(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Ling</font></font>, on the other hand, I cheer and salute you for being such a dedicated mum. To me, being a SAHM only facilitates matters but being a totally dedicated one is another and I definitely see that in you. I've also seen some FTWMs (especially those who are still BFDG while working!!) with the same perseverance and dedication. I, myself on the other hand, still pales being one.. my mind keeps drifting off! I keep thinking of 'quitting' and to go out to work.. aiyo headache la.. something I need to deal with! Whatever it is, all mummies JIA YOU!

BTW, I'm kinda going through the same mess as you now, just that I'm luckier, I got someone to clean it up.. heehee.. once A's food stain ended up at the ceiling fan, don't ask me how that happened! heehee..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, not sure about stomach flu, only heard briefly that it's contagious.. for me, I'd rather feed barley water as it only helps to hydrate, it'll also provide the carbohydrates to give him the energy.. hope both of you get well soon.

Agree with u on your advice to Buttons on the letting our bbs take their own pace.

I don't use much olive oil these days but when I do, I use the organic ones. In fact, I find the cooking spray caled PAM better. Easy to use and healthy la..

So <font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, let J be la if he still prefers nwa nwa food. He'll definitely grow out of it soon.

Remember I've never tried to train A using the sippy or straw cups, and to just let her use the normal drinking cup? She surprised me just last week using the straw to sip the entire cup of juice and prior to that, no one has taught her that..

Oh, not forgetting the numerous times I tried to do flash cards with her! wa pang, so pek chek, she only chews on the hair that sticks out of the 'kitten' or 'horse' (Joon bought her the animal ones that come with some material for touch/feel learning)! Even I, so pek chek after teaching, feel like chewing the whole card! Then just yesterday we spent the whole day going to 2 full month parties and took a balloon home, this morning she pointed to it and said 'Balloon'.. I think Shawn and I only repeated to her that is a balloon like 4 times cos we thought she won't absorb.. I don't know what's the fastest way to teach her things but I've definitely decided not to take my pace instead, to respect hers la. So I think our kids will pick up on their own, don't brood over this. Only create more stress and friction with your parents/in-laws la..

I still cook A's porridge using slow cooker for 3 hours leh.. cos now I don't grind the brown rice, just wash and cook the whole grain. But porridge meal is only like 4-5 times in a week la.

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">emoments</font></font>, yes that pic damn funny! look at the sheeps', so cute la!! hahah!! Your Dylan, such a teaser! heehee..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, hey that method of learning colors wasn't intentional, we just thought might as well! heehee..

'Jobless'?! Oooh u becoming a SAHM soon? that's good!

Oh, <font color="ff0000">Teeth Biting</font> > any mummies also facing this? A has stopped biting people, finally.. but she's now biting her own teeth. Means her upper row and lower row rubbing against each other. I'm not sure what you call that.. sounds frightening sometimes when she does it real hard. Anyone? or Any mummies know anything about this? How to stop?
R was biting his teeth sometime ago too. He stopped whenever we asked him to but wld resume a while later. he stopped this habit a few wks back, so i believe its juz a phrase tt A goes thru. the habit tt he has nvr stopped is to put everything into his mouth! aiyoh drive me nuts!!!!!
and like J, R oso dun munch his food! he hates fruits! we tried all sorts of methods n realised he liked to hold a slice of the fruit itself n bite. these few wks, he changed "pattern" again. he will bite a small bit of the fruit and action like he is eating. but aft a while, he will spit everything out! AIYOH! so messy!
I oso vomit blood wif R lah. teach him things, he only absorb 10%. it doesnt help tt my niece is his constant playmate, learning things real fast n her speech development is definitely so much better than R. since i cant do anything to help it, i juz continue to show/teach him lah. even he cant drink from straw YET! he hates sprouts! i cant seem to succeed anything i teach him. and a while ago, i actually thot he can drink fr a cup. then this cheeky boy suddenly dunno how to swallow the water he drinks fr the cup. so everything spills on his clothings!~ i dunno wat to do with this boy.
Sorry 4 the long posting! Juz tt now u mummies is on this subject, i simply hv to vent!

dun talk abt ur PIL & parents lah. realised my mum likes to cook until nua nua porridge 4 the babies lah. she kept insisting R will gag when the porridge is not nua. But i know its not. Rem the day we went zoo? R refused his porridge rite? So tt night if i were to serve his dinner, it will b 8.30pm, which is really late n i am not sure if he even wan his dinner so late. So my MIL was praying n she brought some food over 2 my place. she purposely scoop up a bowl of soup prior to adding flavourings for R. So i decided to try n c if R can eat rice. I scooped some rice n added lotsa soup to make it watery. Then i fed the adult way of eatg (which i usually dun do). One spoonsful of rice wif either steamed fish or fried egg. i expected him to gag but he finished pretty much and i was v pleased! so like wat brenda says, i think its in them lah. they will know things when the time is up. at least tts wat my mum always says! as compared to J, R got many more things to learn but i take it easy liao. no use worrying n hurrying him. he might end up rebellious n shutting his mind off totally.

