(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Anyone has a <font color="ff0000">Booster Seat</font>? Can share how it functions and if I can still use it for A at her age 14 mos?

A is refusing her Ikea High Chair now, which poses more of a danger to her cos she keeps wanting to get out and the seat belt is not secured enough. So I thought using a booster could be safer.. pls advise

Also, can this booster act as a car seat? Anyone knows? I thought it might save much more space in the car, ya?

Hello mummies,
I may not be able to join as attending my niece full mth celebration. Had help to promote the party in July thread hee...
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Ling</font></font>, u brought up the KEY point here..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, perhaps we could decide on a target to reach for attendance? so that if the target is not met, the rest of us who are going will not be in the risk of paying more than XXX amount in order to cover for those no shows? And maybe mummies like Ling will feel 'safer' and enouraged to put their names in the list, and we can all hope to achieve the target la.. then other mummies see more names will be more encouraged to join too, ya? ;)
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Party!</font><font color="119911">Party!</font><font color="ff6000">Party!</font><font color="0077aa">Party!</font></font>

<font color="ff0000">Brenda,</font>
I think setting the target is a great idea!!!
I agree!

Hmm... about the highchair, DN is the same.
And he's been like this for months! *faint* I'm sorry but I can't give comments abt a booster seat. Never had one. But actually I doubt it will keep DN in. I think the only thing that will keep him in his highchair is a straight jacket. Do you think A will try to climb out of the booster seat? Maybe she is against the idea of being restrained?

<font color="ff0000">Alicia,</font>
Hey, no worries.
I agree with Brenda about the target. It'll give the other mommies some security, so hopefully more will join in. Maybe you could also decide on a cut-off date. I'm sure MyGym also needs to be informed in advance if the party is going on. When's the latest you need to confirm with them about the party?

I've got the same query as Ling - about the party details. I remember you telling us about it some time ago, but maybe you could refresh our memories again? What will happen from 4-6pm?

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Wanna go?</font></font>
Mommies who are thinking of going, maybe you can check out this website...


According to the website, the MyGym teachers will design age-appropriate activities for our little ones. There are puppets, rides, songs, games, gymnastics and some Space Flight thingy for our little ones to enjoy!

Just imagine, the experts will take care of the kids while we can sit down, observe and relax!
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Xmas Bash</font><font color="119911"> @MyGym, GWC</font></font>

15 Dec | Saturday | 4-6pm

Light Refreshments for both BB and Adults

Both Parents are welcome | Other Threads Mummies also are welcome (Don't worry abt not knowing each other; many of us have not met too!)

$$ per baby not sure yet (Total cost $760)

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean(Correct?) + Adele
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + (sorry forgot yr bb's name)
3. PG + Sean + Chloe
4. Joon + Perng Fey + Der Nen
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
Total Adults: ?
Total BBs: 7

I supposed we can also bring helper/Mother/MIL/Other Significant Other(s) if husband can't make it ya

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font> ? yooooohoooooo :p

Can we also jio friends out of this forum along? Anyone *violently objects* to this?

<font size="-1">*Buttons favorite line heehee..lend me 1st ahh*</font>

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Joon</font></font>, heh miss seeing those colors for awhile!

Actually I was thinking if the booster can act for a car seat cos we're probably getting a car with tiny back seat space
and I thought a booster might help save some space la. And when A is not on board, it can also be kept easily rather than the full form bb car seat.. Also, when it's in the car, it also means we can bring it to the restaurant with us if we like her to sit up there for like err.. 15 minutes.. heh..

Anyone has any idea? can share?
hi! can we join in the party?

it'll be great fun to meet you all and celebrate our babies' successful move from babies to toddlers!
Booster seat for Arianne: NO NO!

She is way too young for a booster seat at this age. When you think abt it, the booster seat does not come wt its own safety belt. You have to buckle up using the car's seat belt. Arianne wld also be too small for this & the seat belt going diagonally across her body wld be very very uncomfortable for her ( might even cut her neck area!). Also, she will not be as secure as she wld be in a proper car seat for her age.

Dont risk her safety for space & convenience my darling
You may want to try this instead: The Joey Safe Harness ( I think you know abt this product right?) or even this: Eddie Bauer Portable Car Seat Bryant Collection, http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&search-alias=baby-products&field-brandtextbin=Eddie%20Bauer

By the way, the Xmas Bash sounds like fun!
<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>, thanks for helping me out on the X'mas Bash!
Sorry for the late response coz have not been logging on for the last few days.

