(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

chin chin, that is what the husband is hoping for too .. that the doctor is wrong and maybe Peanut will turn out to be a boy after all. I already bought a few 'girlie' dresses and cardigans - couldn't resist already la - so I really hope that I'll be able to use them ..

hi chin chin
yah i heard stories abt dat too...but dun think will happen to us bah. aniwae, we will juz shop abit and buy abit cos my sis will pass me all my niece's clothes.
but somehow, still cant resist buying when we see nice and cute ones.
hi chin chin,

same case happened to some of my colleagues. scan is a girl but turn out to be a boy. But ppl say look at the stomach, round mean girl, sharp mean boy

mine think more to flat lei..

you are fast man, already bought thing for your peanut..but l saw someone in forum saying better buy now cos another 2-3 months later..our stomach will be big causing inconveneince to us.
And also tell ur hubby. later the girl girl will be cling and sticky to him more.. like my mother in law is saying: girl can be daddy's girl and help us to keep track of father's movement..and remind him to come back earlier when he is late....ahahahah, just kidding la.
Hi Chin Chin,

ermm... mm did heard those kind of stories before... Scan is girl and turn out to be boy. I did asked my gynae why such things happen and she explained to me that some fetals are slow in development. So perhaps, the indication of the gender will only show much later. Dun worry, the fetal assessment report should be accurate.
Hi, Ive just sign Up for the KK Women's Hospital Pregnant Model Participant for Ultrasaound Scan. They said that they will do the same DETAILED scan which was done to us on our 20th++ week. By the way they need more participants, if anyone interested U can call 81233501 now or tomorrow, for more Info.. They will pay you $100 for participating & $30 for the transportation. By the way they only Need those on 2nd Trimester. Cyah!
hi all .
me just came back from gynae. baby growing well.
got durian stall next to the clinic, so hubby asked gynae whether can eat durian or not.
the gynae says better not eat too much coz baby will turn out to be very big size..difficult to give birth if too big. unless if baby is small size wan, then ok to eat..
so ah..i think i better not take durian for the time being..later my girl overweight..haha
hi starmoon,
Haha..my detail scan was good!! confirm is a baby boy. Now can start shopping liao..

My EDD will be confirm again on my next visit as my baby's, maybe push to earlier 1-2 wks.
Congrates on your new found job. At least you will not be bored at home. Hope your are feeling better these days. Take care.

Today vomit again out of no reason. Sian lah.

Went for my detail scan yesterday. BB was super active until the radiographer buay tahan and have to do two rounds of scanning which took up half a day. I have to turn left, turn right, lie flat, go out sit and come back in. Headache.

I think bb didn't like the pressure of the scanner on my tummy and kicked hard at me. Its a Weight of the BB is 304g. Rather small. My weight, i only gain 5kg. Gynea said weight maintained well.

May i asked what is the weight of your bb at 20 weeks?
hi nov_mtb
congrats...can start shopping liao and muz make use of the GSS before it ends. hmm, my gynae didnt confirm my EDD so i guess itz still the same as before.

hi mei lik
my baby weighs 404 gram at wk20 and 5 days. thot it is a little big but gynae says it is average sizing.
NOV 2006 MTB

