(2007/11) November MTBs

Hi mummies,

High Tea on Jan 2, 2009

Place : Rose Veranda Shangrila - $28++ Sweets Decadance (Desserts) high tea

Time : 3pm - 6pm

1. Sharron - Confirmed
2. Lazykat - Confirmed
3. Dreamer - confirmed
4. Plim
5. kittybride
6. Poochi - confirmed
7. Plumsource -
8. Rachel C - confirmed
9. Langlao - confirmed

Sharron, do i need to make payment??

Langlao, the iherb hor... Is more expensive than vitacost but i trial and error... And managed to get it at US$15.60 per bottle (inclusive of int'l shipping to SG)... Hehehe....

Mambobb, dun get upset... Okie, when comes to our kids... Sometimes, no paiseh.... MUST SAY when there is the need to!

I m also sending Claire to the childcare in May09. The principal actually told me to be prepared for her to fall sick in the first few months!

RE: Milk intake
Me ah, dunno leh.. I m still letting Claire drink. My Mum commented that she regretted weaning us off milk when we turned one coz lack of calcium so our teeth and bones are not very strong.... I guess i will let Claire drink till she dun want to drink bah... Heheh....

Dreamer, Kaira wont grow up spoilt as long as u set the boundary straight from young. My in laws always think i m harsh to Claire for lecturing her or beating her hand when she misbehaves... IMO, everything starts from YOUNG. I dun want Claire to end up spoilt brat & ill-mannered like my SIL's 2 kids... The only thing i cant control is their inborn personality!
k@ye: normally I will ask my hb to talk to his relative lah.. but I think she knows i am the one who initated it.. haha.. coz whenever she explains, she will look at me instead of my hb.. me ok liao lah.. just need to make sure she is ok lor.. sigh..

I agree that we need to lecture our bb from young. Me also beat my girl's hand or her thighs when she misbehave but not those very hard type. Need to talk to her as if she is big girl with good reasons. My hb also one kind.. cannot tahan spolit brat so he started to hit her tiny hand when she was just 3mths old.. haha
Hehe, mambobb, coz usually it;s the Mum who have issues with how to raise the kid!

My hubby dun whack Claire but now, he buey tahan her misbehaviour... He will also whack her or scold her now!
Hi mummies,

High Tea on Jan 2, 2009

Place : Rose Veranda Shangrila - $28++ Sweets Decadance (Desserts) high tea

Time : 3pm - 6pm

1. Sharron - Confirmed
2. Lazykat - Confirmed
3. Dreamer - confirmed
4. Plim
5. kittybride
6. Poochi - confirmed
7. Plumsource -
8. Rachel C - confirmed
9. Langlao - confirmed

Mummies - I have made a booking under my name and confirmed for 7 pax but the lady will reserve 9 seats for us on that day.

Plim, Kittybride and Plumsource - Are you able to join us?

Langlao - No need to make payment first as I have confirmed the reservations with my credit crad and we will sort out the payment on that day. Thanks!
mambobb - How could the nanny allow her daughter to paint on Cailyn! Even though she was busy she should have check the baby again before she hand her back to your hubby!! I think she simply bochap especially its a relative.....

Maybe you should look for alternatives
mambobb, k@ye,
i get flare up rather easily, so already spanked my little one. Trying to learn to be more patient now.. ha

its ok if u bring K along since we hv not met her in person! We hv so many pair of hands to help u out.

even if its PIL, also hv to close one or both eyes at times. Hubby was commented how ZY quietly went into the maid's room and play with her phone cos it was on her mattress. Everyone, including PIL and maid were glued to the TV! I cant imagine her playing in the bathroom the next time.
Rachel - You will see a group of beautiful ladies sitting there chatting away.....hahaha....just tell the lady the reservations under Sharron and she will lead you to the table
sharron, thks for making the arrangements. See u on 2 Jan.

langlao, can pick up the vits on 2 Jan since u goin for high tea also? Thks!!
poochi, i was telling sharron i go so i can pass u ladies ur stuff, do i get to eat for free haha.

rachel, u can look us up in our blog, do u have one then we can recognise u too

k@ye, I oso try to hit her hands but she hor thought I am playing with her. If i hit too hard she'll cry then my heart pain
Now she likes to open the cover of the sewage pipe on the kitchen & bathroom floor

I'm trying to cut down a little coz she's asking for food all the time. mum mum, mum mum every now and then. Then when she eats, she will make noises one, will say "hum", "hum" for every mouthful. She enjoys almost any kind of food esp when she sees fish, will insist every spoon to have the fish in it.


