(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hi Blue,
Okay, thanks for your info. I'll be going there tonight.

Edison has been on food strike since last saturday. Not sure what happened. So, I want to send him to PD for a check.

It has been a week and very worrying too...

Hi mummies!

Have been busy with Jade this week since she started childcare. I really feel guilty for putting her thru it. Decided to put her on halfdays the first month then slowly extend to fullday. First 3 days I was with her so she was alright, exploring the school and playing with the toys. But 4th day I wasn't allowed to stay the whole time so the teacher told me to stay for awhile then leave her. So I told Jade I was going out for awhile and will come back later and she nodded. Abt 15 mins later could hear her screaming "Mama" and crying from my MIL's place on the 9th floor (Jade's cc is at her void deck). On the 5th day, I left her for 2 hours, and immediately after I left she started crying and didn't stop until I came back. Next week I dread to bring her back to school!

Re activities,

These days, Jade likes to play with playdoh, throwing and rolling balls, putting things into boxes, megablocks, knob puzzles, scribbling and colouring, sorting shapes, feeding and carrying her baby doll, cutting sets, kitchen sets, and recently started painting with water colour.
Hazel likes scribbling with colour pencils , sorting shapes , I am trying to teach her to use the training chopsticks to pick up things and sort colours in different bowls. she is also learning her numbers but she always start from 5 , 6 , 8, 9 , 10 .... clap hands! wahaha. I am trying to start her with simple maze and tracing circles... hehe

There are surely more things to do with kor kor thou. hehe ... this mummy is guilty of spending more time with kor kor.
hi angel,
not easy for the toddler to adapt fast in a strange place without mummy/daddy. Have more confidence in Jade and yourself yeah. Both of your will pull through, eventually.

RE: Activities,
I feel v v guilty towards sarah. I have no energy to sit and read and flash cards to her as i used to when i wasn't preggie. Now, she played by herself most of time and cry for attention at other times. What tugs my heart is everytime, she pulls the books from shelves and try to read them herself. All i can do is sit on the couch and smile. so immobile now. argh.

I am glad she's in 1/2 day CC programme. At least, she plays with dough/puzzles, storytelling by teachers, singing and painting/colouring. The CC give her activity file every bi-weekly for me to review her work...so happy to see she's having some enriching prog there.
Hi Blue, Caelen would often put stuff in his mouth too. I had stopped him from eating playdoh a few times too. But when I am really desperate, I just stuff the pacifier in. But I try not to do it too often lar.

Hi Radiance, your son is so clever to be able to do so many pieces of puzzles! How do you train him?

Hi Angel, what is a cutting set? And water colour! How do you prevent her from smudging the paints all over? Wat paints do you use?

Hi Tiny, knob puzzles are those with a little knob to hold and insert into wooden pads.
seem like this THEMETIC discussions initiated by peapod is working! haha

yes we should have this, so that all of us can refer
atinarin, usually after 1 wk + if still not well, doc may recommend to start a course of antibiotics. i guess u need to revisit the doc ..
Hi Peapod,

Ya, initially when they just introduced to puzzle,they really do not know how to put/fix the pcs into each other.Need both hands to coordinate.Show them pcs by pcs when match the puzzles. You do once, they follow you once.then more practise. Once they know how to coordinate, they will make it finally.
Is this still on??

Gathering at Changi Airport T3 at 12 noon on 1 May 2009. (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)
Wang Cafe/Coffee Bean at Level 2
1. funny76+hb+Summer
2. Irene+hb+Jerald
3. Janice+hb+Jade+bb
4. Peapod+hb+Caelen
5. baby_piglet + ayden
6. TiNyVoIcE+hb+Samuel
7. rxsti+hb+Ariel
8. Justme + hb + Sarah (if haven't pop)
9. Low family+HB+Charlene+Charlotte
11. clement+clara+wiselyn
12. nancy + benedict
13. Florence + Keith + hazel + helper

Any1? Nxt wk last calling liao!
Hi Peapod, ya water colouring very messy but lots of fun!
WAter colour easy to wipe off so its ok lah. I usually let her play it just before her bath, strip her down to just diapers and set her on her table and chair with a big drawing block or mahjong paper to colour so the table won't kenna. I use pental (sp?) poster colour paint, mix with abit of water in the pallete. I only use 1 or 2 colours each time...like red and white so she can mix the colours to get pink, or red and blue to get purple.

