(2007/11) November MTBs

cindy/michviv: We have added more water to her milk powder liao. She is currently drinking 200ml with 3 scoops of Gain IQ. Suppose to be only 180ml for 3scoops.

She has been rejecting drinking water for the past few days which I am very angry with her too. I have intro the new 360 cup to her and she only plays with it. I give her using the combi Mug with straw, she only drinks 1 mouthful. She likes to drink directly from the cup, so I let her drink but most of the time, she plays with the water.. I really buay tahan liao.

MissA: My MIL also likes to offer E adult food. There was once, she almost fed him fries and i raise my voice a little and said cannot. She was stunned and i felt so paisei. My HB also another culprit, will give him fried carrot cake, etc.

My boy very uncle type, tried offering him kway tiao soup amd mee sua he doesn't like and pui out. He never does that before. So no choice but to quickly make porridge for him again. Very ah pek.

Weishy: Hee...ya, the noodle super nice. Hee...he very particular abt food, must present nice nice and must be yummy. Else he'll throw. So, if anyone's hungry, cannot wait for him to cook coz he'll take very long to "beautify" his food.

Dreamer: On the ru yi oil, here's what i extracted from E's blog "There's one with ship and another with oranges. And the one E is using is the one with oranges call 吉祥牌如意油. This brand seems to work better coz it's gentler on the little stomach."

U can buy the 吉祥牌如意油 from chinese medical hall, Guardain and other supermarts sell the other type.
i'm sure ur HB also v heartpain when claire fell down. forgive him lah. i'm sure claire is ok. she's such a strong gal.

choco for A?! wow! who gave her tat? so adventurous. yday Jovan had adult lunch & dinner. lunch (from outside) is japanese rice, grilled salmon & orange juice. dinner (home-cooked) is rice & potato with ABC soup. he ate quite abit for both meals. we already tot it's quite abit of achievement. hahahaha

i think the water u add to the formula is still not enuff. Jovan is drinking friso gold 3 now. supposed to be 3 scoops (total 33g) to make 200ml milk. but we still use the smaller stage 2 scoop & give him 6 scoops (total 30g) to make 240ml milk. i think some mummies give half a scoop less. now we also give him gripe water (fei2 zai2 shui1) on alternate mornings before his morning milk. my regular chinese medical hall advised us to give 2x everyday but we afraid too "cooling" & afraid he dun wan to drink plain water. it's good for removing wind from stomach & also aid in bowel movement. i give 10ml gripe water mixed with 30ml cool boiled water (total 40ml) & give to Jovan in a small milk bottle.
i think it's the milk power (Gain IQ), realised that after I switch him to Gain IQ, my boy also have been poo-ing gor-lees (marble). yday he poo-ed and i changed him, accidentally dropped one "gor-lee" on the floor, the daddy mistook it as chocolate! faintz. Now still contemplating if i shld switch back to enfa.
mambbob:: Hmmmm, then maybe you wanna try switching FM? Aiyo! poor cailyn.

poissons:: LOL!!! CHOCOLATEsss!! i tell u, you change back to enfa, he won't want liao. That time when T was being difficult with food, I thought it was the gainIQ that made him lose appetite, i gave him enfa, and he didn't even take one MOUTH!
Poissons: Hahaha...your hubby very funny leh. Oh, wanted to tell you that I think G looks very handsome with his new haircut. =)

mambobb: You can try 220ml with 3 scoops or 200 with 2.5 scoops? Did you change formula recently? What formula was she on before?
mambobb, i realise A drinks very little with the 360 mug, it'sver hard to suck the water out. I switch back to the pigeon straw mug liao.

Catherine, you have so much time in the morning? can feed water & gripe water then milk? Thanks for reminding me, I'll bring my bottle of gripe water to school tmr, will get the teacher to feed her. I also dun hv time to brush her teeth in the morning, do you think I can get the teacher to do it? Does J brush teeth using toothbrush or the finger brush? O they are changing teacher in jan liao.
Cindy: Travis looks like he really enjoyed the car ride at Jurong point! haha. Never seen him so animated before. hehe. =) Glad he had fun!
really ah? Gain IQ so tasty meh? then perhaps i shld dilute his milk more, now i use 3.5 scoops to make 210 or sometimes 240ml milk for him.

