(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

hi dumbger & mycrysania,
I've to squeeze hard and massage in order to get more milk fr my right breast coz sometimes can pump 20-30ml only, very sad. Nowdays i got to pump longer time for both breast in order to get more milk, last time only need about 15min for each breast, now about 1/2 hr for 1 breast, damn tiring..anyone has same problem?

I got the sling fr kiddy palace, haven't try it yet coz bring to wash. wat's the diff the sling fr kiddy palace and the 1 u all order online?

Nov_MTB, i have the same problem...
it's either a letdown problem or you are having blocked ducts.....
Try using a hot towel to massage your breast or use hot water to shower).... massage your breast for a while before feeding bb....
I've been doing that and it does help... there was once I only managed to pump 20-30ml also and I really have to massage and use hand to squeeze and I managed to get another 100ml using hand....
I also suspect that it could be that the funnel I'm using now is still a bit small...so trying to get a bigger funnel... but I need to call US and see if they can sell to me or not... cos they normally dun sell it as retail...
if not, then I cham liao... got to massage and squeeze to help the milk come out...
mousy_pig, it's normal... most people can produce more on one breast.... if you wan your left side to produce more... let bb suckle longer on that side, it will help....
if not, doesnt really matter lah... so long your breast not so obviously big and small.. so long have milk can liao....
nov mtb
yah, same same...now i've to pump longer and even manually squeeze wif my hand to get more milk..so sad hor? seems like most of us facing a dipping milk supply problem...

mycrysania, mousypig
hmm...think this joyce is the one that's confused...ok, the whole process of wat i did was this: when i emailed her, she also told me to get thru the ebay website. so i went to ebay, click on the "Buy it Now" for USD29.90. after that, everything went thru email liao. the click on the "Buy it Now" was jus an extra step which to me was redundant...but since it made her happy for me to click so i click lor. wat i suggest is jus do wat i did...click on the "Buy it Now" at ebay, cos the price listed there is USD29.90 for two...she can't run away from it.

nov mtb
the sling u got from kiddy palace shld be the MIM one?
hi elmo, dumbger,
Anyone know y we have dipping problem now? I'm a bit worried as baby needs increase but my supply decrease. I pump 5 times per day, now each time almost 1 hr..damn tiring...i really wan to know how to increase my milk supply
i have another problem, i found that my Avent Uno suction power was not as good as b4, i only used it 1 1/2 mth, anyone got this problem?

ya, the sling was fr MIM.
Hi all,
I'm using the sling from www.hotslings.com. Thought its also very easy to use n much more convenient to put on than the MIM one. I also have two, now kept using the one from hotslings. Even use it to BF when I'm outside. Find it quite useful.

Mycrysnia, how do u train your boy to have such perfect sleeping feeding times? My boy is still feeding almost every 2 to 2.5 hrs in the night. I find it very tiring. Almost wanted to giv up n offer FM for his last feed.
Oh ok... now I understand the process she's trying to tell me... haha! Ok, will do that then.

===Dip in Milk Supply===
I wonder if it has anything to do with stress. Cos during confinement, all I did was sleep, feed and watch TV. Now, have hundreds of millions things to do ever since started work... haha! I also drank a lot more fluid such as papaya soup during confinement.

===Frozen BM Supply===
How much supply you mummies manage to keep? I regret not keeping more during my confinement month. This week went to KL for 2 days for work, then almost depleted. Wonder how am I going to go on longer biz trips. Now I only have about 70oz in the freezer.
Actually, I did not really train him le... It's like during the first month, his feeding times at night are like totally erratic. Then after the first month, he just sorted himself into a routine. So it's like if his last feed is at 12am, he will wake up at 3-3.30am. If his last feed is at 1am, he will wake up at about 4-4.30am. What I did realise is, he will "tank up" from about 10pm onwards. So whenever he wants to drink, I just let him latch on.
Hi Dumbger,

I went to click "Buy it now" and "commit to buy" at ebay. Then i receive an email but i did not make any payment. Oh no is that wrong? Is the seller at ebay also Joyce?
mousy pig
nope nope, u did right...now u jus email joyce to tell her u hav clicked on the "buy it now", pls advise shipping costs since u r singaporean. then u can pay by internet banking. also tell her the colours that u wan.

dun think so for my case leh...cos i haven't started work...starting this wed as a matter of fact. sigh...wat to do, i've jus hav to keep pumping hopefully my body "recognise" i need more...
Hi all,

I did not log in for many weeks liao... how's everyone and their BB?
My boy is 9 weeks old liao. Weighs slight more than 7kg but still latching him every 2 hourly during the day and 3 hourly in the night. Very siong lor...

