(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

hi Sha

totally agree with you on golden rule number 1 hehhe it makes life easier ya ?

I was sick last weekend too ... wore a face mask today while latching my gal... dunno if she can recognise me ahhha

motherhood is really not easy. I have adapted to this hectic lifestyle .. bo bian right ?

today went to mum place and visited my gynae tonite for my Pap Smear.
and the stitches of my wound has dissolved so everything is alright.
and I brought my gal to TB plaza for shopping while waiting for appt and I latched her at the nursery room... hehe 1st time latching her outside .. not too bad

just finished hand washing bb and my clothes ... v tired ..


did u consult a PD on enzo's prob ?
but I rem PD said it's normal for bb to not poopoo for a day leh ..

btw it's not good to wrap your bb in such hot weather. Their temp may go up and you may thought that he has develop a fever. In any case, bb temperature is slightly higher than adults, do take note.


did u try burping your boy ? prob it helps him to absorb the milk easier.
but I think Joon's suggestion is good. i also keep all these details of rachel in a booklet in case my hubby take over my duties and he can refer to the booklet for more details. Of cos, it helps when you bring your child to the PD.

i am not sure how much my Rachel put on weekly cos I dun have such precise weighing machine.


dun get too stress over the express output. prob like what ur gynae say, you are more diff to achieve letdown during expressing but at least your gal is feeding well by latching on you


if it's so diff to latch on, then you may want to switch back to bottle feeding ?
as what the gals said, some mothers can achieve good milk supply just by expressing and no latching !
dont give up BF ok !

Morning Gals
I got my handfree accessories from this website http://www.mumsfairy.com .. my friend introduced this to me one.

So now I can read magazine while pumping. I guess it's sort of reduce the stress of seeing how much milk i have pumped all the while coz I can do other things and keep my mind of the milk amount hee hee :D ...

How to increase from 30ML to 180ML ? Beside this handfree thingy, I also took post natal supplements and fenugreek (supposed to increase your milk flow). Thk u can get fenugreek from Guardine or GNC :p
mummies, any of you here are going to be SAHM after your confinement? If you are returning to work, who is looking after your bb?

cereal, ya hor, i forgot that hubby will be waiting while mummies bf. But bb's feeding time should get shorter as bb matures. my friends usually bf for max 20 min per session when outside and bb seem to eat well. How are you doing?
riushiki... how many fenugreek are u taking daily??? the girl at GNC says to take up to 6 a day lehz... that's an awful lot to swallow isnt it???
domesticgoddess... me most prob will be going back to work... am entitled to 2 year no pay leave though.. am contemplating... might take it, then teach tuition at home... otherwise, will go back and send enzo baby to the nanny upstairs... unwillingly... what abt u?
so who will be looking after your Rachel when you are back to work?

Ya motherhood is hectic and vert stressful at time.

Last night Sherilyn don't want to sleep have to carry her around after BF feeding her from 9+ onwards. Then BF her again at about 12midnight then she is willing to sleep in my chest, both my hands and legs so tired, I got so stress even scold my hubby as well. . . poor hubby. . .hahahahaha. . . and I keep telling him one is enough hor everytime when Sherilyn create problem for me. . .hahahahaha. . .

What is SAHM???
have check with GNC and Nature's Farm. . .it is cheaper to get it at Nature's Farm for fenugreek and also to be taken once a day only if I remember correctly.
So fenugreek really does work! I'm toying with the idea of that too... almost bought a bottle of herbal drops at TMC yesterday, Motherlove brand... about $48 for the little bottle... how much did u pay for the GNC pills?

I was thinking of being a SAHM before giving birth, but now, after taking care of this one, I'm having second thoughts!! Think I will go back to work next Feb, like planned! My MIL will take care of the bb.