I read ur blog n i am really envious of the things tt Sophie can do! self feed! i can dream on lah. dun even know if R can do it when he turns 2.

will try to find a pix of R in similar pose like D n upload later.
DO u mean A's grinding her teeth??
Damien used to do that last time but has since stopped. Dunno wat caused it but I think I read it somemore that its normal for some bbs to do that n they will eventually stop on their own.

Agree with u on respecting their pace. I still remember showing D flash cards for MOUTH n I keep showing him to open his mouth BIG BIG but he always look at me blankly. N 1 fine day I wrote MOUTH on the magnetic board n showed him he jus opened his mouth BIG BIG for me.
haha it's so entertaining to read about all your toddlers and how they r progressing (or not!) at their own pace

i guess i share the same feelings as some of u, like how come my boy is so slow to talk (cant even say one real english word but just babbles a lot), cannot self feed (not even using his own fingers!), wont go to sleep properly.. etc. but i guess at the end of the day, so long as we can see that they are intelligent (from other things that they do lah), we just have to let them dvp at their own pace. true that there's no pt worrying about these things everyday

u just described what i've been feeling too - about wanting to be SAHM so that i can bring up my own son. i feel so useless that i hv to 'outsource' something this impt to someone else (in this case my inlaws) and that i cant be there to be his guiding light and impart my values and knowledge to him. very frustrating. cos if i dont work, there will definitely be financial difficulties, and that will also affect ethan's lifestyle in some ways. if i were a SAHM, there're so many things that i would do differently with ethan! but i guess i console myself that when i go to work n bring home more $$, ethan can have more things like better food, etc...
hope u and kai get well soon! yes, for young toddlers, the only thing u can do is keep them hydrated. ethan was having diarrhoea too, so i bot him those electrolyte thing n luckily he would drink it. sweet mah
just mix with water n it becomes like syrup! stomach flu does come with diarrhoea and is definitely contagious... food poisoning isnt. so if u r hving stomach fly, make sure you wash your hands each time b4 touching/handliong anything that kai would touch/put in his mouth.

oh n as with adults, if having diarrohea, cut back on dairy pdts, ie no milk, yoghurt, cheese, etc...
thanks so much for the encouragement coz sometimes i really wonder why i'm doing what i'm doing esp when i get bored. that's why i can't wait for sophie to walk so that at least i can bring her out to playgrounds etc. i'm also like you, at times i consider if i shd work part time w my hub and get a babysitter in on alt days. maybe next yr lah...

btw, wrt to teeth biting, sophie did that for a while and then stopped too. so i think don't have to worry so much. it's just a process of teething, i think.

hee... sophie also still puts stuff in her mouth... donno when they'll stop. that's why i hesitate to give her crayons/pens.
there are also some fruits that are too hard like plums that sophie will bite n spit out too. i also don't give her apples/pears. give up. haha. only give banana, grapes n watermelon at the moment. she loves it, juicy and soft. ya, but really messy. ya, don't give up, it's great that you keep trying diff ways to get him to do stuff coz you never know when he's ready. suddenly they just get it.
hi all,

thanks all for ur concern, i've recovered the very next day which was last sat.

as for kai, today's the 3rd day, he's eating and drinking and minimum diarrhea alrdy but still having a lot of gas in his tummy. just got some colic syrup from PD.

when we were at kkh, they gave us eletrolyte, kai wont take it. we gave him barley water mostly and glucose water instead.
thks 4 the suggestions! watermelons! its a gd choice coz its not as hard as pears n apples so i dun hv to worry tt he will gag when he bites off a big piece.

