(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

bbmarch: sale for members on 27/4, 28/4-1/5 for public. at kallang leisure park

if anyone going, pls let me know cos i want to get an electronic keyboard

autum, nobody will adopt my system because it might not work in the long term. but i am seeking a short term solution nia... hope it doesn't backfire.
Ash, kallang is too far for me.
something eerie happened last ngt.

bian K.O at 9.30pm cos he did not nap the whole day. I went over to cover him wif blanket then felt his body was hot. took his temp and it was 38.6, high fever wor. i did not wake him up or sponge him. i left the room and closed the door.

An hr later, he woke up crying...sat besides the bed and just cried. i sayang and pat pat him. but he refused to stop...then as i sayang him...he became angrier and kept shouting words that i dont understd!! Sounded like malay...or other foreign lang. weird. i carried him up and brought him to my room. Then i on the lights to wake him up...he opened his eyes slowly then pointed to my toilet and just keep shouting. i got worried and shouted back at him..then he calm down and told me sadly that didi took his balloon. Whr on earth is there a balloon?? i was wondering....

Then i brought bian out to the LVR and gave him some water...he told me he wanna pee..so i assumed he is awake le and gave him paracetamol since he was still hot. afterdat brought him back to my room and let him slp on my bed. He looked ard my room before he closed his eyes. i lied besides him then dozed off...it was just past 11pm. awhile later, bian cried waking up again. This time i made him sit up straight..the same thing happened, he was angry and keep shouting in those funny lang. I tried talking to him and said things to calm him down. chk my ph and it was alrdy 12am...i got a wet towel and sponge bian's forehead..sayang him then he went bac to slp.

not sure if this relates to any spiritual or if bian jus had a nitemare. the same thing actually happened last fri nite so im feeling rather uneasy abt it. i told hb last ngt when he rch hm at 12.30. he din comment much cos he was more concerned abt bian's fever.

Bian looks ok this morn. doubt he wil rmbr wad happened last ngt. hope everything wil be fine tonite.
morning mummies..

dunno what happened, rae came down with fever this am. hope its not HMFD.

so busy at work this week but so happy its another long weekend.
it sounds so eerie ... How long have you been staying in this house? You don't feel anything prior to this, right?
irin, same sentimentals..we shifted in coming to abt 1 1/2yrs. i dun feel anything when we 1st shift in and probably i alys tell myself not to imagine too much over such spiritual encounters...
BB, dun worry, its just nightmare, dun over imagine. esp when he is having fever, they may hallucinate.

Rae talks in her sleep too, almost every other night. One night, she sat up waving bye bye with her eyes close.. heheh quite cute leh. i seriously dun think its anything to do with any spiritual stuff. just my opinion.
BB, rae mumbles in her sleep too and most time i also cant tell what she is talking about.. cos diction not clear.

Hope its just viral fever, need to call hb up and see what doc say about her fever. JUst came up all of a sudden,.
hmmm...star, i got wad u mean. kids tend to 'han bin' if they played too much during the day. but bian's behavoir last ngt got me worried as he seems v v angry.
1.5yrs quite long le. Don't think it's anything that sort since you don't feel anything.

Was he agitated at play during the daytime yesterday?
I also think could be nightmare. Maybe you check with him see if he was angry with anything/anyone yesterday.
bb: most of the time when i check with Rae in the morning, she wont remember her dreams lah.
i think its a case of bad dreams lah. what did he do in the day? but then sometimes nothing exciting happen, but rae still have bad dreams.
Bb march, do u hv any religion? Or any temple that u always go to? (u r not a church goer rite?) if so, just bring bian go pray bah.. Whether or not it's anything spiritual, just for a peace of mind.
BBmar: Sounds eerie indeed. Hey, if the fever is so high, I would have woken him up to take a bath, or at least inserted a supp leh..
Did you bring him to any "spiritual" places recently? Hmm... And Ah Bian has come across as an even-tempered, well adjusted child to me, very unike him to get angry over nothing..
edde, wil bring him go temple and pray tis weekend.

AAA, bian do han bian by waking up crying. but usually he just cried and wont shout then after we sayang him, he will guai guai go bac to slp. like i mentioned to star & irin, im more concerned tis time cos it happened 2 times within few daz..and bian was so angry shouting and pointing.

do u gals believe in spirits who are trapped in soft toys huh?? all these had happened aft i got him the angry bird plush...ok ok i shant comment further else makes me sound like a crazy and supersitious mummy.
no lah, no one thinks you are crazy. You should be concerned with your kids behaving differently mah.

If you think it's the angry bird, then maybe can keep away for few nights and see how?
Sudd I see Irin's post n realize the association:
Angry bird ---- angry bian?

Aiyo Bbmar, btr dun thk le
U dun let him bring to bed then see how these two nights
BB, think it's nightmare. D always gets that when he plays too wildly in the night. Can't wake him up and sth just want to bring him to the toilet and pour cold water over him (like those TV shows). Even when awake, they prob still think they're still dreaming so the line is not clear.
AAA, i dun think he wil think of himself as the angry bird. he loves the angry bird so much he's bringing the plush ard. we bought it on fri noon and he brought it out on sat & sun outings. even yday he oso brought it down to mil's plc then brought it home when we fetched him.

SQ, yes i tot of keeping the angry bird away...wil monitor these few nites.

Tks mummies...feel much beta after sharing wif u gals.
BBMar: The angry bird plush is like the iphone game we play right? If so, that's quite cute wor.. Sometimes my kids will imagine they are certain characters and role play..

SQ: I dunno.. Just checking with BBMar.. Sometimes Anna will tell me her dreams.. Hahha..
here's the angry bird plush.


the angry bird is v cute indeed. i even wanted to get the black one for myself...think i drop the idea for now.
Ash: Yah! Anna thinks she's the mummy and meimei is her baby! Ayden will imagine he's some train, maybe thomas? and keeps on going "choo choo, choo choo" and asking me if he shd turn left or right.. Very irritating actually.. :p
BBMaar: Looks angry enough.. Maybe Ah bian is really just role playing.. Don't worry so much.. Keep this toy away for a while or I think this will go away after the novelty (of this new toy) wears off..
AAA: A will also tell me didi is his baby and keep asking how come didi not coming out yet

bbmarch: where did u get this? got sound? so cute!
BB: surprised a boy can be so attached to a soft toy. his mind may be over stimulated by too much angry birds lah. maybe u keep him away from playing angry birds for a few days and see if it improves.

Saw ur post on “spirits who are trapped in soft toys"
My hair stand
My kid’s room full with soft toys
All are my collections for years
And they all sitting on the book shelf facing their bed :p

U reminded me years back
My sis got a Garfield plush from her friend
One day my aunty (who is expert in spiritual things)
Come my house and saw the plush
Immediately she ask to throw it away as she saw something on it

But then this is coz it pass to my sis by her friend
Don’t know where the plush from
And don’t know did her friend did something
If u bought this angry bird and it new
I don’t think anything do with it

If u really afraid
Bring the plush to the temple with bian to pray
Just to ease ur mind

I used to explain to Elisha abt how I gave birth to her
She always tell me she want to give birth to didi
She want to breast feed didi
Didi is her baby
Yesterday she ask me to put didi in her tummy