SAHM is stay-at-home-mum
Hey, Der Nen was like that last night too! We ended up rocking and walking around the whole house for 2 hours until he finally cried himself to sleep. So ke lian... I wonder why he was so uncomfortable... I think it was wind... anyone here using Ru Yee Oil? Does it work? (ya, I also told my hb, 1 is enough... he wants 4!!!!! shen jing ping!)

ok... going to take a nap now that Der Nen is sleeping!
We used Ru Yee Oil and also used the tradition Wood woods Grip Wind water and it also help as well.

My hubby college once told him that her baby also cries alot before the full month and once the full month is over her baby settled down and is much better lor. . .so I am crossing all my toes and figure that this is true coz it is only a few more days to go.
Sha, thanks for the info
! U using cloth diaper ah? before i gave birth I intend to use that but when I'm back home...i realise it is much more easier to use diapers!!! Save time and dun have to wash :p so for this 1 month ... i will be using diaper instead cuz my CL is my mummy dun wan her to tired herself.....

Domesticgoddess, mi going back work mid Dec *sighz*....dun intend to be a SAHM cuz my mum will be looking after my ger for me and abit no life if becum a SAHM leh.... tats my thought lah :p
joon.. and the rest.. now fenugreek is on sale at GNC for their members only.. buy 2 bottles at 18.60(or 18.90) each... v worth buying.... but me not member.. so din buy that day... but its v popular.. always oos...
just to check, when should we bring our baby back to the PD for their jabs ah? the 6in1 jab? 1 month after birth? or 2 months later?
Thanks! That little piece of info is encouraging... just a few more days for both our bbs yes? I'm really lookg forward to the man yue celebrations this wkend... finally I can meet other people, haha! Sherilyn having a man yue celebration too right? Thanks for the info on gripe water... how much do u give Sherilyn and when do u give it to her? Before feeding? By bottle? Spoon?

Thanks for the info! I think I will try a bottle or 2. Do u know if we can take it long-term? Or are we supposed to stop when milk flow increases?

What abt u? Are u intending to be a WM or SAHM?
for those of u who are breastfeeding, do u wake bb up every 3 hrs to breastfeed or you just feed whenever he cries for milk?
some pple say let bb sleep and feed only when he cries for milk coz sleep is equally impt as milk.

some pple say must wake bb up and feed else he'll not be getting enough esp for mine who's not putting on much weight.

so im confused....???
Yap Sherilyn is having her Man Yue celebration and her daddy has paste her photo on the wall so once people walk into they can see her photos. . hahahaha. .

Give her the grip water when she cries alot and it is not for food nor is it for a diaper change, etc. . .just a little bit half a tea spoons will do.

I have this little tool which I believe can be brought at the pharmacy that is like a jab that is meant for feeding baby with medicine, so I can just shoot it right into her mouth.

Agreed that diaper is more convenient, but also cause more money lor . . hahahaha. . anyway, just has to be check and change the diaper regularly as well to prevent the baby butt from rashes and redness lor.
if your baby is not under weight it is ok to let the baby sleep and feed only when baby cry for milk.

Sleeping is very important for the baby as it help in the development of their internal organs.

Just need to monitor her feeding time, draw out a time table and use that as your estimation of your baby feeding time, wee wee and poo poo . . .I have a time table that I mark it every day to monitor all her movement event when her fussing time. . hahahaha
joon... fenugreek is a herbal supplement that serves 2 functions... main function is to regulate one's blood sugar level.. those who wanna do that will have to take 1 to 2 pills for as long as they want... lactating moms have to take 2 to 6 pills in order to see an increase in their milk supply.. so far me taking 2-3 a day not much effect... hehe... maybe i should follow riushiki.. take 6... maybe till start tmr..
Tat's amazing.. from 30ml to 180ml? haaa!! I wish i had that as well...
But that's good leh.. then you just have to EBM to your bb.... Wow.. very proud of you! haa!
Heard from my CL that Bb's ideal weight increase should be 1kg each month. So, you can use this as a gaudge to see if your bb is absorbing the milk well enuff or not...

1kg each month .. simple equation.. haa!
Hi ladies,

dun know you all still rem me.
Was popping here in and out 2 weeks ago before delivery. My son, Rhys was out last monday, a whopping 3.82kg. Now just 1 week later already 4kg liao...

