(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Hi mummies,
sorry for intrude here, I'm not Sept mummy but I'm planning my girl 1st b'day next March. So trying to do some research then found this side

May I know where can I order the 3D cakes?

may I know did you make the poster by yourself? Very impress very nice.

Heee! Ya! Very very good taste
... I love the colour and flowers! Matches her super cool denim jacket. Hee you need to have your own lil girl already lah...
<font color="ff0000">edksd</font>, I had Indonesian for my first maid. But decided to give Filipino a try this time round. Coz I intend to be a SAHM so will be communicating with the maid most of the time and I cannot speak malay. Therefore decided to try Filipino. Really keeping my finger crossed that she will be good.

<font color="0000ff">PG</font>, thanks for your well wishes! I also cannot believe that I am going to have a 2nd one so soon! hehehe!!! Thanks for the breastfeeding tip! I dun think I will be stocking up any FM too. Must PERSEVERE!!!!
olive oil

does anyone knows which type of olive oil is suitable for cooking and which type is not (eg. just for salad, no in contact w high heat)

i heard pple mention olive oil is not suitable for high heat cooking as it may cause cancer or something like tt. but im not sure what type and how high the heat is??

my agency said currently she has no gd transfer maid. even those who worked in spore before but now back in indon oso dun hv. so it seems like we got to get a totally new maid who has never worked in spore.

any feedback abt filipino maids (besides able to speak gd english)?

ur replacing of maid do u hv to restart the 2yrs contract again?
edksd, initially I also scared to get filipino maids coz heard quite a no of bad stories abt them having lots of demand like off days, high pay etc... But coz my fren recommended me this agent who specialize in filipino maids so I decided to give it a try lor. Furthermore, the agency which got me my previous maid has told me that Indonesians now also require off days. Thats why I tot of trying out filipino lor. But hor, I think not all filipino maids can speak gd english. It depends on which province they come from. If u get one from those village kind, they can only speak n understand simple english. Yup, I have to restart the 2 years contract again.
ask you all ah... how do you get the mucus out of your baby's nose???
SOphie's been having a cold n we didn't bring her to see the doc. It's getting better but maybe you can share some natural remedies? Thanks!
Hi Ling
Have heard before some mummies will 'suck' the mucus out themselves with their mouth. But I dun really dare to do that.......hehehe
Damien's having fever n lots of phlegm now I'm jus 'willing' the phlegm to come out on its own.
Trinity has caught the cold from me twice this year. Both times we did not bring her to see the doctor, but just let her get well by herself. We just clean the running nose with tissue. We did buy those syringe/pump thingy, but didn't manage to convince her to use it. If you feel that her nose is very blocked up and hindering her breathing, you can try burning some eculyptus drops, it should help to soothe the nasal passage

i recommend this nasal aspirator. you can find it on amazon. find quite useful on Jac. I bought it myself through VPOST. not sure whether it is available in singapore.

hee, someone told me that too but doubt I'll be able to do that! Damien also sick? Looks like the bug's going around... How is he?

Yah same here... once we also let her heal on her own and once we brought her to the GP. But i try to stay away from meds so am looking for natural remedies. Will try the drops. thanks!

thanks! that looks good... got 12 tunes to distract baby some more! you can press it to activate it is it? But by the time it arrives, she'll prob have recovered. But looks like sth that we can use for the long run. Anyone seen this around here?
He's still as naughty as ever even when his fever gets back on. But it also means he's not THAT sick lor. He actually has throat infection hence the fever 3rd day already so hopefully by tml fever will go bye bye.
Yah stupid virus all around few Oct bbs sick too.

Can u remember how much u paid for it?? Looks much nicer then the pigeon manual 1 got sound some more....heehee
hmm.. seems the bug travel all the way fr spore to australia too! haha :D ethan oso have a cold n cough :p i got a nasal aspirator (cant remember wat brand) and i find it really useful cos it can suck out A LOT of the mucus. otherwise it's stuck in his nose all the time n then he cant breathe properly n then he gets cranky n moody. i tried sucking out with my mouth b4 (inlaws suggested this cos that's wat they did last time with us mah) but find it not as effective as the aspirator leh. i guess in our parent's time dont hv such thing so they use mouth lor.