Hi Dumbger,

Thanks. Just liase with Joyce. She say we can collect from her at Orchard and she will waive the shipping costs. At the same time, she can demo how to use the sling.

Oh by the way, have I encounter the dilemma of buying between XS and S size cos if i lose 2 more kgs i will belong to the XS category. Do you have that problem?
ur boy very chubby leh!! and so much hair!! my boy after shaved during his full month now taking very long to grow his hair back leh.

mousy pig
wah, that's even better! if u not sure y not u buy one XS and one S? i bought both S.
my elder son was chubbier. He was 6.4kg @ 1 mth whereas 2nd one was 5.24kg :D I only shaved then when they turned 4 mths
hi dumbger,

oh becos the other one will buy medium for my hubby to wear so that he can help to carry baby sometimes.

anyway, joyce has agreed to let me try both sizes before buying.

wow, eileen, my gal only 4.2 kg at 1 mth when i last weigh her. Now she is in her 8th week.
Hi Eileen,

Your boy looks so cute! Wah.. Iggy has almost the same weight as ur boy now. He is also 9 weeks already. Can your boy lift his head when he is on his tummy? My one seems lazy to me... refuse to lift if not, i guess he still cannot make it.
Mousy Pig/Dumbger,
Think I probably will meet her and try the sizes, plus get her to teach me how to use. Haha!
Mousy Pig, when will you be meeting her?

Wah, your son was 6.4kg @ 1st month! Hehe ok, at least now I don't worry so much about my boy now. Quite worried that at 6 weeks, he was already 6.98kg. And I think he grew again, cos he feels heavier. Going for his 6-in-1 this Thurs, will know how much he weigh @ 2 months...

My boy can lift his head quite high when he is on his tummy. I am not very experienced with babies, but my mum, MIL and girlfriends who are mothers say he is quite strong.

my gal only 5kg plus at 9 weeks! Very small hor...
Your boy has got nice eyebrows and yes, I agree your boy got lots of hair!! So nice!

mycrysania, your boy very chubby!! My gal face not as round as when she was born..... I hope I'm feeding her correctly!

bearyhugs, did you get the cotton ones or the sateen cotton ones? I'm also very tempted to buy one...but I dunno how is the material and whether it is comfy and cool enuff. How is it?
mycrysania, I've got about 40 bottles of EBM in the freezer... hopefully I dun get to use it (if I have enuff milk)...... I'm very contradicting... cos I didnt want to store that many as my bb didnt seems to like it so much... I've tried giving her once a while back.. but she only finish 50ml and she dun want liao...
anyway, I will still keep whatever I have.....
actually I just want to pump out to sustain my supply only... pump liao just store lor.....
last wk i've problem feeding my boy, normally he drink 100ml, last wk was like 60-80ml only...then latear found out was the teat's problem. I changed to bigger teat, then now he drink 110ml at 1 go. If u all facing problem like me, pls check the teat as well.
My boy now going to 6 wks old, he likes to lie down on his tummy, i'll make him lie down on his tummy when he make noise and pacifier also no use.

mycrysania & Nov_MTB,

wow.. ur boys' neck very strong liao leh! my boy 11wks.. still cannot raise de head at tummy time.. dunno he can't or dun wan to.. but when i carry him on my shoulder.. he likes to raise his head to look ard..
wow, envy u all whose babies hav gained so much weight liao...my boy now at 10 wks only 5kg plus. he has been hovering around 5kg since when he was 6 wks due to his condition...now after his operation he's very slowly gaining weight...but i fear for that 1 mth which he did not gained any weight he has already "lost out" to the rest of the babies his age.
Hi Elmo,
I bought the turquiose blue deluxe pool pouch; http://www.hotslings.com/s.nl/it.A/id.387/.f My boy luvs to be in it; can carry him for 1-2hrs while he's sleeping during shopping times. Tried that a few times already. Some passer-by actually asked me where I got my sling from. I'm thinking of ordering another one. If u r interested, maybe can combine order too. I'm wearing a size 3 but think with my weight loss, I might wan to order a size 2 now.

