(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

gingerleaf & arisz,
Hope ur bb get well soon.

U really look very slim when we meet up few weeks ago in expo. Long time didn't meet up with magoo liao & i believe she also slim down a lot.

So heartpain to see Caelen's swollen eye. Lucky nothing serious & dun worry he'll get well soon take care.

Peapod.. so sad to see caelen with his swollen eyes yes indeed see liao very heartpain really... hope he gets well soon and that the swelling would go off soon!

Charlene also wriggle like a worm now and try to push us away when we carry her thus really must be very very careful when carrying them they are at the stage of cannot sit and stand still buay si diam stage now ...
ben just went for his 6 month check (tho he is 6.5 months) and he is 9.34kg! LOL. 70cm! scary!
he is currently trying hard to lift his bum off the floor when facing down. he tries so hard. LOL

atinarin, now every assembly, my school will remind pupils of good personal hygiene. hee...
hi Julia,
just to share, my girl is having 1x cereal, 1x porridge with vege and 4-5x ebm (total of 800-900ml of ebm) a day. How abt yours
BTMum: Kids are very tough to teach hygiene to la...even after using the washroom they dont wash their hands, if they do, its without soap...no point washing already...

if i bring my class down for recess, i always make them wash hands with soap, and i wait and watch, before letting them go.
BTMum, haha I know what you meant ... lifting up the bum but cannot move ... haha ... very familiar sight!
Wow, ben's gonna be huge! Jordan was just 8.84 kg at 6 months ... but he was 72 cm then lah. Don't know how tall is he now though ...
hi corrine,

thanks for sharing.. your porridge with veg is what kind of porridge?

im quite lost at feeding her u knoe, till today its like the 5th week ald and i've introduce to her different types of brown rice, rice cereals. As for fruits, apple and pear no veg so far.

her solid nw is abt 1oz of fruit in the noon and 2oz of either rice or brown rice cereal.. the rest of the day is breast feed..issit enuff?
i controlled ben's intake like nobody's business leh! still he jumped 2 percentile. LOL. no choice la. i weighed him at 6 months exactly, was 8.8kg. now 6.5kg mah...sure heavier lo. =P *bluff myself* HAHA

atinarin, no use la. i have ESSS to buy sanitisers for the teachers. not sure if No 1 will approve. *cross fingers & toes*
BTmum:Buy for yourself, dotn wait for ESSS...probably wont be approved right? I was ESSS coordinator for quite a while...really depends on your P and pple in the com.
i din ESSS the usual way. hee. i just told the HE coordinator and he said he would ask 1. hahahahahaha

must go buy....
i use the normal white rice that we use to cook rice to cook porridge for her but i will soak it for 1/2 hr first before cooking so the porridge will take a shorter time to be cook then i sieve it into a puree form then add steam vege (sieve too) and my girl loves it
she can finish 3/4 bowl of the pigeon bowl and ask for more

For rice cereal i gave her healthy times brown rice cereal but she dont really like it

Well, according to my pd as long as the baby is still putting on weight (but after 6mth weight gain will be slower) n happy then its ok

just give her some time n she will slowly eat more and your girl is still well fed by the breastmilk so dont worry
peapod, the photo breaks my heart
hope caelen is doing fine, babies have this charming way of being cheeky even though they are sick or injure themselves..

i made a baby cry just now, was in the lift at bugis junction with hb after collect diapers from phoebe with a couple and their chubby baby, made small talk and realised baby is born in oct07. so said hi to the baby, coo a bit and then she wailed out loud like i pinched her blueblack
i think i look like a monster after work that's why she cried ha!
Hi <font color="0000ff">corrine</font>,
Welcome to the thread. =p I think Julia is new too right?? welcome too.

Corrine, do you want both the sizes for the cards? Do let me know thks
all mummies... i have a suggestion....should we organise a 2nd baby clothing/toy sale OR exchange day?

I have a lot of clothes, Ayden cant wear.. he either wore it once or never!

just a suggestion :p
Mummies keen in blank flash cards.
1) Phoebe orders taken {dots}
2) Madlynette (dots share with florence)
3) Fau orders taken (dots)
4) Florence (dots share with madlynette)
5) BenMum orders taken {dots}
6) Yoki orders taken {dots}
7) totoro_bb orders taken {Dots}
8) Bena orders taken {dots}
9) Strawberrymum
10) Funny76 order taken, 2 sizes,{dots}
11) Baby Doll (dots)
12) Vone orders taken (Dots????)
13) rxsti {dots} pls
14) Corinne orders taken (dots)
mummies above, i am placing orders for the cards already.
1) 6' x 22'
2) 11' x 11'

