(2007/11) November MTBs

K@ye: No wonder my son very happy when he is able to pull on hair.

Pig: I didn’t know that. But if he sleep early, I will steal some time to read newspaper and show some TV program which pro but con is I sleep later but he wake up early, hence I feel tired. So nowadays, I try to sleep earlier.

Lazykat: Don’t think I will go and queue cos sure a lot of people will go and queue and I think it's a waste of time. Moreover, there is nothing much to see and buy. But quite a few insurance companies were there.

Re: Coach
Tempted to buy cos its cheaper in US too. But agree with lazykat that many people carrying it.

ShaneDiao: How much more you can exceed for buying Coach?

Re: Trial Class
Gemini, I went to the website. $25 is registration fee. Trial session is $28. I just hijacked you and called them up. According to the lady, one class maximum 8 babies and they happen to have new class going to start on 14th June at 1pm. Quite keen


heehee, remember the wrong price. me keen also.
But trial class no need registration fee one right?

shall we register and go together? I'm ok with 14th June.

u've got mail! But i think i forgot to include the estim shipping $.. so pls let me know the correct amt before I transfer hor. I told a fren abt this and i think she is keen too.. but i ask her to place order directly with the website. =)

Simi class? Me also keen..
me keen
we register individually?
cat: so sorry, i very busy n also very blurr. theitems sitting in the vpost us side for a long time n i din know they were waiting for invoice. r u in a hurry? if yes, can get from the pple who wanna sell in WTS thread, if not, it should reach early next month.. cos i sent in liao..
Sorry sorry sorry.
Hi Shane and Gelyn,

Ya.. Kiros used to sleep at 8, then 9, then 10, then 10.30, then now 11.30pm.. my friend was telling that they will revert back to the 8-9pm pattern.. but i really doubt so. But i dont mind la. cos i wake up at 10/11am also... my mum was commenting to me, 'where got babies like that one? sleep so late and wake up late?' Faint.

For kiros, the later it gets in the night, the more alert he gets. Jump non stop. smile and gets tickled very easily compared to day time.
You keen in Coach too ah? I exceeded after taking lazykat's order, now can only take the most 1 bag liao. Actually small items no discount lah, discount for big bags only. compared to what my GS quote, it's about 20% less. Only for Nov mum ya...GS placed first order liao, wow! Didn't know she takes so many order. I never visit thread after I reached my limit as she is doing all by herself liao. Told me she takes up office time to work on quote and queries (discreetly of course), and night time "work" til quite late about 1-2am....And she said "Pai Tang-hokkien)" a lot of work in calculation, and she stares at the screen until blur....

go find out and see if they sell the squirt, and if they have no point getting from me also....see how much hor....

wow! Kiros can jump liao ah? Now Ethan can only sit but cannot roll leh....ya lor my mum also said that when I called back Sin....I was wondering why also...normally babies sleep early right???same here, whenever we give him his last feed, he was like dozing off liao so we put him down on the bed.....the min we put him down, he starts to fidget and will be wide awake, and giggle and laugh somemore....I was like looking at my hb, "thought he closed his eyes want to sleep already?? no meh???" ....*bang head*

so you must be very excited hor....u are hoping for girl this time ???
Me also interested in the trial class! When ah?

Kittybride, can i check whether the PP package will arrive by June? Need them by 2nd week Jul, shld be ok ba?

Nice weather today.... How I wish I can laze in bed. My baby usually sleeps ard 11pm and will wake up abt 9am. But these 2 days, he woke up at 7am, pengz... mummy still wanna sleep leh..
so mummies interested in the trial class, shall we organise one and try to attend together?


I'm using the combi sippy cup. My gal likes it lots
gemini, your gal like the cup? My boy hates his mag mag. refuse to drink water from the sippy cup. Your gl likes to drink water from it?
yo....yesterday went to Coach to help GS to lug back all the goodies ....so no time to go down Baby R us to check the size of the frog pod ...need to help her check all bags today, and see if I can go down tomorrow ya...sorry

Ethan comes back with constipation again ...haiz....maybe it's due to eating solid food .....but hor I found out one effective method to make them poo.... I used slight warmer water in a squrit bottle and squirt the water all over his backside...and the poo came out...he has to "geng" as you squirt ......was told slightly warmer water will help relax the muscles and poo will come out easily ...hope this will help if you bbs have constipation ......but hor don't use this method everytime hor ...I don't know if they will rely on it and never use their muscle to "geng" or not ....so far try a few times successful to make him poo....
Shane, no problem. Once u see it, just let me know lah.... So, how s the bags business? I think these few days, u will be bz packing the items liao....

On constipation, my Mum's policy is more water parade and give freshly squeezed apple juice. I heard from other forum mummies that Prune juice works too!

My Mum used to insert a small piece of soap up to our butts (me & my siblings) when we got constipation. Boy, we really cried when she does that!
Hi Shane,

Maybe i shouldnt say jump. Should say 'bounce'.. like when we carry him facing front, he will want to bounce up and down. even in his walker. he will bounce up and down.

