(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

I think G and T can be good friends. She is also very active. Always wants to stand up and bounce.

I think Trinity gets bored easily, so she figured the faster she learns to move on her own then she won't have to wait for us to carry her around or bring her toys.


Maybe u can raise wit Bacticidol, good for ulcer too.


Can let us knw more abt the report? Is it if we train the baby to crawl by holding their legs then the legs will grow off shape?

Good for u leh. Yun also gets bore easily. But she super lazy to move on her own. She knw if she keep shouting, someone aka my MIL will carry her around till her old bones start to ache. For us, no choice weekend will be our turn to train our arms muscle.
Hi all,

I am Faith, have two kids, one boy (2 years plus) and one baby gal (6mths, corrected age 4mths as she was premature).

Interested to join the juz music trial class and babiesncream class. But can anyone share the details with me and whether any slot available?

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">jRt</font></font>, sounds like your mum is a hyperactive person! Taking care of 2 bbs at such young age can still find energy to do these funny extra curriculum activities. I PEI FU her mann!

Eh, I say first hor.. the Strawberry Sorbet is try at OWN risk ahh...

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">June-mui</font></font>, eh..? I didnt mention how to make the Syrup ahh.. aiya.. for SUGAR SYRUP:
- Use white Sugar TWICE the amount of water. Eg: 1 cup of water = 2 cups of sugar
- Boil with pandan leaves for fragrance. Don wan also can..
- Once Sugar all melted then cool down before use..

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Jamie</font></font>, <font color="ff0000">*wave wave*</font> welcome welcome!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">E-Ling</font></font>, cannn.. how much u want to pay me ahh? heehee next time when I have my own nest, YES! ALL WILL BE WELCOME!

It was Shawn's Bday dinner la not our anniversary but talking about that the anniversary is coming soon too! heehee.. We went Shashlik restaurant last night and had the Baked Alaska dessert! wooohhhoooo!! damn shiok mann! and finished off with Russian Coffee.. veryveryvery nice!

Thanks ah, A's rashes cleared today but trying out other possibilities..

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">cookiepie</font></font>, thanks for asking. A's rashes all cleared today so I'm doing other experiment now.. so may come back again..

<font color="ff0000">Aunty Brenda together with lil Arianne give <font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">ilovebbs & Rachel</font></font> BIG kisssssss left and right, CONGRATS!</font>
<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">Brenda jie jie</font></font>
FYI.. He didn't had stout.. Alamak!! is my dad who ATTEMPT to feed him, but kena stopped by my mum...

<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Dumpty</font></font>
yup yup.. But still Jayden same as ur G lor... prefers to stand... den wanna sit in his "BMW"(walker), and "run" ard the whole house.. attempt to pull anything he see, into his mouth... Dun worri.. k? Enjoy every moment with him!
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Crawling</font></font>
Ok mummies! bear with me... coz my dearest jie mei is studying cum working in a hotel..so rather difficult to find her... i will try my best to ask the report from her and let you all know ok??

<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">Brenda jie jie</font></font>
No no.. u nv mention.. how abt the strawberry jam? normal jam????

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Happy 6 mths & 7 mths to Trinity, Rachel & who huh??? Big big kisses from Little Jayden didi & Aunty June</font></font>
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Angeline</font></font>, that's a huge load of clothes for Trinity!! Lucky girl she is! We can never stock up for A, her size changes too fast!

Oh ya ha! thanks for the more water tip! didn't think of that.. but her rashes all gone today! Phew

<font color="ff0000">Congrats on Trinity turning 6 months today!</font> <font size="+1">BIG KISS TOO from Aunty Brenda and Arianne!</font>

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Alicia/Emma da B!</font></font>, no problem! Only a phone call away mah..

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">LilPony/ilovebbs</font></font>, heehee.. my gfs call me docbrenbren (think I told lilpony before?) heehee.. cos to them, I'm probably the only person who dares challenge doctors and for that matter, I dated 2 doctors before.. heehee..

