(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

ya, ya, 10th May too. So think it's the same bb we are talking about. But I don't really know the wife, only attended the wedding and met her once after that.

AAA, i am always concerned when the boks are translated copies.
I have ordered some of them, and will take a good look at them.
I also ordered the books, xiao dou4 dou4.. it is for me to read.

Dont open the BP again so early, once i am done with my analysis, i will share. then i will buy more again! haha!
QQ: Dang dang allows you to take a peep into the inside of the books. This one looks good, with stickers of words of young children to paste. And I saw the books selling at bookstores here too, but not the sticker version.
I m having a second batch now ler, but orders are very slow, dunno when I ll have 2k to close. When u have analyzed, please share..
I saw the 小豆豆series, good to read for yourself.. I bot quite a bit to read too.
RR: yeah, i think should be the same person, i think she is on my FB.. hahah. yeah quite active in the may thread. i think ash and her arranging to meet each other.. haha

CK, where are u? jean chua just came and ask me how come i know u! hahaha
Alamak AAA< so much chinese words? i am totally lost.. but the book looks nice. isit for our tods age? seem so chim. I can't chinese books one, really CMI!
if I'm not wrong, I think her name is I** L**?
Her hb is one of a twin. He and the brother look exactly alike. :p
Star: The stickers one is ok for their age. The others maybe gog to wait a while. Hey you can go take a look at the inside if the books.. Expand 显示全部图片 in the link, then u can take a look.. There are a lot if books, some have 注音,some are 汉英,and they have math, IQ, logic books from Korea, Japan, US, Germany and other parts of Europe. Haha..
Star: I think the website puts a lot of people off because it s in Chinese.. Otherwise, I m sure more people will be looking through what s available there. the books I m intending to read, the Chinese classics, I bot the ones with colored pictures and with 注音,so I don t hv to check the dictionary every now and then.. Haha.. And these books are cheap, like a dollar+ only.. Not bad right?
oh, so it's the same person we are talking about?
So qiao.

Anyway I think many people come to this forum. I have a few friends that just gave birth and I saw from their FB that they have SMF gatherings too. :p
i checked out some of my books from dang dang.
overall, i am very satisfied with them, except that i dont really like the ANGMOH (translated names) used in the books. they are very difficult to be pronouced and i have to kok-kok my head thinking how to make the sound.
other than that, most of them are nice.
i haven't check out all of them.

as i said, i think besides this 4-5 kuai du, the rest, it will serve as the READERS for ADULTS to kids. We dun expeect kids to read these 100% independently in future too, otherwise they will get frustrated in reading. perhaps these books they can read with our assistances in future when they are older??

the CONTENT of the books are NICE and very feng1 fu4!

So nice parts are :
-CONTENT (with values, etc)

The WORDINGS part - I will say 70% satisfied only.
my books.

- this is not bad, because i like the content. I haven't gone through one by one, but overall i like to teach my kids that...
I got the same set for Star too...

looks cute~ and can encourage our kids to read story books. however content wise i cannot comment yet. i oni browsed through.

i really admire these japanese who came out with the cartoons. it is so interesting! i think it is perfect for ah will for the next few months. tian can read for ah will too next year, probably. but not for tian's age though.

this one is good for ah will.
as for tian, if she is into independent reading, probably it is ok for her. but the wordings, sometimes a bit out of our singapore /malaysia context, as expected.
ah will will like the graphics! and it is hard materials
i think this set is very popular, maybe for older kids say 6-8 yo? i dun like the chim words from angmo translation. i think other than that, these are good books, with full of expressions and content... not bad! but i must read to her then... also can!

i like this! it is dancing, and it has simple VALUES!.
u should get this book.
those kids who like to dance, just get this.. very inspiring!
again, read by adults to them.

i like these too. nice content... and i think will encourage our kids to read in future. but it is for adults to read for them at this stage..

a set of 3 books.
not bad sia... but then i haven't gone into details for the books.
AAA, i think the delivery fees for your contact is really worth it. 20% is v reasonable.
so i can continue to place order with u.
i let u know again ok?
i think we have to go for those at elast 4-5 stars de.
no stars one dun bother to order.

befor eu close, can beep me? i will start surfing this weekend.
i wanna buy comics for my god mum's nephew. he likes comics but his grades are v poor de. both chinese and english. sigh! i see what i can help.

Autum, kaexin,
i remembered u telling me to advise u on what books to buy especially chinese. so give me some time, i think i will highlight ONE set for u to buy. i check out what are GOOD first.

actually i think this 4-5 kuai du, maybe not as good as hanzi 500? or the chinese readers from msia? i am not sure, but i need time to explore this. maybe they compliment each others.
the rest... that i bought.. for myself or for me to explore.. not really meant for tian.

小豆豆 series (2 books i bought)

some for tian, but i yet to explore.
QQ: Thanks for the feedback!

