(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Morning mummies,

I am 24 weeks now and had put on 11 kg.
June, you are not alone..

any mummies ever heard that taking too much orange or orange juice will cause bb to be asthmatic??


Ya, did heard from old ppl too much orange and orange juice will cause bb to have phelgm.

But once in a while is ok as we need the Vit C also.
Morning Mummies

Nov MTB, i understand that... but meanwhile see how first. This is the initial decision provided if my MIL is retired by next Feb, she and the maid will be home. If not, my hubby and i will think of other alternatives.

June, I am 25 weeks plus preggie now and i have put on a total of 9kgs. Agree with you that our appetite increase a lot and my gynae even advise me to watch what I am eating now. My baby is no long over weight, he is weighing 730gm as of 25 weeks and so my doc said all the excessive weight had gone to mummy. I was told by my gynae not to eat any more durian as the sugar level is very high and can cause us to put on weight very easily.
morning all

yesterday i attended the antenatal course conducted by Mrs Wong. Was fun and hubby used the method we learnt to communicate with baby and there was responses from her =)

For me, I have put on 5kg, now i'm at my 24th week.
Bbroom, wow u only gained 5kg while I am double of yours. How was your appetite? i bet you will regain your figure very fast after delivery.
I only attending courses in Sept, care to share what type of method to commumicate with bb?? curious
for me, i had no MS.. no puking since beginning of pregnancy.. eating regular meals.. ate durian twice.. that's about it..

mrs wong taught us some tapping method to interact with baby. last night hubby was tapping my tummy..and baby did have some response after the taps.. interesting..
Hey all MTB, need to seek some advise as I din BF my first child long so intend to BF the 2nd ones even after I went back to work.

I have big boobs n aerola (Shld be D cup nw as Im wearing Size 38 nursing bra frm perfect mum), so wonder the breast pump able to fit in and empty my milk.......i do hv problem using the Avent manual pump previously,as it can empty my milk and the flow is very very slow. Im planning to purchase Ameda as i find PIS very bulky
starmoon, I called parentcraft and they told me to go and pick up the course outline, was wondering if i should just pick it up on lesson 1.

bbroom, u already went for the natal class? Did you get both the course outline and handout on 1st lesson? can share what else was given
hi mmummyjoy
not sure when yr class is so if itz within their opening hours, den good to go and pick it up at the same time. if not, maybe when u go for yr next check-up, can oso drop by parentcraft to pick it up.
hi mmummyjoy
i picked up the course outline few weeks back when i went to make payment for the lessons.

on the 1st lesson, mrs wong gave us some other handouts including soup recipe, etc.
starmoon/bbroom, TQ, still thinking if wanna make a trip down to take the course outline...is it the same parent craft brochure of parent that has the course detail, any other info. was in the course outline?
Hi mmummyjoy,

It was only a piece of paper showing the date and time of your course and the location of the doctor 's talk.

Nothing much was given.

First lesson, there will be a handout given.
Mei Lik,

so good u didnt put on a lot wat.
I didn't take a lot leh. so far ate twice only abt 6 seeds. didnt want to eat much cos very heaty.. but I have been taking chicken essence almost everyday. Dunno is becos of that I put on so much..

i attended my pre-antenantal class yest too... attended de 10~12 class... but my instructor nv teach us how to communicate wif bb leh...

i tink de 1st class is so-so only... i'm lookin forward to de hands on class wif de "baby"...

hey mummies,

i heard from my gynae dat TMC gave free classes to mummies on breast feeding n showering babies on de 2nd day after delievered leh~
Hi babyjo,
Its never too late to start pre-natal yoga. In fact, in our classes, some of the MTBs did yoga all the way to the week before delivery. I started mine at ard week 16 and I was the one with the smallest tummy.

Anyone saw the news in Sunday times yesterday? They were talking abt baby yoga, sounds so interesting too!
hello mummies,

hope that all mummies are eating well & healthy!

anyone taking antenatal course at TMC on sunday afternoon in Sep? i wonder is it too late to take up since i will be at my 29th-30th weeks by then.

anyone interested to buy any baby products from USA? see whether i can bring back for you gals or not if here is cheaper than S'pore.

my gynae here said that my baby is on the low side, i might need to go for another ultrasound to see whether baby move up or not. if not, i might need to go for c-section. me so worried

any mummies got this problem?
I need to start looking around for antenatal classes already .. sigh ..

Hi Emilia, the last time I went for my detailed scan (this was in June), the doctor said that the baby was small and the placenta low. But he told me not to worry cos it's still early days and advised me to rest more. If possible, I don't want to go for C-section too.

Do any of you ladies know how often one can drink those bottled bird's nest like from Brands?
Hi cuclainne

I also drank those bottled bird's nest abt twice a week. Some pple say is good cos bb will have fair skin, some said not so good cos bb will have phlegm. Well I just take in moderation.
How often do u take?
I just bought a box (eight bottles) from Cold Storage the other day and have only taken one cos I wasn't sure about how often I should take it. Twice a week ah? That sounds good - I like bird's nest.

