(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Just to inform all,
I just received an sms from littlepony tat she has been admitted with 4cm dilation....and now waiting...
Wah!!!! Cereal, when will u be sms-ing me u giving birth?? Hehehe. Little pony is 1st on e bench huh...whose turn next?
Oh...... Now left behind cereal, Chng's wife and ME! Good Luck littlepony!!!!

My checkup on Sat @ 38 weeks show my baby still not engaged leh. Haiz... ... Weight is 3 kg but my gynea seems really optimistic about having natural birth for me. Think I really have to sit and wait leh.

Btw, for the new mummies, I have a question on consumption of Yomeishu or DOM. Do you drink it directly when you BF? Can we? Or have to cook it?
Good morning girls!
Going for my appointment soon. Will check cervix again. Just survived a terrible heartburn that lasts >24 hours liao. Must go ask gynae if that's ulcer or something. Horrible liao.

Chng's Wife,
I c that you going for appt today too. Let's exchange info! I'm going to ask her about dilation, effacement, cord, placenta and amniotic fluid level. Hope I can remember when I get there!

hi dumpty...
i'm not sure whether u need to cook with food or can drink direct but after u drink must wait for 1-2 hrs b4 u can bf ur baby if not ur baby will drink it too....
n also dont drink too much or put too much into e food
thks 4 asking. i got ample supplies of disposable panties liao. let the other ladies hv it.

yah u muz Jia You lah. it will b over soon. plus looking at ur baby means everything is worth is rite?

wld u like to consider Neo's Garden? its not halal but its the caterer i usually use. gd comments fr guests so far. www.neogarden.com.sg

had tried Elsie's Kitchen. they r not bad but personally i still prefer Neo Garden.

Wah, littlepony is 4cm dilated! think she will pop v soon!

for DOM/Yomeishu consumption, if u wish to consume it directly, drink it after the last breastfeeding at nite. then BF ur baby 2 or 3 hrs later. it shld b fine. if u r really worried, use the wine to cook wif dishes. the alcohol wld hv evaporated.

juz to share, one of the Oct mummy had popped at 36 wks on 7 Sept!
Hi elaine and crystallized, thanx for the advice and tips

Joon, at least you are 1 week into confinement already. I'm still waiting for baby to engage and cervix to efface and dilate. Gotta do more squatting already since I'm only like 1.5 weeks away from my EDD only.

So how? Any news from littlepony? so excited for her
And messlisa and chng's wife, do update on your checkup leh. Since we look like to be the last few standing ones! Even Oct Mum overtook us already!
but ur gynae not worried though bb has not yet engaged rite? coz i read tt some babies wun engage until labour starts, so think its pretty normal? though i noe chances of this happening r greater for 2nd time mummies.

now everyone is getting really edgy and excited liao.
er, where is my seat ah? think its after vivian!
Sha, glad to know Sherilyn is much better.

ming, your baby looks so contented sleeping

emma, I think you are really brave to have endured the pain for so long... at the expense of the faulty CTG machine. Glad to see both you and baby Enzo doing well.
crystallized, this is my first also leh. My gynae did not say much except :"Wow your baby's head still above your pelvic bones leh". Then he'll rattle on to advice me on the signs of labour to look out for. In fact he did not raise any concerns on ageing placenta or low amniotic fluid etc. No cervix check either lorz... ...
look at it this way, if ur gynae is not worried, then perhaps there is oso no reason 4 u to get overly worried too.

ur placenta is aging & low amniotic fluid? but baby still growing rite? so meaning placenta still functioning quite well. i was diagnosed wif these 2 conditions at my check up several wks back. got worried oso. subsequent check up showed my water level went up so i was more assured.
All these babies look so cute. Can't wait to see what mine will look like.

Any of the waiting bench mummies notice that their tummy is sliding lower each day. I noticed that about mine. The budge seems to sack downwards now.

This weekend not so exciting as last weekend eh. Not so many stories of popping. Maybe more post will come in, in the next 2 days.