can suggest more breakfast choices pls? i dunno wat to offer to R coz he hates bread (white, wholemeal, pandan, i've tried all and none cld sustain his "interest")... he is not keen on cereals anymore. so at times when i eat carrot cake, i juz offer some to him. its actually 2 get him interested in food rather than filling his tummy.
hee.. no prob but still need to watch when he eats watermelons coz sometimes it's hard. wait for it to be more ripen before you give.

breakfast - how do you norm give the bread? now i spread cheese on it and sophie loves it. haha if you're adventurous, can try a bit of peanut butter. but i've not tried.
- you tried yogurt?
- or a whole hard boiled egg? full of good stuff.
- if he likes stuff like gerber stars, can try cheerios soaked with milk? Haha... when I'm lazy that's what i do and sophie loves picking up the cheerios to eat. Not too filling but i'll give a fruit after that like banana.
- french toast? a bit like your carrot cake. just fry your bread coated with beaten egg. I haven't tried this but hope to at some pt.

One trick we do when sophie doesn't want to eat, is we eat what she eats, with her. Coz she like our food mah, so kinda "trick" her into eating. We eat and pass her some. She thinks it's our food but actually it's hers. hahaha...
my mum tried spreaing some margarine. it works wonder intially but this boy got sick of bread now. no matter wat bread we give, he wun swallow. it goes into his mouth n after 2 mins, he spits out everything.
i do the same during wkends. then i gave up tryg to get him eat bf. so he eats wat i eat. and normally its white carrot cake. n even then, he only takes max 5 mouthfuls. its not even filling as half a meal.

hard boiled egg? hmmm, mayb i can try this wkend. but its not equivalent as a full meal rite? i bot the quaker oats tt we need to cook prior to serving him yest. will check wif my mum if R likes it. we cracking our brains everyday n my niece juz eats anything! one is easy gg while the other is a headache!
gerber puffs! humph! initially he liked it. now he keeps the puffs in his mouth for a min, the spits out the soften puffs coated wif his saliva! i dunno wat to do wif this boy. he seems to be at this stage where he spits things out after a while. he only swallows proper meals.

eats wat they eat? eeee, the bb cereals looks horrible. hahahahaha, i camt imagine eatg his food. yah agreed tt they like our food. when i am eatg my dinner, he will always walk to me n goes away aft i give him a bit of my rice. then once he swallows, he comes back to me again. cycle repeats n it happens thru'out my dinner until i am done wif it. i dun like this bad habit but cant seem to stop it now. he will whine and blabbers until i give him food to stop it.
i dun blame anyone lah. its my fault.
hee hee.. ethan is exactly like dat too. when we hv our dinner, he keeps coming to our table, i'll give him some of what i'm eating, then he walk away. come back again for more... looks like they all want to eat what we're eating!

he's a huge fan of bread tho.. any type of bread. wholemeal, multigrain, etc. even give plain white bread oso he eat!
hee R is very smart lah... i think he likes a variety... haha... if he eats his proper meals, shd be ok. maybe you wanna feed him porridge for breakfast too?

haha sophie also the same. she'll whine/scream if we don't give her our food. i'll always give her sth that she can eat from our plate lor... bad habit or not, i really don't know but I feel like eventually she'll eat what I eat so it's ok. It's actually not a bad thing i think. that's why i bring the munchkin suction bowl everywhere i go.

mine finally came after being absent for a gd long 23mths (9mths pregnancy + 14mths bfg)!!

just wanna check is ur 1st period after pregnancy the usual amt, lesser or more?

mine is v much lesser. a panty liner could do the job.
yah yah! R is doing exactly like tt. keeps walking to me, give him a bit, he go walk 1 more round n come back for more once he is done.

i wld term him as fussy eater! I dun wanna keep feeding him porridge. i usually give 1 meal of porridge n the other one i give mee suah, though the ingredients r pretty much the same.
i meant bad habit as in during dinner time tt he'll know i'll share wif him my dinner. like bad manners to me, since its not his proper meal. but coz i wanna "train" him to eat rice, i guess by feeding him bits fr my own plate helps. at least he dun spit out the rice though its plain rice! so its hard to guess wat this boy's preference is!

wow! ur menses certainly took a long time to cresume! so lucky!
the 1st time mine returned at 10 mths aft delivery, it was heavier than usual. i thot i was bleeding to death!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">jRt, Laura, Dor Dor, Ling</font></font>, hey thanks for sharing the <font color="ff0000">Teeth Biting/Grinding</font> thing.. phewww and I thought A is having lots of stress, that's why she's doing that! The grinding sound is horrible la. I hear already my hair stands.. urrgghhh

