(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Hi Jasmine,
How many weeks r u into bf alrdy? Like u, my milk is also comin out in droplets and I'm alrdy in my 3rd week! I'm still trying though cos my little one has nipple confusion plus I cant seem to get much out of pumping. I really hope to succeed and hopefully there's still a chance that milk flow will increase.....

to all mummies,
do u all find it difficult to burp ur little ones? I always try to burp him for abt 5-10 mins but most of the time cant succeed..and recently he's feeling uncomfortable esp at night cos of wind in the tummy.

chocolat, try to tilt your bb's body in a slanted position when feeding him (like what the hospital nurses do)... It helps the bb to burp faster....
joon and e-ling, sounds like your bb is either
1. not latching on properly, hence they cannot suckle properly to stimulate the supply and letdown, so the milk flow could be too slow for them, which is likely the reason for them to doze off.
2. or is becoming a snacker if this continues too. So you gotta break this habit ASAP.

What you can do:
1. wake bb up during feeding, if you think bb hasn't had enough
2. ensure bb is latching on properly. E-ling, in your case, it definitely sounds like bb is not latching on well, so maybe go and see your lactation consultant, so they can correct it for you or pay more for a house visit. A lot of hospitals have this service.
3. if bb starts crying after 2 hrs, use a pacifier to hold off feeding, say 10 min in first day, 15min the second day, so she lasts longer between feeds. But caution - you may end up with a really hungry bb who is very aggressive at suckling.. So it is again very important that she is latching on well. But her hunger will then ensure she eats more now, so lasts longer.
4. express a little so you achieve letdown faster and bb can get to the richer hind milk earlier, so will be filled up faster even if she feeds for shorter time.
5. ensure bb is swaddled up so she cannot move too much during BF.
6. ensure room is not too warm, as warmth makes bb feels sleepy, compared to a colder room which wakes them up.

hope above helps.
today is my 13th day of TBF...
i consulted my gynae n the massage lady Mona just did a check for me.. no blocked ducts, not much engoegement.. milk flow seems ok leh..so, i quite relieved lah.. only thing iz, how to express more to store up for when i go back to work??

u can mixed bm n fm leh.. i read about it.. just make sure both @ similar temperture b4 mixing..
chocolat, actually must burp quite hard to get them to really burp. Can try placing bb's body upright against your shoulder and pat his back with your cupped palm. You should hear a fairly loud patting sound. I know with a lot of new parents and older folks, they tend to pat or stroke very gently which doesn't work. Correct burping is very important for newborns to help them get rid of excess wind.

amylim, err.. why do you want to mix FM and BM? As long as both are fresh, there is no scientific reason (from what i've read before) that suggests anything wrong with it, but it is actually not advisable.

You can of course feed BM first and top up with FM if problem is BM supply.
OMG, you girls can slow down or not?!

I just got home ha!! Haven't read through 3 days worth of posts! Who's left now? I think not many right.

I have given birth to my princess at 14 Sep, 4.25pm. When I reached there, I am already 3cm dilated. Thanks to my squatting exercise, last minute shopping and ahem ahem. My waterbag was burst at 8.30am and I went into what my doctor called "good contractions" throughout the day. I managed to go through the pain until my labor at 4.25pm. I can't believe I just delivered b'cos I couldn't see what's going on down there. Had my eyes shut all the time hehe. No I'm on total breastfeeding and baby latches on fine without a problem. I'll be back with my labor story soon and a picture of my 3.185kg princess. Now got so many visitors and not enough sleep!

To those who hasn't pop yet, JIA YOU! Don't worry, without epi not so bad.

Daisybuttons, heard you haven't pop. Go go my natural birthing buddy. Hope you can make it too!
Ming Liew.. me went back on thurs.. still got menses ah.. but mine cx c-section scar.. so never see down there... but got menses also muz go back.. cos ur menses can last up to a month lehz.... or even up to 40 days??? right mommies?

but mine v light flow only leh.. since i came back from the hospital, i stop using maternity pads alr... is that normal???
melissa, congratulations!
do post picture when you are free.

congrats to melody too.

I still haven't popped and no labour sign at all. Who else are left, huh?

Mummie_of_rhys, any progress?