Collection at town:
1) Bugis junction (delivery location)
2) North east mummies can meet me at SK or PG
3) If you gt some other town location can let me know i try to arrange
peapod, i feels so heartpain when looking at the pic. many times theo oso likes to throw back and i hv to grab him so hard. he's getting very 'rebellious' now, always twist and turn the body when we carry him and try to break away fr us. hope caelen is OK now. Any follow-up with the doc?? Caelen still looks so cheerful fr the pic, guess he forgotten the pain fr the fall

i dun noe what is the english name for the fish. In cantonese, we call it Ma Yeow Yu. many people used to cook with porridge for children. I read some where that fish is under the allegy list hence nid to introduce at a later stage. So nt very happy when i see theo start taking it. Any mummy giving fish yet?
hi star07,
i gave sarah bits of steamed salmon and tuna. But now, i refrain. Cos, I read somewhere that the fish meat will encourage some kind of worms to grow in the stomach/intestine if introduced too early. something like tat. =P
I didn't know babies cannot take fish leh ... Jordan has already started on porridge which is cooked with pork and "ngor her" (think it's threadfin fillet).
atinarin, BTMum,
both of you talking abt ESSS and P @ No. 1 and com members.. really reminds me of the good old times I spent my 3 years stint back in a school in the East. I was their Admin Exec! hehe, also known as P's private sec. muahahaha. Anyway, I think I prefer working with a male P, rather than a Female. Don't get me wrong, its just tat, Female Ps tend to be very fussy. Always go into those unnecessary nitty-gritty details. =P
corrine, julia,
welcome to the thread!
I am sure u will learn much from the rest of us. I know I do. =)

RE: intro solid food.
It really depends on your idea of "intro solid food" to baby. Some mummies here feed solid food as a meal replacement or compliments their bbs meal. Some only to get bb used to the idea of chewing for jaw&amp;speech devt. I think its best if you see how your baby reacts. If baby is ok with the current amt of food and milk, you can leave it as that. Not so good to overfeed bb. And every bb is unique, some faster development than others. So don't freak out if your bb isn't taking as much as others.
yes i want both the sizes for the card thks. pls let me know if you need to collect the payment

thks...i will come to this thread very often
Hi all

rxsti - HT has both Oatmeal and Multigrain, I guess yours is the Multigrain which is good if yr baby can take it. Recommended to try 1 new cereal at a time to eliminate any allergies.

vone - thanks, I will prob get oatmeal first.

Julia - you can add vege to yr baby's diet. Try sweet potato (jap kind), it's soft and sweet and baby will love it. Also try "heng cai"-chinese spinach which is soft and no vege taste. Other vege to try include carrots, pumpkin and peas.

My gal is currently eating HT brown rice and I noticed that her stooling has become more infrequent. Last wk, she did not poo poo for 4 days. I was wondering whether it was due to the brown rice which I just intro last wk. B4 that she was eating Organix white rice cereal. Will oatmeal help her stooling to be more frequent? I know barley cereal will help. Prefer oatmeal as it is more nutritious.
Hi Phoebe, JustMe..
Thanks! Ya, im very new posting and i hope i can log in often.

Cheer Bear,
Thanks for your advise. I'll try add veg into my baby's meal. =)

For the past weeks of Si Sen brown rice, Bellamy Organic Baby porridge, Nestle brown rice, my baby's poo is all good. She pooed everyday until last week when she ate Bellamy Organic baby rice, she start to constipate. Seems like she need so much energy to poo. I have switched back to Si Sen today hopefully can clear her constipation soon.

Maybe you can try to put baby Jordan on tummy, this is good exercise to train the baby to proceed to crawling stage.
Good morning to all

Hi Julia,cheerbear
my girl did had constipation when we started her on the porridge so my pd ask me to give her fruits like banana and papaya and i oso change her cereal to HT barley cereal... oh i really helps now she poo like 3-4 times a day...*faint* but luckly its normal stools.i just started her on oatmeal cereal too n her stools is ok
Hi peapod..
Oh, poor darling Caelen... I feel so heartpain too... I hope the pain is not that bad... If I were you, I will be super mad at my HB... You can remain calm and understanding, you r indeed a good wife...
The bruises will go away soon.. Dun worrie... Most importantly, Caelen is can remain cheerful after the incident...

If the same thing happen to Edison, my HB will surely get scolding from his parents too.. Its normal...
Talking about porridge, I spent 2 hours in the kitchen trying to make a delicious porridge for my boy last Sunday... But it turned out to be a complete FAILURE! Arghhhh! My boy didnt want to eat it, I was so discouraged....
Hi Star07, thanks for the income tax filing reminder. Yes, this is the first YA that we can claim Child relief, working mother child relief, caregiver child relief.