<font color="aa00aa">brenda</font>
yeah found a name for our bb oredi - emma
not many names that we like starting with E, so the choice was pretty easy hee hee

<font color="ff0000">sleeping habits</font>
very hard to get ethan to sleep nowadays! he can sometimes nap only 1/2 hr during the day, n at nite he only gets about 9hrs of sleep. dunno y he hates to sleep so much - completely opposite from his mommy haha
haha it's true... that's how i gauge how sick sophie is. She's still the same, doing her usual things. Her fever was gone by the first day but the nose getting drier. Ya, it's the weather lah... breeds germs!

is yours battery operated/manual? you're a brave woman! sucking out the mucus!
so many babies down wif flu. 4 us, R down, me and hb oso down, my niece oso down as well as my sis! and now tt u mummies mentioned u dun bring them to the doc coz they r still well n running, i wonder shld i oso do the same. R's nose kept running, but so is he! he is still as active, n dun seemed to bothered by it. there is no fever but phlegm is coming up coupled wif a little cough.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Michelle</font></font>, Emma?! heehee.. Ya not much choices if u want to stick to 'E'.. nice name ;)
Woooh, Ethan's not having much sleep ya? So how u keep him occupied during the day? My A not interested in TV shows or any toys at all.. She's been ransacking my drawers of clothes, taking every piece out and putting them back and repeating this everyday! *duh* I've given up stopping her..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Diana</font></font>, the nasal aspirator looks like a useful tool. Mind sharing how much it costs?
<font color="ff0000">Phoebe</font>, BP?! heehee
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">jRt</font></font>, I think it's the change of weather probably the culprit la.. it's getting wetter and cooler these days. Yuna was just advising me to wear socks for A when she sleeps. Maybe you girls want to try keeping the feet warm..
<font color="ff6000">ling
mine is manual lah. everytime we stick it up his nose he will scream very loud n turn his head here n there, but no choice leh. anyway i think lately he seems to get the idea that he'll feel better after we do that, so he's starting to struggle less. hee hee</font>

<font color="0000ff">jrt
i'm giving ethan cough/cold med. cos his mucus is yellow colour oredi. scare if i let it go on by itself will become even more infected!</font>

<font color="119911">brenda
haha :D having prob keeping A entertained? me too (actually more my inlaws lah). luckily he still watches TV (at most 1/2 an hr tho). other times, he'll be trying to open the drawers too (we put locks on them since then) else just pushing the chairs here n there.. or taking out all the plastic bags from our box in the kitchen n scattering them everywhere :p recently he started playing wif the dvd player too! will power on/off the player, eject the dvd tray, take out the dvd...</font>
<font color="ff0000">Ling</font>, Wish Sophie a speedy recovery!
Adele is also down with flu n a very persistent cough. Have brought her to the PD twice last week and will be bringing her for another review today coz her cough is still very bad. Poor gal, have been coughing non stop.

<font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>, count me in if u having a BP for the nasal aspirator! hehehe!!!

<font color="aa00aa">JRT</font>, Wish R a speedy recovery too!

<font color="ff6000">Brenda</font>, Hey, Adele is also doing the same thing as A. hahaha!!! Oh, r u signing A for the JG class again? Adele enjoys her JG class and I will be transferring her to the evan's road branch next term.
Nasal Clear

I bought it at $20+ USD. plus shipping fee (I bought a few other itms together) should around $40. If phoebe can organize a BP, should be cheaper.

dor & ling
Actually the melody not very useful, find it a bit annoying. But the suction is much powerful than pigeon manual one. Jacqueline doesn't want me to clean her nose with tissue, but doesn't mind to use the nasal aspirator.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Diana</font></font>, thanks for the nasal info..Woooh, not cheap ahh.