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gyane</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cuclainne</TD><TD>03/1106</TD><TD>Dr Loh Seong Feei</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gingercat</TD><TD>04/1106</TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>BabyJo</TD><TD>04/1106</TD><TD>Dr Yeo KC</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pa &amp;Ma</TD><TD>05/1106</TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Twendy</TD><TD>06/1106</TD><TD>Dr WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Su Sern </TD><TD>06/1106</TD><TD>Dr Chen Li Han</TD><TD>MT A</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ann</TD><TD>07/1106</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>MT A</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainger</TD><TD>07/1106</TD><TD>Dr SC Chew</TD><TD>ME</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starz</TD><TD>07/1106</TD><TD>Dr WH Kee</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dumbger</TD><TD>08/1106</TD><TD>Dr Yong Voon Pin</TD><TD>MT A</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Greybearie</TD><TD>08/1106</TD><TD>Dr. Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little Cat</TD><TD>08/1106</TD><TD>Dr Kowa</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nov mum</TD><TD>12/1106</TD><TD>Dr MT Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>PoohGer</TD><TD>12/1106</TD><TD>Dr Kowa</TD><TD>MT E</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jlyn</TD><TD>13/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Tony Tan</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boys-Twins </TD></TR><TR><TD>bearyhugs</TD><TD>13/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Judy Wong</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jannie</TD><TD>14/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Tacey Lim</TD><TD></TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doggiemum</TD><TD>14/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Chen Lin Han</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eileen</TD><TD>14/11/06</TD><TD>Prof. S.C. Ng </TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>ChinChin</TD><TD>14/11/06</TD><TD>Dr HK Ho </TD><TD>MT A</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Betterworld</TD><TD>15/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng</TD><TD>MT A</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbroom</TD><TD>16/11/06</TD><TD>Dr. Adrain Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rachel</TD><TD>17/11/06</TD><TD>Dr. Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>SheRhino</TD><TD>20/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Chan HK</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joan</TD><TD>20/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Sim LN</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>June</TD><TD>22/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Teoh Seng Hin</TD><TD>ME</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nov_mtb</TD><TD>22/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Trixiebelle</TD><TD>22/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Chris Ng</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scribbler</TD><TD>23/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>JovialGer</TD><TD>23/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Tony Tan</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>1 Boy -Twins </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline</TD><TD>24/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elmo</TD><TD>24/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stella Chew</TD><TD>26/11/06</TD><TD>Dr KM Seng</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kelly Chin</TD><TD>27/11/06</TD><TD>Dr. Chen Lin Han </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lauren</TD><TD>28/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mei Lik</TD><TD>28/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Noel Leong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Whitysnow</TD><TD>29/11/06</TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</td></tr></table>

We are expecting 20 boys n 11 girls
Let me know if you want to be included in the table
Thanks Mei Lik for adding me in the list.

l happened to read this message from DARE magazine about Folic acid..maybe that is why your gyane stop you from eating folic acid now:

People who take large doses of Folate or folic acid in supplement form may have a faster rate of mental decline when older, say researchers in the US. The findings are unexpected as folate , a B itamin , helps break down high levels of an amino acid that is linked to Alzheime's disease and increase the risk of stroke.

Eating fruits and greens, esp spinach or an algae known as spirulina and blue berries may considerably limit brain damage from strokes and other neurological disorders.
Hi all,

me going for my detail scan tml. Had lost 5kg till 18wks and now gain bk 2kg :D My appetite super good now but hopefully I don't put on too much cos I gained 21kg for my 1st pregnancy *faint*
Hi mummies,

anyone got the website dat 1 mummy posted few days back, selling the beansprout pillow? wanna buy, but can't seem to find the post leh..
Hi gers

Need to check with you, are you all doing some sort of glucose blood test to test for gestational diabetes? Which week will you be doing it, and for how much?

Need urgent revert, cos thinking if I shld do it here, or wait till I return to S'pore to do it..

Jovial|Ger, im doing at my 23 weeks which is this Friday as my family has history of diabetic. I can't remember the cost when i do it for my first pregnancy. Shld be ard $100++
Greybearie, my MIL is making one for my bb gal. If you want i can ask her to make one and sell u at $5. Let me know, bcos the other post is selling at $8. I will check with my MIL at the same time.
hi mei lik
can add me to the chart?
EDD: 19/11/2006
Gynae: Dr L C Cheng
Hospital: TMC
Gender: Girl

hi chin chin
me still taking folic acid...my gynae said shld only stop when we stop bf. now i'm eating 1 tablet twice a day. no other supplement given to me.

hi greybearie
here's the webbie to view the beansprout pillow. http://beaniepillow.multiply.com/
let me noe if u want her contact cos she emailed me the last time and i still haf her email addy.
hi mei lik,
thanks for helping me update the chart.

hi starmoon,
i went back malaysia last weekends and start shopping, but no idea what to buy...feel like a bit early to buy now..still got 4-5 mth leh..
i've gone thru the list of items to buy..but some like cloth no idea how many pair enough? very fan leh
Hey all MTB, i saw a post at bulk purchase n spree on Frigde to go bag. Ive bought one and can say is a great item. Non cold can drink can acutally be cold after storing inside. The trick is to freeze your bag overnite in the freezer and then throw in non-cold drink and you can get cold drink later in the day (when u are outside). I bought it for storing my breastmilk next time, so is mre convenient for me while im outside.I guess you all can start another Bulk purchase post there.

