(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Hi lichristin,

Yeah! I shld use that reason too when taking my painkillers!! YEEAH thanks!!

I just started my massage 2 days ago. Mona is really cheap! If I find my stomach is still huge after my 7-day package, maybe I'll PM u for Mona's contact!
Lichristin, my Edd is 4 Nov. Btw, ur daughter look adorable. Actually, this is my 2nd pregnancy. 1st one already 4 yrs old girl. This one aso princess.

Oh, so u are using mdm Mona. Ive book her so need to hear some comments on her massage. Bcos her price really too hard to believe
Riushiki, do you mix FM and BM together when you feed your bb or you feed him separately? My bb refuses to latch on now as he's used to bottle feeding and I've been supplementing his feed with FM at night and BM only during daytime. However, 2 days back, he refused to finish the BM and kept on crying. My hb and mum said that BM is thinner as compared with FM and asked me to mix both together when feeding him. I've been doing that since yesterday and so far still ok...
<font color="ff0000">lichristin</font>..

me cannot go on TBF cos my baby drinks 55ml every 3 hrs... so i have to feed the bf first then feed another abt 30ml of formula..

<font color="ff0000">moms</font>..

how much are ur babies drinking now? enzo is 7 days old drinking abt 55ml each feed... is that too much? sometimes he will puke a lil out.. does that mean we are feeding too much alr?
Hi Joon,

hehe...no choice for me tat is the only time i am allowed plain water..

hmm...mono is cheap and good, i cant believe my result too...i lost 3 inch on my tummy and nearly 5 inch on my waist...she herself cant belive tat i could lost so much on my waist too...hehe...
Hi BabyJo,

oh, yr second one? congras...guess u will have more experience than me on handling the bb...hehe..

don worry mona is really good, everyday when she doing massage for me, her phone is ringing and ringing...have to book her really early...
Lichristin, you pay her every session or one shot? How is the slimming svc (thigh wrapping) effective? What she apply huh? She friendly?

Pai sey so many questions at once

wow yr girl so big liao...so cute too...

hmm....mona will collect the payment only at the last session...so far i still have not done the thigh wrapping as my wound not recovered yet..will only start doing on my next 5 session....i heard she will apply her slimming cream and wrap yr thigh...also she is super friendly....she is a modern malay lady.. :p
U so funny! All pics are welcome!! Ur daughter is adorable

Hi lichristin,
WAAAAAAHHHHH...! That's great! So many inches! I should start weighing and measuring myself after each session too eh?

can feed water meh? the nurses told us not too lehz.. say the milk alr have the water content baby needs.. me not sure lehz.. cos my mother also will feed enzo water.. but we told her no need...

hee, i not sure leh, i ask the doc he say it is okie to give a little bit of water if the bb wan it...so every time after every feed, i will let her drink a little bit of water...
Yep that's what my doc said, squatting. She didnt' mention walking but you can do it if you want to. Just thought I'd share with everyone lor.

Haha guess what until now I have no idea if my hubby and i are thalassemia carriers. We got tested in the polyclinics but never obtain the result and my gynae never pursue it.

I will be admitted on wednesday midnight where doc will put a tablet in my wee wee and let me rest for the whole night. Then active labor process will start on Thursday morning where she will break my waterbag. I am so nervous and excited at the same time! I hope these whole induction thing works for me.
Hi I thought I'd paste my girl's sonogram here. I can't help but oggle at the chubby cheek! My hubby can't wait till she's born so that he can pinch her cheeks! Ha!

emma, I've been feeding my bb 60ml for the first week and 90ml right now (2nd week). Not sure if it is too much... but if I feed him lesser than 90ml, he will cry non-stop.
in tt case, do check wif ur gynae during ur nxt visit. perhaps he did check and since there is no problem, he din mention to u? no harm asking him though.

now my wkly check-ups hor, cant even see my baby's face liao. so no chance of catching a glimpse till he pops.

sorry to hear ur wound still hurts. guess everyone's recovery rate is different. hope u can get well faster.

wow! ur BFG tips r great! i intend to do tt when i BF. Jia You!

so fast u thinking of #2?
hehehehe... wait till aft ur post-natal check up then start pdtn bah!

