(2007/11) November MTBs

zzz, they did an ultrasound lor. Lump still visible but not painful.

michviv, my aunty say A got hugh tummy so muz deworm
I also feel not necc. She has my genes so tummy surely big lor haha.

Happy Belated Christmas! Been really busy with my birthday and christmas and now, gonna be really busy with CNY prep. My mum's sick and running a fever. Doc says it's either viral fever or dengue. I'm so so worried.
Gloomybear, Arielle is so cute and ladylike!

MissA, the big tummies for our toddlers will be there till they are at least 3 years old! If got worms hor, A will show signs of discomfort one!
merry belated christmas mummies!
haven't been here for a while cos was quite bz with outings & work stuff.
went to Riz Carlton for a weekend stay which was really nice and Eliza had fun poking around the room all the time.

Eliza has also recently eating lesser for her porridge, at least for today. i wonder whether she's teething or just sian of her food. but when it comes to my food, she'll start buzzing around me & eyeing my food. trying to be a lil more adventurous with her meals now...trying out new recipes this weekend, wish me luck!

Weishy, congrats on baby no.2!! :D
i was at the centrepoint R in the afternoon, but hor stayed there till 8pm! Din expect to stay so long, so din bring ZY's food, she end up eating rice + miso soup + age dashi (tofu) with us, oops. We manage to fully utilise all the $5 voucher..

i juz bought a thermos 300ml one cos after disc, only $30, but i dun really think it can retain heat for more than 4 hours.

muz share recipe ok?

how've u been now that u r not working? The pampers promo give me another reason to go down Suntec to shop! Just ran out of M size pampers..
Gloomybear, i checked in the tricycle lor! Hehe, can u believe that claire & me checked in 40kg of luggage!!

Lazykat, my fave character! Heng heng managed to grab the last piece.. If not, i will have to get the Ultraman one coz the other option is PINK BARBIE!

Wow, ZY still wearing M size ah... Claire thunder thighs, now wearing XL liao!
The carrefour promo was on promo yesterday, I dun dare go buy cos the last time sold out very fast.

A been starting to eat our food. Tho I prefer to let her eat porridge but sometimes no time to cook. Last Sunday we had family breakfast and they elders gave her carrot cake & chui guay. I wanted to feed her cereal and my mum say she dun like cereal anymore and someone (referring to me) dun allow her to eat "adult food". My aunty also say my cousin @ 1 yr oredi eating fishball blah blah blah...hiaz

Today no time to cook porridge so we order linguine with mushroom sauce fr kid's menu for A. Food she like to eat she dun pui out wor.

Cindy, Michviv, I've bought the bubble blowing machine. No batt so can't play yet. Forum having ELC sale so ended up with more toys for A.
i bought the tiger food jar during isetan sale. It's 0.9L and can keep food hot for >5 hrs. Since A dun eat so much, 0.9L is really too big so I bought a Thermos 300ml, its convenient to use but like laztkat say, it dun keep the food hot, just warm only.
K@Ye:wahhhhhh ,i saw from sin diff design though but mostly from china.my friend bought her a car (like the tricycle) she only interested in pushing it aorund now :p

skye skye:tks tks
lazykat, i'm loving being a SAHM. Now baby A knows how to say her name when u ask her (she pronounced it as "Ae... aahhhh"), and will use her hand to show #1 when u ask her how old she is. Super *HEARTS*

Miss A, I went to PS Carrefour just now and the pampers were out of stock! But can pay for it first, and when the stock comes, they will deliver. Min $150. Check it out at the customer service. The ppl in the store don't know about it.

K@ye, you bought alot of things? I so wanna go holiday! But now no income liao have to save save save...

btw, are you gals bringing baby for chickenpox vacine? Just saw on the schedule that PD gave me that baby A is due for chicken pox vacine when she's 14months old
missa, haha, i will look out to see how A enjoys the bubbles. Remeber not to pour so much soln so wont leak when they turn over the machine heee.
come join us for hi-tea on 2 Jan then
My gal still refuse to say much except those sing song words..
We are so so lucky, managed to grab the last few boxes of pampers @ Suntec. We were there abt 5pm+.. surprise to see the shelf almost empty, quicky grab 4 boxes.

she downgraded fr L to M leh, also gd, save some $$!

its abt the same, around $0.34, but i got POSB everyday card, so got 5% rebate. My hubby predict Giant and others will soon follow suit, let's see..

Actually, i still prefer to bring baby food out cos outside really a lot of MSG and salt leh. Tho ocassionally i also let ZY try out our food - think she still ok with homecooked food at this point. I juz gave her fishballs today btw
(got MSG also!)
lazykat, my parents gave A nearly half a big orange at dinner. I hv not given her any citrus fruits and dun dare make noise. A put the whole wedge into her mouth and she gave 1 wedge to me and it has seeds. Wa piang!!
i hv given her orange and kiwi before, but never in such a big amt! The fibrous part quite hard to bite i thought, cos the last time MIL give her a wedge to bite, by bathtime (half an hr later) she is still chewing away, eventually gotta ask her to pui out! Sigh..
Gloomybear, no lah... Din buy a lot.. just the little leappad and some clothes for claire.