Just to recap what will be going on during the party:

Package: $688 nett for 20 babies/toddlers
45 mins - 1 hour: Games & Activities
30 mins - Snack time *Snacks are not provided in this case but My Gym do allow us to bring our own snacks. Or we can order some light snacks from their cafeteria. Mommies, what do you think?
30 mins - Mingle session *We can have a gift exchange session and photo taking session. My Gym has also suggested that we can get someone from our group to be Santa Claus! Any volunteers? hehehe!!!!

As this is going to be a X'mas party, the decorations will be based on X'mas theme.

As mentioned b4, I have already placed the deposit. But we do need to reconfirm our attendance 1 week b4 the party.

<font color="aa00aa">Brenda n Joon</font>, perhaps we could set a target of 15 toddlers latest by 10 Dec which will come up to $45 per toddler? It could be difficult to get 20 toddlers at such a short period. In the worse scenario, MyGym has suggested that they could throw in the food for us if we have less than 10 toddlers. So it means that if we do manage to get 10 toddlers, we pay $68 each. Its more expensive but includes food. What do you think?

<font color="ff6000">Ling</font>, oh do join in if you can! I am sure its gonna be lots of fun! I am really looking forward to see Sophie!

<font color="0000ff">Maeve</font>, u r most welcome to join in the party too!

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Xmas Bash @MyGym, GWC</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="119911">15 Dec | Saturday | 4-6pm</font></font>

Light Refreshments for both BB and Adults

Both Parents are welcome | Other Threads Mummies also are welcome (Don't worry abt not knowing each other; many of us have not met too!)

$$ per baby not sure yet (Total cost $688 nett)

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean(Correct?) + Adele
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + (sorry forgot yr bb's name)
3. PG + Sean + Chloe
4. Joon + Perng Fey + Der Nen
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve
Total Adults: ?
Total toddlers: 8
what kind of booster seat r u refering to? those that can be used in place of a car seat? but A only has a problem with the high chair at home n not the car seat rite? anywya we just bought this booster seat from FP for ethan:


we tot it'll be quite convenient when we go out cos not all places are bb friendly n provide high chairs. with this, we just need a normal adult chair to strap it on. so far, ethan seems to like to sit in it :p but that could be maybe cos it's new haha
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Sasha</font></font>, are u that Saarah's mum? heh.. just want to make sure and if you are, WELCOME BACK!! if u are not, HiHi!

Ahh, for me I won't want to compromise A's safety! it's just that we're getting a car that has tiny back seat space so if we can have a smaller car seat, the back will be more comfy la.. and I was actually confused with the dining booster vs car seat booster! hahah!! Cos I remembered some mummies here own the dining booster and had already put their bbs up there since bb can sit up (think so..). and I thought this same booster can be used in the car!

The Eddie Bauer Portable Car Seat looks cool and affordable! and also doesn't look bulky, might just solve my problem! Do u own one? does it work with any cars or? Thanks for sharing!

Join us for the X'mas Bash??!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Michelle</font></font>, thanks for the FP booster info.. so now I know it's 2 different things.. ahhhhh

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, thanks for spelling everything out again :p sorry for not paying attention earlier..

Setting 15 tods for the target is good with me
but if we go at 10 and $68 per tod, a bit ex for me even with food la. Sorry can't go with this
. Not sure about the rest though..
Ya ya its me lah...who else

The dining booster & the booster car seat are 2 COMPLETELY different items wt different purposes & function. And yes, Saarah does occasionally use the booster seat instead of her high-chair for meal (i think she finds that its more grown up!)

I do not own the Eddie Bauer Car Seat (yet!) but I think thats a very good solution for the concerns you have. I think its foldable & able to fit in any cars. You have to secure it wt the car seat belt as wt other car seats.