Nov_MTB, myscrania, your boys look really cute. I always let my boy sleep on his tummy too cos he can sleep longer this way. He can also lift his head up a little at 45degrees and turn ard. Can also bear his weight on his legs when supported at weeks 7plus. Can also keep his head level with the rest of his body when pulled to a sitting up position. Dr says mine is a fast developer.
dumbger, dun be worried lah.. your boy needs some time to adjust after his surgery. he will be fat and chubby in no time!!

bearyhugs, if u are buying a size 2, do u want to sell off your size 3? let me know cos i m interested.. but i must go measure measure first...
nov_MTB, your bb head quite strong... I have not seen my bb raise her head so high yet when lying on her tummy... she only managed to lift herself high enuff to turn her head from one side to the other side at 6 weeks......
maybe I will try out this weekend ...

hi bearyhugs, I'm very interested.
Yes, we can combine order. I have VPost account. Want to tobang?
I think I have to order size 4 or 5 leh...
bearyhugs, I went in to calculate, they recommend either a size 3 or 4, which one should I order? confused!
I'm quite big size leh....
You very small size?
Hi Greybearie, Bearyhugs, Elmo,
Thanks for all your compliments

You have 40 bottles ar, that's really good! I think I am making a trip to KL again end of this month, have to work hard at 'growing' my supply.

===Storage Bag for FBM===
Btw, I learnt this way to store my FBM in a cheap, and space-saving manner. Use the ice cream potong bag. It's long and slim. Each bag can store 2oz and can tie a knot. So, no need to use any clip, or rubber band etc. And the best thing is... it's only RM2 for 100 bags!!!
yah, bearyhugs, what asian size r u? i went in to calculate and they recommend size 1 or 2!!! i cannot be that small size lah!
Don think I wan to sell off my size 3 cos I really like the colour. I can still use but jus that when I sling my boy in it, he might sink down very low to my hips area after some time. The material might stretch a little.

Elmo, it would be good if I can dong bang u. I got my fren to purchase for me the other time so din hav Vpost. My fren actually purchased 3 slings frm them already, she's using it all the time. If anyone wish to try my size 3, can PM me. We can always arrange to meet up too.

U gals might wan to order the sateen material cos weather in Singapore is a bit hot.

Anyone using PIS advanced? I would be going back to work soon, thinking of investing in a good dual pump but the PIS advancced is sooo ex. I'm comfortable with using the Avent manual pump actually. Really not sure if its worthwhile investing so much if I jus intend to TBF for 6 months.
hi bearyhugs and elmo

i'm interested in the hotslings too. can you give me a deadline when you want to place the order. i think combining shipping costs is good. then we can all meet up at one location to pick up.

don't worry about your bb's weight. as long as he's putting on, it's good. i look around and see so many chubby bbs but my boy not v chubby though he's v tall. the gauge is that bb puts on at least 1 kg monthly in the first 3 months, then, half a kg in the next 3 months, and subsequent 3 months 1/4 kg. that's what the PD says to me.
Nov_MTB, which bigger teats are u referring to? I tried to give my boy those NUK teats for FM, n he could finish 150mls at one go too. But in the end, sucked in a lot of air and he looks a bit uncomfortable. So I changed back to the teats for thin liquids. So sianz, kept trying so many different teats for him n he still struggles to take the bottle at times.
bearyhugs, can u let me know your current weight and ht... then i can have a better judgement of what size i need. i m abt 54kg at 165cm currently. the website says size 2 will be a better fit for me but i tot i quite big size leh...the turqiose one u have.. what material is it? it is meant for hot weathers so i should consider that, right?

i m interested to join in the hotsling spree too, if someone is organising. thanks!
littlecat, it was nice meeting u yesterday. too bad we din have more time to chat.. must look for another time since both of us stay near each other and both of us have similar experience with 2 kids. and keep up with the bfing! little is better than nothing. i was only pumping 1 oz each session last time for my elder son but i persisted till he was 4 mths old.
hi all,
some baby just lazy to move his body..dun worry..eventually they'll do it. My boy was very active, 1 mth that time already difficult to carry. Maybe boy more active and stronger compare to girl.