I think he looks nerdy with the new haircut..haha..wanted to go shorter but the hairdresser kept telling me that his hair will all stand if they are too short.
A also poo gorlie quite frequent so it's either gorlie or soft poo till the diaper leak. I know because the romper I bring home from school is really wet and have stain on it.
re: taking outside food
on saturday, i was also the culprit to give B outside food.. it was KFC chicken and the mashed potato leh... actually din really wan to give her cos she jus had her cereal and when i was eating and her sister was eating, she was sitting in her stroller, eh-eh-ah-ah... keep wanting to eat... so i gaver her lor.. in total only one small piece la... hehe... think she enjoyed it... :p
think a little bit won't hurt la... cos sooner or later they will b 'exposed' to these food!

re: Gain IQ
ya, their poos become gor-lee (marbles) and no longer the 'gu-ey gu-ey' type liao...
poissons, ur hb so funny! lucky he din mistake it in taking the 'choc'!

they seem to poo more times a day but each time a little bit niah, like wat mambobb's Cailyn does now...
think juz hv to give them more water to help in their bowel movements.

mambobb, mayb u can try to boil barley and give her to drink daily?
Poissons: Ha...i laugh out loud when i read abt yr HB thinking the poo is chocolate. Hope he din pick up and eat. Kee kee...

Ya, agree G looks gd in his new hair cut. And talk abt being nerdy, look at my nerd nerd boy. If only i have a pair of black frame specs to complete the look. Ha..My MIL made him the bow, so bo bian, dun want also must wear and take photo.

hee..nope he didn't, he saw from a distance the gor lee on the floor. it will be hilarious if he did

E looks cute in the pic, like abit pissed being forced to wear the bow..haha. btw, i thot i have finally bought a shirt for G yday for CNY, but turned out that it was too SMALL, cannot button! Hubby beco him yday so we were too lazy to release and let him try on, who knows, he can't fit! and the size was 18-24 mths! Gotta go and exchange for something else later cos' that was the biggest size for that design. Sigh..so sad..gotta start hunting again.

it's always a rush for me in the mornings. i always wake up earlier than my HB by at least 30min. if gotta hang clothes (which i dumped in the w/m over the night), i gotta wake up by 645am so tat we can get out of the house by 8am lastest. i put jovan in his rocker in the living room. he gulps down the gripe water within 1 min. after tat he drinks milk while i do my stuff in the kitchen. i can watch over him from the kitchen. oh sometimes i cook barley water, bring to the school & ask the teachers to feed him or add to his milk.

i brought the first teeth toothpaste & the finger brush to school. i asked the teachers to brush him when he takes his morning bath ard 9am. same practice as wat we do with him on weekends. but i think the teachers never do it leh...

they r changing the teachers? how many? how did u know?
i think that's a nice shot of E! i like his smart nerdy look

i think u're really a superwoman leh... can do so many things in the morning... i wld have tot tat u wake up at least like 5am to do all these! :p

where do you bring G and E for their haircut??
I think I need to bring A for his haircut liaoz..
Wanna keep it longer but many pple have started mistaking him for a gal..
Ya lor catherine u really super leh..

A still doesn't want to hold the bottle himself, so we have to feed...haiz..

Actually I'm tinking of sending him to care centre liaoz but very bu she de leh..
Those who send ur lil ones to sch, any comments to share??
any of your tods still having stranger anxiety? Bevis still like that leh... any unfamiliar pple/faces, she's very curious... but once the person come near, she will start to whine and cling on to the person carrying her...
and even daddy sometimes become a 'stranger' face to her leh... haiz, dunno wat to do with this girl... now the widely accepted pple to carry her (without much whining) would be myself, my mum and my helper... some days my dad and my hb, she wld b ok, other days no!
cactus, din realise E wearing bow tie till i read your post

caherine, J wakes up everyday at the same time? How come the teacher din brush the teeth, the toothpaste never run out? I was told from Jan A will be assigned to another teacher cos now they are considered older kids. Teacher Lee Lee will be ic of her.
Poissons: He was ok with me putting the bow, thot he would remove it but he din, so i let him wear. Oh btw, it's for my niece's 1st birthday party yesterday. So i think my MIL wants him to "stand out" so opt for the nerdy look.

G cant fit in a 18-24months top? Hee hee...he very big and "geak geak" lei. Anyway, he's been wearing 12-18months when he was only a few months (at Gobetrotters). Think he must go for those 2T - 3T tops le. Aiyo, so fast cant believe it.

I haven't start shopping for his CNY clothes leh. My friend bought him 3 bottoms, still brand new in the cupboard, hope it still fits during CNY.