I wld love to join the Xmas bash but might not be able to find sitter for the 3 older kids & shd I let them tag along, am scared my 2 boys wld terrorise the younger kids...haha
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Xmas Bash <font color="119911">@MyGym, GWC</font></font></font>

15 Dec | Saturday | 4-6pm

Light Refreshments for both BB and Adults

Both Parents are welcome | Other Threads Mummies also are welcome (Don't worry abt not knowing each other; many of us have not met too!)

$$ per baby not sure yet but we must at least have 15 to go (Total cost $688 nett)

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean(Correct?) + Adele
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + (sorry forgot yr bb's name)
3. PG + Sean + Chloe
4. Joon + Perng Fey + Der Nen
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve
<font color="ff0000">9. Eling + Maybe HB, Maybe Helper + Amabel</font>
Total Adults: ?
Total toddlers: 9

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Sasha</font></font>, oooh thanks thanks for suggesting that, Shawn also thinks it's a brilliant idea. Now I'm going to figure out how to place orders at amazon.com heh yes me still virgin with these online buys and been pampered by Phoebe with her aid in all the BPs! :p

Your boys are well behaved what.. so far I've not seen them terrorizing anyone! Get your hub to come along in case u need a hand to grab them ya.. would be so nice to have sweet Saarah at the party
hi hi mommies!!!!!! MUST SHOUT LOUDER coz i have not been in for AGES!!!!!!

<font color="ff0000">First Xmas Bash, COME COME COME ALL JOIN LAH! SO FUN! so long never all met since the first gathering at my house eons ago....when our kids are all 5months..so long ago right??? let's meet for xmas, a season of joy and giving, will be fun! dun be shy to put your names down, else others will be shy too heheehhee!</font>

car seat, brenda think i replied you a few days back oredi hor? heheheee...hope you find what u looking for! that day I said i wanted to go GWC, so can check out for you, but end up Jovann so naughty that day we have our hands full entertaining him during dinner, didn't get to to motherswork wor...so sorry...

I am so super duper busy these few days with WORK!!! up to my neck, cannot breathe!! ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!! i dun see any reprieve within the next 4 months! boo hooo...
and tomolow need to brief my big boss on a last min study....still working on it now.

okie, enough grouching...back to work

Never posted here before, but I've been reading your posts avidly

Can we join in the party (please?!)

Joyce, Joe and James (the baby)
hmm so quiet in here these days.

anyway i just wanted to share news that ethan is now standing up for baths! yay! no need to squat down over the bath tub anymore
i guess some of u may have alerady been doing this for the longest time, but to me, it's another milestone haha
hi joyce,

<font color="ff0000">of course u can join in!</font> it would be great to meet new moms! how old is little james? hee hee... u reading our thread? we got fans!!!!! HAHAHA... (yeah right)

i'll add ur name to the list...

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Xmas</font> <font color="119911">Bash</font> @ MyGym, GWC</font>

15 Dec | Saturday | 4-6pm

Light Refreshments for both BB and Adults

Both parents are welcome | Other Threads Mummies also are welcome (Don't worry abt not knowing each other; many of us have not met too!)

$$ per baby not sure yet but we must at least have 15 to go (Total cost $688 nett)

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean(Correct?) + Adele
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + (sorry forgot yr bb's name)
3. PG + Sean + Chloe
4. Joon + <strike>Perng Fey</strike> + Der Nen i'm flying solo... PF won't be in SG

5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve
9. Eling + Maybe HB, Maybe Helper + Amabel
<font color="ff6000">10. Joyce + Joe + James</font>
Total Adults: ?
Total toddlers: 10
<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>, u r most welcome!
In this case, lets fix our target at 15 babies. Really looking forward to the party!

<font color="0000ff">Joyce</font>, great to have u, hubby n baby joining us at the party!

<font color="aa00aa">Joon</font>, thanks for helping me on the list! Oh, PF is travelling... do let us know if you need any of our help, k! Will help u take lots of photos to show him when he is back!

<font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">Mommies, this is the time for lots of fun! Come join us if you can! Dun worry abt not knowing anyone of us. This is the season of getting to know new friends too! Do sign up ASAP as our closing date is 10 DEC.</font></font>
Heh heh...