Weishy, SG got similar design but material not as good as the tricycle i got in HK.

MissA, its like that lah... Heng heng, my Mum also dun like Claire to eat outside food. Outside with my family, only the bao skin, beancurd, rice etc allowed for her... Usually, i will rinse the food with water first b4 feeding her! :p
missA:: i totally know what u mean man!! outside food. my mommy likes to give T outside food too. say anyhow eat then can grow big and strong and she loves to give him COLD DRINKS! i very sian man. coke lemon tea. AIYA........

michviv:: i saw you blog! hehe ethan really LOVES the train eh! ahha travis also loves to put his hand inside the hole!! now whenever he sees the bottle, he will want to pour the bottle inside that hole!! haha!
missA:issit this yr cheaper?why le????i just know the dates so far cos the agent havent get back to her regarding the intinerary(of cos can travel F%E in japan but with so many ppl and children......

gloomybear:wahhhh arielle is so smart!hayley can only say baby/bye/ba(bus) etc....nt her name yet

K@ye:eek:hhhh material wise is diff.......now me no space for tricycle la......must pack pakc my house again

cindy:wah ur mommy very modern le...unusual.....Travis must hv love to see her each time :p
MissA:Glad you managed to find the train. The music is very nice too! haha. Better go buy the medium batteries. =P

Cindy: Haha. Glad you saw the video! Boys really think alike huh? Must go poking their fingers here and there. Ethan will say bubble bubble when he sees all the bubbles coming out. Wah! Your mom feeds Travis coke? Its usually my hubby trying to be naughty and feed Ethan funny stuff and my MIL will scold and scold. haha.

Poissons: Looks like you guys had a really fun time in Genting! Me & hubby were thinking of driving up to Cameron highlands but felt sian about the long car ride. Think you guys did very well with Garreth and the long drive there. =)

dreamer: Aiyo! I just read the hard time you and Kaira are having after returning home. Hope she can sleep and eat well soon. She's so pretty! Really like an Ang Mo baby! Love those rosy cheeks! Now, I'm seriously considering exposing Ethan to cold weather. kekeke.
michviv & K@ye, i also went robinsons just now and load up on discounted clothes

michviv & cindy, will let A try the train later. I saw the train selling @ $49.90 at Robinson.

k@ye, have u receive the iheb order? I feel like ordering. you get 10% off and pay US$10 for international shipping issit?

weishy, I tot tic must be early then cheaper ma. Moreover it's March sch hols in sg so will be super crowded. My hubby block his lv liao
lazykat, how come ZY downgraded from L to M? Baby A still wearing M also... she's only 8kg.
ZY very smart leh.. can say sing song words.. baby A only can dance to songs, then point to her ears and eyes when she hear thoes words in the song. haha
I won't be able to make it on 2nd Jan ar.. cos it's my friend's birthday dinner. Don't think i can hi-tea liao then go eat dinner.. lol.

Re: outside food.
I'll bring baby A's food when we go out, but will let her try whatever's on the table as well. Even spicy food! Hahaha Funny thing is, she prefers her bland food to adult food. Good also ar..
I haven't let her eat citrus fruits yet though.. no chance yet.
missA: haha. Make sure you get your camera and videocam ready. Their first reaction is the cutest! =P

After Christmas, I really don't need to shop for Ethan for the whole year liao. Just need 1 chinaman outfit to please the old folks. =P
thanks mummies for the warm welcome back!

k@ye, i also wish we have some time to get her into her routine before plunging into all the activities, but in-laws already arrange for the family gathering, nothing i can do ;(

langlao -- me also getting comments about kaira's diet!! coming back home, this is one thing i dislike most ;p all the elderly advice...hehehe.

michviv, i think ethan will love the cold weather! wow, good leh, one whole year no need to shop for ethan! ;p

k@ye, she got serious look hor? i agree, especially when she sees lots of strangers!!!

i do get lots of feedback that she looks abit more ang-moh than chinese.... got one friend lagi best, ask if the hospital gave us the wrong baby??

she's sleeping better now. but feeding still terrible! think she got too much wind in the stomach from too much crying
may i know where i can buy the ru yi oil?
michviv, cindy, A also same same, put her finger into the machine & prevent the bubbles fr coming out. Will post video on my blog soon.

This evening, A was fed choc
weishy and michviv: ya loh, my mom say we don't let him try new things very mean. Most times try to stop her, but secretly don't know cause can't see. But my dad also on my side la, so heng still got someone will stop her.

Missa, Haha! Be careful oh, will get addicted one. After that thomas, we bought 2 more bottles of the gazillion bubbles to play with him, those blow type, but we meant to pour into the train de. Now must hide away the bottles cause each time he see, he wanna play!
Langlao, i still hv not received my iherb stuff yet... coz i cheapskate chose the cheapest mtd - USPS int'l will take at least 1-2 weeks! Think if i use DHL, the items will be here liao!

The international shipping is u got to trial and error till u get the best rate for iherb.com. The DHL rate by default is US$24.