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Michelle/Alicia</font></font>, ahhh my A is over the players on/off switch 'era' already. When she used to do it, she can alternate pressing both the DVD player and the SCV box at the same time! She now has fetish for her Papa's socks.. take them out, try.. ya, try la, to 'roll' them back and into the compartment boxes in the drawer. It's quite funny seeing her doing that. Especially when she matches the socks' colors, can see how puzzled she is with brown, black and dark blue.. In fact I was just telling my hub for the sake of A picking up sense of colors, maybe he should wear some red/yellow/pink/green socks la.. heh

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, yes we'll be back when A hits 18 months for the bilingual classes. ooh u switched? is it too crowded over at Forum? or u prefer the outdoors facilities at Evans?

For me, I'm a bit half hearted to go back actually cos I might want her to be at a child care instead. We shall see la.. it's still a bit far to say..
such a coincidence tt u shld mention wearing socks. coz juz this wk, my mom was telling me to let R wear socks at night. 4got wat was the reason liao. but nowadays we dun sleep in aircon plc, aft R keep getting flu n the doc advised us to keep him away fr aircon.
but i am getting really fed up tt the 2 babies kena flu ever so often. hv tried introducing Vit C rich fruits like oranges n kiwis but this mister got mood one. specially bot naval oranges & yellow kiwis tt r sweeter 4 him but this boy dun like sweet fruits! instead when we gave him oranges/kiwi tt is slightly sour, he prefers it! AIYOH!

Alicia & michelle,
i brought R to the doc earlier liao lah. my mum kept nagging saying R got the flu for 4 days n yet i am still not bringing him to the doc. And its so funny coz i asked the doc to give me pills instead of liquid medication coz R wld vomit out everything each time we fed him liquid medicine. we tried many ways, using syringe, pouring into a cup n luring him. all dun work!instead when we fed him powdered stuff, he actually "fought" to finish it. So we crush the pill on our own n mixed wif a bit of water 2 feed him. it was less of a struggle.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">jRt</font></font>, ehhh I think my A also despise sweet stuffs. She likes sour sour orange and tasteless guava! hahah!! Somehow we always think the more sour the fruit is, the more Vit C it supposed to contain ya? heehee.. not sure if it's a myth..

Air con only makes a blocked nose largee block! So yes, stay away from aircon for now ya.. if have time, fill your bath with hot water then 3 of u hop into the bathroom, doors close and breathe in there for some minutes. Can help clear nose..get well soon ya

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, you took part in the subaru challenge thing ah??! My mum said a girl won it, was it you?!?! that's why MIA from the forum? heehee..
so R found a fren tt hates sweet stuff!
er, i can only rem kiwi contains the most Vit C. but my mum insists tt i shldnt feed oranges now coz R is coughing.

Actually we stayed away fr aircon on days when R is not at home too. too much of it causes my sinus to act up, so unless the weather is really hot, we wun switch on the aircon.

my flu is fast recovering. oh btw coz R hates liquid medication, we actually requested for pills instead as mentioned in my previous posting. juz this morning, i realised the flu medication is the same one i am taking, juz tt R is taking half of it. wondering if its ok. it was prescribed by a trusthworthy GP lah.

Phoebe took part in the subaru thingy? i saw the winners on TV. not phoebe lah.
For those babies who are coughing or sneezing, what I did for Dylan was to apply Vicks at the sores of his foot, then put on socks b4 he goes to bed (this is for coughing)... if he has running nose, I'll rub a bit of Vicks on his chest and I can tell his breathing is so much better and he can sleep better.

So far it works for Dylan everytime... maybe u can give it a try.

<font color="0000ff">Hope all sick babies recover soon.. take care!</font>
I've heard this before n it really works wonders for Damien. Cos he has phlegm n doesn't get a good night sleep cos he keeps trying to cough it out. But I'm worried vicks might be a tat too strong so I use the Snuffle babe. Even though it doesn't feel minty at all to me it works well for D.

But I abit KS I put on his sole n rub alittle on his chest too double protection....hahaha
<font color="0000ff">We just came back from Perth last week.... here's some photos to share.

