(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

blue: i oredi ordered some sesame st. supplies from birthdaydirect.com incl. elmo airwalker, hee hee Mummy excited abt Sam's birthday, he knows nut abt it now...haahaaa.
JustMe: Haha, you so funny ... "hairy issues". Made me sound like a hairy person!

Voice: Oh I know ... you told me over lunch just now. But I thought you might need more mah ...
Gee..I'm not the very firm kind. I only know how to complain.. I dun gian their vouchers at all. But they should write an apology letter to all of us.

I also bought some durian puffs after the tea. Apparently they were not very fresh.
re: birthdays.
How do you ladies intend to celebrate your darlings 1 year b'days huh?? I also want to have a party.. BUT the guests will be an issue for me. I tot only want to invite my close friends and siblings only.

But problems on My hubby side - being only child - his dad will insist i call upon his dad's 11 siblings and their children and their grandchildren... die man..like this have theme also useless... its like preparing for wedding with 300 over guests!... malay family mah.. sigh
RE: Birthdays
Haven't really thought of how to celebrate Jordan's birthday yet. Heeee ... mine's in July, my elder one's in Aug and his is in Sep ... seems like still a long way to go!
bean, dun mention durian leh, i very gian durian over here leh...can we arrange a durian feast when i go back end june?
morning mummys .. I'm from goodwood hightea wondering if I could get facebook contacts so I can tag the photos we took that day =)
good morning!!
haha. i tot i can wake up early to go to ICA to collect sarah's passport. But overslept! oh man! The queue will be a killer again. Aborted mission to collect last week cos have to wait 290 people in q. Today dunno my luck.

It's Friday, FTWM!! hehe
good morning mummies!
here i am again.. ^.^

please dun upset abt feeding ur bb with FM, i understand how u feel. For me, my BM supply was low and oni manage to last for 2wks due to some reasons and has been feeding FM. You have been able to feed for at least 7 mths, very fortunate liaos

anyway, agree with BEAN that keep pumping even if supply is low, eventualy will be able to get more. But possible, try to drink fish+papaya soup oso.

Thank you so much for organising this hi-tea and writing the feedback letter. Greatly appreciate all the efforts you have gone through. No one expected goodwood park have such an issue. Jus hope everyone has recovered. Btw, I cant remember the spread, are there alot of raw food like sashimi, salmon?

haha..in that case, Sept mummies will need you to help us get alots of gift for our child and at the same time an excuse for u to go shopping. Btw, how's ur Nissen BP? I didnt get the chance to tell u my orders. I am actually very interested in the Bibs and leggings. Remember i sent u the whole list of bibs, is it hard to find in SH? Will there be a chance for ya to post the pictures of the Ni Hong Guang Chang? Wana see how it looks like

Happy to hear that maegan getting lesser phelgm, did u actually try the hou zou? Btw, did u ask if u can add the powder to milk and feed her? at least not so awful
good morning dear mummies

thanks to all the encouragement and kind words, i am indeed feeling so much better now. i think i am finally coming to terms with the whole bf issue, its been 7mths so its not too bad to take a break from the continuous pumping. i shall continue to latch faith whenever i can and also in the middle of the night as faith is used to nursing thru the night too but now i can don't stress abt ss since she can be given FM.

i am giving her Mamil Gold Follow On now and 1 feed i give 180ml of water plus 6 scoops. she dislike drinking water so now with FM, i must make sure she take water right? any idea how much water i must give her in a day?
Yes, i believe you have to encourage Faith to increase water intake with FM. A lot. esp now with the extreme hot weather we are facing. Don't let bb be dehydrate cos, can cause constipation. Heartache seeing bb cry so hard to poo...=(
Hi darmae..
Glad to hear that TCM works for Maegan.. though I'm still a bit skeptical abt it... My colleague did told me that for relieving cough, TCM works better...

Hi Bena..
You shd asked Goodwood to give u a refund you the $$$ that you have paid for the high tea...
Potty Training..

I'm glad that my MIL has successfully potty-train my boy for just one day... Two days ago, she taught him how to pee when she remove his pants, bring him to toilet & make watery 'sssss' sound... First day, he was still confused & dunno how to react...

Yesterday (2nd day), he has associated the 'ssss' sound with pee-ing... he will pee when he heard the sound... throughout the day, he was diaperless... Wow! I was amazed...
Wow, emily, Edison is AMAZING! Toilet trained at such a young age??? We only toilet trained our elder one when she went childcare around 2.5 years old ... though she is not wearing diaper in the day and can go toilet herself, she's still wearing diaper at night (cos we are not adventurous enough to let her try w/o diapers at night ... heeee).
emily: im very impressed.. edison is really a smart baby to be toilet trained so young!!!

justme: yah lah kaypoh ecookie here .

mummyfaith: yup need to give them more water cos FM abit heaty but dun get too stressed over how much water.. in between feeds just try to feed them some water.. a few sips is better than nothing. alternatively can add more water when preparing the feed..
Hi Blue..
Only diaperless in the day.. At night, I still put diaper for him.. Cannot imagine I have to wake up every 2 hours to bring him to toilet!!!! Or if he pees on the bed...

During the day, either my MIL or my maid will carry him to the toilet to pee every 1.5hr - 2hr. It takes time for them to read his body language if he want to poo-poo....
You are right. I'll rather have a refund, since their service is not fantastic too even if they offer a nite's stay there.

I've always admired pumping FTWMs. It's so tiring to face work stress and still have to face a lifeless machine. You've really done very well to have pumped for so long.

