(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hi JustMe/Tequilapop

I'm also thinking of introducing HT organic barley cereal or oatmeal cereal. Read somewhere that we shld start oatmeal after rice cereal. Hv yr babies taken oatmeal yet?

RE: #4 Avent teats

Any mummies looking for #4 teats? i went to baby kingdom yesterday and happen to see it there. i bought 1 pair @ $6. they have plenty of stock... go get it cos i tried to get from town dept store but they always dont have stock.
A shop in AMK central has the Avent teats as well but i think i paid $4.90 for them.

Unfortunately, my girl cant drink with that.

In any case, the shop is opposite the polyclinic.
Brought lyn to see PD today. It was so crowded at the SBCC! Seems like many babies down with the viral stomach flu thingy. PD told us she got slight ezcema, so just gotta apply the cream he gave us on her stomach and other areas thats affected by it. Poor gal, inherited daddy's skin.
Hope your girl's feeling better, shes not affected by the stomach flu too? I'm more worried abt HFMD...its so widespread recently, my girl's infant care already has 10 cases if i remember correctly/
mummyhan, hope aralyn gets better soon
you take care also hor.

lina, how was your visit to the MOTHER of all mothercares? what was the damage? hehe!

siti, you also tasted the biscuits? your msn not working ah!?
mag: u really getting a beco? ha.. actually ur resistance already quite good lah .. i already got hooked last week already.. u lasted longer!
sorry, my msn is working well, but i keep on hibernating my laptop. rushed much work at home today, while sarah sleeps.
Oh, and yeah, i tried the biscuits. my hubby said, we must try the food before giving our sarah. so there.

cheer bear,
I am thinking of giving sarah barley cereal. She's taking heinz first cereal well, so barley would be my next purchase.

hv u file for income tax?? tomr is the deadline U noe? Also, this will be our 1st year to claim for Child relief. ; )

mummies who feed bb porridge, hv u given Ma Yao Yu (cantonese pronunciation) oredi???? today IL put Ma Yao Yu inside the porridge and i'm not very happy cos i thk fish can oni be introduce later. Correct????
i want to get more leggings for sarah. only got some today. I got BabyLegs. I saw this brand Dittany Skidpants. WOnder if you ladies have any comments on leggings and the various brands available. Like the price, quality...
hope lyn gets better soon. poor ger!

actualy i control quite good hehe, they are still putting things together at the MOTHER, didnt buy anything just a hat that matches one of myra sweater, myra got too many stuff already i think, waiting for her to outgrow, since the shop so big they got more stock than the other branches lor, they got a lot of strollers, i think all the macleren they have, volo, quest, etc. so far i never been to bb hypermart and bb kingdom at kaki bukit so cant compare.
lina, wah wah.. make me salivate. i should go when i'm at my most 'broke-est', so wont spend lots.

siti, i'm a legging fanatic (the tights kind, not the baby legs kind). i like the ones from old navy.. colorful and quirky! i think so far dahlia has close to 10 pairs, from zara, old navy and mothercare :p
HT barley and oatmeal:

I've started both and it taste quite nice ^^ mummies might wanna give it a try if ur babies are taking semi solids well
atinarin: did the dr say that your risks for angio is higher? when i was a nurse, i remembered sending many patients for angio, so far i see all ok leh ... but must really follow the postop instructions lah ... my husb went through it before too. a positive mindset will also help alot in coping with illnesses.. continue to hope and pray ok?
rxsti: jus did the online tracking thing this morning. it says the package left USA on 9th april. by now should be in singapore already right?
hihi mummies,
thanks for all the well wishes. She got no stomach flu, juz went to see pd for her rashes.
Now her stomach n chest all lumpy n bumpy. Not smooth to the touch at all
hi magoo, we haven't meet for quite sometime liao ...maybe when u see me then u tell me slim or not la... but i still not satisfy la, coz my aim is to wear back my old pants.
juz bought my boy to see pd again...his cough still haven't recover, saw lots of babies sick also. So if poosible, try not to bring your babies out recently. A lot of cough and flu bugs flying around!
mummies: mothercare at parkway parade having (almost ) sotrewide sale! from 30-70%!!
esp their sleepsuits gg at 50% off.. i got 1 set for my boy yest.
arisz: hope ur boy will recover well..

gingerleaf: hope lyn eczema will get better too.. im hoping my boy wont get his mummy's skin too.. if not he ll have eczema too!
Hi mummies

Hi gingerleaf and arisz, hope your darlings get better soon.

Aiyoh, Caelen seems to be going KKH very often these few weeks. Last saturday started well. Caelen did his first good crawl in the morning and I was so proud of him

Then we went shopping. I was resting at Starbucks while hubby took him to see some plants outside the shopping centre. After a short while, he brought a screaming baby back to me. Turned out that Caelen fell when hubby was trying to pick something up from floor... he fell from waist level to the hard stone tiles! I was horrified. And he was crying inconsolably for full 20mins.