Was very very stress during the past week regarding breastfeeding.
First nite at home, bb was crying and crying and I got no milk at all. No choice, gave him FM.
1 week liao still not much milk, now can only pump max 40ml per session (45min-1hr). Was feeling like a useless mummy. Cried almost every nite.

Now Rhys is having FM about 90ml liao. Is it a lot har? He keep wanting more lor. Dun know is it becoz he is bigger. Anyone can advise?

I also have the same problem. Left breast like little milk. Max 20ml, right can have double. very sad everytime when I have to start pumping.
Now Rhys seems to reject latching liao. Cry and cry everytime I try to latch him. Now no choice, can only pump. Sigh... feeling very depressed.

Was hoping for engorgement sometimes, at least have milk for him...poor boy...
Little Pony, I'm giving S26 - Gold....

Sha & Joon, Julian also behaves like that at times... His record is 5 hours (from 8pm+ to 1am+)... My mum, hb and myself have to take turns to walk & rock him... Even if we manage to put him to sleep, he will wake up within 5 mins and starts to cry again
.. PD says he is having 3-month colic. The condition will resolve by itself after he reaches 3 months.
Vivian, I gave Julian 60ml FM from day 1 till about 2nd week after which I increased the amount to 90ml coz he doesn't seem to get enough... He's now drinking 120ml of FM+BM for each feed.. He'll be turning one month this coming Friday...
hi ladies,
this morning somebody send a tin of Dumex Mamex Gold for 0-12months to my hse, wonder if u all received??

u mention tat Mrs Wong teaches u how to massage baby after feeding rite? can u teach me cos i find very difficult to burp him n sometimes he will vomit out all his milk
Oh. . no. . my god. . 3 months!!!!! Hope that you are kidding me. . hahahaha.

for Colic "wind" I use the tradition Woodwoods Grip Water. . .also know as "Poo Poo Fat Kid Water in Cantonese" to get rid for it so far so good lor. . .hehehehe. . .
Hi all

Sorry for MIA for a while.. have been trying to catch up with all the postings....

I have popped on the 18th Sep... I'm the one with small baby which gynea suspect it might be due to weak placenta or the cord around the neck...

So I was asked to induce on the 18th Sep when my amniotic fluid dropped till very very low and is in dangerous level....

After 7 hours of labour without epi (already abt 5cm dilated), my baby kept getting distressed... so rushed for emergency c-sec... managed to save my baby on time... it was found out that the cord is too short and when I push, the cord couldn't support it... gynea said luckily we made the right decision on time.... hubby was thankful that I tong w/o epi, else I would have keep pushing w/o pain and baby will be in trouble...

Was reading Cereal's experience and can understand how she feels as I felt the same way too.... what a horrible experience!

Now I'm still experiencing the wound pain.. wonder how long will it go away?

My mum will be taking care of my gal when I return to work. Anyway my work place is v near mum hse so it's along the way.

i understand why u scold ur hubby ahah sometimes bb cry non stop and when hubby cant help, what they can do is to let us vent our anger on them !

One thing to note for crying babies .. do u gals give pacifier ?
i gave Rachel pacifier when she turn 1 mth old cos sometimes she cry non stop and her face color changes cos she gets v irritated. so mum says better to give pacifier to calm her down if not she'll be sucking in a lot of air which may cause wind in her.