Yes I have been! I'm a Nov 06 mum and James is 13 months old already. Looking forward to meeting all of you! Maybe he can learn some new tricks from the kor kors and jie jies.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, no sound from <font color="ff0000">Jaimie and PG</font> ya? hope they're still keen.. me too, looking forward to the bash!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Joyce & 2 other Js</font></font>, welcome! look forward to meeting lil James ;)

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Michelle</font></font>, ehhh u mean Ethan used to squat while bathing? oooh.. my A will either sit on the floor or stand while grabbing my legs.. heehee..
no lah... he was still sitting down in those baby bathtub - u know like how we bath them before they can stand up on their own?

wish i could join the xmas bash... but nevermind, next yr when i go back we organise another outing ok!?
<font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font>, both Jamie n PG have indicated in their previous postings that they will be joining the bash. Can't remember the date that they posted though... Hey btw, did u notice that 3 of the hubbies have the same name! Yours, mine and PG! Wat a coincidence! ;) Oh, the last time u mentioned abt a gift exchange for the toddlers. Should we still consider having it?
<font color="0000ff">I would like to join the xmas bash, but like very few babies leh... shall we post this at Oct thread to invite more babies?</font>

<font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">Xmas Bash @</font></font><font size="+2"><font color="119911"> MyGym, GWC</font></font>

15 Dec | Saturday | 4-6pm

Light Refreshments for both BB and Adults

Both parents are welcome | Other Threads Mummies also are welcome (Don't worry abt not knowing each other; many of us have not met too!)

$$ per baby not sure yet but we must at least have 15 to go (Total cost $688 nett)

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean(Correct?) + Adele
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + (sorry forgot yr bb's name)
3. PG + Sean + Chloe
4. Joon + Perng Fey + Der Nen i'm flying solo... PF won't be in SG )
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve
9. Eling + Maybe HB, Maybe Helper + Amabel
10. Joyce + Joe + James
11. emoments + helper + Dylan
Total Adults: ?
Total toddlers: 11

<font color="ff0000">I'm still interested in the xmas bash. Count me in! </font>
Hope we can get 15 mummies to join in before the closing date.

Have not been posting in a while. Too busy to post anything. Just a photo update for now. Taken in Sydney a couple of weeks ago. Chloe really enjoyed herself because there's so much space for her to run around in.

<font color="0000ff">Viewing Sydney Tower</font>

<font color="0000ff">Running wild in QVB</font>
I would like to join the xmas bash, but like very few babies leh... shall we post this at Oct thread to invite more babies?

Xmas Bash @ MyGym, GWC

15 Dec | Saturday | 4-6pm

Light Refreshments for both BB and Adults

Both parents are welcome | Other Threads Mummies also are welcome (Don't worry abt not knowing each other; many of us have not met too!)

$$ per baby not sure yet but we must at least have 15 to go (Total cost $688 nett)

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean(Correct?) + Adele
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + (sorry forgot yr bb's name)
3. PG + Sean + Chloe
4. Joon + Perng Fey + Der Nen i'm flying solo... PF won't be in SG )
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve
9. Eling + Maybe HB, Maybe Helper + Amabel
10. Joyce + Joe + James
11. emoments + helper + Dylan
12. Cheekz + Hub + Rae Ann

Total Adults: ?
Total toddlers: 12
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Xmas Bash</font><font color="119911"> @ MyGym, GWC</font></font>

15 Dec | Saturday | 4-6pm

Light Refreshments for both BB and Adults

Both parents are welcome | Other Threads Mummies also are welcome (Don't worry abt not knowing each other; many of us have not met too!)

$$ per baby not sure yet but we must at least have 15 to go (Total cost $688 nett)

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean(Correct?) + Adele
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + (sorry forgot yr bb's name)
3. PG + Sean + Chloe
4. Joon + Perng Fey + Der Nen i'm flying solo... PF won't be in SG )
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve
9. Eling + Maybe HB, Maybe Helper + Amabel
10. Joyce + Joe + James
11. emoments + helper + Dylan
12. Cheekz + Hub + Rae Ann
13. Kieran's Mummy(Dec Thread) + Hub + BB Kieran

Total Adults: ?
Total toddlers: 13

<font color="0000ff">$52++ for Per BB at this moment if we're going at <font color="ff0000">13</font>.. any more mummies joining?</font>

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Calling Phoebe yo!</font></font>, did u tell me on Sat that u are coming in too? Come le!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, xmas pressies exchange - I don't mind but do we have time to inform everyone? especially when not everyone follows the forum everyday and now already Monday, not sure if all the mums got time to go grab one... Also, in the event if not all the 15 bbs turned up, how do we deal with the cost portion for no shows?