Plim: Hee..thanks. He looked more nerdy initially with greasy hair. Yesterday was the first time i dress him in checkers.

zzz: E got his 1st hair cut at Suntec (forgotten the name), thereafter it's been my MIL doing the barber job almost every 2-3 weeks.
plim, A not like dat leh. Everytime she pass strangers, she'll hold up her arm and say "erh". Some wave back, some just ignore her.
B will also sometimes hold her arm up and say 'eh' to strangers, but once they come near, oh no... she will start to whine and withdraw her hand liao...
a bit pek-chek sometimes cos just want to put her down to 'roam' a while around the house while i do something also can't...
missA: haha. Ethan also does that. But he is more selective. Must be lady, must be pretty and better still if she's wearing a bikini. hahaha. Lots of ang mo ladies sunbathing by the poolside outside our place. He will run up to them smiling, waving and also shout "erh". haha. Will only go on his way once they smile and wave back.

Cactus: I love E's nerd nerd look. So cute! Too bad I don't have a daughter (yet!) haha.
i feel v flattered leh. i not super lah. just forced by circumstances to do things fast fast so tat i can have more beauty sleep!

i just remembered tat i havent started Jovan on his vits! he just fully recovered from his cough. another thing to add to my to-do-list in the mornings! wahahaha. Jovan wakes up anytime from 630-730am. if he wakes up before my hp alarm tat's set at 7am, i just let him roam ard in the living room while i do my stuff in the kitchen. once i accompanied J when the teacher bathed him. she din brush his teeth. she even wanted to use the toothpaste as diaper cream! i almost fainted. oh the teachers never told me tat J going to change teacher. maybe they told my HB. i only know tat for old kids, 1 teacher will handle 3. for the younger babies, 1:2. anyway, i feel tat the quality of the teachers are not as good as before. i still prefer the initial batch of 4 teachers.

it's the teachers at the infantcare who taught J to hold his milk bottle. i think now they r teaching him to sit upright & hold his bottle to drink water/milk. he still using teats. not as advanced as some kids here who can drink from cup. u must force A to hold his milk bottle already. we will put the teat to J mouth & leave the bottle on his chest. if he dun hold, he dun get to drink his milk. hehehe
missA:: i also switched back to straw mug. the cup actually leaks too ley. think hard to find really nonleak types man!

GainIQ poo:: Travis poo is still gooey most of the times. Maybe occasionally have some marbles in between the Gooey poo. And usually is poo once a day lohs...

Poissons and Cactus:: haha where u girls bring your boys for haircut? I also brought Travis to Junior league suntec to cut his hair over the weekend but aiyo, so malu. CRY buckets and don't allow the hairdresser to come near him! When she comes near he use his hand beat her. so ma lu!!

poissons:: okok if u ever try to switch him back to enfa haha let me know the result but i am SURE he will reject! hehe!! can bet with you!!

catherine:: Travis still doesn't want to hold his bottle too ley. We also leave the bottle on his chest but all the milk will leak out and he'd rather NOT drink! so we also bo bian hold for him while he wave his hands around. SIAN!

C U gals at the shang for high tea.

I haven't had time to visit the thread, I'm assuming its still on right?

Keep me informed if theres any changes, thanks ;)
Catherine, I agree with you on the quality of the teachers. Now thr's one China Teacher who loves to call A "Ai Si Ni bao bei" but she is quite nice haha. Do you plan to let J continue at the same centre when he turn 18 mths?

plim, A will not shun strangers, she will hi five or shake hands with them, If she is holding on to something, she will even stretch out her hand as if she wants to give the thing to them. Yesterday she was holding to the car key in the lift, refused to give back to daddy but willingly gave to the ang mo guy in he lift.
Cindy: Oh ya, it's Junior League. That time he was only full month when we went, dont think he'll allow if we were to bring him there again. Saw yr blog on T's half done hair cut. Luckily not obvious. Did they charge u? Hee... How u intend to cut for him then? My MIL put him in bath tub, throw in his toy to keep him busy and she starts cutting. That is for his back, for the sides, she'll wait till he sleeps and cut. I've never seen her done it coz she does it in the afternoon. Nw she wanna invest in a good hair shaver for E.

Plim: Maybe u can expose Bevis more to strangers. Bring her to neighbourhood to walk and meet ppl. Best wld be if strangers can slowly approach her and say "Hi" rather than coming to her too friendly and scare her off. Dun worry, my friend's 2.5 years gal and another 4 year old i met who are super shy open up to me when i "kiddy talk" to them a bit or give them something to distract them while saying hi. After that they kept running to me

Michiv: Wa, Ethan so "ang moh pai", going after ang moh gals only. I saw yr blog, E looks so grown up coz he can walk. My E still woobling around.