Me still checking for bloody show or mucuos plug everytime I go to the toilet.
u r right!
each time i see newborn photos, i cant help but wonder how mine will look like. so exciting!

din noticed any difference in my tummy except more stretchmarks r developing each day.
goodness, machiam like hvg a map tt seems to enlarge everyday!
crystallized, the thing is my gynae never mention so I dunno if he did check or not

Angeline, I'm also checking for all the symptoms when going toilet. But my tummy still very "high" leh. Even my sister commented that I'll probable wait another week or 2 since tummy still so high. I wonder if i'm going to be squeezed to the end of waiting bench or not

Actually I really hope to see my baby latest by next weekend lor. Very tired of being pregnant already plus seeing all those cute baby photos make me want to see mine.
wooot! wooot! wooot! Way to go, littlepony!!

dumpty, babyzucchini & angeline,
You know what? When I saw my bb, he looked EXACTLY like in one of the ultrascan pics my gynae printed for me! I think she printed one facial shot for us in his 32nd week and he looks EXACTLY the same! So if u have a facial ultrascan pic, that's an idea of what ur bb will look like
Cereal, I jumped queue le! Jus came back from appt...I'm 2.5cm dilated le, he wants me to admit tonight. So scare now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa, how's ur checkup??
Chng's wife, envy you. Can see baby soon.
Me going for checkup tomorrow morning. Hope to get some news from gynea since I already start to have crampy feeling since last week. So hopefully its the cervix preparing for the delivery. everytime I walk more 'vigorously' will start to get more cramps. So maybe already dilated?

Joon, we do have a scan pix at WK32 & WK35 showing very clearly the face of our girl. Look very much like daddy lor. Can see nose, forehead, mouth. Only the eyes were big black holes.

Any of you still taking coconut drink? I am beginning to wonder if my cramps on Weds & Thu has anything to do with taking too many coconuts (1 a day) in the beginning of the week. Maybe it was too 'Liang'?
Chng's wife! Finally!!!
Good luck! Now u are ahead of the queue! I'm still stuck...

joon, very sadly, my baby refused to show his face to us as well... No idea how he's gonna look like at all!

Melissa, any good news from u?

Angeline, you think taking coconut helps too? I've been taking once every 1 or 2 weeks and yesterday I just had one. But nothing is happening to me today leh
I''m not sure if it can be call help. I didn't get real labour, just the mense cramp feeling only. But maybe it was only due to overdose. Cos after returning to SGP on previous Sat, I had coconut on Sun, Mon & Tues. Then Tues night started to get the cramps. Quite uncomfortable for a few days, but this weekend (no more coconut) the crampy feeling seems to have eased up, only occasionally in the morning and late at night.
Joon joon .. u shld be glad u can bath every 2 days. I think i bath < 10 times so far leh .. hehehe smelly mummy

ya this week is my last week of confinement.. i delivered on 19 Aug.

Glad to know u r enjoying your massage .. v shiok right ?

u know, i keep telling ppl my baby is a product of durians and bird nest hehe

her scalp is hard (not the soft type like most babies) and her skin is rosy. haha my mum said all my efforts are paid off lor ...


i just ordered from FOUR SEASONS Catering. So many caterer to choose from, so anyhow "hantam" one .. anyway the website looks pro haha

btw just called up CHOZ confectionery .. so sad .. they are fully booked for this Sun's delivery. hai I am too late .. so i have just called up Pine Garden, which is also recommended by friend.

btw i think there is a list of caterers found in MOH website ... tot that's what my hubby told me ..

Domesticgoddess ... wow what a nick ! hehe

Mona charges $30 per session, she will do your massage consecutively for 5 days.
If you need the thigh wrap, tell her in advance. She charges $2 per roll. I used up 2 rolls.


i also have a book that keep track of bb's feed, bowels and urine pattern.. and of cos my milk output for each pump. Bring this book along when you see a PD, it does helps a lot.