As Caelen had a head bump and his eye was swollen, we brought him to KKH for x-ray. Luckily no fracture but his eye swelling is BAD. The next day, he couldn't open his eyes at all. Poor thing! I was SOOooo heartpain everytime I see his face. But hubby already feel extremely guilty liao so no heart to scold him also. Hubby has been rushing work till 1 or 2am these 2 weeks and I think his concentration level is down

See? Isn't it heartpain to see him like that? Think Caelen holds the record for the worst fall. Hope none of the babies here will beat him. Phew! At least he still seems cheerful and active after the incident.


50% off meaning how much issit per bag? :D I like mothercare's sleepsuit

flu virus:

oh no.. so many babies sick must be the weather. Poor mummies got to take care of urself as well.

Omg! I feel so heartpain for u and ur hb!!
Must be the poor boy got really excited while daddy brought him to see something and head backwards! I hope he gets well soon!!
is he ok now? did the doctor say he's alright? Will pray for baby caelen
peapod, I know how you feel, my eldest got that kind of swell too when she was 11mth, she fell off the cot onto the floor. The blue black will go off in about 2-3weeks time, dun worry.
Thanks mummies for the concern and prayers

Hi vone, he was trying to squirm and get his toy from the ground (which hubby was picking up). Yar, nowadays Caelen has this very dangerous habit of arching back to look at things! Very scary!

Doctor says to observe but should be ok. I am only more worried about the eye. Hope his sight is not affected.

We tried to put ice yesterday but he doesn't like it much. Hubby says not much use also so we stopped. Does it really help in reducing the bruising?

Sigh, we got big scoldings from the grandmas and the great-grandma too. Actually think babies also will get angry one. Quite funnie, after the fall, Caelen simply refuses to look at his daddy. His daddy tried to make him smile and he will turn his head away. Did it two or three times. But he forgave my hubby soon after lar.
hehe, cute right those leggings. Especially on chubby thighs...i only got this craze recently.
I prefer the leggings to the tight pants sort, cos, easy to change diapers.

ya i agree with u ! Nowadays if jaylen's excited or angry he'll jus flip backwards too. i really hope ur boy get well soon
thanks for sharing!
Im a big fan of mothercare's slpsuit n i just spent 129 yesterday at causeway point on the slpsuits!

If i know, would have went to parkway instead.
poor caelen, even though with that bruise, he isstill adorable. I hope the swell will subside soon.

sarah fell off bed 3 times liao. dunno how she fell. and she did wat caelen did before, to grab remote control and hit her forehead at the edge of glass table.
peapod, sooooooo heartpain !!!!! my heart dropped when see his eye... poor thing. hope he is well and the bruise to go off soon ...
peapod must have cried and felt really helpless at the point of time when she saw caelen. even i feel like tearing when i saw his pic *sigh*
hi Phoebe,
i just came across this thread and would like to order the flashcards as well (if it is still possible). I would like to have both the blank and the dots. thks.

hi all mummies,
i'm a SAHM to a baby girl born on the 19 sept 07. Hope that i'll be able to join in and learn from you guys as i'm a first time mum
thanks ecookie!

aiyoh peapod, i see liao super heartpain for you ah! my boy sick and cough badly i already heart pain...now see your boy like that...poor thing!
merkon: Please share what you know about angio with me...appreciate it...doc says that its delicate so its risky, mine is not to the heart, to the head...its outpatient so only 6hrs cannot move the leg, if all's well, i will be discharged.

Re Babes beingill
I guess its the weather? poor kids, im sure all of us mummies would rather take the fall for them when it comes to this.

Peapod: I'm so happy that Caelen didnt suffer a fracture. He will be fine. God is there to protect babies.
Its true when we are tired our concentration is not there.
My girl, the other day, got immersed in water in the tub cos my mind was just like not functioning right cos of u know what.
Imagine my ehart ache and felt so guilty too!
Lucky hb didnt scold. Luckily u r also understanding towards ur hb.
re mothercare sleepsuits..
one set got 3 pcs. is ard $57 so i got it ard..$28.50

peapod: oh no, hope the swelling will subside soon!
peapod, o no...so heartpain for u. think ur heart bleeds more hor? hope caelen will be okay after this...=>

bb ill
really scared i might get something from school and pass to bb. sighs...have to bathe bathe first b4 picking ben up. better be safe than sorry....
Hi Peapod..
Goodness!! It muz have hurt you so much too, can feel ur heartache! Hope he gets well soon.

Hi mummies..
Care to share what you are feeding your baby now and how many meals a day?
Btmum: thats what i do too...its pretty dirty in schools with so many kids bringing so many viruses...and the worst part is they are sneezing and coughing openly.

Oh dear peapod, that eye swelling looks really bad ... must have been really painful for Caelen and you!

Wow, seems like many of your babies can crawl liao ... Jordan is still stuck! Think his body is too heavy! Weighed him few days back and he's 9.7 kg liao ... OMG!