BTW, cereal has discharged from hospital yesterday but not sure how she is now.
Melissa, congrats... Happy for you that your delivery process seems so smooth

I am left
Just went for my checkup, gynae said mine won't be so soon, most likely next next week!!!! I was SO disappointed hearing the news from her...
Emma and elaine,
Thanks for the info, i think will go see him on monday. Huh really the menses can last for 40 days
that's a lot. I found if c-section the menses is nt so much, heard my frd say bcs c-section they had clean it for you.

I found my down there still pain le especially toward the back and when sit up right to BF my bb.
12 sep 10am was my wk38 checkup.

gynae noticed bb's heart getting bigger.

both hubby and i are thalassemia minor carrier, thus gynae has been extra careful and has been monitoring closely on bb.

she suggested caesaeran straightaway since bb is matured and she doesnt want to take the risk as we'll never know what's going to happen next.

gynae oso arranged for me n hubby to speak to our selected PD. she oso helped us assess the situation coz initially both hubby and i find it too rush and unexpected to hv caesaeran straightaway tt afternoon.

wanted to try induce but gynae doesnt approve as she doesnt want bb to go thru distress which might worsen any heart condition.

in the end we decided to go ahead for the sake of bb.

PD wont be able to assess bb's heart condition unless he's out to this world.

so tt afternoon, arranged caesaeran at 3pm. administered epidural so hubby can b w me. bb born 18min later.

so far bb has passed all the heart tests. everything is alright. phew!

anyway luckily i went for caesaeran, during the operation, gynae says my pelvis is indeed too small to deliver the bb naturally as bb's head is quite big (34cm) for a 2.8kg bb.
i was discharged on fri. stay at tmc was a pleasant one. quite satisfied w all their services. really felt so cared for.

so far so good. no painkiller needed for my wound. monday going back to see PD (bb has 10.1 level jaundice, told to sun bathe him but raining these 2 days leh) and my gynae (to change the dressing of the wound).
May iknow if every of your have breastpump?
Your bought hte electronic one or the manual one and which brand is good?

For the BF, FYI i just got to know from a col that her frd, aftere BF the BB, she will pump out and empty her breast to increase the milk flow and she can actually pump out 2 Liter of milk everyday!!! So amazing!!!
has been latching on bb every 3 hourly during my stay in tmc. to stimulate the milk flow.

sometimes not successful as my nipples are rather short type. supposed to latch on each side for 20min each time. but i think i could only manage 5-10min the most.

started to hv breasts engorgement on the 3rd day.

mrs wong boh boi massaged for me. really painful. more painful than dun massage.

the next day, i discharged, continue to latch on 3 hourly and try to stimulate w pump too. tt particular evening, managed to pump out the colostrum.

milk supply started to come, but slowly i think. engorgement getting better each day. 20min pumping each side of breasts only bring total of 20ml of milk.

but i'll continue to work hard. so far did not supplement w any formula milk though i did take 2 bottles of NAN milk sample from tmc.
hi ming liew,

im having ameda double electric breast pump. so far so good.

everytime i latch on bb, he'll suckle for abt 15min one side of the breasts and then he'll fall asleep. if he's still awake i'll let him suckle on the other side of the breast, oso abt 10-15min before he fell asleep.

im wondering do i still need to pump to empty the breasts? quite tiring leh w all the sterilising and transferring to do.
do u all know after we pump out the milk and store in the fridge (not the freezer), how long can we keep the milk for?

if let's say we feed bb w the milk and cannot finish, we cant just put it back to the fridge and use it again right? quite wasted...
hi edksd,
u can store e milk up to 48 hrs in fridge. just pour watever u need into a empty bottle n warm up to feed baby cos once u warm up e milk n touches baby saliva then u cannot store e milk back !!!
Melissa & Melody, congrats...

Puppylove msg me this morning... She had show at 8.30am. I think she should be at TMC by now... She will keep us posted on the outcome...

Domesticgoddess, my bb was on partial bf and fm since day 1... Managed to latch him for the 1st week, but he refuse to suckle since week 2 as he's used to bottle feeding... So I switch to feeding him EBM during the day and FM at night... but... EBM is thinner than FM and he always get choke when he sucks from the bottle especially when he's v hungry.. So in the end no choice got to mix EBM and FM together...
me still waiting on the bench oso leh.
vivian haven popped. but she is expected to pop tmrw.

so u indeed went to deliver! din hear fr u for so long so i guessed u muz hv popped!