Initially i was using the teat for 0-1 mth..then never change even my boy was 1 mth liao coz he always get choke..then later realise he suck very hard and take very long time to finish 80ml..then hubby ask my change teat..now he can finish 110ml in about 10-15min..
mycrysania, are those bags pre-sterilised?
hopefully I dun get to use it, if not it just means my supply is diminishing.....ever since I started going to work, the top up slow down liao.... If I can get 1 bottle in, consider very good liao... think I must work harder at pumping when I'm home. :p

I very obsessed about my supply now hor... :p

bearyhugs, ok, we can combine order.... I still cannot make up my mind on which one to order... all looks to nice.... I'm looking at the reversible as well as the solid colour ones...

I'm using the PIS advanced... I find pump it's very individual.. if you find your existing pump is working well enuff for you, then dun buy another one..... if not, PIS is quite good... but get in US and hand carry back more worth it... if not, buy from www.firstfewyears.com.sg they selling at 599 now.

S$60 is very good leh... the website is US$49 leh.. how come you get such a good price? is it from bulk purchase? I've just emailed them to check if they offer bulk purchase or not....

Scribbler/bearhugs/jannie, wait for them to get back to me first and I will let you know... if got bulk discount, then maybe can organise for bigger group to save.

betterworld, I also have the MIM sling... so far didnt managed to put it on... I find it so lay chey... also becos I quite clumsy... and I worry I drop bb. :p
so thot hotslings is a better idea cos dun have to adjust the length.....
also it's very hip! :p hee hee....

twendy, I'm a hepB carrier leh... but gynae say I'm not infectious (I did the antigen test thingy) so I can feed my bb......dun think they wan my milk right? So far, I only dare to give to my aunt kid only....
Unless they want to check with doc... if they wan, just let me know.. I dun mind.....
hey elmo,
thanks. hope you'll get a favourable answer from them.

my boy is colicky, with silent reflux (rarely spits out but we can hear the fluids come up into his throat and he'll choke and cough), so PD advises to keep him upright as much as possible after meals. anyway, he likes to, and can only fall asleep if carried upright with his head on our shoulder. so tiring for us! realise that putting him in the snuggle hold with the sling is so much better for my shoulder. but my current sling is with a buckle and the cloth is quite thick and therefore v warm. it works but no harm having another one for when i need to wash this one.

can i ask: anyone working part-time? i'm very torn leh, my boss offered to negotiate for part-time arrangement with me but the office is in tanjong pagar each day must spend 1 hour travelling. alternatively, i found a morning-only position in a studentcare centre 15mins' walk from home. if you were me, which one will you choose, considering that my current job is actually very stressful with 10,001 deadlines????
A big hello to all ! long time didn't post liao

Thx jannie for the encouragement

me now only can pump 1oz one at nite one in the morning... sometime even lesser..

It was nice meeting u too
yeah too bad we can't have much time to chat... i was rushing back to see my boy, he is having diarrhea now. Yesterday 3x today 4x liao...
Called the PD, he suggest to change to soy-based formula for a week and monitor.

I am curious too how he will get diarrhea. the PD said could be me pass to him.. oh no.. cos i do have diarrhea on pass few days. And the symptom seems to be similar, after meal will have the urge to go toilet. I realized each time during feeding or after the feeding, he will poo and the stool is abit watery will some mucus.

Scribbler, oh so there is something called silent reflux ? does it happen every meal or only once in awhile?
how about colic, does your boy cry furiously on specific time?
Hi bearyhugs & elmo,

Mi also a nov mum. Now my girl is 7 wks. Have been reading the postings. I'm also interested in the hotslings too. Hope to join in the hotsling spree.
Scribbler, it depends on what you want bah? Are you going to go on full time after a while? or permanently part-time...
so will have different factors to consider depending on what you want....
if stay on current job, next time easy to convert full time.... part-time contribution can be considered for promotion prospects....
if these are not your concern, then no point going back since so stressful.....
unless the pay is quite good. :p

sometimes my gal spit out milk also... yes, keeping her upright for a while -10 mins does help to minimise or eliminate that for me...

Apple/Scribbler, ok, will let you gals know...
Hi Elmo,

Might not have acess to the pc for the next 4 days. If u gals are placing the order for the hotsling, can sms mi @ 98188134. Thks.

I've already chosen the size & color.

Hi Mummies

Eileen, sorry typo error, my boy already 14 weeks old...

mycrysania and nov_mtb, envy you all, babies can raise his head liao. My boy... still slow. Hiaz.