I really LOVE the camila books.. For the names, in our context, it is ok to pronounce them in English lah.. Christopher Columbus, Galilee Galileo, and then the knight in the story, I can't recognise who that is..
And 卡梅拉 is still ok, there are some, which characters I can't even pronounce! Got to check disctionary some more.. So funny. Check the dictionary to learn to pronounce a name. :p

I've read through this. It's good. There's a book that teaches on anger management. I read it to anna and when we're playing, I asked her what to do when someone is angry.. ie walk away, take deep breaths in and out, count to 10 (I added in this myself), and then go running! It's quite useful for me actually.. Hahah..

I will order the dancing books..
QQ: I've read through the methodology of the 四五快读. It is very, very different from the hanzi 500. 四五快读 books come with small flash cards.. I intend to start that with Ayden, cos with him, I can safely assume he has zero chinese recognition ability. :p Set myself a very difficult task to do it diligently with him.. I'll go through with anna as a reinforcement too.
Oh, there's a 升级版 in full colors for this series you know? But I dunno how different this set is from the old one, which I thought is good enough..
QQ: Ok.. I will beep you when I need to close.. Not so soon, cos haven't accumulated enough yet..
I ordered these for myself too.. Can read to them lah, but these are the classics..
《小王子 The Little Price (french classic)
夏洛的网(中英双语精装本) Charlotte's Web
爱心树 The Giving Tree
QQ: How old is your godmum's nephew? The relationship sounds quite chim.. You know this series 喜羊羊与灰太狼? I saw these in local bookstores, they come in comics version too.. Seems quite popular with boys..
QQ: got one set of books for me.. heheh
let me know how much, i pay u back.
i love my hanzi.. very easy to teach but recent week, damn slack.. cos of my preggy state, have not done it with her for a while liao. now will task to daddy to cont.

actually i realised i am more systematic when i teach rae chinese..ae ask me to i am all over the place when we read english books.. so QQ< i am the total opp from u.. u know the Dr Seuss series, we finished all already and gone through so many times, cos rae will ask me to skip pages etc...like how tian is when u do hanzi with her.. maybe cos are and mine mother tongue not as strong as english, thus she never request me to skip nor do i offer to skip, we keep to it and go page by page and chapter by chapter. so boring hor. but got improvement, she can recognise subtitles (some words) when MIL watches the chinese news at 10pm!
AAA, u must divide the amount by 3.. then it is quite worth it le.

Star, tian's chinese is all over the place, but english quite systematic... she started picking Dr seuess after my introduction few days ago. haha! she enjoys it a lot though it is so funny to her . thanks to my ipad with jailbreak. ahha!!

my mil kept telling me dun need to worry about tian, she is ok, can catch up in school de. but actually i din teach much since mil is here cause tian is always distracted and got someone playing with her. so a bit slack too! and papa is not doing anything except playing the zombie game with ipad. alamak.

AAA, the godmum's nephew is P4, i think. but his standard is quite poor according to my godsis. that day i asked him, what he likes. he said comics la. other books not fun one.
i know about this xi yang yang... u have links?
Re: 喜羊羊与灰太狼

They have this cartoon on TV, forgot Sat or Sun morning. Very cute de. I like to watch too, haha!!
QQ: Tian's chinese foundation is strong, exact opp of rae, for rae her chinese foundation not strong, english is stronger as compared and yes the dr seuss book are damn funny, she loves to make me read the Fox in socks (Cos it rhymes and we like to read fast on the tongue twisters..esp the beetle battle part with poodle on noodle.. very funny), her 2nd fav is GReen eggs and ham. I am getting her to eat eggs now and telling her its green eggs. Same as tian, for english, we go all over the place cos i think she has a much stronger foundation in english. For chinese, my foundation not good, so we are very very systematic.. so go slower lor.. haha maybe i should swop with u and i teach tian english and u teach rae english!
U need to try Mr brown can moo.. that one is very interesting too.

rae keep asking me if tian is going for ballet this week, i think she really see her as her perm dancing companion!!!!
I think you got a point with that observation. We do RR's chinese learning all over the place too. Can just jump from 1 thing to another anyhow.
But English more systematic, will follow books page by page.
Star, QQ, RR: Actually... Whether we want to be systematic or not, is up to us.. Just that if we do it systematically, we get more comfort in that I've covered the groundworks.. At least this is how I feel..
To go systematically, for Chinese, there are different teaching guide.. 四五快读, hanzi, etc..
For English, we start with sight words and Phonics..
And while going about systematically, we can also do random things like reading books, conversation, etc etc.. But doing it systematically, as I mentioned, is to give comfort that all the foundation is laid properly..

Star: Let me go search the links for you. I bought some 宝宝自己读 series.. Heheh..