Can I lobang you to pass me the fish oil from Langlao?
mambobb - thanks for the info on BP! and hugs to Cailyn.

langlao -- thanks ah ... can pick up the vitamin/CL on that day. thanks very much. u get one extra piece of cake! hehehe

wowee, i very excited abt going home next week...hehehe.
tinkabel:my e-mail's [email protected]
wanted to go disney too tomolo but last min my friend asked me to move house for her

enjoy ur day there la.....should be alot of singaporeans though :p

mambobb;hummmmm the kids need some talking to le......but kids....are kids.....when they play......nail polish shouldnt be in their handds though

gemini:wow!!!!!1000ml!!!!!!hummmmm abit toomuch liao le......later part their life suffer how?cos already used to that kind of amt.......m
hi mummies,

thanks for the congrats, was happy to see the heartbeat, EDD 8 Aug 09.

I was so tired everyday that trying for bb was not top on my list, me and hubby dun have enough rest since Hanns born. Wat happened was I went for my yearly pap smear and he commented that I seem to be ovulating and the follicle is at 17mm, I jokingly told him that if it is a girl, I dun mind and my gynae told me the follicle is only 17mm so still early (nearer to ovulation will have higher chance of boy which I tried to avoid :) so he told us that if we are interested can go back and try, that night, we went back but again was very tired so just patronising each other since gynae mentioned :) the next few days, I thought, why not try again since I have bit of PCO which made conceiving more difficult but becos of fatigue, we did not lor, really too tired. We were lucky lah, just once strike liao but again happy and worry at the same time.

my friends told me that Hanns is so difficult this week becos he knows that #2 is coming, I hope so too cos I dun want him to continue being so demanding.

I wonder if it is the gain IQ that i changed him too which makes him bloated cos his appetite dropped, initially I thought becos of his flu but seem like it is not leh, will change the milk back to dumex mamil cos really alot of bubbles in his bottle after even he finished, whole bottle full of bubbles :-(

as for morning sickness, it is getting bad, once hungry only, gastric and feel like vomitting and yet dunno what to eat :-(
happy:wow issit normal to hv some much bubbles?????/the jpn and goat's milk hayley's drinking causes nil or very little le
happy: Congrats on the heartbeat! Heee. I'm also having my second one, due early march next yr and I must say travis has been very very difficult. He sticks to me like glue and I cannot be out of his sight when he is awake. Its really tiring, I'm hoping things change when the bb is born. He is also taking gainiq, I switched him too, and yes the bubbles, loads of them but they are due to the higher protein content, which is good. But yes, I do realise his appetite dropped after we changed to gain, but I thought it was a common phase eh. now wanna change back to the old and not so nice tasting enfa, don't know if he will take it.. Anyone else taking gainiq and appetite no good. Or just as good?

High Tea on Jan 2, 2009

Place : Rose Veranda Shangrila - $28++ Sweets Decadance (Desserts) high tea

Time : 3pm - 6pm

1. Sharron - Confirmed
2. Lazykat - Confirmed
3. Dreamer - confirmed
4. Plim
5. kittybride - confirmed
6. Poochi - confirmed
7. Plumsource -
8. Rachel C - confirmed
9. Langlao - confirmed

sorry to get back so late - super busy don't have time to chk back on the thread!! gah!! anyway, see ya all on 2 Jan ya!

just finished reading where i last posted - so many posts to catch up! hee hee

sorry to hear abt ur gal's incident - hang in there; i also same situation n just have to be patience for the next 5 months before sending Chloe to childcare!! hugs to C ya!!

was discussing the mid-nite mass issue w my bro and decided we'll be going for mass on christmas mrng itself - coz we have 2 other kids n most prob they all can't tahan staying up for hrs la :D

L is a lucky boy to have a very committed mom in providing so much variety of food ah!
i wish i have similar energy & strength to do that for C too but tend to be less adventurous bah. but so far, C is ok with adult food (but too much seasoning for sure!) and will gladly wana have a spoonful or two of our rice/soup and soft food like tofu/steam eggs, etc.