I also put Ru Yi oil on rachel after bath daily. Just one drop and rub it between your two palms and apply on her tummy area will do.

before she turn 1 mth old, she cries a lot too.. and i realise she cant sleep well at nite. tends to wake up easily and cry for no reason. now she is sleeping better and she wakes up for feed only. phew ... now I can sleep better too !
So i am not sure is it becos she turn 1 mth old ?

anyway i read that giving pacifier is perfectly ok. It also decreases the chances of SID. Some bb starts to suck their thumb now and I think we shld intro pacifier to curb the bad habit of sucking thumb. We can throw away pacifier when they grow older but the thumb will always be there.

btw u gave Sherilyn purely gripe water, or mix with boiled water ?

initially i also tot of using cloth nappies but was using diapers since Rachel was born. Think not easy to use cloth nappies cos she poo poo a lot ... anyway have switched to FITTI brand which is cheaper than PAMPERS !

aiyo dun think i can be SAHM .. really no life ..
imagine no makeup, messy hair tied up in pony tail, no nice clothes .. I'll go crazy ! hehe


i opted for 6-in-1 jab, will bring Rachel for the jab when she turns 2 mth old.


I dont wake bb up for feed. I mean even if u managed to wake them up, they may not want to eat right ? I'll let Rachel sleep even for 4 hrs (she usually wake up after 3 hrs) ... just wait for her cue. If not, she may waste my EBM ah ...

Did u ask the trainer at the parentcraft lesson whether sleep or milk is more impt for bb ?

btw there is a PARENTING TALK by KKH on 14 Oct. Fee is $10 (dont know per person or per couple)
Closing date for registration is 11 Oct.
This talk is suitable for parents with kids up to 3 yrs old... btw kids are not allowed.

The topics are :

Positive Parenting
-developmental needs of infants and toddlers
-understanding infants and toddlers
-brain research:implications for postive parenting
-infancy and toddlerhood as foundation years for development and learning

Feeding them right
- basic nutrition from birth till the toddler years
- introducing solids
-common feeding issues
-common feeding misconceptions
-ways to achieve well-balanced meals

Light refreshment provided

if u gals are interested, I can fwd you the registration form. Prob we can also meet up !!

wow ! what an experience and I am so glad both you and bb are fine !! you are brave to go thru w/o epidural and your efforts are not wasted ... very wei da hor !

my wound pain lasted for a few days only. yest went for pap smear, and gynae says my stitches have dissolved.
jasmine, is this the first time you use the sling? what material is your MIM sling made of? TIA! I am considering getting one too for my #2.

amylim, who is bb's PD? Your bb's weight gain is good! nothing to worry about, they will correct themselves usually if they have put on too much weight in some months, as long as bb is fed on demand and not forcefed, esp with FM.

someone here mentioned this in recent posts. For first 3 months, the average weight gain in newborns is 1kg per month, from 4th to 6th month, it's 500g per month. But don't worry if they gain slightly more or less as above is AVERAGE and serves as a guide for most doctors to determine if bb are growing well.
Sha, SAHM is stay-at-home-mum.

Emma, wahaha... entitled to 2 years NPL! Are you in the noble profession?

I have been a SAHM since my first boy was born 2 years ago and will probably continue to be SAHM for at least another year. I have been enjoying every bit of my SAHM life as I get to spend so much time nurturing my son and watching him grow up. I am there for all his "FIRSTS" which to me is the most precious.

Joon, oh if you can return to work only in Feb, you may decide then that being SAHM is more fun, since bb gets to be more fun as they get older. They are such angels at 3 to 6 months when they start to coo and smile at their mummies.

rainnie, depends what kind of "life" you meant when you said SAHM has no life. :p My sister prefers working to being SAHM too.

ilovebabies, some SAHMs do take time to doll up too lah...
mummie_of_rhys, congratulations! wahaha... Rhys is real big! was it normal delivery or c-sect?

Considering Rhys is a big baby, his appetite may be more than others, so just feed him on demand for whatever amount he wants.

Don't fret too much on BM supply. Most mummies have the same problem and as many will tell you that their supply improve with more frequent latching/expressing and over time.. So chin up and just do your best.

emoments, congratulations! Reading your birth story, my heart went for you. I'm glad all is well now, so you can look forward to enjoying your bb. C-sect wound recovery varies with individuals, but pain generally lessen after 2 weeks. Look after the wound well by keeping it dry (in first 2 weeks) and eating well, and don't overly exert yourself in first 6 weeks (so no exercise), your wound will recover very quickly thereafter.