Congrats and glad to hear tt both u & baby is doing fine. how many bedder did u stay and wat is ur total bill and how much did u hv to cough up wif cash? i will oso b delivering in TMC and wish to noe the estimated bill size.

Did Mrs Wong's massage helped u? I guess the initial getting use is not easy at all. muz perserve...
if u wish to establish the flow, its better to pump after latching on, so u can oso store excess BM.
For the rest of the mummies that had delivered in TMC, could you let us noe how many bedder u stayed, the type of delivery u had, the total bill size and how much u had to pay in cash aft deducting medisave? Really wished to prepare myself for the bombshell bill as i am opting for the single bedder. Thks!
Hi all,
Here's my labor summary. I don't know how you guys recorded the timing haha. So most of the times are just estimation. By the way, I'm very impressed with the invention of the contraction monitor. Really can provide visual guide to the intensity of pain we're feeling so hubby will know when my contraction is coming! So amazing!

14 September 2006
12.30 midnite - Admit to Gleneagles. A tablet is inserted into my vagina to hasten dilation.
7.30 am - Enema inserted, actually I don't need it b'cos I feel like pang sai-ing anyway. So when it was inserted, I straightaway went to poop. Luckily never stain the bed.
8 am - Wheeled to delivery suite. Wah really like hotel suite. Nice, comfortable environment, very private.
8.30 am - Gynae appeared and break my waterbag. I am 3cm dilated and 75% effaced. Baby at station -2. Ah good start. IV drips to induce contraction increased.
9.30 am - Contraction starts to become uncomfortable, clocking at 80+, 4cm dilated, 100% effaced and baby at station -1.
11.30 am - I thought I feel like champion but I asked for gas as contraction gets nastier. Was prepared to vomit but all the gas did was to make me giddy and sleepy
1.30 pm - 7cm dilated and contraction becomes much harder. Asked for injection at thigh, it's a pain killer and midwife recommended it to help hasten up contraction. Took it with stride.
4pm - Started to feel like I kanna bullshit by the injection. However I have crowned. Contraction becomes a bitch, clocking at 127 and had the urge to poop badly but I'm only 9cm dilated. Was told to stay off gas. Then when i'm 10cm dilated, was told to start pushing. I had to imagine that I'm constipated really bad and pushing poo out. Gynae came and drown me with words of encouragements. Hubby hold my head to assist my pushing.
4.25 pm - After so many pushes (and what feels like forever), can feel some snips and baby is out. I have no idea b'cos baby didn't cry. She put baby up and onto my chest. So surreal, really look like mini me.
4.30 pm - Placenta is out

And this is the product of my conception. Still covered with vernix, fresh from the oven hehe.

Lactation consultant was there to witness my delivery. Taught me how to breastfeed. Baby latches on perfectly and I started to produce colostrum. During stay in hospital, I was on total breastfeeding all on my own. Starting to feel natural.

All in all, I feel victorious with the epidural just like I planned to earlier. Thinking of #2? Errr.. not for a while!!!!

ilovebabies, do you have to sterilse your pump each time? Or you just sterilse once a day only? What kind of sterilzer do you use?

My C-sect is still scheduled for the 20th. Only 3 more days to go. So excited. Life will surely change after baby arrives.

Was telling hubby we must make the most out the this last 3 days together as a twosome, cos from Wednesday onwards there will be a third person in our lives forever...

Kinda starting to miss this twosome feeling. Anyone feeling the same?
hi elaine thanks for the info. i was trying to spoon feed bb the 20ml milk i pumped for the 1st time. he only had a little bit. what a waste to throw away almost 3 quarter of it. but i think like what u said ive to :p

im v lazy to pump leh. i prefer to latch on.

btw, i really hv no idea how much bb is taking now. whether enough or not. yday he did not poo at all. today poo-ed once so far.
I already missed being a couple with my hubby. How I wish that he can sleep with me but he was afraid his snoring might wake the baby up. I said she already memorized your snoring when she's in utero. Haizz.