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Ling</font></font>, A still selectively put things into her mouth too.. just no more remote controls or handphones in her menu la.. nowadays I also try to keep A's mouth occupied by giving her snacks like baked cheese sticks, cookies etc..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">DorDor/jRt</font></font>, yahh I guess our babies learn on their own accord and in their own ways.. They're just full of surprises ya.. ;) It's us, the parents who need to learn to accept their pace..
initially like u, i oso cant stand the grinding noise. its irritates me to no end n i worried his teeth will chip off! but it stopped eventually lah. so dun worry.

heeee, yah we need to adjust to their learning pace. R nvr fail to surprise me wif his slow learning pace.
dunno y he refused to learn when my niece is much more advanced. and i had thot being wif such a playmate all day will help in his learning but apparently i am wrong.
hi hi,
no time to login to read and post in forum..was busy at work and watching DVDs..haha..

no lar, did not participate in the subaru challenge. was working at the event. my company was 1 of the offical sponsor for the event. so was on duty over the weekend, and we down on site during the weekdays to check.
and ya, the final winner was a female, more zia than the man.

now subaru challenge over, busy with another project. taiwanese singer - rainie yang coming to spore next mth, so am busy with her projects.

then at night, i spent my time chasing my korean drama - coffee prince
well its easier said than done.. hee. cos i'm guilty too! always wonder how come ethan at 14 mths + oredi still cannot utter a single decipherable word :p

anyway he's been waking up a few times the last few nites crying n crying n always wanting be carried. after we go to his room n pat pat/carry him then he's ok. but he will wake up again 1 hr later n the same thing happens! any of u experiencing the same with your kids? he never used to be like this
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Michelle</font></font>, could it be nightmares? sometimes A does that too.. but quite quickly she'll be back to sleep. Just last night she woke up at 4am, trying to pull off her diaper, then we realised her diaper was quite full and tight.. She went back to sleep almost immediately after we changed it.

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, heehee.. was wondering where were you mah.. so any luck in doing the BP for the nasal thing?

Also, no more BPs for clothings ah?!

What Korean show is that, that's taking u away from our BPs la?! heh.. better be some good looking dude in there ya!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">jRt</font></font>, I think it's also pressure from the older folks lamenting how fast/clever other bbs are, right? I find this a very common trait amongst Chinese or more correctly, Singaporeans.. I remember my parents never happy with my results in school.. even if I got number 2 for some test, they'll ask how come not number 1.. wa pang.. PRESSURE!
actually my mum has always been encouraging. whenever i comment R is slow in this or that, she will always be +ve and say i cant compare this way. all babies r unique. R is not stupid, he juz dun wanna show us only. so i always tell myself the same sentence my mum always says each time i start comparing. she always believed tt the babies themselves will know wat/how to do things when the time comes. so ask me no need to always worry this and that. my sis is more laid back than me. she always say got me as a walking dictionary, she no need to do anything!

same lah, R oso cannot utter anything coherent too! But he did utter "mama, papa, mumb-mumb(as in food") when he was ard 10 mths old. he did tt for a few days then suddenly refused to say anything coherent since then. mayb i shld b satisfied tt he has at least said some logical things b4?
<font color="0000ff">brenda
dun think it's nitemare or wet diaper leh. it just seems different. could it be separation anxiety? he did it again last 2 nites... but slightly less often. hope he will overcome this phase by the end of the wk! it's really tiring when u hv to keep waking up at nite n next day still must go to work :p my eyes now wanna 'kiap' liao!</font>

<font color="ff6000">jrt
haha :D well since R has mumbled it b4, then it means he know lor! just choose not to repeat it again. E is also like dat. i know he knows things, but he just refuses to say the words. they're all smart babies.. maybe too smart for us! ;)</font>
R's case is same as Hannah. she used to call me mummy and daddy and now hardly ever! but she likes to say "spongebob" a lot. maybe she wants to learn new words and is sick of the old words.

wow your menses came only recently? superb man! so that means you have to start using protection if you don't want Kai to have a sibling so soon. second time easier to conceive liao.
hi Brenda,

May I bother you to take a picture of the fresh Zucchini? I still can't find it at NTUC even Cool Storage..maybe they've written in other name? Many thanks ya..
melissa, yeah, my menses MIA for the longest i think. actually ive forgotten which day is the most fertile for conceiving huh? im always blurred abt all these.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Wennie</font></font>, ooh I don't have a whole zucchini in my fridge now. I have half in fact, just used this morning! But this link has lots of images.. it's from Yahoo, http://sg.images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=zucchini&sm=Images&toggle=1&cop=&ei=UTF-8
You can also use google images to find images for 'Zucchini'. They come in yellow color too ;)

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Michelle</font></font>, hmmm could be.. but did he usually sleep through or tend to sleep light and hear a bit of sound only will wake up?