Gain: I switched E from Friso to Gain gradually. Over the weekend, i found the powder container looks a bit fuller than usual so i asked my helper who usually fills up the milk powder container. Only then i found out she put 3 Friso scoop (smaller) + 3 Gain scoop (bigger). And instead of 6 scoops, it became 9 scoops! No wonder my MIL said E likes Gain, coz it's so much sweeter with the extra scoops! But cant blame my helper coz my MIL instructed her. Cant blame my MIL too coz mummy shld also check. Luckily it was only for 2 days.
Plumsource, hello hello! Yes see you this Fri!

Playdays - mummies just want to check the first class is this Sat 3pm correct? Thanks!
zzz:: haha bo bian, we hold for them loh, better than they don't drink eh? hehe!!

cactus:: hahahahahaa!!! so yours is DIY eh! nobody at home dares to DIY ley! i saw poissons blog, she went EC! really steady. The moment the 'cape' was put on Travis, He flared up liao, cause he can't see his hands and cannot grab anything. Then the hairdresses tried to adjust the cape to let his hands out then he CRY liao, aiyo.... I don't know le. maybe will try again this wkend or over this hols. But maybe not suntec one, SO paiseh to go back there!! and nopes haha no money paid. haha!! Yea lucky not obvious le. but really cannot stay there a min longer when he was throwing tantrums. haha!!

plim:: don't worry, I think they take some time to warm up. Slowly introduce Bevis, or maybe get her sis to intro...
Travis also like this de. See strangers HUG me tightly or even cry, but this is when we suddenly bring him up to someone he doesn't know. However, whenever he sees strangers in the lift, void deck, he would wave and smile at them. So i guess slowly slowly.
the China Teacher is the one who wanted to use the toothpaste as diaper cream! hahaha. every evening, she will keep telling us tat J is the most well-behaved kid in class. then she will keep repeating "宝宝,快叫爸爸,快叫妈妈.". we r still thinking whether to let J continue there. my HB's ofc might be shifting to hougang soon! but no confirmed news yet. we might take J out, still deciding...

J is also v friendly with strangers, esp young kids. sometimes he will almost wan to "jump" from our arms onto the kids. sometimes the kids got scared by his action. in lifts, if someone is back-facing us, J likes to extend his neck & "peek" at the person.
sharron: Nope. 1st class is Jan 10th! =) All of us are getting excited about the class liao. hehehe.

cactus: I won't say Ethan is "ang mo pai". just gives very preferential treatment to pretty girls. Its very obvious especially at restaurants. He will only smile and do funny things at pretty waitresses but ignores the others. I must start reasoning with him that pretty is not everything when he starts to talk. hehe.

plim: I would say its the same for Ethan. Don't force them suddenly into a situation where there are lots of strangers. Let them interact with 1 new person at a time. Ethan is much friendlier now with strangers but it took alot of time.
heehee, ya i just privatised her blog for "stalker" reasons. so i have sent all of you the invite to see. just have to accept. If i happen to miss any of u not, just drop me a note here or pm...heeheehee just have to login with the email address i send the invite to...

sorry for any inconvenience...
Yup, we brought G to EC at West Coast Mall, $10 niah, cheap cheap. we distracted him by giving his favourite biscuits, then he diam diam sit there. Also gave him the biscuit box and the daddy sang jingle bells to him too. after the hair cut still bye bye to the hairdresser and flying kiss. This boy ah..
michviv - thanks for the heads up! Ya lor i keep thinking is this sat so excited....heehee

Ha ha Ethan is so cute know how to ka jiao pretty ladies.....

tsk tsk tsk..Ethan is oledi so "hum sup" when he's merely 1, can't imagine 20 yrs down the road...lol
muz teach him to be wary of pretty gals too..hahaha
sharron, U can only change the nick, not the username so I created a new acct totally.

Catherine, the China teacher also tell us everyday that that A can eat a lot, finish up everything haha.
Grace: Okie, will sign up. Not inconvenient lah, just wondering why. Dare not anyhow sign up w/o confirming w/u.

Poissons: $10 expensive liao. Consider no wash and blow. Ha ha...Wa, u and yr HB were well prepared. Cindy, can try the same method and see if it wks.
sharron:me ar i hv flt in jan but can only meet up for early lunch nearby chinatown though :p

cactusnah:hee eagan's haircut's nerdy le kekekkekek but still so handsome la :p
Hee so how long u waited for his food?????if for me unless he planned early if not......me will be fumely already with hunger
don't worry, my girl also like sticker to me when she's outside. she can play and 'talk' to people but 'freak out' when anyone wants to carry her. she mixes around a lot though (at least every sunday at church) still the same since 5mths plus. for Eliza it's just the carrying. no one can carry except mummy or ah-ma when we're out, in a crowded place.

oh i wish i can sign up Eliza for playdays, but it's really just toooo far liao. gonna finnally sign up for tumble tots or kindermusik, trying out the trials next week.

i owe u the muffin recipe...been mia-ing her for such a long time..haa..thot i share it here..