Hi Mummies,

Meilik, gald that ur baby is super active and healthy.

Starmoon, how come ur gynae still telling u to take folic acid? Funny... tout folic acid cannot take for long term... I am taking Multi vits, calcium and DHA pills now... coming to 24 weeks already. Maybe u wanna check with ur gynae next round if she is giving u DHA pills... tout it is important.
Hi Starmoon,
GingerCat is right, me also stop eating folid acid since 16wks, i'm taking multi vits and DHA pills now, gynae didn't give me calcium as i drink 2 glasses of milk per day
Thanx BabyJo, Starmoon &amp; sberry on the info on bean pillow... spoke to my MIL last night. she say she got someone to do for mi..

Hee.. i already started taking calcium tablets, coz i find heating milk very troublesome. i can't tolerate cold fresh milk...

Anyone encounter cramps at night? last night i encounter twice.. late night on my right calve, early morning on my left calve. Ewwww.. spoil my sleep sia...
Hi JoviaGer and BabyJo,

What is the glucose blood test like? Can I check with you if you have successfully passed the urine strip test for sugars, so far? Two to three months, my tests showed that I had high sugar content, but they did a quick test on my blood and passed me. My gynae told me to watch my diet, ie eat less carbo and sugared stuff and i have since pass the test.


For those who are taking calcium supplements, can I check how much mg of calcium are they? I am concerned about my potential deficiency in calcium. Don't want to end up like my mother who is having osteoporois in her old age. However, calcium supplements usually come with vit D. If I take two tablets of the calcium supplements per day, will I be overdosing on Vit D? Thanks.
I am supposed to take multi vits, Fish Oil pills and calcuim pills everyday, but i take alternate days. Because i find that if i take everyday, i kanna constipation.

Before you increase to two tables of the calcium pills better check with your OB/Gynea can or not. If i am not wrong should not be a problem unless u really lack of calcium (Not drinking milk, gums bleeding, etc).
Hi Mei Lik,

Thanks! hahaha... I am not drinking milk and I have got bleeding gums. So many problems! But I do drink high-calcium soya bean milk.

I do not have constipation. Maybe you can try taking more fruits....
Hi betterworld

I havent taken the glucose test yet, but I know usually we will take the oral glucose test (OGT), where they will give u a sample of glucose drink to drink, then take your blood sample 1 hr later to see how fast your body processes the sugar...

Read that it can be taken 24-28th week of pregnancy, so think some mummies here shld have taken them, that's why need their advice as I am only at 21st week this week =)
Hi Jovia Ger,

Thanks. Then, I have not taken that test before. So far, it has only been the quick blood test and the routine strip urine test. If we consistently pass the strip urine test, do we still have to take the glucose test?
Hi betterworld

I havent taken the glucose test yet, but I know usually we will take the oral glucose test (OGT), where they will give u a sample of glucose drink to drink, then take your blood sample 1 hr later to see how fast your body processes the sugar...

Read that it can be taken 24-28th week of pregnancy, so think some mummies here shld have taken them, that's why need their advice as I am only at 21st week this week =)
Hi betterworld

Over here, I have not taken glucose test except during 1st trimester. Is it a practice in Spore to do quick blood test during all visits? How much does that cost?
Hi Jovia Ger,