At Sunflower farm... I'm surprised he's not scared being surrounded by the animals. He was very scared when we brought him to Hay Dairies 2 mths ago.. </font>

<font color="0000ff">I find this photo very cute... see Dylan and the 2 sheeps' expression behind... all of them staring hungrily at the bread Dylan is holding :p</font>
so fun!!!!! dylan must have been so amazed with the chickens and kangaroos! the expressions on the sheep 's faces are priceless. dylan looks a little like reubern in the 2nd pic.
Hi teddyhope

Initially I was a bit worried also on Vicks but after I tried one night and it works wonders, I continue using it. Dylan seems to like it too.. and yes, usually I will put on his soles and chest as well
<font color="0000ff">Melissa and Alicia</font>
I remembered you were still breastfeeding when you got preggie again, rite? Do get get engorgement now?

I get leh... thou I stopped bf when I was abt 3mths preggie.. but I started getting engorgement when I was abt 4&1/2 mths... they were so big, hard and sometimes painful. You can feel the lumps as well. Gynea advised me to put cabbage which I did for a few times.. but I'm worried it will affect my milk supply when I give birth.

Now I look damn ugly with those 2 big papayas hanging in front.. my cols kept commenting tt my tummy like never grow, but my bust like gg to explode.. it's so depressing... sigh.
pardon me but i found the applying vapour rub on the soles of the feet really crappy! i tried it myself when i was down wif a serious flu some mths ago. this trick din work on me! i spent at least 20mins in the bathroom the next day washing away the vapour rub off my feet! Yucks! i wonder y this din work on me. my mum sugested using this on R now tt he has flu but i am not keen to try it coz it dun work on me n oso the cleaning up is rather messy. but glad it worked for Dylan. I do apply it on his chest and back though. and i bot this ampoule decongestant to apply on his pillows so he can breathe better though.
R oso likes animals. the other time when we saw this huge dog tt was much bigger n taller than him, not only he wasnt afraid, he was smiling when he saw the dog. so we allowed him to pat the dog n he was grinning.

din u pumped out when u had engorgement at 4.5 mths? heee, others wld hv envied ur assets!

if u din mentioned, i din noticed the last pix resembled R. hehe
dear mommies, hope all the sick babies recover soon.
so sad to hear babies sick.....

edksd, were u the one who asked about the olive oil? if u cooking over fire, use normal olive oil, not the extra virgin one. extra virgin olive oil cannot be cooked over fire else it will release carcinogenic compounds. hope this helps.

brenda, good idea of urs to use coloured socks to teach A colours hehehe! u mean she can MATCh the colours oredi? wow!

hey mommies, i have a prob. Jovann is very very lazy with chewing. some time back he started chewing his food but now he stopped doing that again. when there's small pieces, he will just swallow! end up in his poo got small small bits of carrots, spinach etc. if the pcs too big, he will gag and refuse to eat. i cannot beleive i can still facing this prob at this age. the only time he chews is when i give him sliced fruits from our dinner table. then he will chew, but VERY slowly. sigh.

i feel it is coz the porridge texture at my mums and MIL plc is too soft. my dad still chops the spinach. my MIL still uses slow cooker for the porridge for 3 hours!!! i have tried telling both of them to stop doing that, coz its going against what i myself is doing, no wonder Jovann still so pampered. but my dad say as long as he eats (they always have hard time feeding Jovann), he wants to do all he can to help him eat! i asked my hubby to tell MIL not to use slow cooker anymore, or even if use, just cook 2hours max. but my hubby also feels as long as he eats, other things can try later. so mad!!! how how? anyone still using slow cooker to cook porridge so long anot? do you chop your vege? for me at home, i just pluck the spinach into small pcs, i dun even cut or chop it.same for brocoli, just cook and use spoon to mash before feed. i still blend meat though, anyone still doing all this? this qn meant for only babies who has less than 6 teeth hor! heehehee. those who have a full set of teeth oredi definitely wun need to worry about this.

if its biscuits he will chew! but not very vigorously, just chew a bit. if i feed him a bit of rice he will eat a bit also.
aiyah sophie also a bit unpredictable wrt eating these days.

if the pieces are too big in her porridge, she'll spit them out. I still cook her porridge in the slow cooker for 2 - 3 hrs, only because it is convenient and I don't have to watch the stove. I still chop her veg and I mince her meat before cooking.