Dreamer, yalor... Super serious look of Kaira!

Last nite got the shock of my life, Claire fell down from the cot. Heng heng, she landed sideways! Sent her to KKH and doc says she is alright but got to observe her for 72 hours for any abnormal behaviour. My hubby is so guilty... Coz i was not ard when she fell plus i din scold him.
wow, Kaira looks really superb man! looks like an ang-moh and i love her chubby cheeks! will u be bringing her to hi-tea this fri? hehe, bring leh, so i can 'pinch-pinch' her cheeks :p

aiyo, how did Claire fall down from cot? the side wasn't pulled up properly that's why she fell down? she must hv cried buckets! hope she's better now...
k@ye, You din adjust the cot to the lowest? Now that they are mobile, we have to be extra careful.

k@ye, I ordered fr iherb liao shipping $11 for <3lb.

Yesterday, we realised A has a cut on her thigh, the blood oredi dried when we discovered. We also dunno how she managed to get a cut and din cry. Went to buy saline to wash her wound and put plaster it.
missA, was the cut on A deep? wa, blood already dried ah?
same thing, i realised a cut on B's thigh too... it was pretty long but not too deep, but can see a little of the scar thingy start to form liao... so i din do anything to the 'wound'
i always wonder where they get all these cuts! just hv to b careful lor, they get knocks and cuts everywhere now!
morning mummies!

Finally back in the office after 4days off.. it was more tiring than working.. haha.. but I did enjoy myself with my girl

kaye: hug hug to claire.. must be very serious huh? brought her to KKH.. hug hug.. hope she is ok.

missA: I got the stuff liao.. haha.. its ok lah.. he mentioned he would reach 8+pm mah.. so I waited lor.. dont know 8+ is early kind or late kind.. I waited until cannot tahan liao so msg u lor.. haha.. thanks for the help.

michviv: I went to guardian and told me that they no longer carry that brand of the insert liao. I didnt try for the liquid type coz cailyn wont lie down there for me one.. so any other recommendation? They told me they only have for 2yrs and above -_-"..

Cailyn still poos small small round hard poo.. each time abt 4-5 drops and yest she pooed for 4times.. sigh.. at least better than none lah.. I have been feeding her bananas for the past 3 days liao..
K@ye:poor hubby and claire,dun think he mean it also la so.....forgive himla but warn him la

missA:wat cut is that?dunno from where ar????saline good enough la

mambobb:bananas will help but hv to drink loads of water with that.......even for normal diet.like hayley,if she dun drink enough water then she gets super hard stools.must dig out for her

i oso have the thermos foogo 300ml...
i like that but tot need to get a bigger one since they will probably need something slightly bigger soon...

u bought tat at $30 only?? at the sale??
aiya i shld have got the 500ml 1 there then..
i tot BP will be cheaper..haiz..
k@ye: How can Claire fall down from the cot? Did you lower the cot to the lowest level yet? Ethan is like a monkey these days so we lowered it much earlier on and the sidebar goes up to his chest level so cannot climb out. Hugs to Claire. Hope she does not get any bruises.

mambobb: Then you may need to bring Cailyn to see a doctor as they may have supplies. They are right in saying that most medication is for children 2 years and above and it would be up to the doctor's professional judgement to provide you with the relevant medication. Alternatively, you can try larger pharmacies like the Watsons at Taka or the Guardian at Centerpoint basement.

Its good that she has started to poo more often. Try giving her yogurt or papaya?

MissA: Poor Ash. Hope her cut heals soon.

I brought Ethan for 2 jabs on Friday - 2nd pneumococcal jab and MMR. The nurses advised to have the chicken pox jab later at 18 months. Thank goodness he didn't have any fever with 2 jabs! yay!
michviv:: haha!!! MMR so fast? i thought at 15mths? Travis just went for his LAST pneumo jab on sun. WAHHH...

mambbob:: just wondering, is it because of her milk powder?
High Tea on Jan 2, 2009

Place : Rose Veranda Shangrila - $28++ Sweets Decadance (Desserts) high tea

Time : 3pm - 6pm

1. Sharron - Confirmed
2. Lazykat - Confirmed
3. Dreamer - confirmed
4. Plim - confirmed
5. kittybride - confirmed
6. Poochi - confirmed
7. Plumsource - ??
8. Rachel C - confirmed
9. Langlao - confirmed

Ladies - see you this Fri!
K@ye - Hugs to Claire! She will be fine
Ash has been trying to climb out from his cot for the past few days! He is so active like a monkey nowadays, like to shout and will point to the nanny the things he want. If we dont give to him, he will pretend to cry!!

MissA - Can you tell me how to change the user name - sorry I know you have taught how to do so before.... thanks!

Weishy - How are you doing? When are you coming to Singapore?

Cindy: Aiya...its because chicken pox cannot be given together with MMR. And since MMR can be given anytime between 1-2yrs, take lor. haha. Poor thing. Cried so much in the injection room. Feel like an evil mummy trying to hold him still. =(

Mambobb: Ya, I agree with Cindy, it may be the milk powder. Try adding more water or decreasing the number of scoops of milk?