C only has 3 sprouting teeth but she is gungho in eating rice/noodles but still learning to eat cheese (i tried potatoe & cheese once and she ate and cry at the same time! ahaha...)

re: brushing before bed
wow, C gave me such a surprise tonite - since UENO mentioned should brush teeth everynite hor, i also tried it on C just now and guess wat, she didn't protest at all and even open her mouth when she saw me putting on the finger soft brush!! i quicky took the chance and brushed her tiny teeth and gums and she seemed happy abt it as she didn't turn her head away (which she usually does during wkend mrng before bath time)

so happy leh... and she managed to plonk back to bed and roll about - finding that special spot before zzz... i guess this is a good start! really made my day!

oh ya, i went to see my dentist and asked him about toddlers' 1st dental appointment - he mentioned best age is 3 when their full set of milk teeth are in place but we must try to brush their teeth (gums for those w/out much teeth) daily to get them into the routine and idea of taking care of their teeth. he even mentioned flossing for the leh!

and yes, milk is potent and will cause tooth decay if babies drink n sleep - so let them have a bit of water if you're not going to bring them to brush their teeth before the bedtime feed or during the mid-nite feed.

same same... our #1 will stick to us like glue!
but is also a joy coz they wana be close to us - which i enjoy more coz previously she was completely 'daddy's girl!' ahahaa... but the carrying part can be quite tiring.
Kitty, how come so late never sleep? I just finished clearing up my horrible messed up storeroom....

Talking abt flaring up of temper... These few weeks i m super prone to it... Perhaps, it might be Claire being active.... I really can die...

My sis fren saw me and told her that i slimmed down... Dunno is it good or bad... But my tummy still flabby leh!

Happy, my sis fren who is a gynae hor... He told me that the more jialat & longer those morning sickness symptoms persist hor... The better it is for the baby coz its our bodies hormones reacting to the child that caused such symptoms.

Y better for the baby coz the baby will have less problem in the 1st yr of the life.... How true it is, i dunno but my Mum says it applies to her leh....
K@ye:harrr me nothing at all le......not even one day of morning sickness le.....hayley :touch wood "so far oki with her health ::p

i hv this slimming pills deom bkk u wan???me not needing it yet le.....and its 6 months supply

ladies :wanna ask....how do u chk if u're preggie~missed date?urine test tube?doc's urine/blood test?????
Good am ladies! less than 1 wk more to christmas! Yea... holiday mood dun feel like working liao.. ha ha ha

u so sweet. I help u to take more cakes on dat day ha ha ha.

C is big gal liao! More "dong shi" hee

my menses v accurate so if miss is kenna lor. Will use the preg test kit to confirm. I didnt even see doc till almost end of 1st tri. ha ha ha...:p
L is drinking Gain IQ but he takes only 1 feed b4 bedtime. It didnt affect his appetite. I didnt notice any bubbles, maybe cos i stir it with a spoon n he takes via a cup?

just buy a pregnancy test kit if its positive call yr gynae n they will send u for blood test. Any GOOD news? hehe..
A is also drinking gainIQ, my hubby is the one making the milk and the way he make it not munch bubbles. I dun get to make milk cos he complain I dunno how to dissolve the milk powder properly. A's appetite not affected by GainIQ.

cactus, sharron & k@ye, I bought the EYS oredi. The lady nearly din allow me to buy cos she say I bought too much, total spent >$500 thr!! The Hou Ning is really ex hor, 1 bottle to be consumed in a day. Need how many bottles to recover har? I only bought 1 bottle myself to try.

Poochi, Dreamer, thanks hor, just take cake for me ah lol....
Langlao, thank you thank you! PM me ur account no so that i can trsf $$ to you!!! Hehe, i also fed Claire chawanmushi, tofu & rice when we go for Jap food... Usually, i will wash the tofu with water..

For the Gain IQ when i mixed the FM with water, no bubbles... Only when she is drinking it, then a lot of bubbles... Heng now, she is 14 mths liao.. No more merlion like when she is a baby.. If not, i die!

Weishy, my situation same as Poochi lor... Regular menses once missed, can quickly go and take urine test.. And hor the urine test usually very accurate one... Go test and let us know the good news!! Pray for u!
UENO/K@ye/poochi:me already took a urine test yetserday night
so suprised its positive......wanna take another one later to confirm kakakkakakkakak.

langlao:march trip~should hv mommies/friends takign flt form sin to tyo so will keep u updated whenever she updates me la.they'll be payign full fare too.
Happy: Congrats on the heartbeat, and nice seeing u again:) Oh, u gonna have a near National Day BB.

Did u also suffer MS when u had Hanns?

Weishy: I used to have more regular menses before giving birth. Nw, it'll delay for a few days. Yup, like the rest i'll buy pregnancy kit to test. I used 4 sticks to confirm when i had E. Hmm...gd news? Gd luck gd luck!