Re cutting sets = plastic food that can be cut up in pieces using a knife. The pieces are held together by velcro then can be cut apart
Hi mummies,

My hubby got last min meeting in KL tmr so we're taking the opportunity to go for short holiday before I start work in May. We will be back on Fri afternoon so will miss the gathering at the airport. Hate that I will miss it! Have really been looking forward to seeing everyone again. Will catch up next time

Gathering at Changi Airport T3 at 12 noon on 1 May 2009. (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)
Wang Cafe/Coffee Bean at Level 2
1. funny76+hb+Summer
2. Irene+hb+Jerald
3. Peapod+hb+Caelen
4. baby_piglet + ayden
5. TiNyVoIcE+hb+Samuel
6. rxsti+hb+Ariel
7. Justme + hb + Sarah (if haven't pop)
8. Low family+HB+Charlene+Charlotte
10. clement+clara+wiselyn
11. nancy + benedict
12. Florence + Keith + hazel + helper

Any1? Nxt wk last calling liao!
Hi atinarin,

My gal has been down with phelmy cough and runny nose for 2 weeks + liao..Now we are tortured becos her symptoms will worsen whenever we switch on the air-con. Praying very hard that she will recover b4 my confinement....Counting down...30 more days to go..
Hi Poohwei, Atinarin,
Maybe you should try to change medicine if the cough still persists. Jade just recovered from a bad cough and runny nose too...she didnt get better after taking medicine for 6 days so I went back to PD and she said must change medicine. After changing, she did improve and got much better.
atinarin, as far as i know (from my pd), bb under 2 years are not recommended cough mixture. when ben got the phlegmy cough, my pd only prescribed him with medicine for his phlegm to make it more watery so that he can cough it out and swallow it into his tummy, then out through the digestive system. ben's phlegm took almost 2 - 3 weeks to clear too. =(
so sorry. have to meet you all another time.

have to mark compositions and write remarks for the children this weekend. schedule is very tight. =(

Gathering at Changi Airport T3 at 12 noon on 1 May 2009. (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)
Wang Cafe/Coffee Bean at Level 2
1. funny76+hb+Summer
2. Irene+hb+Jerald
3. Peapod+hb+Caelen
4. baby_piglet + ayden
5. TiNyVoIcE+hb+Samuel
6. rxsti+hb+Ariel
7. Justme + hb + Sarah (if haven't pop)
8. Low family+HB+Charlene+Charlotte
10. clement+clara+wiselyn
11. Florence + Keith + hazel + helper

have fun!
hi mummies, brought her to ssbc again thismorning and it was super packed!

meds again but shes not eating and even water is vomitted out once she vomits.

and im getting worse after getting better. now im coughing too. sigh very difficult like this, we keep spreading to each other.
hope you and girl recover soon.

i have had 2 false labour so far. So frustrating...hubby and me all set to go hospital and contraction stops~!

anyway, i think being in 38 week coming to 39 this thurs puts me in less than favourable condition to go out. so strike me off the list as well...

Gathering at Changi Airport T3 at 12 noon on 1 May 2009. (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)
Wang Cafe/Coffee Bean at Level 2
1. funny76+hb+Summer
2. Irene+hb+Jerald
3. Peapod+hb+Caelen
4. baby_piglet + ayden
5. TiNyVoIcE+hb+Samuel
6. rxsti+hb+Ariel
7. Low family+HB+Charlene+Charlotte
9. clement+clara+wiselyn
10. Florence + Keith + hazel + helper


enjoy the gathering and do share pics yeah...
Latest Update On The Gathering Attentance....

Gathering at Changi Airport T3 at 12 noon on 1 May 2009. (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)
Wang Cafe/Coffee Bean at Level 2
1. funny76+hb+Summer
2. Irene+hb+Jerald
3. Peapod+hb+Caelen
4. baby_piglet + ayden
5. TiNyVoIcE+hb+Samuel
6. rxsti+hb+Ariel
7. Low family+HB+Charlene+Charlotte
8. yoki+hb+kayla
9. Florence + Keith + hazel + helper
hi magoo...
yeah the thread is in dormant stage again.

I went for prenatal check today...was hoping today bb pop...but nothing...sigh...tot today, would be nice...my birthday mah...

tomo mark 39 week liao...maybe the boy wants to be overdue baby..
Ya... Happy Birthday to you..
saw ur name at FB..

How big is the bb now??
The "waiting phase" is hard to endure rit?? Take care..
Ur boy sure very handsome like Sarah, so pretty..
Keep us update..
Hi justme

Happy birthday dear! Yar, it would be great if your boy shares your birthday but seems that he would rather have his own special day. Well, take this remaining week as special bonding time with Sarah before didi comes

How heavy is your boy now?

Topic: Child Care Centres
I was exploring the idea of sending Caelen to half day child care when he hits 2. I called two centres up and one said they adopt the Montessori concept and the other is from Cherie hearts.

Can someone enlighten me wat is the 'special' thing about those Montessori or Cheri hearts programmes as compared to normal child care? Espcially the Montessori one who said they don't divide their classes into the different ages. My son would end up mixing with the 3 years old since they don't have any 2 yrs old kids now. Hur? is this normal?

My girl when she was 18mths, I sent her to MMI, but they divide the kids according to their age leh.. Which MMI u went to?
There is a different when the centre said they adopt MMI method and they r the authentic MMI centre..
MMI method (according to what I know) is based on touch, feel n explore.. rather than academic type. they will explore the kids more.. not the "dead" type of teaching..
Ladies, with the swine flu and all, safe to go airport or not?

I was there on Sunday, unfortunately my girl puked onthe way there! Whole car seat gone...hb washed for 2 hours.