No prob.. The spread : I think the salmon wasn't sashimi. It was smoked salmon and there were a few dishes with it.

Try to cut queue. Tell the staff there that you have a babe. It worked for me. I cut 400 people.
And ya, I truly agree that many mummies on this thread are very strong. Blue, whose family went thru HFM and then the hair issue, Atinarin, who went thru the nerve sickness, Peapod, who persevered with breastfeeding despite odds, Amy who was recently hospitalised for food poisoning and who only thought abt baby's well being, despite going thru so much discomfort, just to name a few, and now mummyfaith.

Durian feast? hahaha.. ya sure. I love durians too. When will u be back? No durians over there?

Glad to know that Meagan is slowly recovering. When bbs are sick, mummies are worried sick.

You have a lot of birthdays to celebrate leh! But I'm sure J's will be the grandest!
Emily, so impressive! So many things to look forward to as our babies grow up right? i think for me would be these points

- the very first tooth
- the very first walk unassisted
- the very first time she calls me Ibu
- successful toilet training!
Bean: Yah lor of cos lah ... cos his will be 1st birthday! Eh, when's Zac's birthday huh? If not clashed then you bring Zac to Jordan's party ok!
Mummyfaith, Amy
Hope you girls will get well soon. Don't fret about BFing. You're already BFing longer than some of us mommies here..

Ah Na,
Yah ask for hotel voucher! Then can use for anniversaries, birthdays.. hehe!

re: 1st birthday
D's first bday will be fasting month, so bo pien cant really make a big party.. so should be just for family members bah..

wah one each month! For my case September = d's, mine, my dad's, my MIL, hb's best friend. *jialat*

how are you doing with your treatment? Hope you're feeling better also.

Yah can ask to cut queue, must be daring but look helpless hahaha. The other time we cut queue coz had a cousin-in-law-to-be working there, nasib!

Did i hear DURIAN FEAST?? Heheh.
blue ... hmm why u cut down on the milk powder ... PD say cannot do that as 70% of the milk powder are water .. the rest are the nutrients for them... PD said too much milk powder will cos them kidney problem next time and too little they will be under nutrient

bean ... keke ya i a bit siao lah *-*... cos i am use to big bb mah and also my boy is slim slim one no lotus at all ... hmm ok ok will try not to give him in the middle of the night ... as for day time he cannot take in more he will vomit ... think he got small stomch to store his food ...

Amy drink more water ... Carlson look like Carissa but he is the slim slim type no check haha but handsome i think kekeke

WOW emily yr boy so clever ... can toilet train at this young age ...

Emily ... wow edison toilet train pass liao so fast ... clap clap
Fau: Wow, so Sep will be very happening for you and your family!

CM: I only dilute a little lah ... instead of 3 scoops, I give 2.5 scoops ... should be ok. Anyway Jordan definitely doesn't look under nourished right? Haha.
blue hehe indeed Jordan look great ... 10+kg ...
but still i think you train him to drink water is a better solution
ecookie: I think either way also can lah ... my mentality is, I want it slightly diluted lor ... if not too heaty.

CM: Jordan drinks water too! I always remind my maid to let him drink every now and then.
You can try too.... just bring them to pee every 1-1.5hr... take off his pants and carry him to toilet... make 'sssss' sound.. gently touch his penis to signal him to pee.... slowly, they will start to associate the signals for pee-ing... it takes time, so be patient...
Btw forgot to update that Jordan is making some progress in his crawling skill ... finally!

Yesterday he can use his legs and tummy to push himself forward when we put him on the bed to reach a toy that I have tempted him with. Not exactly crawling but that was what my gal started with last time also.
jus for ur info on the claims from goodwood park, if the case is very serious such as one of the mummies was admitted to hospital, can ask for claims on the medical bill and dining bill
anyone of u interested to buy stuff from birthday direct or bought from the site before? How about holding a spree on that to get the items we want for our bb birthday celebration? I have nt tried ordering fr that site, if anyone here hv order before, how abt organising for sep mummies?
Hi Mummies

RE: Toilet training

My MIL has been diligently training my boy to pee into a chicken essense bottle when sshhed to
The way she started was to sshh him just after he wakes up cos' you know lar, we always have the urge to go toilet after waking. After a while he got the idea and is able to pee on cue fairly often

It has been very useful especially after his UTI. We use this method to check Caelen's urine for cloudiness.

But this brought me another worry. For the last week, his urine was cloudy once a day for 3 of the days. He doesn't have any of the other symptoms of UTI though - no fever, blood, pain when urinating etc. And it only happens once a day and not everyday too. Is it anything to worry about?
Hi peapod..
Maybe bcos of the food that he ate & drink that day, that causes the cloudy urine... I think as long as he doesnt have the symptoms of UTI, then shd be fine..
Hi blue..

They started by slowly pushing their body forward... then they will know how to crawl...

Usually, we have to put Edison on stomach for him to crawl... but yesterday, he turned himself from his sitting position to crawling position.. Dunno how he manage to lie his body on the floor and push his legs backward to crawl... I have to witness it myself this weekend...

Now, Edison is at MIL's house... MIL seems to be able to discover his new 'ability' earlier than me...

hehe... wat a fruitful morning it had been for me and sarah...
we got passport and BECO!!!

re: passport collection
I reached ICA at 9.30 am and got sarah's passport at 10.10. not bad lah the crowd this time round.

re: beco
After ICA, we head down to Plaza Sing, just me and sarah. Then mummy had breakfast at mac.haha... we then met totoro to collect BECO!! woo hoo!...i got the pony express..will try it later at night.