Sean & Shawn are like Peter & Tom in the States! heehee.. very common ;) And I think 'Sean' more American..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">PG</font></font>, good! I scared u forgot about us already :p Chloe so sweet looking in the pics! Love that repetitive shots! Capturing her in action ya.. heh.. did u guys deliberately keep her hair at the back long but cut the fringe? A's hair at the back doesn't seem to grow at all
I'm coming too!

Xmas Bash @ MyGym, GWC

15 Dec | Saturday | 4-6pm

Light Refreshments for both BB and Adults

Both parents are welcome | Other Threads Mummies also are welcome (Don't worry abt not knowing each other; many of us have not met too!)

$$ per baby not sure yet but we must at least have 15 to go (Total cost $688 nett)

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean(Correct?) + Adele
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + (sorry forgot yr bb's name)
3. PG + Sean + Chloe
4. Joon + Perng Fey + Der Nen i'm flying solo... PF won't be in SG )
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve
9. Eling + Maybe HB, Maybe Helper + Amabel
10. Joyce + Joe + James
11. emoments + helper + Dylan
12. Cheekz + Hub + Rae Ann
13. Kieran's Mummy(Dec Thread) + Hub + BB Kieran
14. Ling + James + Sophie

Total Adults: ?
Total toddlers: 14
<font size="+2"><font color="0077aa">Yo Brenda, coming coming...</font></font>

Xmas Bash @ MyGym, GWC

15 Dec | Saturday | 4-6pm

Light Refreshments for both BB and Adults

Both parents are welcome | Other Threads Mummies also are welcome (Don't worry abt not knowing each other; many of us have not met too!)

$$ per baby not sure yet but we must at least have 15 to go (Total cost $688 nett)

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean(Correct?) + Adele
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + (sorry forgot yr bb's name)
3. PG + Sean + Chloe
4. Joon + Perng Fey + Der Nen i'm flying solo... PF won't be in SG )
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve
9. Eling + Maybe HB, Maybe Helper + Amabel
10. Joyce + Joe + James
11. emoments + helper + Dylan
12. Cheekz + Hub + Rae Ann
13. Kieran's Mummy(Dec Thread) + Hub + BB Kieran
14. Ling + James + Sophie
15. Phoebe + helper + Javier
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">X'mas Bash on 15 Dec from 4 - 6pm @ MyGym GWC</font></font>

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean + Adele
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + Chloe
3. PG + Sean + Chloe
4. Joon + Perng Fey + Der Nen i'm flying solo... PF won't be in SG )
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve
9. Eling + Maybe HB, Maybe Helper + Amabel
10. Joyce + Joe + James
11. emoments + helper + Dylan
12. Cheekz + Hub + Rae Ann
13. Kieran's Mummy(Dec Thread) + Hub + BB Kieran
14. Ling + James + Sophie
15. Phoebe + helper + Javier

<font color="0000ff">We have met our target of 15 babies/toddlers! YIPEE!!!! As the party is just this sat and to be fair to everyone who has signed up for it, I would need to collect payment from you first. Please make payment of $45 to my POSB Savings Account No: 104-06508-2 latest by</font> <font size="+1">Wed (12 Dec)</font>. <font color="0000ff">Please PM me your transaction reference no so that I know who has paid. Please also PM me your mobile no so that I am able to contact you should there be any last min changes.</font>

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">SO LETS PARTY PARTY ALL THE WAY!!!</font></font>
yippee, we reached the magic number of 15! looking forward to meeting all of u this Saturday!

gosh, i'll have to tweak DN's afternoon nap time though.

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">Any more mommies interested in going?</font></font>
we've reached the min of 15, but the max size is 20 so more toddlers can still come!

that pic of running chloe is so cute!

I've made the payment to your a/c from my ocbc a/c. It will take 3 working days to be transferred. The ref. no. is: 20071211044989
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, I've been trying to apply for the OTP thing over DBS site but there's some tech glitch now.. so pls give me some time ya..

<font color="ff0000">Yes! More More More!!</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">X'mas Bash on 15 Dec from 4 - 6pm @ MyGym GWC </font></font>

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean + Adele - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + Chloe - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
3. PG + Sean + Chloe
4. Joon + Perng Fey + Der Nen i'm flying solo... PF won't be in SG )
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve
9. Eling + Maybe HB, Maybe Helper + Amabel
10. Joyce + Joe + James - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
11. emoments + helper + Dylan
12. Cheekz + Hub + Rae Ann - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
13. Kieran's Mummy(Dec Thread) + Hub + BB Kieran
14. Ling + James + Sophie
15. Phoebe + helper + Javier

<font color="ff6000">Brenda</font>, No worries! There is still time to make payment.