About Ma Yao Yu, I am not very sure, but I read from the book that fish normally recommended around 10 to 12 months. But it is also depends on individual, what you need to do is just monitoring your baby for a few days, better don’t introduce any new food, so that your can see whether baby allergy to fish or not.
hope your bb is feeling better now, that looks like a really bad fall. poor boi.

did you receive the order for blank cards i emailed you, but you never confirm leh.
hi cheerbear, i intro HT barley cereal and oatmeal cereal to my son but notice he will have constipation and hard stool. Not sure why...but for normal rice cereal, he is ok.

Mummies, fyi there's 2 types of Ngor Yu (Threadfin fish)in the market. The better one is Malai Ngor, so if you go market, check with the fish seller if they have that. (Hee, my parents sell fish &amp; seafood in the market so I can advice you.)
Caelen is really a strong n cheerful baby! I was shocked to his eye swollen like that but his smile is just priceless. Babies are their age now are very prone to accidents, just have to try to be more alert where we place them and when we are carrying them. Heehee...Faith already knocked her head a few times on the floor but shes alright lah.
hi Emily,
don't be discourage, maybe your boy not used to the taste yet maybe you can add some sweet taste vege. You really got the patience ... you r a good mummy.Me do short cut haha soak the rice first can cook faster only takes 1 hr max.
re: feeding cereals
checked with my pd. she says once we are giving bb more solids, have to introduce more water in their diet, unless bb is still drinking the same amount of milk. bb will need about the amount of water (in milk) daily. so if u are converting some of the milk feeds to solids, have to give 1-2 oz of water per time to replace the water in the milk.

hmm...was scrolling back the thread. realised that bena has been out of action for quite some time. anyone knows what happened to her?

blueskye, shirley, think our bb are just too heavy on the bottom liao! hahahahahahaa. saw him today trying hard to lift his butt up! then he eh eh eh! so funny! hahahahahahaha
re:feeding cereals
ya BTMum is right got to give them some water. my girl will need to tale a few slip of water after every 6-7 spoons of cereal or else she will stop eating. Evensince i start giving her water i notice her urine not so yellowish like before.
re feeding cereals: how much tbp of cereal will replace 1 milk feed...?

dont want to overfeed my boy.. and gosh.. 1-2 oz of water per day... very hard but will try...

Oh my god! Calen sure is a strong boy. Like what everyone says, he's still smiling. You must be SSSooo heartpain.

no worries. I encountered so many times when my boy refuses the porridge which I spent so many hrs cooking. My mum told me to put off introducing ist cos actually the porridge with just carrot or pumpkin is not tasty at all. Fish is better but I only want to introduce fish n meat to my boy later.

My boy also cannot crawl yet. He's already 7.1 mths old. keke.
re: fish for babies
how about ikan bilis? i'm not sure how ikan bilis is prepared but they do taste rather salty as it is right? anyone fed their babies ikan bilis? i'm planning not to feed dahlia any red meat, so hoping to start on either chicken or fish, but also not sure which fish..
JustME: Oh so u were an Admin manager huh...then u know la the workings of a school...

BTMum: Yes i was also wondering where BEna has gone to that's why i was also asking but no replies leh...
Hi atinarin..
Bena is busy wor.. I saw her at MSN last week..

Hi Fau..
I think ikan bilis is salty, so I'm not feeding my boy with it yet.. At this point, I think only chicken and fish..

Btw, my FIL wanted to give my boy HD ice-cream last weekend, I almost fainted!

Hi Miraclecraz &amp; corrine..
Thanks for your encougement. I will try again. I used chicken breast to make chicken stock. Then used the chicken stock to boil porridge with carrot &amp; tomato.. Dunno why it doesnt taste good... I think the texture is also not fine enough... I will grind the rice before I cook the porridge, so that it will become smoother....
same sentiments about ikan bilis. Wondering what kind of meat to intro baby to first, fish or chicken. For porridge I think even after slowcooking I will still blend the porridge into a smoother form.

Ice cream! So scary wor..
hi peapod
Oh dear...i see liao so heartpain..let alone you..hope Caelen gets well soon..

hi blueskye/BT Mum
wah both your boys SOOOOO solid! Yan's weight still climbing up like a tortoise leh..haha

My PD asked us to introduce fish later than the rest...we just started Yan on fish last week when she turns 7 months. Before that, she already taken other meat