OMG ! u r a SAHM !!! i dunno if i can give up my job to be a SAHM .. need a lot of determination. Not easy. Probably can also be a HDB tai-tai like the Channel 8 show yest at 8pm hehhe

today is my first day with Rachel at home .. without my mum's help ! anyway I have completed the most diff task of the day .. BATHING her !!

hai she hates bathing at times.. will cry .. cos she is tired and wants to sleep but I purposely wake her up for her bath else it will be too late then it will be her feeding time.
Today is also the day my confinement nanny is going home. A bit stress .. dunno can manage without her :x

Already got my mum here to help hee hee :D Me scare of nite time the most :x

hehe my mum came to my plc to stay after my confinement too. went to her place on Mon and Tue .. so today decided to stay at home and trial haha
so far so good ..

anyway I took care of my gal most of the time so I know how to coax her

btw I just realised my gal has cradle cap on her eyebrows. any idea how to remove it ? i know if it's on the scalp, can apply olive oil before bath and brush it off with a baby comb.
i'm deciding to be a SAHM for 2yrs cos i can apply for max of 2yrs no-pay leave which i already apply it for tis nov n dec..... but is really a hard decision cos i still cant decide who can really help me look after my boy well, n if i really take 2yrs no-pay leave will i enjoy my life at SAHM cos i will have no more freedom.... no more shopping without bringing my boy... no more short snokelling trip in malaysia... no more single life with friends....

but if i ask my relative(aunt) to look after my boy will he still be as close to me as now?? will i find somethg amiss on e bonding part??? will my cousin bully my boy...?? hai... is a real difficult decision.....which i still got 2 months to decide.
thks for the link to mumsfairy. i think i may consider getting the handsfree thingy too cos its so tiring to keep holding the pumps!

did u also get the their angled breast shields? does it help a lot too?

my bb oso starting to cry a lot these days and cant seem to get to sleep. last nite had to carry him for like 5 hrs. lucky got help fr in laws else i oso go crazy. hope its really true that after 1 mth they will be more settled...
we have brought the pacifier for Sherilyn so far she do not want to suck lor. . .so far so ok lah she sleep thru the night only wake up for feeding and went back to sleep . . .my gal sleep alot so heng heng for the time being lor. . .hahahaha.

My girl too hard bathing time and she cry every time she bath must catch her at the right mood of the bathing sometime she dont cry so still heng heng lor.

If I managed to get a good job will start will in November need to earn extra money for the Chinese New Year . . .hahahaha. . .me too can't be SAHM as well not know at least maybe a few years later when my gal can walk and talk it would be easier and better lor. . hahahha. . at least got some freedom I think.

About the Talk you going?? We can talk about this Sunday at my house okie.
Sha.. ya lohz.. me taking 4 daily... never express in the middle of the night.. now got engorgement...
but milk supply realli increased slightly..

melissa... bathe babies after feed.. will they vomit??? i dun dare to move my enzo much after feeds cos he'll regurgitate his milk...

domesticgoddess.. yeah.. the "noble profession" its tough.. but fun lahz..
what were u doing before this? what u intend to look for after this??
Yes, I give Sherilyn purely grip water . . . did not mix with any water. I used the tradition grip water in the glass bottle type, just a little should is safe and she stop crying immediately, a while later you can hear pooooo. . .hahahahaha. . .

I apply Ru Yu every morning after bathing her and every night when I change her clothes. Making sure that her tummy is warm and sometime in the afternoon as well. Otherwise she will not feel comfortable and will have problem sleeping, if she doesnt sleep well we dont sleep well too.
How long have you been taking it? I think once the milk supply is up can stop taking it for the time being and just keep expressing it out to maintain the supply. So it should be safe that way for baby.

got good news. . .I got an interview this afternoon . . the interviewer is keen to meet up with me and is willing to travel all the way to Junction 8 to meet me. . .wish me luck. Hope I got this job this company not bad leh . . . it is in the fashion industry!!!!