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">jRt</font></font>, good la your mum like that.. mine forever comparing with others! But sometimes she also realise it then she quickly say something to make up.. heehee..
<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">Brenda</font></font>

Finished watching <font color="ff0000">COFFEE PRINCE</font>


Got handsome dude - Gong Yoo

Then I also like to watch actress Yoon Eun Hye (comedy), so watched another series - The Man from Vineyard (2006). Finished liao.

So, no more DVD to watch. Haha.

<font color="ff0000">BP</font> still have.
I just completed 2 Childrens Place & 2 Old Navy. So now waiting for shipment.
BP for the nasal thingy? Let me do some checking first.
<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">BebeSounds Nasal Clear</font></font>
OK. Has found the Singapore distributor and emailed to them to enquire on pricing.
Lets wait for their reply...
Hi Brenda,

Thanks. It looks like dark green & slim type cucumber to me,,is it the same? but I never see the yellow nor green type in supermarket le.
tough to say! to some, their period cycle completely changed after giving birth. i think i'm one of those unlucky ones. i used to have long cycles and most fertile on my 19-26th day but maybe my cycle shortened suddenly that's why i accidentally conceived. i guess you have to monitor it yourself and always BD with protection until your cycle stabilizes once again.

now tt kai is over 1 yr, i think i dun nd protection liao. intend to try for a 2nd one. but im one of those who take ages to conceive.
ethan only recently started sleeping thro the nite - short lived happiness for me! cos he went right back to waking a few times a nite. but now slightly better again - last nite woke up once only at 3.30am. even when very quiet, he still wakes up! so i dont think sounds are the cause. another silly thought crossed my mind this morning tho - do they go thro growth spurts at this age? cos each time he wakes up he'll be pointing at the milk bottle :p
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Michelle</font></font>, this waking up in the middle of the night for milk thing is something I can't decipher.. After I'd my Chloe, though she also another sleep-thru kid, I was still very inquisitive on why some babies(below 24 months) are waking up at 3am to have milk. I was just talking to a mother who had the same problem last night at a friend's house during dinner.

Her son Davin is now 19 months and he eats very very well during the day and drinks 3 x 240ml Formula Milk (on FM since newborn) a day but still wakes up for milk. We simply conluded that it's the kid's habit. Maybe can consider as bad habit.. However she told me when there're nights Davin sleeps through are those he spent lots of activities during the day. So I guess he was tired out..

Oh, I've got another friend whose baby just full month, has been sleeping from midnight to 5-6am since born! Nice ya?! heehee..

Talking about <font color="ff0000">New Births</font>, this month I happened to have 7 friends who gave birth and out of 7, 5 are boys! What a productive month isn't it?!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, aiyoooo my K-drama days are over with my pregnancy la.. hee.. I used to watch a ton-ful during preggy. Now, where got time??! Thanks for finding out about the Nasal thing ya.. ;)

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">WennieKok</font></font>, have u tried asking the staff at supermarket? There're a few types of cucumbers on the shelves, I'm not sure which one u are refering to. Zucchini is usually long, dark green (most of them are) or bright yellow. Ask the staff it's better ya..
did it take ages for you to conceive Kai? good for you then, BD is always more pleasureable without protection. at least that's what i think! but after my 2nd one, cannot be complacent already. must start to use protection.

even though Hannah has slept through the night, sometimes she woke up crying with eyes closed but we didn't do anything but pat her to sleep. she's been doing this for nights already. i wonder if she's cold or something? she hates blankets, will kick off the blanket and sleep on top of it! she can never finish 180ml of milk for her last feed before bedtime. is that habit too? do u think i should give her milk? she looks like she's sleeping leh.

it took me quite a while coz my period wasnt regular and i wasnt ovulating. i can never catch the fertile period. until now im still blurred.

but of course the gd thing is BD w/o protection like what u mentioned, more pleasurable. haha...
<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">Brenda</font></font>, ya no time to watch. So my K-drama starts from 1130pm and ended at 5am in the morning! Haha..then I leave for work at 8am.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melissa</font></font>, for me I won't encourage giving milk or anything that will wake the bb up more. We should quickly pat the baby back to sleep as soon. I believe to a certain extend that if day activites are overloaded, this might cause their brainwaves to be still hyper while sleeping and could be the reason why they cry while sleeping. For me, I will keep monitoring for a few more nights and if there's no other causes like fever, I would consider this normal la..