Anyway i m back at work, girls runny nose still bad, have mucous all over my brand new quilt! Boohoo!
Hi magoo

It was Zee Junior, got no MMI in the name so means not authentic har? Hmm... now I know.

Hi atinain, oh dear, that sounds bad. Can the car seat still be used?

RE: Airport Meetup
My boy is down with flu too... hope he would recover by Friday. If not, I may not be able to go too... don't want to spread to the other babies also especially with the swine flu scare going around

Hee...My hubby also asked "ppl now all avoid airport, you gals bringing your kids to the airport?!"
If the school is not registered under MMI, then is not "authentic".. haha..
It could be like the school principal or teachers previously worked in MMI b4 and they adopt the method.. but it can also said tat the school will adopt any method to "mix n match" their teaching method.
So I suggest if u intend to send Caelan for MMI method, go for the schools registered under MMI..
(although the school fee is more exp than normal school). But to me, I find it worth the amt..
Hope this help u...
Hi, pls count us out from the gathering this friday, sam down with flu too!! I think you gals better change venue, avoid airport now.

Latest Update On The Gathering Attentance....

Gathering at Changi Airport T3 at 12 noon on 1 May 2009. (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)
Wang Cafe/Coffee Bean at Level 2
1. funny76+hb+Summer
2. Irene+hb+Jerald
3. Peapod+hb+Caelen
4. baby_piglet + ayden
5. rxsti+hb+Ariel
6. Low family+HB+Charlene+Charlotte
7. yoki+hb+kayla
8. Florence + Keith + hazel + helper
thanks mummies for the well-wishes! My hubby also thinks boy wants own special day. So be it lah.

baby was 3.5 kg last week...didnt' scan this morning so dunno.

don't flatter sarah lah, she is a plain jane. no a tomboy actually....

haha, although sarah is in cherie hearts, my only issue was how the caregivers treat the tods. How the schedule are planned, (no tv) and the ambience of the place...this mummy didn't even bother to find out more abt the methods, which i heard is based on some French technique.

peapod, atinarin,
hope your darlings get well soon...actually wat's the symptoms to look for on this Piggy flu?
We won't be able to go too me and hubby haven't recover fully from cough and my gal is starting to have runny nose now.
hi justme

wow... getting excited for u too. do update us once u pop

me oso looking for CC and didnt hv any ideas or questions to ask. visited 2 CC before, just look at their environment and teachers there. What should i look out or ask when visiting CC?

btw, my son is still siting in the Rear facing position in the car seat. Any safely rule that said when can we change the position to front facing? Just like many mummies here, i m oso facing with the terrible two syndrone. theo like to scream, refuse to sit in the car seat, delay his bedtime and doing all naughty acts. reali headache in taking care of him but on the other hand sometime it was quite fun to see how his behaviour changes and showing all the new patterns, hahaha
hi star,
who is currently caring for theo?

regarding looking for CC, the main thing i looked out for was see how the staff and teachers communicate with the kids. If the majority of the kids, seems to be open and able to accept them, usually they are loving caregivers. Cos, kids don't lie. hehe.

My hubby once said, passing by a certain childcare in the morning reminds him of a torture chamber! (as if he knows..) lots of screaming/crying kids.

Some other things you may like to know:
1) The daily schedule (can ask for a copy)
2) Daily Menu (but someone said this is just a show) to me as long as sarah is full and is not given too much salt/seasoning, i am ok.
3) How to communicate with the teachers.
4) method the centre abides to when it comes to teaching.

While sarah went for trial sessions at some centre, i also observed how the teachers try to engage the new toddlers with the normal group. If the teachers don't make an effort, i move on to another centre. =P don't want to place my kid somewhere where she'll be ignored much of the time.
Latest Update On The Gathering Attentance....

Gathering at Changi Airport T3 at 12 noon on 1 May 2009. (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)
Wang Cafe/Coffee Bean at Level 2
1. funny76+hb+Summer
2. Irene+hb+Jerald
3. Peapod+hb+Caelen
4. baby_piglet + ayden
5. Low family+HB+Charlene+Charlotte
6. yoki+hb+kayla
7. Florence + Keith + hazel + helper

Regarding Venue, mayb might change....will discuss wif Irene...those mummies who are gg comfortable wif existing venue or wan to change venue? Pls either post here or sms mi or Irene...
Latest Update On The Gathering Attentance....

Due to Swine flu, we hav decide to change the venue to Florence's hse...

Gathering at Florence's hse at 12 noon on 1 May 2009. (PUBLIC HOLIDAY). For Florence's address, pls sms mi or Florence or Irene. Thks!
1. funny76+hb+Summer
2. Irene+hb+Jerald
3. Peapod+hb+Caelen (Nt Confirm)
4. baby_piglet + ayden
5. Low family+HB+Charlene+Charlotte
6. yoki+hb+kayla (Nt confirm)
7. Florence + Keith + hazel + helper

hi mummies... Happy labour day! Wanted very much to go for gathering but today is a working day for me. Plus faith caught hfmd again. this is her 2nd time already! Now there's swine flu too. Sigh...feels so unsafe to send her back to cc even after she recover from hfmd.