RR: I didn't know the series is shown on tv. They sell DVDs on 喜羊羊与灰太狼 too. I bought! Cos I want to get them interested first in the characters, then to do the reading.. And in the same manner, I bot the Pocoyo books. Cos Ayden likes Pocoyo, and he thinks he's pocoyo sometimes.. Hahah..
AAA, the kids hor, they feel bored with systematic approach most of the time but the system might still drag a bit before proceeding to the next level. something like that. so... if we seethat then we can skip a bit a nd move on.
however, if we are not the person teaching them, then jialat liao. cause some hb, mil, etc etc dunno that they can skip a bit and proceed and they dunno where to skip.

my ah jay is totally lost on what i have been doing with tian. he only said... i have been doing a good job so he cannot match that. so he is not doing anything to destroy my system.
i target to teach tian 2-3 new words a day. see how la.
we have stopped hanzi 500 for a while, trying to complete the reader book 7-8 this month. then see how.

english wise, we are still not doing anything after peter and jane book 2B. stuck at 3A for the longest time . haha
QQ: It's ok.. Better to overdo, than under-do.. I'm KS.. Anna may be doing Berries and ICR, but at home, I'm stil doing phonics with her.. I've finally found a phonics set which I like.. Am going through with her on my own.. She's able to read (both chinese and english) pretty well ler I must say.. It's Ayden I should be concered of.. For him, I'm starting at 2-alphabets blending.. And for chinese, I'll work on the 四五快读.

I feel a good foundation is very impt..

Ok, I better go..
so in a way it's like we get more comfort in going thru the "not-so-strong" language in a systematically way.

I think what QQ and Starfruit meant are when we are going thru a stronger language, we feel more in control, more confidence so will just teach randomly instead of step by step.
RR, the explanation is good. I think we are like that. Chinese is more in control for tian.

AAA, tian cannot read much yet, just some simple words. Her exposure is so so. I think she picks up her engsh from school. Chi from me. Better this way also.

Ks? I ask hb is I am is, he said no. Cause he said I anyhow de, not consistent, just do it on and off ONI, since march we have been so slack. And we started our reading pplan ONI in feb??? Haha!!! Lazy la.
RR: Yah.. It also depends on the teacher's character (ie the parent who's doing the coaching) and the kid's progress/attitude. Got to be flexible..

QQ: It's only natural to 望子成龙, 望女成凤, I feel whether a parent is KS or not, this can only be a self-reflection, others can't judge.

As for Berries, er.. I didn't attend any other chinese enrichment wor, so let me compare Berries and ICR. I will let Ayden attend Berries next year, or maybe later this year if he can go without any naps consistently, but I won't let him start on ICR so soon.
The berries class is quite fun. Like the other day, the lesson was on 折衣服, and they did origami folding in class, anna brought home the folded shirt, and another time, she brought home a 袜子蛇, snake sock. So I find, it's ok for this age before P1 lah.. When they start P1, then may need to evaluate again. But the class is very long, it's 1hr 45min.. So some children may not be able to sit through.. I think ayden will just sleep in class.. Hahah!!

For ICR, I'm only keen on the actual ICR programme. And I think ON AVERAGE, if a child starts at an older age, he/she could have gone straight into the actual programme, without having to attend the ICR Preliminary. But I'm still debating the usefulness of ICR P, so my analysis is not completed yet..
And.... Just out of the blue... Ayden has started pronoucing his "Ger" sound accurately! Ah-gong and gu-gu are both accurate, and Anna is a girl (finally), and not a "der".. Hahahha!!!

I'm surprised by their developments..
yeah i also hope my ah boy and girl can be dragon and phoenix la. but my butt is not as consistent.
u see, today we discuss about this topic, then reach home and read her the story book of ballerina le. not a bad thing to encourage each others. at least when we discuss, i can move my butt a bit.

SQ, YE is lucky cause her nainai and ye ye also read to her.
i think u need to focus more on yhui if u want.

today tian was distracted many times and cannot concentrate. it is either too many ppl at home, nai nai kept talking, or didi disturbing. now i know why tian cannot concentrate when i read to her. sigh!
so we closed door and ok le. the house is full of distractions.
SQ, and yes.. i am having a headache.. almost want to pengsan.
i feel like i am being watched for my action .. whatever i bring out, take out, bring in, whatver i do, there are ppl looking at me.. and the question will come. what is this? where did u buy it"? how much?

AAA, berries sounds good. tian's classmate is attending this berries because the mum told me they dont speak chinese at home. berries teaches her boy complete sentences rather than single words like us.. all broken de.
SQ, short while nia. ok la..

i like this ipad v much. dr seuss book v good in ipad version. so it compliments my books la. i cannot read those books until so sheng1 dong4. but ipad can.
not bad not bad. tian enjoyed it just now, and when didi made noise, i have to leave tian alone, so she can still continue and play with it.

QQ let me boast a bit, next time if got chance i read to tian lah the dr seuss!! Haha i think i read very well better than the ipad, rae wanted the app i yold her no need mama can read better... So thick skin hor.. N 不要脸!