Ya, Hopefully very soon Claire, Ethan and Kiros will learn to sleep early lor. And that its indeed a transition phase that they are so alert in night and will learn to sleep early (hopefully wakes up late.hahaha)

Wow, Kaye.. your mum used soap? That must have been painful. Now that my 4 year nephew has constipation, i will feed him with yughurt and yakult and ice cream. Hopefully those will upset his tummy and he will not need the enema. We will use enema (half bottle) at last resort only. Cos he will cry when we insert the enema into his buttock.

My friend's daughter once had constipation so badly that even enema didnt work for her. In the end went to a GP to 'cut' the buttock line to let the 'sai' come out. And she was barely 1 year old at tat time.
Hi Pig07

My friend teach me this "gross" method to relieve constipation. That is shape the carrot into like pencils and dip into the salt water for a day. After that, insert the "salted carrot" into the buttock. Then u will "lao" all the 'sai' out.

She mentioned that this method was taught by her uncle who works in a medical hall.
shane, how much is Toy'r us shipping to Singapore? I found one. shipping is USD6.99 per pc. and each squirt is $7.99. a bit ex though. but cant find other sources and going by Vpost might be risky if they pack in big boxes!
Pig, the soap acted the same purpose like the enema.

Wow, very jialat to cut the buttock line to poo..

S@l, i think Toys r us in USA dun ship to Singapore.
Hi mummies,


Sorry to interrupt.



I am from the Jul08 MTBs thread and I'm organising a BP for LBS. If I can get 10 mummies to sign up for this BP, we will enjoy the following package:

1 unlimited photo session of 30 minutes for our little precious with 3 outfit changes (own clothes). In the end we will have the following prints at <font color="0000ff">$90</font> - 1 super 8R + 4 x 5R shots (add $15 per additional person).

The current price is now $120 for the same package as shown in their rate card: www.thestudioloft.com.sg/rates

If we have more than 15 in the group, we will enjoy a special price of $200 for the CD of all shots of the photo session (unedited), instead of $250

To look at their work, do check out their website or scroll up to some of the older posts:

Interested parties please PM me. I will collect deposit of $50 upon confirmation, and the remainder of $40 when the BP closes. If we don't meet the minimum number of mummies of 10 by the end of June then I will refund all deposits.

<font color="0000ff">The only restriction is that your shoots have to be scheduled between 1 July and 30 Sept 2008.</font>

Mummies participating
1. Pinkbunny
2. Sparrows
3. happydough
4. Happyhour
5. Blurmummy (deposit received)
6. Sze2 (deposit received)
7. il_feet
8. rainnerainne
9. wen_stan
I have the munchkin sipping cup, thr's no inctruction on how to use it. Thr's a removable stopper inside the cup at the base of the sprout, do I remove it before giving the cup to baby?
will bb know how to swallow frm the sippy cup? i haven't start using it yet tho the one i use has the teat (Pigeon Magmag). and i think she still treats it as a toy!

gosh the relieving constipation methods sound difficult...hope our babies dun have to go thru that!

been experimenting with the timing for feeding Eliza with her cereal. found that she eats best when in a good mood, which also means that's after her milk. my mil says shouldn't feed her so soon after her milk, but 1hr later cos she'll be quite full, and if i do otherwise it'll become a habit and she'll always need to have milk b4 food. but everytime i feed her 1hr later, it ends up with her crying and cranky.
hoping to try to cut down the milk b4 her cereal so that she'll eat more cereal. for mummies who managed to replace a feed with solids, how long did it take yr bb to do so?
will eating solids cost weight lost? I weigh my gal this wekend &amp; she has lost 0.5kg!! However she's been eating &amp; drinking well.
langlao, my girl opposite, she put on weight. It could be that your gal is more active now.

Oh btw u still wan the pompom? i can send to you free postage. let me know the col and how many you wan.thanks

Shane, so is it cheaper to get from ToysR us? if not i m thinking to jus get one from the seller i got.
S@L, maybe lor. This weekend we hv to adj the cot panel to the lowest as she try to grab the railing &amp; stand up and ended keep falling and knock her head

Can I KIV the pompom? The last clippie i bought is still a white elephant. I'll wait til her hair grow out b4 bying more clips.
langlao, sure no prob anyway i hv new designs coming out all the time. take ur time

my gal also super active! i was too engrossed in the TV jus now and she was silently nibbling at my wrappers at one corner! gosh i think she 'ate' quite a bit of the wrappers...now i feel so guilty.
S@L, the other day my gal grab a pc of receipt off the side of the car &amp; by the time i realised part of it was gone, I also suspect she has swallowed it
Shane, i checked out the Frog thingy at Mothercare in Spore.... Super big and expensive, i think i will just give it a miss. Btw, they dun sell Squirt in mothercare.

Newmummy, yup... Solid foods will cause constipation thus need to drink more water lor. My Mum will give Claire freshly squeezed Apple juice, thrice a week.