Langlao: Opss...the sales gal almost din allow u to buy:p Huh, the Hou Ning must be consumed within a day? But i guess it's small bottle right? Okie, let me know how much is my total and i quickly tt to u. Thanks again!
Weishy: Congrats! Yr "no time and lazy to try" finally achieve something! Guess it's even more difficult for u esp since 2 of u leave apart. Gd gd, take care and yup, cannot eat any slimming pills liao

I'm trying to cut down her milk intake now.

gain iq, my gal got problems pooing with Gain, plus lots of bubbles after milk (initially, I thought there's something wrong with the milk, expire or what), trying out enfa now which my mum says her bowel is better
K@ye:hehheeh i hv to ask my helper when's my menses kekkekekek hers and mine almost the same date mah so every time i ask her "ur menses come already????"
Kittybride - No problem thanks for the confirmation. See you on Jan 2, 2009!!

Langlao - Hou Ning podwer is quite amazing... ; ) Thanks so much for getting the stuff for us <muak muak muak

Weishy - Hope to hear GOOD NEWS from you ya!!
Weishy, u so funny!!! Andrew in HK with u liao?

Oh, another interesting fact about our body... When we ovaluate, those women around us, their bodies will pick up this signal and ovaluate once your mense is over... Thus, it will be like, u finished ur menses, the rest will start like a chain one....

Gemini, for my case, Claire got problem pooing with Nan Pro 3.
Weishy: So excited for you! Let us know once you hear the heartbeat. =)

As for the bubbles in milk, it depends on when they appear. If its happens when the baby is drinking then its normal cos the bottle probably has an air system to release the pressure built in the bottle by the baby drinking milk. If its while you make the milk, then its probably how you mix the milk but Cindy is right that a higher protein content would result in more "bubbles".

Poochi: I also dun feel like working today. Just finished a teleconference. Later have a Christmas lunch! So funny, whole office is dressed up in green/white/red today. hahaha. Better go and play my christmas CDs. =P
weishy:: HAHAHAH!! FASTER go test test!! aiyo! so exciting!! eheeee i cannot wait le. make sure next post u post here is telling us the news ha! hehe!!

Hmmm, okies seems like Gain doesn't really spoil appetite sighs okie will monitor and See how hehe!!
Michviv, thanks hor.. that reminds me i just changed the teats to variable flow one... Mabbe that's y more bubbles coz Ms Claire suck very FAST!

Langlao, got ur acct no... Will pay u by this weekend! :p Oh for the Hou Ning, the EYS ppl told me that 1/2 bottle for our little ones! U feeling better liao bo?
Langlao, trsf to you liao... Details as below:

To Account DBS Savings Plus
003-6-055535 Langlao
Amount S$134.40
Transaction Reference 2029081420
I remembered I stopped bf for a few weeks already. Then suddenly feel the breasts got some milk leaking which I find weird. And on checking the pregnancy kit, I found out that am pregnant. BB dust to u.

ya lor... i sleep w C around 930p then knocked out liao. woke up oredi 2pm, but stil got stuffs to clear (hsewrk never ending!!) lor... hee hee

positive ah! CONGRATS!!! your wish come true liao - bo eng also strike hor... hehehee... let us know the final CONFIRMED result ya!!! so happy for you!!

when we go jap restaurant, C will have her cereal 1st and then, she will also eat some of the rice + chawamushi + tofu + fish (boiled type) + fruits! she seems to have more appetite we are all eating at the same time!

christmas mood.... jingle jingle everywhere!!!
today we have xmas lunch too - everyone also no mood to work! ekekekekee... and i'm so happy it's my LAST day of work for 2008!!! yippeee!!!!
weishy: wow.. CONGRATS... so happy for you.. I have not started my 'mini project' yet.. will wait till mar - apr 09.. heehee
Lazykat: Can I ask Langlao to pass you my vita vitamin? And I will collect from you.

Langlao: I will advise you about the tt tonight.

Thanks gals!
sure, how do i pass u the vits?


i'm also in xmas mood. keep singing jingle bells &amp; point the xmas socks (tat poochi bought for us) to Jovan. hahaha. i have 3 xmas gatherings but all still pending. so i might end up going alot of gatherings or none at all. what do u mummies intend to do with ur little ones this xmas?
Kittybride: I find that Ethan eats better when he has his meal at the same time as us. (Eg: when we go out for lunch on weekends). Possibly due to him trying to work on his social skills and do the same activity as everyone else at the table.
ya, agree with you on that!
when only feeding C, she will eat almost 70% done then will wana come down to walk here n there - my MIL says is a bad habit wor...

but i guess all kids like are like that one lah...
but when i call her to come over for more 'mum mum' she will also kuai kuai come over and open her mouth to be fed! :D

Jovan also eats more when we eat with him. agree with michviv, they like to be "copycats". hahaha oh Jovan eats even more if i put his food into the adults' bowl &amp; feed him with adults' spoon. tat's one way to make him eat even more! =P