Where did u attend you antenatal class? At TMC or Mount A.
What did u learn and who was your intrustor?
I can teach u. Very easy.
Hi Emilia,

I think it is better to take the pre-natal classes early if you can. By the time, you are almost finishing the class, you are going to pop anytime. I think it is better to go early and start doing some of the strengthening exercises for pelvic muscles, stomach muscles early. Oh, by the way, are you travelling to USA soon? Too bad that I just bought a Fisher Price baby monitor online and it will be delivered to me soon. I think that the baby electronic stuff are generally cheaper there. Dont get too worried about the low placenta first. Just continue to eat well and get ample rest

Hi bearyhugs,
Yes, I remember the discussion about pre-natal yoga I have been so lazy to go for pre-natal yoga classes though. I think regular swimming so far works for me well. I have just bought a DVD on pre-natal yoga, so I think I will try out at home first.
I might just buy the post-nata yoga/ pilates one too.
By the way, any mommies with low lying placenta, it is advisable not to do any yoga or exercise because there's a risk that this can cause bleeding!

Agreed with Betterworld, eat well and get ample of rest.
Mei Lik,

i attended mine at TMC.. my instructor's name is "Star-Ness" or something lydat.. dunno how to spell.. haha.. My 1st lesson notting much, jus some antenantal exercise, den.. nutrition during and after pregnancy...
So how to you communicate with the bb?
PoohGer and Cuclainne,

you can try the bird'nest from ' lau heng jia',
l saw it when l passby the parkway parade shopping center basement. ( provided you are staying near there or go for weekend shopping)

Think the quality is not bad..
Gingercat,Nov Mum and Bearyhugs

Tomorrow is our antenatal class again. I will be wearing black again! Haiz! and sit back the same place if no one occupies, the aircon was so cold.

For the past one week, my hubby never massage my legs or hands. I told him during my delivery i don't need him liao. ha!ha! He said he tired. Haiz. Anyway, he promised to do it tonight!

However, he keeps communicating with BB.

Have u all been practising the masseages and exercises?
I just registered to be on waiting list for the infant care at my work place - not bad ah, MCYS give $400 subsidy for full time working moms.

I would love for my mother to take care of my Peanut but since she's already looking after my hyperactive nephew, I don't want to burden her with looking after a newborn. Anyways, it's three infants per caregiver at the centre, newly renovated and I can pop over anytime I want to so I think it's not too bad.
hi cuclainne, how's your dad and hb ?

btw where is the infant care near your work place?
$400 subsidy not bad leh...

SheRhino, there is an auntie taking care of my elder son, but i dun really like the way she teach him.. so thot of another alternative...
sigh tough decision leh...

mei lik and the rest taking the class, hehe feel like going to peep who is who haha!!
u gals have fun!
My dad's wounds are beginning to heal but he's feeling more pain now that the morphine has worn off. The husband has gone back to work since last Thursday but he's still not feeling 100% great yet. They're both taking things easy at the moment.

It's Learning Vision @ Work. The child care centre is so close to my office - everytime the toddler class go to play, can hear the kids screaming. Hahahaha - that's how near it is. So every month I pay about $180.
wow really stone throw away and can go peep during lunch time..
btw where is Learning Vision @ Work? so original price is 580 for infant care? that's very reasonable leh.. i check most of them range from 800 to 1500...
LittleCat, Learning Vision @ Work are centres run at workplaces - mine being at a hospital. The public rate for infants (fee before subsidy, with GST) are about $1000.

Mei Lik, it states on the paper that they've given me:

Full Time working mother (Singaporean & PR) is entitled to receive $150 subsidy per month from MCYS (Toddler - K2).

Full Time working mother (Singaporean infant) is entitled to receive $400 subsidy per month from MCYS.
Mek lik thanks for asking, he is better now.

oh yeah forgotten cuclainne work in hospital.
yeah my SIL also give birth like pay very little only leh compare to us...
Gals, I've been so busy at work lately... been feeling tired.. is that normal?
I thot 2nd tri supposed to have more energy.....
I just found some time to go bb shopping over the weekend but didnt buy much.. only cot mattress, wash clothes and mittens...... I feel tired after a while... so got to spread out the session/ :p

Mei_Lik, how do you communicate with bb?
I'm also one of those who is attending the class in Sep...hope I'm not too late... :p

me too.. i oso been feeling tired. But i realise if i slept well enuff, abt 8~10hrs.. i'll have enuff energy to last thru de next day..

but had been waking up 2am for the past 2 nights.. dunno y..
Hi Mei Lik,

Yeah, tonight is the class again. I will be wearing 3/4 Jeans and white top. Hopefully I can sit back at the same place too cause can see Mrs Wong clearly.

