(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

how about your pix? how was Chloe in Club Med? hubby and i still wonder whether we can cope if bring leia along in our future trips.

if u prefer next to MRT, GUG is a better choice.

the difference btw forum and evans is the outdoor play. during our trial at forum, the kids get to play the toys at the long corridor, at evans its open space, and on alternate week, they have water play. must wear aquadiaper.

the 2nd thing is the chinese session. I havent attend GUG tod class so cant compare. but i find the story telling very drama rama and kids seem to love it. conducted by 2 china teachers.

the teachers we had today are pretty young, but very lively. The main teacher's name is Shafina.

the colour theme for this week is Green. so the teachers asked the kids to look around for colour of the week...and a few kids ran forward to grab that pc of green paper. i like this kind of interactivity...but i have yet to attend GUG tod class...so i wont know.

music time, kids were dancing and enjoying themselves, imitating the teachers' action..maybe they are older....

art & craft, we painted tortoise green with a mini roller on a tray of green paint....

the corridor is not as narrow, and u wont see many kids crowding around.

Evans road is at the end of Botanic Garden, its right beside the prata shop but 1 -ve pt, i find it tough to park there. must insert cash card on a slope. carpark fee was $4+ for short 2hrs :p

some people may find the 1st 20mins of warming up session and snacktime a waste of time but i feel its ok..

it's worth a trial.

your trip seems fun!!
Wanna ask a silly question, how you put the arm floats on Chloe? We got 2 sets of those at Batam and they refused to let us put on their arms. Me and hubby ended up putting them on our arms instead. :p
Evans road is near to botanic garden. It's near to the roti prata at evans lodge bah. think pinkpink can give u clearer pic.
how come one adult free? is this the standard package (ie $1.4k for 2) or this is a promo? my water retention is strangely ok liao. but then past few days i had bad instestinal-upset.. so maybe one thing exchange for another? haha.. but i also feel better now after i take yoghurt drink.. i addicted to this yoghurt drink (from Nestle).

now i think all vege-caps cos last time the gelatin got some animal fats in it, so those vegetarians cannot take.
really!! wah, so loud!

western style pickles. i jus pour hot water into my jar and pour out.. u MIA lah, i also made my own tomato sauce last mth.. heee.

yes, i like sour stuff, like pickles, archa
wah..looks so fun leh!! hee.. n i love chloe n her frowning buay song look!! keke... wo xi huan!!! =*

ur lss came in a big box?!! siao liao... i hope vpost dun charge me too much!!! :S
oh. autum. i see.
i took both last time.

pax, u really steady. i am slowly drifting to not cooking so much. i am too lazy to wash. siong for me. my hands and fingers not as smooth as before le.

pink, yalor. the location wise, still good for GUG. i cannot drive tian out alone, without anyone int he car. stress.. with my skills, better not. i take mrt or cab to GUG.

got food court too. and can shop after class too
belle: ur package not too ex leh. recently i checked the prices and it was like 3k for 2 adults!

chloe looks like big ger liao!
hmm like i told star, chloe needs some taming la esp at meal times. 1st 2 days she ate very well, poo 3x! then last 2 days very notti, only depended on cheese & banana & milk..refuse to eat rice etc..only wants hard stuff like crackers, biscuits le..most times we take turns to take care of her, if u go with mr tan, just ensure he can help u out lor..eg watch over leia while u go get food for her..but hor if u really wanna go best to go with some close frns? so they can help u jagar leia awhile...if not hor..cannot totally enjoy le...

dun hv much pics of me haha cos most times i m the photographer..

see me & my sister..she is so slim hor ..

me & nephew

eh...hee not silly la..urm duno le..she never resists all along..we would ask her U WANNA GO SWIMMING? she will nod her head..she doesnt really know how to say YES yet.

i guess promo ba...i got it during the recent natas UOB promo. i went there before a few years back i think i paid abt close to $800+ le..& that was 3day 2 nights!!!

how long ago was that? hmmm 3k for how many days?