Congrats on your delivery! My baby is still pooing meconium but she did a few times a day. She's peeing fine too. Doing well so far. Haven't pumped yet b'cos I haven't got any pumps! Haha. Now nipples painful but manageable.
today is the 5th day after delivery, oso the 2nd day when milk supply established. he's feeding on an interval of abt 2.5hr, each time abt 15min of one breast. i alternate the breasts for each feed. but sometimes, one breast is not enough so 2 breasts at one feed, each abt 15min.
the 1st 3 days in hospital, bb was peeing and pooing well. 4th day back at home, did not poo but peeing ok. today 5th day, only poo-ed once, peeing still ok.

nurse told me for total bf bb, each day abt 8-12 times peeing and pooing. alamak not reaching target leh. think maybe my milk supply is still not there yet.
Hi edksd,
I am still trying to establish a schedule but she feeds like every 2-3 hours so far and sometimes I used 1 breast, sometimes I used both. 20 mins each feed. After feeding, I express some milk so that I can rub it on my nipple. This is supposed to help prevent it from cracking. So far it works. I am still learning. Reading past posts to learn about breastfeeding.
Her birth weight is 3.185kg. Upon discharge, it's 3kg exactly. I was told it's due to all the pooing and peeing and amniotic fluid loss. Yes she's very alert. She wasn't sleeping just looking around. Probably puzzled why she arrived so early, never tell her one.. kekekee...

She has a bit of jaundice on the 3rd day but managed to take her home. Very sad that it has been raining back home so no sun. But my mom bought something from the chinese medical shop to bathe baby in it. It turns the water into yellow. What's that huh? Hope it works.
It was so fun to read ur birth story as u cursed along the way! hehee

Sorry but i dunno wats the term abt like "baby at station -2 or -1"?
U've got such a lovely and cute daughter! And ur labour story was damn funny... hahaha... wow! Ur colostrum came really quick eh?

The stations are the levels where the baby's head is in the birth passage before he/she crowns. I think -2 means the baby's head is still up, and +2 (or +3) is when the baby's head is out! Check out...
Hehehe glad you guys enjoy it. Trying to shed some humor into life. I'm not the kind who takes life too seriously. Don't be scared of pain. Be in control, you sure can make it one. Jia you!

Thank you for your compliments girls. Every baby I see here is cute! So I think it has infected my baby as well! Haha!

Yeah i'm surprised. I am so clueless. I have no idea what baby is sucking but she seems ok leh. Later when I press my nipple, I see some transparent liquid, that's the colostrum. Let's just say that our body automatically knows how to adjust itself after birth. I'm really amazed by the human body. So many changes at birth!
Helo all! I am back!
My baby was delivered 13 Sept 4:53pm through emergency c-section.

Here's my labor story:
12:15am - Admitted to GlenE Delivery Ward and inserted pill to induce cervix to soften coz cervix still 3cm thickness..oh my goodness what a "strong" cervix! (Actually I have been having contractions for 3 days already..tightening every 10 mins...)
3 plus am - Cannot tahan contractions, already peaking high. Asked for thigh jap.
5am - Useless thigh jap.. still feeling pain.. ask for another jap but nurse said thigh jap can only use once..ask whether want epidural or not. Said no. So use gas .. another useless thing!
5:40am - Gynae came in, check..bloody me not yet dilated and cervix still not effaced much. Cervix muscles still tight/strong. Gynae said, let's wait and try ..coz she hoped i can do natural birth and me too. I told her contraction cannot tahan, she said.. ya.. u r actually in real labor and ready to deliver but cervix just not cooperative. She said better to have epidural since I am having strong contractions. She did not want to put me on drip to induce coz it will only coz more contractions which will distress bb and me. So said to wait for few hours and see dilation progress.
10am- Gynae came to check again..oh my god, only 1cm dilated. Not much effaced and cervix muscles still feeling strong... this time, she put me on drip to induce liao.. and I asked for epidural. Epidural administered!
Almost 4pm - Gynae came in, oh my god! only 1.5cm dilated!!! She looked worried. This is too slow and muscles still strong!!!!!! arrhhgggg... Gynae suggested c-section while bb heartbeat is still looking well, even wait for another 6-9 hrs, it is not going to help much at the rate my cervix is.
4pm - Prepare for c-section and shaved, wheeled to ops room
4:53pm - BB is out!
Onwards - Endless stitching, layers by layers of stitching....
6:40pm - Finally wheeled out of Ops room!! Damn Traumatized!

But..here's something happy.. my bb's photo:
Wah Melissa, your baby really very alert. Don't look like new born baby. So cute and sweet.

Cereal, baby is sleeping soundly. Have a good rest.

How long did all of you want to BF? I am thinking how long I can too?
Congrats to Melissa and cereal! Feels good to hold your baby in your arms finally?

Smiley, domesticgoddes, crystalized, I'm still waiting too. Only few of us left already...