Chng's wife
wow! tts exciting!
wishing u a smooth delivery and keep us posted!

i hv taken 2 coconuts so far and am nearing 37 wks. my mum said 2 coconuts r sufficient till we deliver. if u realised u r getting cramps, perhaps too cooling 4 u liao. 1 a day?! i seriously think its too much. u can stop taking coconuts alrdy.

wow! cute &amp; adorable gal!!!! so pretty and at ease.
Chng's wife
u still ard? ok i noe its hard to practise deep breathing now (i had 2 false alarms so i noe its v hard to b calm)... u feeling any contractions now> GOOD LUCK and do keep us posted!

disappeared a few days. gave birth to my gal on 8th september, 1139pm. She was 3.4kg.

Was induced at 2pm cos cervix still not dilated. Told nurse dun wan epidural. nurse said will come put me on ctg in 3 hours. 30min later, constant contractions came on, 4pm contractions so PAINFUL! think i pain until blur liao never thought that i could actually call the nurse. Nurse came at 430pm, saw me said:"poor gal you should have called me earlier!" OUCH!! nurse checked me, still not dilated further and lots of show. I almost faint!
i "begged" for epidural. Was then send to the labour ward immediately. 6pm cleared bowel and got the epidural working, What a RELIEVE! dr came and checked still not dilated(still tip of finger) 730pm nurses came to check, 1cm, 9pm 3cm but still bleeding alot. 10.15pm, nurse came checked 5cm, but too much bleeding and she sounded so worried. Prepare me to go csect while calling dr to come and put me on oxygen. Dr came, told me safer to go csect, placenta could have detached away from baby. Baby would be lack of oxygen. I consented. Hubby could follow in to see as it's emergency csect. Cried! SO SAD! :'(

11.39pm my gal came out! Nurses cleaned her, wrapped her and put on my chest! She was so alert! kept looking at me and listening to me! Very emotional moments. Told the nurse to bring to my hubby. He managed to take a few pictures of her.

During the procedures, I could feel the cutting, pulling etc. but no pain! really amazing experience.

I'm on total breastfeeding the next morning onward. First few days only few droplets of colostrum but my baby sucked well so was very encouraged. now i can express 50ml breastmilk for her.. hope she continues to drink.
sasha! sasha! how are you? wow... indeed a long time.. how are your 3 little ones and how are you coping? is your EDD still the same? Marcus just turned 2 and has been an incredible source of joy and fun to be with. He is talking a lot these days and asking tons of questions, so he cracks me up all the time. I am really cherishing these moments, especially before #2 arrives.

ilovebabies,and joon, thanks.. can you PM me your massage lady's contact no. pls? is
Mona's session 1 or 1.5hr?
Hi everyone,
Just an update..I have delivered my girl on 6 sept...seen my gynae on tt day..no sign of labour..so i went shopping..n on the way home,suddenly have regular contractions..guess my girl eager to get out...so once reached home..went to buy mee n eat,then called my gynae n get myself admitted to hospital..
labour was abt 5hrs plus..with epidural.....
Congrats! Soon u will see those chubby cheeks for real
So exciting eh! Be strong for the labour on Thursday... U CAN DO IT!

Soon, soon u will see ur very own chubby-cheeked bb too! Yeah! I'm thinking of no 2. Every time I look at no.1, so cute! I want more! hee hee hee... Production? Now cannot man! Must close shop temporarily...

Chng's wife,
Way to go! Woot woot woot!