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Ah Kum</font></font>, where can I find Huo Tuo Guan btw? I made my own herbal tea over the weekend but like very mild le..

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Dumpty</font></font>, ulcer still pain pain, a merger between 2!! A's rashes no more already le.. Thanx for your concern le..

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Melody</font></font>, but when u apply is it damn damn painful like stupid Bonjelo??

<font color="0000ff">AWwwwwwWW this forum mummies all so caring one!</font>
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">June-mui</font></font>, <font size="+2">KOK *hard hard*</font> your head! I'm such a precised person so I doubted what you said and went to dig out my last night post!!

~ Brenda's Strawberry Sorbet ~


- Fresh halves Strawberries
<font color="ff0000">- Strawberry Jam</font>
<font color="ff0000">- Syrup(just boil water with double amt of sugar and add some pandan leaves for fragrance)</font>
- Lemon

Toppings >>
- Fresh Cream (Bulla's is good enough)
- Mint leaves for garnishing (can do without la.. i like my foods fancy looking though..heh)
- Sliced Strawberries

1. Standby a tray with glass bowls or liquer glasses or tealight holders as containers for the sorbet in the freezer. Glass freezes well, the rest not as good.

2. Wash and halves the strawberries. Divide some for blending to become sorbet and some for toppings used.

3. Lemon - squeeze juice and keep in the fridge

4. Blend the rest of the halves strawberries, add strawberry jam, add COLD water, syrup (as desired) and the lemon juice. Amount all has to be aga-aga cos I don know how much you're making..

5. Fill the containers with the blended strawberry mixture then cover each with the plastic wrap. DO NOT leave them OPEN in the freezer, it'll be contaminated with the other foods smell! FREEZE for at least 6 hours or just hard enough like ice shavings in ice kachang.

6. When the sorbet are hardened, serve with a HUGE SPOON of fresh cream flop onto the top of the sorbet then place a few slices of the strawberries and finish it off with a mint leave.

7. Put your legs up and SAVOR!
yippee, coming 1 o'clock. me leaving now to go cake shopping and celebrate birthday with Trinity.

Will post photos if we manage to take any nice ones.
<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">Brenda jie jie</font></font>
aiya!!!!!! pain!! wanna ask correctly ma.. ar bo later make le, food poisoning how?
<font color="ff6000">RACHEL & TRINITY</font>,
Happy 7th and 6th mth birthday from Victoria and Aunty Xena!

<font color="ff0000">Angeline</font>
Trinity is very cute with all the thick hair. Amazing, she could sit without any support for 30mins at 5mths. Definitely, she will start crawling soon.
My dear victoria will not even play on her own for 20 mins

Don't worry, you are not alone with buying so much clothes for Trinity. Victoria's six drawers are already full with clothes and I have to hang some clothes in hb's wardrobe + clothes over at po po's place!!

<font color="aa00aa">BRENDA</font>
Hope your ucler is no longer causing you any more pain. Arianne is fortunate to hv a mummy who is so wise. You're really SUPER, digging up information for everyone with a problem. Thanks to you, I'm buying 4 tubes of calendula cream for Victoria's rosy cheeks, he..he

<font color="119911">Ling</font>
You didn't see Victoria as my mum was carrying her in a sling and we were rushing to Carrefour before Victoria issued us a curfew. Don't worry, we will meet each other one of these days!

<font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>
Thanks, I hv PM u the payment details.