Actually I thought I had contractions last night, which is coming in intervals of 10 min. But since I'm not sure, decide to tahan and until this morning, it had been kind of on and off pain. Very much bearable still. I guess is false alarm? Really dunno when I should go hospital like that leh...
think you can go to hospital already liao! sounds like the real thing. doesn't matter if it's false alarm. some people don't feel it and don't know it's the real thing.

bijou thanks
my target is 6 months max. i think it will get harder to pump once i started working.

edksd, yes i want to c your baby pic as well!

you made me very worried. how come you go straight to delivery suite? you requested for it? and i'm am shocked that they didn't put in the drip for you earlier? i got admitted straight to the ward and i can sleep but i can't of course b'cos i was excited and nervous. only at 8am they start putting me on the drip at delivery suite. and wow i am really impressed you can tahan from 5am to 10am without nothing! did you see the contraction monitor? did you take note of the numbers? anything above 80 i cannot tahan liao. and epidural really helps?
Congrats Cereal!!!! What a lovely picture of u and ur bb
... and what a peaceful and contented little girl! So cute
Wah... ur cervix really very strong huh? But I'm sure just lookg at ur little bb and u'll forget all that trauma
So how's ur confinement so far? Rest rest rest rest rest well ok! Let everybody else do all the work for u for this 1 month!

Bijou, before I gave birth, I planned to BF for 5 months, at least until I go back to work... but now, dunno whether can tahan or not! Waking up every night is no joke man... poo...

Dumpty, if u can bear it, then it's prob not the real thing yet. When it's the real thing, u shld have a "I-want-to-shit" (pardon my language!) kind of feeling. But after sitting on the toilet bowl, nothing comes out. That's what I felt, and after reading some of the labour stories here, some of the others felt it too. Gd luck!

Edksd, post ur bb's pic leh!
Melissa, they had to put me directly to delivery suite that nite coz all the single-bed rooms were fully occupied, so that let me have the delivery suite the whole nite lor..which is very big and comfy..hehe.
Ya, i only saw the contraction monitor peaking damn high but i dunno the ratings..i got a picture of the charting below...take a look!!

Joon, thanks!!! actually..during my hospital stay the last 2 days.. (i stayed 1 more nite due to c-sect), i got really emotional...suddenly felt so useless why i can't go thru normal, then useless coz milk hasn't come in..and nipples sore and bleed..bb had to take formula in hospital..and i had to use hospital electric pump to stimulate my breast so that supply can come.. and then sobbed abit.. i think that moments probably caused by the hormonal changes so abit depressed like that.. lucky my hubby was very very supportive and helpful during the whole stay with me in hospital. Coz i cld not get up, can't walk properly due to surgery etc etc.. he had to take care of bb, and also me...

But now back home.. today more settled in, milk also came in yesterday.. but not enough for bb..so supplement with formula...

Here's the chart....
Can't see the numbers in there. But wow your contraction graph really spiked! I didn't pay attention on the charts though, I was looking at the numbers. I also looked at my watch to see my contraction timing. It was unforgiving having contractions every minute especially in the last hour. It went from low to high really fast! Maybe that's what showing in your picture. Think that day the maternity wards are all full liao hehe.

Our babies have the same birthday right? Updates pls!!!

I tot the i want to shit feeling happens in the last hour? That one is sooo last minute already! You don't want dumpty to give birth in the cab or in the car right? Hahaha.. Think she won't be able to stand up if that happens.
Thks 4 enlightening!

Congrats to cereal as well!
ultimately as long as u and baby r safe & healthy, thats wat really matters rite? Hope u feeling loads better now.

Ur baby is soooooo sweet & adorable.
and of coz rosy complexion.

is set of readings on the left ur contractions? looks really erratic!

yes, me still waiting wif u oso.
Joon is right, many pple hv said tt if we hv the "i wanna poo" feeling and nothing comes out, that cld b it alrdy! and some says our back will b aching v severly. but i guess not all will feel backache. think depends on the position of the baby.

congrats to all those who have popped. so nice to see so many newborn's pictures.

smiley, crystallized, dumpty and angeline, only 5 of us left, izzit?

crystallized, i gave birth at TMC before and this time will also be giving birth there. Also single bedder. But i think we are probably not going to meet since my EDD is so late. otherwise, we can visit each other and "hu xiang da qi".