Wow Littlepony is finally off the bench !!!
dun worry, i'll probably be after u... my EDD is 4 days after u, and so far, no obvious signs too! Last week, bb not engaged. Hoping for some progress when i c gynae again 2moro 'cos i've been walking more as advised by him.
but i dun mind waiting till next week when i'm finally on leave.
<font color="ff0000">Dumpty</font>

thanx babe.. me stubborn ass.. dun want epi means dun want.. haha... but who knows.. not successful also.. sigh.... but as long as enzo is ok...

btw.. enzo is staying up at nights... does that happen to the rest of the babies here??? me so lack of zzz now... yawnzzzz...
Argghh heartburn again!!!

Chng's wife,
I'm still 1.5cm dilated and cervix very soft. Saw my baby's face in the scan wow the cheeks very chubby already. She's still 3.15kg. I will go in Thursday!!! Haaa sorry jump queue everyone!! Really cannot tahan this heartburn. Meanwhile doc tell me to do squatting exercise and ahem ahem. Hehehe.

Very tired now, wanna take a nap.
Hi gals,

Wow so many posts within a few days. Been busy with my gal and hardly got time to come in.
Btw got some question to ask all mums who delivered.It has been nearly 10 days after my delivery but I am still having pain down there, how long did it take you all to recover from the wound through normal delivery?
Also my breast milk supply has also been very slow...only managed to pump abt 30ml every 3 hrs..wonder if it is enough for my baby..Any good breast pump to recommend?

Below is a pic of my baby Chloe
hey emma

i realised my gal is getting hungrier esp at nite .. seem to have digest milk faster than day time and she is wide awake after each feed.

why ah ?

lchristin, ur bb is so cute and chubby !

i am using Medela Dual Electric Pump, not too bad.

did u drink enough fluid ?

btw not enuff rest will also decrease milk supply.
Hi ilovebabies,

hee..thks for the compliment on my bb....

Oh u using the Medela Dual Electric Pump? I got my husband to buy it but he bot the mini electric which i find it is not too good...maybe should get him to change it...
btw can we drink plain water beside the red dates drink ? coz i only drink the red dates drink everyday...me also not having enough rest as bb cries a lot at nite...only manage to have a few hrs of rest everyday....sigh...
lichristin, hw do you find Dr KC Yeo. Im using him as my gynae and will be due in early Nov. Btw, did he give u the bb est. weight in every consultation? For my case, he din
hi joon, do u ever sterilise the ameda breastpump valve? in the instructions it stated it can be sterilised, but i think some dun sterilise this part?
hi melissa, gd luck to u! finally the day has come for u...

so it's squatting and ahem ahem tt helps dilation, not walking?
Hi BabyJo,

Dr Yeo was recommended to me by my col, overall still okie, but I am sometimes quite frustrated as he is quite KS, always wanted me to do lots of test and I find his charges very exp, I have spent almost 2.5k on the consultation plus test excluding the delivery charges...and he also nver tell me abt my baby weight every session too..till the day he wanted to induce me then he told me bb estimated weight...
How abt u? Do u find him good?
Hi lichristin,
I gave birth on 2/9, 9 days ago and I'm still hurting down there too
I tore naturally and received some stitches. Today, had to go to the gynae and get some more painkillers
Did u get an episiotomy? I heard those take longer to heal. For me, lying down reduces the pain. Sitting or standing too long makes it worse. I would also like to know what we can do to speed up the healing!!!!! Anyone knows??

As for the breast pump, I'm using the Ameda pump and it's great so far. I think I'm lucky, I can pump at least 100ml from both boobs each time. Once I pumped 160ml!! I've been drinking lots - red date tea, brown rice tea, water, yoghurt drink, milo and I have soup every day too. Before each pump, I massage both boobs with a hot towel for abt 5-10 mins. Have u tried that? And I listen to lush99.5 while I pump (chill-out music) to keep relaxed. I heard the more relaxed u are, the easier it is for ur milk to flow. Some mummies take fenugreek tea/capsules to increase their milk flow. There're some BPs and some mummies selling... maybe u can take a look? Hope I haven't been too long-winded!
Yes, i find him damn KS....a little bit wanna test this n that.....but i guess is for our own good. Is it bcos your bb is big that he want to induce you?
Hi Joon,