My hubby did massage for me but not everyday cause he is tired. Sometime I do for him also..hehe..and he love it..feel asleep after the massage.


Glad to know your parents are better now, do take good care of yourselves also

Hi mmummyjoy,

No prob
morning mummies,

i hv a question... are you all able to distinguish between baby's kicks and baby's hiccups???
the thing is, i tell the difference by hiccups being repeated "movement" for awhile...

today my boy keep hiccup-ing leh... since 4+am.. on and off until now....
i'm quite concerned.. i referred to the "what to expect" book, they never explain why baby hiccups inside...
anybody knows??? can i do anything to help him out???
Hi Mummies

Starz, please check with your gynae immediately in regards to baby's repeatitive hiccups. Tell your gynae abt the repeative hiccups from your baby and your gynae might need to do a scan for u.

Hiccups is repeating movement for a while and the time interval is quite close.

Hi cuclainne, glad to know your father is feeling better now.
By the way, since you are working in hospital, do they give u maternity benefits beside the ML?

Hi Little cat, nice to know your parent are feeling better. Now I know my own bb, what game he likes to play... he enjoyed the tapping games.
Little cat, check with you something, do you know when the baby will turn in our thrid trimester? This is the question where i forget to ask my gynae last saturday. I feeling a bit excited now cos gynae is telling me that she may be expecting my baby to due mid oct. Depends on the baby engagement. :p
Thanks elmo and nov mum. I'm just so happy that they're both out of the hospital and recuperating well. We went on a picnic on Sunday and the husband told me yesterday that he had gotten some mosquito bites on his foot - wondering if he can get dengue now. Aiyoh - this man is paranoid about everything now.

GingerCat, aside from the maternity leave, they also pay for my maternity benefits (check-up with the doctor, scans, etc). Because I've worked here for close to ten years already, I am under B1 status but if I choose to upgrade to A class when I'm giving birth, then I just top up the rest. My colleague did it for all her four children - I think she told me only need to pay about $1K to top-up the difference.

I also get staff rate for enrolling Peanut for infant care at the child care centre here. Just hope that there'll be a space available for her by then.
Hi Cuclainne, wah... thanks for sharing. for 1k to stay in private A1 ward is very worthwhile.
No wonder ur infant care charges so cheap... Last nite i told my hubby... he says u may be working with the hospital or so... cos his friend's baby is also heavily subsidize for the infant care service.
Hi Cuclainne, indeed having a baby is an expensive thing... Like yesterday I went shop for some baby's stuff... easily abt $250 already. I am keep track how much are we spending on baby's stuff. At least you are entitled to maternity benefits... I dun have cos I am a SAHM... boring. Envy you... have you been taking ur bird nest? How is peanut now?
GingerCat, I wish I was a SAHM - I might very well end up being one should the delivery stork decides to visit again sooner than expected. The husband did tell me, before we got married, that he expects me to earn my own money but I think having kids might change that stand.

We're both of the opinion that we don't want to miss out on the important first few years - even if that means that I have to quit after a while or maybe even do part-time work to enable me to spend more time with the baby.

I had asked a colleague of mine, on how often I should take the bird's nest and she told me that one bottle a week should be sufficient. I don't want baby to get phlegm later on ..

Peanut is quite playful now. She is quite active when I am in the office, and when I am going to sleep. Most of the time though, she stays really quiet and that worries the husband a fair bit. So he'll end up poking me or talking to her to get her to move - last night he had put his head on my belly after telling her to wake up, and she kicked him right on the ear .. hahahaha, serves him right! How is your baby coming along?
Hi Cuclainne,

Wah... so ur hubby and urself have everything planned... For my case, I am very very bored being a SAHM... I miss working life but i dunno if my this perspective will change after bb arrival. Maybe I will not be a full time working mummy anymore, perhaps get a part time job first and afternoon i can take care of my DS.

Ermm... I am also taking bird nest once a week.. bottle one and my MIL make a chinese herbs ( Dong Ceng Cao, Cylecopes <-- spelling dunno write or wrong ) for me alternate weeks. Yup... one bottle per week is sufficient.

My dear son, very playful now and he is a nite baby. Went to check up last saturday n as of last saturday, he weighs abt 730gm. Healthy weight finally but mummy overweight already. My gynae did prompt me to get ready.... cos my DS will pop anytime in Mid Oct from the rate he is growing and developing.
He enjoys tapping games!!!

GingerCat, I think that working part time will somehow allow us to stay in touch with the working world (and gives us some financial independence yah) and gives us the chance to spend more time with the children too. It's the best compromise I could come up with - and the husband seems to agree.

I'm going for the growth scan on 8 Aug - hope to find out how much the baby weighs. They didn't tell us at the last detailed scan. Wah, if you're going to pop in Mid Oct then perhaps I might too???