I think it is routine in Singapore to do the urine strip test. I only did the quick blood test in my 3rd month, once, and only because I failed my urine strip test. However, I have since passed the urine strip test. Not sure how much the quick blood test cost, but I don't think it is much. Why don't you do the blood test first before going for the glucose test? Incidentally, where are you based now, by the way?
Betterworld, urine strip n blood test are different. Sometime urine strip can't detect that you have high blood glucose. The test is simple, u have to fast frm 12mn till the next morning and then they will give u a so called soft drink to consume within 15 min. Then u have to stay at the clinic for at least an hr, after which they will test ur blood. If your sugar content in your blood exceed the norm, then gynae will ask u to watch ur diet and at the same time rent the blood test strip machine. You have to test your blood before and after each meal. Is kind of torturing thou, but they are afraid your glucose level will make u have big bb. If you can't ctrl your diet and gluscose level keep gg up, then u have to take insulin. Diabetic during pregnancy is bad for bb, but smetime can't prevented if your family have it
Hi gals,
I have my detail scan last week but not so sucessful as the baby did not sleep in a gd position.At least can noe it is a baby boy.

Mei Lik,
Need your help to update the list.Thx u v much

Hi Nov Mth,
u staying in Houghang? me too.
hi nov_mtb
slowly take yr time to shop lor...only rule dun get too many cos bb outgrow them very fast. me try to drink milk daily but most of the time, only drink 1 cup. we need at least 2 cups?

hi gingercat
i oso dunno leh...he juz says folic acid is impt for bb and shld only stop when i stop bf-ing. i asked him abt other supplements and he says for now no need lor. seems like alot of mummies taking the dha thing. my fren oso told me she's taking it. previously i bought it myself and take during the 1st trimester but after that, i didnt replenish liao.

hi greybearie
i oso encounter cramps a few times liao. first time when i got it, i woke hubby up cos i was in so much pain and he helped to massage. later on, during the antenatal class, we learnt how to encounter it so since then, the cramps have kinda reduced.
Hi , when do you need a baby sitter ? I stay in Hougang too . My mum used to be a baby sitter and she will be helping with my confinement but after tat I will be bringing bb back to Indo . So maybe can consider my mum to bb sit for you ?
Hi ladies. Haven't been here in a while since I was busy last week.. both my dad and the husband were admitted to hospital; my dad for bypass surgery and the husband for suspected typhoid. Been running around the weekend with my mother .. luckily they were both at the same hospital, only different blocks. I keep telling myself I can't afford to fall sick right now .. but my legs are really killing me. The soles hurt so bad when I try to walk and if I am lying on the bed and trying to stretch, the calves feel like having cramps. I think it's due to too much walking lor but keeping my feet up when I can really helps. Thankfully both of them are now safely back home and resting so I have a chance to slow down.

I went for my doctor's appointment this morning and he told me that Peanut is too small!! He checked her heartbeat and though it's strong, he said her size is really worrying cos it might be an indication of other things to come. Oh no! I'm 24 weeks now and gained 5kgs since my pre-pregnancy weight. He advised me to relax but how to? I work full-time, and even at home, I can't sit down cos the husband is still unwell and I have to look after him and the house. So tired!
Hi Mummies,

Starmoon, from what i understand from the news and some internet articles, execessive consumption of folic acid ( beyond 16 weeks ) can bring harm to the baby. My gynae asked me to stop folic completely when I am in wk 16 although I told her i have some balance left. She had prescribed DHA for me to take every morning and night because DHA helps the fetal in his brain and other developments. Maybe if you want, you can ask ur gynae for DHA pills next visit because it is an essential supplement. For multi vitamins supplement, i took one a day and the reason for taking multi vits is because, we may not get enough vits that our baby require daily from those normal food we eat.
The father and hubby situation as long as can be controlled and you must try to keep cool and dun let it disturb your mood. Recently my friend told me her bb is also too small and now she was in her 8month pregancy..she ask me to take durian start from 5th or 6th month..moderately.cos her doctor ask her to take durain also..
So now u can start taking durian and bb will grow very fast...Dun worry .....just keep contacting us if you need any help...OK
cuclainne, must take care of urself. Can't break down now. As your gynae say, u have to relax. If not, your emotion will affect your bb also. I suggest to take leave and rest. Let ur mum or your sibling to help u
cuclainne, sorry to hear that, hope both of them get well soon. As for you like the rest say, please please take care of yourself.
other than durian, may be u can ask the doc whatelse u can eat to 'bu' ?