<font color="ff6000">j@@n</font>
paiseh, where is venue for the class?
<font color="0000ff">Jovann :</font> <font color="119911">Thank you to all the nice aunties and babies who wish me Happy 6 Months!!! I really enjoyed yesterday as had so much fun! in fact, so fun until I didn't wish to nap more than 1.5hrs in the day, so last night I actually slept at 10.20pm, and woke up at 8.45am this morning! Mommy Daddy were stunned! The milk bath was eeerrrrr.......something new. But its rather messy. I splashed lots of milk on the floor, lucky they did it in the bathroom. I saw my Leapfrog toy for the first time, and boy do I LOVE IT! esp the disco ball, I kept licking it thinking its ice-cream. So many things to play I couldn't turn my body fast enough to take it all in! at one point of time, Daddy asked me " do you like your leapfrog Jovann??" and I actually replied something that sounded VERY suspiciously like "I Like....." hahahaha! that stunned them and they were elated they got the moment on video! check out my blog soon (mommy no time yet) and judge for urself whether I REALLY said those words?? let me know kae?. Mommy read me new pop-up books too, and fed me avocado, which taste quite good except that I was so hungry and I prefered the old fashioned MILK!"</font>

<font color="119911">Jo</font>, I have that table toy, but its from Fisher pRice!
its a gift during Jovann's full mth.
hehehe. so i dunno how much issit. but it sure looks fun! now he has many toys so I am going to wait till he is 9mths before i take it out from the box!

yes i bought the leapfrog activity station. Jovann loves it! photo ah? I post it later kae?

<font color="ff0000">brenda</font> hey i also got one big ulcer leh! hehehe we very heaty lah. so how's shawn's celebration?

<font color="119911">ilovebabies and baby rachel</font> thanks for the lovely dialogue! wow, Rachel is 7mths soon, COngrats Rachel!

<font color="0000ff">blessedmommy, brenda, ilovebabies</font> I just flipped through the AK book hor, it did say that babies betw 6mths and 1 yr old, needs betw 500ml to 800ml of milk daily besides cereal leh. i din read sala leh. but then that means 500ml is okie lah. Jovann ah, i dunno exactly how much he drinking now, but in the day after feeding cereal, for the 2 feeds after tat, he drinks less than 10mins wor. sometimes only 5mins! end up my boobs always full loh, and no time to pump, so i scared when i go back work on Fri supply drop then jialat.

<font color="119911">jrt</font> hey ur teether so cute! where u bought it? Jovann also wnat fruits! oh u sold that toy? hehehee...

<font color="ff6000">selina</font>, u very funny leh!! u asked me if I know esther? u okie? I met you and esther and bbgrace at isetan sale mah. remember?? hehehehh! *conk your head*. yes esther and me talking abt it, so ciao loh! hahahaa. but our babies names spelt differently. Mine is double "N".

<font color="0000ff">angeline</font> happy 6mths Trinity! hey ur playmat same also strewn with toys just like mine! hahahaa. hey looking fwd to meet Trinity on 1 April!

Bonjela okie alr. I use to have ulcer very often & guess wat i rub salt on them. Tat is sooooo much painful. Ooh... the bacticidol mouth wash is recomend by my dentist becas i use to wear braces & got ulcer almost every 2 wk.
We got the same World Map crawl mat for our babies! And thanks in advance for the jian mian li! Looking fwd to meeting all of you too...Oh and baby Alexis also has a lot of clothes, just like mummy!

Glad you are feeling better, rest well and drink more, and you will be up and running in no time

Babies n Cream class in Great World City! #02-12

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all 6/7 months old kiddos...what an accomplishment, won't you say?

Welcome! If you are keen to join the juzmusic trail class ($20), pls add in your name and your baby's name to the following:

Juzmusic trial class ($20) on 21 Apr (Sat) at 1 p.m. in Parkway Center (above McDonald's).

Updating the list:

1) Jerene & Alexis
2) PG & Chloe
3) shirlyn & Yu Jie
4) Blessedmom & johannah
5) Orange & Cayden
6) dumpty & Gabriel
7) E-Ling & Amabel

As for babies and Cream trail class, think there is one more slot on 8 Apr. Quick email [email protected].
Haaa. sometimes it happens in our thread once a while.. when your question is not answer.. It's not becoz we are ignoring your question but becos we do not have the right answer??!!!