Congrats congrats! 5hrs plus is quite short! U must be so happy
I've pm-ed u my massage lady's contact (Domesticgoddess, I pm-ed u too) but I did not engage Mona. U can give her a call anyway, to see who u prefer!
is that ur first baby? how come so fast ur milk kick in.. so envious...

your baby also drinking alot hor... hehe... dunno how my BM gonna keep up man...

how come u all never go find out? hehe.. thought its pretty crucial to know??
Hehehe, thou Im a mother of a 4 yrs old girl already but im still consider as inexperience in determine labour signs. This is bcos I din encounter any labour sign for my first bb. She was overdue and was asked to induce, in the end emergency c section. Luckily, nv go thru natural if not im gg to have a hard time. She was quite a big bb, 3.7kg

Btw, increase in white discharge and frequent contraction is it a sign that cervix is dilating? Im not sure bcos i never encounter this during my first pregnancy.

If you all asked me hw to take care of bb, shouldn't be a problem on the Q&amp;A.
yah i will soon b seeing my own chubby baby too. kekeke
all these pictures really made me envious. heee, yah think u let ur body recuperate for a while b4 trying for #2 again.

think frequent contractions (issit BH) is a sign of body preparing for labour. as 4 increase white discharge, i dunno.
Hi gals,

Finally got the time to login but still havent got the chance to read the previous posts.

Here is my labour story:
4th sept:Went for my 39th wk checkup, gynae said my cervix not opened yet.Gynae gave me 2days mc.
5th Sept 9am : Got contractions, thought its BHC so ignore it but got the urge to pass motion. Still went to market.
10am: Every 5 min, got contractions,getting stronger n stronger.
1030am: Called gynae, he advised me to go down to his clinic(at GlenE)
12pm: On CTG, showed contractions every 5min.
1230pm:Got the urge to push,quickly asked hubby to call my gynae.Gynae told me to bear with it as his clinic dont have the facility to deliver.
Being wheeled to GlenE labour ward(from 3rd storey to 5th storey).
1255pm:My bb gal was out. Weight:3.43kg, ht:51cm.
I'm supposed to delivered in MtA, but no time..have to be delivered in GlenE.Due to last min arrangement, i have to wait for available room.Waited 2hrs in labour ward.
Oh ya,forgot to add in: mine was natural delivery w/o epidural.
Will try to post my gal's pic soon.
Gtg, got to be a cow now. moomooooo.
Chat with u all when free ;)
Just read the past msges when i was away! Thanks for the well wishes!

Emma, yes my first bb. I think cos my bb keep suckling on my breasts though only droplets of colostrum. Think perseverence helped. Also massage your breasts in circular motions around the aerola. I did that. This will help clear/prevent blocked ducts and also breaking up the solid lumps that built up in our breasts that prevent milk from flow properly. These are advices from my other friends who were successful in BF. I just followed. Have you given birth? How's ur BF so far? You on total BF?

me given birth alr.. baby is 7 days old.. still only expressing 30-40 ml every 3-4 hrs..
i did massage with hot towel lehz.. but guess i juz have to be patient...
me cannot tbf yet.. cos demand exceeds supply.. haha..

wow! urs was a super fast delivery! is this ur 1st? i bet u din hv time to think abt how u react within such a short span of time!
everything within 4 hrs!!! CONGRATS!
Emma, drink more water and soup after each feed. and while you express, you can try pressing around your breasts so milk will flow out. I tried and each time i do that, more milk will come out. And yes, have to be patient. I feed my gal every 2 hours. guess frequent feeding also help to increase flow, as your body trying to meet bb's demand. However, i must stress that you dun over do it using pump as i heard my neighbour in hospital trying desperately to pump out milk till breasts bleeding and she has to throw the milk away and to stop for 1 or 2 days...best is to latch ur bb on more often.
Wow very impressed!!! What an easy labor you got! Congrats!

Congrats to you too!

Never find out lah a bit boh chup. Hehehe..

Wei Kuan,
Yes at this time squatting is good. My gynae also ask me to do squatting exercise to prepare for labor.

Wonder if Chng's wife has delivered already?

I just lost my mucus plug this morning. It was more than my usual discharge and streaked with yellow/brown but no smell. Guess time is near..so excited!
WeiKuan, do all you can that helps to dilate. at the birthing stage just play by the ears. for me i din regret walking alot, my bb's head was in position about 8 weeks before her bday. It's only my pelvis and cervix not cooperating with her. so maybe walking does help.