gingercat/starmoon, i took falic acide after 16 weeks too, cos left abit the doc said it is ok.. may be not long term.

i find myself so clumpsy recently. i will drop books, paper, tissue paper on the floor and it is so difficult for me to bend down and take. i find the more i scare i will drop thing, it will drop more.. sigh..
hi cuclainne
sorry to hear. muz relax as it is not good for bb if u too stressed. oh yah, i oso heard durian will help bb to grow so maybe u can try dat.

hi gingercat
oh no, so shld i stop my folic acid now? okie will check wif gynae on the DHA pills on my next visit.

hi littlecat
me sometimes wonder how come some gynae give beyong dat and some don't....i guess maybe i shld stop taking cos i'm approaching 22 weeks now.
Hi Cuclainne,

Sorry to hear about your terrible week. Hope your father and your husband both continue to get better.

i don't really know what one should eat so baby can grow bigger but would just like to share advice from an experienced friend (&amp; mummy of 2). She told me that it's important when you're pregnant to prioritise and be able to let go of some things. Even though i'm sure most of us take pride in how we juggle so many different things in life - sometimes (esp when during pregnancy), it's advisable to let certain things go and realise that we can't keep so many things on our plate. Then it'll give us more energy and time to focus on making sure we have a good pregnancy and baby is healthy and happy.

Just my two cents' worth. Hope you don't mind.
Thanks for all your words of support.

I can't ask my mom for help cos she has her own things to take care of: nursing my dad back to health, looking after my two-year old nephew, etc. My mom has a lot on her plate at the moment so I can't possibly ask her to help me.

I try to relax at home but it's really quite hard because my nesting instinct has kicked in - I can't stand seeing the dirty dishes in the sink or empty mineral bottles in every room (courtesy of the husband) so no matter how tired I am, I also try to divide the tasks so at least something gets done.

And when both of them were in the hospital, I was nerve-wrecked with all the bad things that could possibly happen la .. like losing my dad, him not seeing his grandchild, etc. Now that they're both at home, I guess that I don't have to worry as much.
Hi starmoon, i dunno if u should stop. U better check with ur gynae, probably he has his reasons to ask u continue with ur folic.

Little cat, same like u... I am very clumsy now... walk like a penguin and when i try to do my own pedicure, it is relatively hard. I keep on bumping myself against the chairs in my bedroom.. Hubby threaten to bring all the chairs out of the room already if i dun be careful. sob... now i feel so useless leh... do everything sure got mistake one. best is to sleep... feel so targid

Hi Cuclainne, hope ur father and hubby get well soon. Dun get too stress, no good for baby and perhaps u can take some tonic or whatever....
Cuclamine, as I mention before i gave birth to a big bb 4 yrs ago. This is due to the durian i eat + gestational diabetic + tonic i took. You may approach any chinese medical hall and asked them how to make bb grow bigger. They will advise you wat to take and hw to take. And of cos take in moderation. Maybe, once per week or once per 2 weeks.

And is also a good time to take bird nest, which will give nourishment to the baby and mother. Add a little ginseng into the bird nest, and of cos pls check with the chinese medical hall before consuming anything. Bcos some people might not be suitable to take. You have to tell them what your gynae had told u and they will advise.

Resting is also very important. Inadequate sleep will lead to small baby too. Hope all these information helps

l wonder moderately meaning how many durains that we consume..l eaten sometimes 1- 5 pcs every 2 weeks . is it consider too many? or over eaten?
Chin Chin, shld be ok lah. But try not to eat too much, maybe once per mth.Bcos Durian contain very high sugar level. I remember i ate durian almost every week for the first 3 mth. Then got sick of it from 4 mth onwards. The craving start again when Im abt 7 to 8 mths pregnant. I ate not 1 to 5pcs. I ate 3 to 4 durians every 2 to 3 weeks...... Thou i know i had high glucose level but i still eat (not advisable) as I can't control the craving. B

gingercat, haha u r right penguin is the right word to use!
dun feel bad it is time for us to shake leg abit..

wow babyjo, u can eat so much? pei-fu leh!
me is my hb who crave for it