<font color="0000ff">Btw, I received a payment from Lynn Aw. May I know who is it coz some of ur names registered r ur nick.</font>
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, I've just sent an email out to <font color="ff0000">PG, Buttons, Joon, Ling, Eling, Emoments and Phoebe</font> to inform them about the payment. The ones missing in my email list are Laura Mok and Joanne. ;)
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, also may I suggest that everyone of us (including Papas/Grandmas/Helpers or whoever that are coming) to wear a name label so that everyone will know everyone? I think it's nice to put a nick/name to the face, ya? Can you check with My Gym if they can supply the sticker labels? do make sure they are bigbig hor, cos got aunty like me cannot read from far one and I'll be happy to help with the registeration this Sat
<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>, thanks so much for helping! The name label sounds good! Let me check with My Gym. Or I could provide if My Gym do not provide the sticker labels.
hi alicia, have made payment and have PMed you my mobile. brenda, name labels are a great idea! i was wondering how we were going to know who's who! might also be a good idea to remind all mummies to dress their babies in pants or onesies to facilitate monkeying around the gym equipment.
<font color="ff6000">Hi Alica,</font>
Just sent transferred the money to you. Have PM-ed you the transaction reference number.

<font color="ff6000">Hi Cheekz,</font>
Haven't seen you in a while. Looking forward to see how Rae Ann has grown
See you!

<font color="ff6000">Hi Brenda,</font>
Thanks for sending the reminder for the payment. My mum cut Chloe's fringe when it keep getting into her eyes. The back portion is left for me to do something about it. I'm hoping to make a chinese paint brush out of it. Not sure if its long enough yet. So far only a few strands are long, the rest is still somewhat short.

<font color="ff6000">Hi Joon</font>
Thanks! Ah! finally I get to see DN's @@ this Sat.
<font color="0000ff">Btw, are we still having gift exchange this Sat?

Sorry, a bit lost on the posts as can't log in from office... so didn't really keep track.</font>
Buttons & Emoments,
Allow me to clarify.. I've spoken to Alicia yesterday and we thought it might be too last minute for mummies to go grab a pressie so we decided to drop the idea.

Look forward to meeting u and Melody too! Always nice to have new mums joining us! ;)

So pai seh! Here I am chasing people to pay u yet myself still haven't paid up! I'm having some problem with my account for transfering of funds and DBS is looking into it for me today and hopefully by tmr I can get it solved..

Thanks for the reminder on wearing pants! Looking forward to meet u too ;) and Maeve is your bb's name and yours is Joanne ya? I'm a bit confused.. hehee

No wonder I was wondering how come the fringe and the back not balance one heehee.. Can't wait to see sweet Chloe again!
Wah, so happening on the X'mas Bash !!!

Hello Sept Mummies,
Actually I' m not new here, think some of the Sept mummies may still recognize me, been joined in this thread when few months after gave birth to Ethan, still browse through the thread on and off for the progress of Sept babies, juz that did not join in the chat...

too bad unable to join in for the party as I'm now in M'sia but will be back to S'pore on 18-22 Dec, hopefully there will be another gathering during this period and have chance to meet up with the lovely kids and mummies

Hope that i am still welcome to be the rejoin member

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">X'mas Bash on 15 Dec from 4 - 6pm @ MyGym GWC</font></font>
Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean + Adele - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + Chloe - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
3. PG + Sean + Chloe - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
4. Joon + Der Nen - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
9. Eling + Maybe HB, Maybe Helper + Amabel
10. Joyce + Joe + James - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
11. emoments + helper + Dylan - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
12. Cheekz + Hub + Rae Ann - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
13. Kieran's Mummy(Dec Thread) + Hub + BB Kieran
14. Ling + James + Sophie
15. Phoebe + helper + Javier

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Brenda</font></font>, dun worry abt it! I had a problem with the DBS website for the last few days too. Thanks for helping me to clarify with emoments n Buttons on the gift exchange idea.

<font color="119911">Yasmine</font>, welcome back to the forum! I am sure there would be lots of chances to meet up in the future.