I didn't use a blender. so can't help u on that. paisey
<font color="ff6000">Hi Trinity (jie jie), Mummy say I can be your good friend! *shake hand* I'm Gabriel and I'm like you learning to crawl. Maybe we can share tips on how to crawl faster to get to our toys when we meet?

But mummy never booked the 1st Apr BBnC class for me
*sulk sulk* I wonder if there's any other meetups with you and Aunty Angeline!

- Love, Gabriel</font>
<font color="ff6000">Gabriel</font>,
Never mind, you can't meet up with pretty Trinity in the BBnC class, you'll see me, Chloe & other gals and you can share some tips on how to crawl...
from Victoria
<font color="0000ff">daisybuttons</font> <font size="+2">OUCH!</font> dun conk me leh. i know u know esther cos i was there too mah but i dunno if u know her boy's name also jovan mah
cos when i was there i didnt hear your talk abt bb's name mah. prob you ladies shared when i went to buy my sandwich or while i was bz trying on clothes for myself... so wu2 gu1 kanna conk for nothing.
<font color="ff6000">Wah! I getta see babelicious Vicky and Chloe!

But still is there any meetups with Angeline for the rest of us not going BBnC on 1st Apr? I remember someone organizing something but cannot remember when or where ler...
Dear Brenda,

Thanks for coming up with such a detailed analysis of the Maclaren strollers! I agree with you that the Maclaren frame is quite sturdy!!! I have a Maclaren Techno Classic myself and I love it! Haiz, too bad I din read about your comments on the JIVE b4 I bought it... Anyway, the JIVE is now with my mom. She prefers it to the Combi and so I brought the Combi home and gave her the JIVE. My mom is till carrying Clarence everywhere she goes, so I guess she will not be a heavy user of the JIVE.
You should have heard my mom's long list of complaints about the Combi.... She said it was not stable (ie shakes from left to right), not easily manueverable, cannot operate with one hand, suspension very bad and so on.... So she is much happier with the JIVE. I am fine with Combi though.... Pushed Clarence to Compass Point twice in the Combi...

Hope your ulcer gets better fast! I swear by Bonjela.... hurts like mad when you apply it, but it numbs the pain after a while.... Haven't tried other ulcer cream, so dunno about the rest. Just drink more water too! I am glad Arianne's rashes have cleared up! have you found out what caused it? It may not be food.... it may be other household allergens such as pollen, dustmites, wool.....

And thanks a million for including Clarence in the bolawood!!! You are so sweet!
Look forward to seeing you next Sunday!

Dear Emma,

Thanks thanks thanks for the tip on where to get the stroller umbrella!!! $9.90 is a steal! Must go and get one soon.

Dear Daisybuttons,

It's great that little Jovann likes the Leapfrog!
Too bad Clarence doesn't like his leh.... Anyway, I've sold it to finance other of his stuffs! Just bought a Philips baby monitor for $249.... We have decided to boot Clarence out of our room this weekend. Any mom with any success story in getting the baby to sleep on his/her own, must share share hor.....

These few nights are very bad. Clarence keeps getting up at 2-3am, and he will start whining until we fed him. After that, he won't want to sleep in his own crib and kept pointing his arm in the direction of our bed. In the end, bo bian and let him sleep between us, and he will lie there quietly and smile, then go to sleep on his own. Otherwise, he will start wailing the minute we start lowering him into his crib. But this is VERY BAD!!! Take last night for example.... I battled with him till 4am, and gave up in the end and put him in between us. By this morning, he has slipped under the duvet and his whole head was covered by the duvet!!! My husband got up and got a shock cos he couldn't find Clarence in his crib and couldn't see him anywhere. It was only until he felt a small kick on his stomach that he realised that Clarence is underneath the blanket.

Hi Jo,

Here is the pic of the Leapfrog before we sold it... It looks like this.


Hi Yuna,

Got your sms!!! Great, now that we have each other's hp number, agree with you that we can go for kopi together! We can push the 2 baby Cs side by side in their Combi strollers and go for teh or kopi! We can talk, and our babies can babble to each other as well!