Not finishing milk/meals - I also consider this normal as long as there's no significant in drop of weight or behaving dull means like no energy, sian sian like that..

Actually I don't think any of us know exactly how much we SHOULD be feeding our babies now, not even the PDs.. And THE ONLY person who knows is none other than our babies themselves. Some days they will drink/eat more and some days they don't.. Just like us adults I guess.. sometimes we skip our breaskfast for more sleep right? heehee.. one rule I live by; no major effect, no concern ;)

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, I very itchy to do shopping.. do u know if sites like ON or Gymboree will have better bargains after Xmas than now? cos like in shopping malls, things are usually more ex pre-xmas right?... hmmm

Wa lao.. u jia lut.. hope u don need to go through rehab for your K-drama.. hehee
phoebe! u r amazing! how do u get by with so little sleep? i wish i can be like u :p

yeah babies will always remain a mystery i guess. some of us are just not so lucky to get 'textbook babies'. i can just hope ethan will be a good gor gor n behave better once his mei mei is out next yr ;)
brenda / michelle
such watching pattern can only do per drama (2-3 nights)
after that, i got to replenish my sleeps over the weekend.
cannot do frequent lor. old liao..
X'mas gathering

Sorry gals. Due to some last minute changes, I have to cancel my trip to SGP in Dec. Thus won't be able to join the X'mas party now. :-(

Hope I cna make it home for Easter to meet all of you and your babies, ooppss toddlers
BebeSounds Nasal Clear Update
Spore distributor has replied. Think they are just appointed as the distributor. So they dont have the final price list yet. Stock also not in yet.
She has replied that they will advise me when available.
Awww... that's too bad Angeline.
DN was hoping to meet Trinity. Never mind! Next Easter we MUST meet up. Can you imagine? The little ones will be about 1 year and 7 mths! Time really flies...

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">Party! Party! Party!</font></font>

Hi everyone, 15 Dec is almost here!
The party is in 2 weeks and not many people have signed up. So far, only 5 mommies have confirmed and that's not really a party leh. Also, that works out to about $156 per toddler, so that's really <strike>quite</strike> very expensive!

If more of us sign up, that will help to bring the cost down, bit by bit. I think the party is for 20 babies right, Alicia? So that's slightly over $30 per baby.

It'll be fun to meet up with all the other mommies and daddies and of course TODDLERS! They will probably have so much fun now that they are more mobile, playing with the equipment and all that.

And we can all <font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">chat</font><font color="aa00aa">chat</font><font color="ff6000">chat</font></font> about how far we've all come since Sept 2006!

It'll be lotsa <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">FUN</font></font> mommies! Let's go!
<font color="ff0000">Angeline</font>, its okie! Hope to meet up with you and Trinity when u r back for the Easter holidays!

<font color="0000ff">Joon</font>, thanks for helping me to 'promote' the X'mas bash! Yup, u r right. The party is meant for 20 babies. It would be too ex to go ahead with the no of babies we have right now. Hopefully we can get a better response by then!

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">All Mommies from Other Threads are Also Welcome to Join in the X'mas Bash! It is happening on 15 Dec (Sat) from 4 - 6pm at My Gym Singapore Great World City!</font></font>
Yes, mummies! PARTY PARTY!!

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Xmas Bash</font> <font color="119911">@MyGym, GWC</font></font>

15 Dec | Saturday | 4-6pm

Light Refreshments for both BB and Adults

Both Parents are welcome | Other Threads Mummies also are welcome (Don't worry abt not knowing each other; many of us have not met too!)

$$ per baby not sure yet (Total cost $760, maximum 20 bbs)

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)

1. Alicia
2. Jaimie
3. PG
4. June
5. Buttons
6. Brenda

MERRY XMAS! hO hO hO, a great time to catch up and to meet!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, pls add/amend if anything's amiss.. thanks

alicia/any others
My party just got postponed on the 15th so I'm thinking of going. But the cost will be a big factor. can you advise on the program too? Not sure about the other mummies who are standing on the sideline wondering if they shd go.