Fruity Cakelets
90g butter
2 ripe bananas, mashed
1 egg, beaten
90ml milk
1 tbsp runny honey
200g self-raising flour
1/2tsp bicarbonate of soda
90g sultanas (i omitted this out cos babies dunno how to eat raisins yet)

Preheat oven to 200 Celsius.
Cream together butter & banana in a bowl.
Gradually work the egg, milk, honey, flour and bicarbonate of soda into the mixture.
Stire in the sultanas.
Divide the mixture between small paper cake cups.
Bake for 15mins in the middle of the oven until a skewer inserted into the middle of a cakelet comes out clean.
Remove from the oven & cool on a cake rack.
(you can make strawberry or pear muffins just substitute a mashed pear/4 mashed strawberries for one of the bananas)
maybe cos i prefer to sing song to her than to keep repeating words.. ha. She tries to say "happy".. fr If u are happy and u know it..

i muz say the bow really "stand out"..
but will be better off w/o it.. ha

i am the one who feed ZY some Hokkaido white chocolate w melon flavour.. hmmm but
coke is definitely OUT for me! In fact, she seldom gets to drink even sweetened juice/barley, cos i only give milk or plain water.

its natural for them to behave it that way - juz that some may react more strongly towards stangers. Good to slowly expose her to "strangers" and dun hv to force her to say hi/wave if she doesnt want. With time, it will be ok.

I realised some todds are more possessive, not sure if its because they are older? We were at frenz house and see that the todds are violently protecting their toys/territory.. something that i hvnt seen in ZY yet. Any mummies encounter similar behaviour in their todd?
cactus, cindy, michviv, skye, lazykat,
thanks for the reassurance... yeah, guess i'll have to expose her to MORE 'strangers' then :p...
but hor, that doesn't explain why she also dun wan Daddy as if daddy is stranger wor... nvrmind, ask daddy to work harder! kekeke

how old are the todds in ur friend's house? my elder gal, 3+ now, is becoming possession of her toys/ territory! at the same time, lil B likes to take her things! so, i've got 2 screaming todds at some time of the day trying to 'snatch' toys/things! so, lazykat, i think in time to come, you'll prob face that. ;)
Morn Ladies!

Thanks for the well wishes! Claire is okie but still got bruise on her right side of the face + body!

Well, the baby cot in my house is mainly for diaper changing purposes. I had told my hubby long long time ago to dismantle the cot and nagged abt him to always keep an eye on her no matter how "safe" he tot the place is....

As usual, he dumped Claire on the cot (fenced up), turned his back to get the clothes from the drawer. While he turned his back, Claire already climbed out of the cot and the next moment, i heard a loud thud and wails from the room. I immediately went to the room lor....

Poor Claire was crying buckets and all naked... My stewpig hubby dunno how to pacify her one, still let her standing there to cry! Anyway, me din scold my hubby coz no pt. I just told him this, "This will teach you a lesson on not to leave her unattended and not listen to my words!"

Anyway, brought her to KKH A&E. The doctor says she s alright coz she is very reactive to the test she done on her. But i no use one, cried when i see all the babies there wailing... And worried that Claire gotta be subjected to all those treatments and stuff.
MissA, Claire & A can high-5 each other on being frenly. Sometimes, i seen older kids tried to push Claire away but my silly gal still wanna play with them... Usually, i will just carry her away from these menace!

Anyway, Claire in general dun like Men to carry her except for her Papa, Gong gong & jiu jiu... The moment my FIL carried her, she will attempt to break free!

Plim, my colleague's niece (same age as ur elder gal) always will tell her, "This is my room, this is my toys..." Every statement that came out is so possessive! She sometimes buey tahan and will repeat in the same way as her niece lor!

Plim, nope he din dismantle the cot.... Still wanna keep it there for diaper changing purposes and he changed to the position of the cot so that he dun hv to completely turned his back when he got the clothes from the drawer! *Faints*

Claire also dunno the word, "die"... We put her in the cot again and she tried to climb out. I reminded her abt her fall. She then remembered and dun dare to climb.