By the way, any moms here want Frisocream??? I bought 5 cans 3 weeks ago for my mom, who refused to feed Clarence Friso as she wants to cook chor bee porridge herself. Now I am stuck with too many cans. I have 3 cans to sell at $6 each.... Sms me at 97472199 if interested hor.
<font size="+1"><font color="000000">Melody</font></font>

I am using Braun blender. Pretty good.. So far,I only use it for making puree for Cayden . I think the retail price is $79.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Brenda</font></font>,

You can find Huo Tuo Guan at Geylang and Blastier - A bit far from your mum's place leh .. But I swear by their supper bitter herbal tea (can choose to add those whatever powder to make it even more BITTER and more effective).

Or rub salt lor.. hahahaa.. super painful though..
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Peachie</font></font>

Me me... I managed to get Cayden out of our room about 3 months ago! I shared with both Emma and J@@n on how I did it .. What i did was :
1) Get Cayden nap in his own room for about 1-2 weeks (told him that is his room blah blah) - this is to get him used to that room
2) Then on that very night, we will perform his sleeping routine in his room
3) He did woke up a few times on the first night and while whining, i observed that he kept looking around the room.
4) He started to sleep through in his own room after the 3rd/4th night
5) Best part is, after we moved him out of our room, when he wakes up in the morning, he will play/talk to himself! he doesnt whine/fuss for our attention!!

I think all babies are different, but you can give it a try on my method
Orange, you are fantastic!!! I shall do the same!!!

I have copied out your instructions and printed them out!
Was talking to a friend yesterday. She said after 1 year is very very hard to get the baby out. So we intend to do so asap.

I know of a few friends who are still sharing the same room with their kids despite their kids being 3 years or older. For one of them, both the husband and wife are doctors, and their eldest son (age 6) is sleeping in their bed right in the middle. The younger daughter (age 1) sleeps in the crib beside them. I certainly hope that I won't say the same thing about Clarence 6 years later!!!

Am gearing up to kick him out of the room.... Will let you know if there is any success.
hi selina, aiyoh ooops. sayang sayang. *soothe ur head* hehehe. me and esther talking about it when we walked to the escalator that day to have lunch.

peachie, yaH! what a sigh of relief that he likes it hehehe!
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Peachie</font></font>

I think what your friend shared with you is true! Some of my colleagues still have their 7 yrs old child in their room!!! It is very difficult to get them out especially after the 2nd baby comes. You will not want them to have the impression that he/she is kicked out of the room to welcome the younger sis/bro!!

We were in dilema when we decided to move Cayden out when he was not 6 mths yet. Since it was long holiday break, so we decided to try! and glad that we did (thank to my hubby though, i wanted to give up on the first night when he woke up a couple of times)

Try for at least 3-4 nights.. I am sure it will work.. GOOD LUCK
Hi brenda!

glad to hear that A's rashes got better
and i agree with Melody, bactidol is very good!

usually,if i feel like getting sorethroat, i'd gargle with it before sleep. next day, sure disappear. and for ulcers, it will somehow help to reduce the soreness and sting.

thanks so much for finding out about frisocrem. my mum has been bugging me to give rae ann cereal and said that frisocrem is very delicious. she also told me to give her farley rusks, said i loved that too.

i'm not young at all. 30 this year. mum said frisocrem and farley has been around for very long already and was very common during my time.

rae ann turns 6 months today too. will start giving her solids soon
hi peachie!

Wow clarence has as much hair as rae ann! do u have problems washing his hair?

for me, i really find it so difficult to wash rae ann's hair everyday! she really hates water dripping onto her face!

sometimes, i wish she's bald!
hi orange,

it never occurred to me to let rae ann sleep in her own room. should we really start training them now?

any other mummies here training baby to sleep in their own room?

is it that difficult for them to move to their own room? i remember i slept with my parents till i was in Pri 1! My sis is worse! she slept with them till she was in Sec 2!