u love or seth love ? :p
aiya my girl hor..mkt uncle calls her HAO LIAN! cos everytime he wanna play with her, she will bo hiew him :p she got alot of buay song pics..i never post only hahahah u go see in facebook i upload most inside liao
arrh? alike meh? i go shpg with her the staff tot its MY FRIEND or MY COLLEAGUE :p

she is one yr older than me..& yes i m the FATTER one hahahah..

shucks i think i got rash le..at the sides of my body..getting itchier..i hate my skin waste money on doc everytime! Grrr...
then she'll let you put the arm floats on her ah? RR let us put the neck floats on them but when I tried to put the arm floats, they'll fuss and run away.
ya blurbelle
u and ur sis look alike...
hmm...actually thinking of going goldcoast, before leia turns 2, cheaper airfare mah...but but...i think difficult...:p
i feel hungry.. cham.. but then i have been very lazy to eat recently. my weight gain has stopped.. which is also good la.. so EV won't become too big.
ya..she will let us put for her..she will also carry her own arm floats..hmm only thing i realise if her swim wear not totally dry..she refuse to get inside :p urmm maybe u try put the arm floats first ? see if RR resists? me & my stupid method..haha try ? maybe they dun like too many things make them uncomfy?

i think me n younger sis look more alike..with eld sis hmm i still dun think so. how much to go goldcoast now? u ask ur gang to go with u guys la.. can bring her go brisbane movie world leia would be fascinated all the loooney tunes characters!

lazy to eat?? i wish i m like this haha
i like means seth likes... his taste is tuned by me wan! woahaha... agree u n ur sis look alike! but u r prettier! ;D

goldcoast must go now!! the temperature is just right now... cool n warm.. but not too hot nor too cold kind. best for beach fun!
wha my LSS stella very nice leh... i love the feel of the fabric... so soft and its trimmed with this beige patent material.. nice.. i think i have a pair of heels in the same matching patent beige.. heheh. the luggage is pack in this stella clear plstic draw string bag..and then in this big box. the bag weights 9kg leh.
A likes cars? wah..typical boy ..does he play masak masak? my nephew does too le.. he is obsessed with TT

wah..ur home made food help tune seth?? haha
hmmmm maybe not till got another promo :p or when chloe is older to go to petit club haha..cos i wanna dance with hubby n not carry her slung on my hips!!

i wanna go states or farm stay next time..but no $$$ after hse reno next year..
nice SQ

belle: my print i sposh same as urs.. but the bag was bigger than i imagine, lucky never get the 26".. this is the size of a small luggage man
nice SQ

belle: my print i sposh same as urs.. but the bag was bigger than i imagine, lucky never get the 26".. this is the size of a small luggage man
belle: think i will plan club med only when A is bigger lor. i bot a small cooking set fr those masak shop & mil says those toys r for gers
no lah, I mean they used to let us put the neck floats on them. But when we tried with the arm floats, it was without the neck floats. They'll simply refused so we just let them into the water without any floats at Batam.
Carol: children below 7 not allowed to watch the F1 (stated on the ticket), bad for their ear drums.
hey i saw a girl carrying your gucci bag today at the MRT and immediately i think of u.
pax: oh! hee! fren told me they actual sell 1 day walkabout tix. but i check today sold out liao & pple on ebay reselling for 2K!
star: our initial plan was to bring A to watch F1. heng we shelved the plan

my damage today at the sale was only 87 for 3 tops, 1 bottom & 2 jackets. hee!
dun worry..cooks also got MALE le..play masak dun mean girly to me..but hor i dun like to let my child play with sword + guns type.. water guns ok la..i dun want to teach them violence le.

orrh.. at times i dun put on chloe it's me who find them 'din deh' :p even w/o floats i will watch over her..but this pete hor can really bang sim swim away from her! one slip thats it le..dangerous haiz..
Carol: haha.. if i make, will sms u to come and pick over, i see if i can get the ingredients tomorrow then i try ok.

pax: real;ly that easy meh? i a bit scared ... scared my scone dun turn out as soft and crumbly

yes, really simple. jus cut the butter into the flour, then mix in milk. knead soft dough. roll out. use round cookie cutter to make the dough..