Oh, btw pardon me for being a mountain turtle, wat is episiotomy? For me I cant walk properly, and even when lie down i cant sleep on my side as once i move my leg, it hurt down there....I also would like to know wat we can do to speed up the healing....

oh wow u can pump so much??? so tat means u do drink plain water too?? maybe i should try to massage with hot towels before i pump...don worry u are not long winded...i am glad u can share yr experience with me too...
Hi BabyJo,

He is super KS....he wanted to induce me abt 3 times and I rejected him till the final one then i give in...my bb not big, 2.955kg, he wanted to induce me coz he say i got bad swollen leg lar which i find it should be quite common among pregnant lady...only the final one when my blood pressure was quite high then i give in...
Gd luck for tomorrow's appt! ;) Well, when u pop, let us know whether ur bb really looks like ur hb or not!

U're right... when u look at ur bb, u forget all the pain, the inconvenience, etc etc... I'm already thinking of no. 2!!

Ur bb is shy!!
hee hee hee... soon, soon, u'll see him and then u must post a pic here for us to admire!

Yah, actually, my bath every 2 days is very good... the other day my hb let me eat 1 scoop of Ben &amp; Jerry's ice-cream --> my reward for not bathing for 1 week!! hohohohoho... ur confinement almost over, I'm so happy for u!!!!!

Yay! Thursday! Congratulations in advance!

Yup, I sterilise everything that comes into contact with the BM. But only once a day. The other times, just rinse with warm water. Not necessary to sterilise after every pump coz it's not good for the parts. As for the valve, when putting it in or removing it, I try not to pull the V-shape part, just wiggle the round bit until it comes loose. I heard that's the most fragile bit of the pump, so better take care of it!!
lichristin, leg swollen is not small case....esp when ur swelling is very bad. Sometime swelling will make ur BP rise up suddenly. My BP was quite high last week, then he asked me to borrow a m/c to monitor daily. In the end, Ive to buy one from his clinic as I can't find someone to borrow....sian...

Sometime, i find his staff also abit KS.....will ask u to listen to doctor advice....
Hi lichristin,
No lah, not mountain turtle! Episiotomy is when the doc makes a cut 'down-there' instead of letting u tear naturally. Some say tearing naturally heals faster. Did ur doc cut u?

Yeah, I drink water
... my MIL says I'm not supposed to, but I'm so thirsty ALL THE TIME! Anyway, all my pregnancy books say we must drink lots of water! So when she's not around, I drink water... I've got a bottle hidden in my room too
. She says drinking water causes water retention, but docs say otherwise. When ur body is not getting enough water, it stores whatever it has thus causing water retention. If u drink enough, ur body won't see the need to store extra water, so u WON'T get water retention!!!!!
<font color="ff0000">lichristin</font>

my milk flow has been slow too.. also 30+ml every 3-4 hrs... but my baby's only 7 days old.. my fren says it will come.. hope so lahz.. let's juz keep our fingers crossed..

btw.. me still feeling giddy lehz.. u all got or not huh? dunno it is cos of my thalassemia... so groggy all the time... scared i carry my enzo and fall down then no joke alr man..

yes...leg swollen maybe not small case, but i still find he is super KS...his staff all same with him lor....sure ask u to listen to doc advice..haha...no choice...no more next time..
btw when is yr EDD?
Hi Joon,

hehe...thks for the compliment on my bb...

hmm...my doc did not tell me leh....whether he cut a not..sigh...

hehe my mum and hubby also don let me drink water..but i always use the excuse to eat medicine and then drink lots of water as that is the only time i drink plain water....Think i have to secretly drink water liao also....haha...

so have u started any massage session yet? me will be doing the last session with Mdm Mona tmr liao...she is really good...i have book her for another 5 more session..hehe

Hi Emma,

oh...u also having around 30+ml every 3-4hrs? are u having TBF? really hope our flow will come soon..

u feeling giddy? me also have thalassemia, and I am now still taking the medicine...maybe u don have enough rest also....try to rest more if possible....