I bought the Leapfrog exersaucer at the Taka fair for $149. But sold it last week to a friend for $120. So I no longer have it.

But honestly, since you have the leapfrog learning table, you do not need the leapfrog exersaucer. Why I said this is because there are many many duplicate stuffs among the 2 toys. And out of the 2, the learning table is a much better toy in my opinion, due to the following:

- The features and functions are more extensive, The exersaucer have basically 5 toys. The 1-5 keys to learn about numbers, the disc station to play the alphabet song, the ball to learn about opposites (ie up vs down), the microphone to get baby to talk (the mic will say "Sing it Baby") and the flip book to interchange between the jazz mode and the alphabet mode. These are all available in the Learning table. Plus the learning table has so much more functions... eg the sweets container will say "open/hello" when baby opens it, "close/bye bye" when baby closes it. The sweets container is silent in the exersaucer. Also, the lights are within the baby's line of vision for all buttons on the learning table. For the exersaucer however, baby will not see the lights when baby is fiddling with the flip book or the ball.

- The learning table is 50% cheaper than the exersaucer ($93 vs 149 at Taka sale)

However, the learning table does not offer the same kind of gross motor exercise that an exersaucer can offer. My point is that since you have the learning table and all its features are available in the exersaucer, might as well go for another brand of exersaucer if you are really that keen to get an exersaucer. But if you are really getting one, better be quick.... An exersaucer does not last very long, from 4 months to pre-walking (ie 10/11 months). Plus it is not a cheap investment. The earlier you get one, the longer you can depreciate it.

I bought the learning table myself last week, after selling off the exersaucer that Clarence doesn't want. Actually Kelicia and Clarence shares many same toys! Clarence has the FP blocks as well. He loves them!



I totally agree with what you have shared! Yep, that's the problem which my poor friend is facing! When she told me that her 6 year old boy is sleeping in her bed, my jaws just dropped! And she complained that this is just the tip of the ice berg. Her 1 year old daughter will be outgrowing the crib soon and there is no more space on the bed! Faint!!!
<font color="ff6000">Cheekz</font>,

Happy 6th mth to Rae Ann.. She has the same bd as my hubby too
I agree with Xena that you will not want Rae Ann to be bald !! hehehe (You can talk to J@@N about this, kekeke)

Re: getting the bb out of our room
I have no idea as me first time mummy leh. BUT i heard from friends, colleagues on how difficult it was to get their kids out of their room. Some of them end up having the whole family squeezing in the master bedroom !
Hi Cheekz,

Yup, Clarence has loads of hair.... But I love his hair leh.... So although it is more troublesome to wash, I never minded it.
I lie him down in a horizontal position, prop him on my legs and use a hand towel to wash his hair. In this position, the water drips backwards and does not fall over his face. So he is fine with it. You can try this. Not too tough.
peachie, does clarence know how to st5ack the blocks oredi????

baby sleeping - Jovann sleeping in his own room since 3 weeks old, that time with CL. then after she leaves we set up the Swann baby monitor we got as a full mth gift.
Haha, nope, he can't!!! he'll be a genius if he could....
Stacking blocks is a developmental milestones that will only come at 15-18 months. We stacked the blocks for him, and by pressing the button at the top, the toys on the 3 blocks will start spinning at the same time! This tickles him to no end and get him interested in the blocks. The 3 blocks are his favorite toys. And they only cost $10 (UP$14.70) at the previous Isetan sale in Dec. So the cheapest toys may turn out to be the best! One excellent case in point I always remember is Brenda's bola bola!

Okie okie... gotta work now...
No more eating snake!
hi all


My boy love this toy. He stood there for a few mins, playing with it, before he lost his balance. Hahaha


i dunno whether I shld start training Rachel to sleep in another room.

firstly, I did not do up my spare room as the baby room. More like an ironing room hehe

secondly, i feel bad leaving her alone in the room. Sometimes she wake up in the middle of nite crying but she go back to sleep real fast. but i still need to run over to pacify her ... wah v siong right ?