Langlao, as babies grow, they will tend to be more active thus "losing weight". As long as they re eating well and growing well, dun hv to worry too much lah! Claire also sometimes dun eat things, that worried me sick... but she seems ok.. So i just leave it...

Just something to share, I made the rice cereal a bit too watery for Claire today. Wow, eat half way cried like as if i abused her like that... coz she dun like the texture of the rice cereals! Faint!
Skyeskye - my gal also same as urs still not drinking wif the cup instead she using it as a teether!
re:solids I have started to give Hazel breakfast -oats cereal so dat I can cut back on her feed before lunch now she taking 60ml before lunch and abit more of solids for lunch. Intend to do away wif milk at noon by the time she 7mths.

k@ye - the soap method was also used by my grandma on me and my sis!! ha ha... tell ur another gross thing wen we were teething she'll rub alittle salted veggie-"giam chye" on our gums. She's peranakan so alot of intersting ways but amazingly it works lor!
Poochi, yucks "giam chye"!!! Somehow i m amazed by the primitive methods that our mothers used on us as babies! Now the PDs will say its bad etc etc... but we are still alright~!

Catherine, i shuddered to think of how to discpline Claire when she is older.
i think it's time to start to "discipline" our babies already. yday Jovan was throwing temper when i was feeding him lunch coz i wasn't fast enuff. he was crying &amp; kicking his legs. when my HB saw tis, he told me to scold Jo &amp; tell him i wun feed him till he stop crying. wah Jo cry until face red, tears drop &amp; kick so hard till he was sitting slouched in his high-chair. when he finally stopped then i feed him. after tat i think he got the idea, crying = no food. so he only make sounds when i'm too slow, he dun dare to throw temper. it's amazing but i think babies do understand.
Catherine, i also discipline Claire but she is more stubborn than me. I did tell her that she cannot cry in such a way even if i m feeding her slow or she dun like the food. She stopped crying but her tears made me very defeated. I din show it but at that point in time, i really feel like crying too....
Morning Mummies!

Just bring my son to PD on sat, cos he had diarrhea. And the PD said don’t give him milk, give him Soy milk instead. But he don’t like the taste, refuse and cry. End up, we thin the milk like just one scoop with the porridge soup and let him drink. Despite, he is still having cough with phlegm since last Monday. Don’t know if he caught it from my niece. So sian…

Gemini, I am not sure if we can register together but according to the lady, they need my baby’s name and DOB. But I think the new class (1st session) only left very few lots cos 1 class only takes in 8 babies. Do you think they will open new class for us if we have 8 babies here?

K@ye &amp; Langlao: Yes, its trial on Musical Might.

So far I saw from the response from those who are keen.
1) Gemini
2) Langlao
3) K@ye?
4) Dreamer (you still in SIN?)
5) Catherine
6) Larryle
7) Gelyn
8) ?

Pig, Kiros seem to be on US timing? Active at night? My son will sleep around 9+pm, sometimes 8+pm which I think 8+pm is abit early and if we still try to hold him from, sleeping, he will get cranky. Pro &amp; Con, I will have more time to do my own things. But con is maybe when just zzz off to sleep, its time for him to wake up for feed.

ShaneDiao: I think I will give a miss this time. Not surprise that your GS stared the screen till blur, cos sometimes mummies also tend to change their mind on what they order. Alots to follow-up on the thread.

Re: Sippy Cup
I am using the Pigeon Mag Mag cup bit I am using the teat which my son love it.
Gelyn, u have to take me off from the Musical Might trial coz i got to attend my Bro's POP on 14th June!

Ya, soy milk not nice one... Even Claire also rejected it... My Mum also gave Claire the porridge water when she has diahorrea but she also rejected it....

Talking about cough, my SIL's 2 children also has it plus phlegm. I was quite surprised that she still let her children eat mango cakes.

yes she likes it. she will hold it with both hands and drinks it.

I got the avent magic cup also, but she dun like it. and my friend recommends me the combi one, and she likes it. quite pricey though...


Thanks for organizing. You need me to call?
K@ye: Sure, not problem.

Hmm..My MIL suggest give porridge water but we still add one scoop of milk. That why my son still will drink it. Then what is your daughter drink in the end? Cos Milk will cause diarrhea.

Cough with phlegm still eat mango cakes? I thought mango is suppose to be very heaty? For me, I think I will stop them from eating any heaty food. I am a strict mum I guess. Lolz! But for their own good.

Gelyn, Claire given a choice bet porridge water &amp; soy milk powder. She chose soy milk instead but not to worry, usually LS i let Claire take 1 day of soy milk. I can't let Claire drink soy as this will cause her eczema to flare up.

Yalor, cough with phlegm still let them eat Mango cake. Nevermind, her son still make noise and says wanna eat jelly. I hope when Claire is at their age, i will be able to be heartless and dun let her eat such stuff.

Actually, hor i got the Mag Mag &amp; Combi cup. Both are gifts, but still have not let Claire used. I hope they dun become white elephants.
