis time round, my #2 we engaged CL... cos my hb also know i xiao xiao, he keep saying i got mild post-natal blues after my #1, which i know am not lor, cos i juz dun quite like the idea of my MIL doing confinement for me, so i cried a bit during my #1 confinement, so this time round he scare i break down again, so we went for CL! haha...

i guess the milk supply is mainly due to u not direct latch lor, if u can get BB to latch on direct, i believe will improve alot! cos i remember the lactation consultant did tell me, even if u express, it's only like 1/3 of wat the baby can suckle direct, so tat's y they always encourage feed on demand to increase the milk supply! Good luck & rest well!!
Hi Linda - I was at Dr Sim's earlier. While she was scanning me, she asked Jaslene to call up the labour ward to do VE on you. That was when I realised you haven't popped yet. Hang in there ... should be anytime soon. Good luck!

Bluelily - we were just talking about how we have to work for 2 more weeks before our ML on Monday, and now you've raced ahead and popped already. Congrats!
*thumbs up* pei fu. pei fu. jia you!! i didnt noe we can still use laptop. will get my hb to bring it for me. heehee...

mi 21 dec mtb but feeling the "heat" liao. who knows i might pop today or tmr liao. :p

i noe wat u mean. my hb asked me if true or not. i said i oso dunno. monitoring lor. dropping to 30+ mins intervals it seems but no show or water. :p

no show / water doesnt mean you are not in labour. half the time, most women's water bag does not burst although they have contraction. Thus, the doc will artificially rupture your water bag, you know?