I kept it at this consistency - a bit sticky and soft because sophie feeds on her own. If it's less sticky, it's harder to self feed lor.

But she's ok if she uses her hands to eat potato, fish n peas - she'll chew. she needs to see what she's eating.

i have difficulty feeding her noodles/pasta with chopped ingredients. she'll spit out the ingredients and see what it is. if she's ok with it, she'll put it back, if not throw.
but she's ok if i blend veg e.g pumpkin and mix it with pasta. strange.

oh btw, sophie also only have 4 1/2 teeth.
<font color="0000ff">jrt</font>, the vicks doesn't work on me too, haha.... but since it works on Dylan and I can see the effect almost immediately, I continued using it when he has slight cough or running nose.

Hmm.. didn't see R for so long, so can't tell... can upload some of his latest photos???
Buttons, Dylan also doesn't really know how to chew his food yet. He only has 3 teeth (finally) and we are still using the slow cooker, just reduced from 3 hours to 2&1/2 I think. I still use the blender to blend the avocado for him. My theory is same as yr hubby, as long as he eats, the rest can wait... I dun want him to choke on his food which he tends to whenever my SIl insisted on giving him big pieces of food. Then u can my poor boy choking with his face red red... my mum can't bear to see that, so she continued using the slow cooker which is fine to me.
oh ye, jrt, I didn't pump out my milk. Gynea advised me not to, said if very pain, put cabbage. Else it will lead to early labour... I dun want... :p
ethan oredi has 8 teeth but he's still taking porridge that's slow cooked for 2-3 hrs :p when we give him meat, even if its minced, he will chew and chew and not swallow! then after like dunno how long, suddenly he will spit out this whole chunk of meat 'pulp' that he's been holding in his mouth. somehow he doesnt like the texture ... we gave him a small pc of charsiew once - he chew n suck until the 'leftover' was actually white in colour. sigh...

he doesnt self feed - we have to hold the fruit for him n he will just come n bite off whatever he wants. anyway my theory is that he will eventually learn all to do all these things by himself lor, just that it takes a longer time only hee hee.

last nite got problem getting him to sleep again. scream n struggle so much!
my milk ss reduced drastically as soon as i found out i was preggie, so didnt experience any engorgement. maybe u can just try to masage out the lumps slowly? dont over do oso lah cos i heard that might oso trigger contractions. just massage a bit a bit every day lor
hee... i laughed out loud when i read that ethan sucked the charsiew until it was white! so funny! hee... sigh.. My friend's kid also - he's 1 1/2 already, still eating pureeed food. but i think he eats fruits on his own tho. ya you're right, they'll eventually get it. is ethan ok with fish? I find that sophie prefers fish and she can handle them in chunks, rather than meat.

sophie also the same. struggled for 1 hr last nite before she slept. oops she's awake...
so happy to know ethan is not the only one who fights when its sleeping time! :p do u hv any trick/tips on how to get sophie to sleep at nite when she doesnt want to ah? just let her scream n cry? i scared my neighbours all can hear his screaming. wait they think i torturing my kid n call police! i dont hear their kids screaming like dat one leh :|

yes, ethan does better with fish. think got nothing much for him to 'suck' on cos disintegrate too fast haha
buttons, thanks for the info on olive oil. i really didnt know extra virgin kind cannot be cooked over heat. now i know. thanks!
<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>, what an interesting way to learn colors! It must be really fun to see A learning this way.
Oh for the JG class, I started off with Forum coz of the timing. I was afraid that the 3pm timing at Evans would clash with Adele's nap so decided to try the 1pm timing @ Forum. But now Adele seems to have late naps nowadays and the 1pm was really rush for me coz I finish work @ 12:30pm. That's why I decided to switch her to the Evans road branch for the new term. After all the switching, I juz found out that I am going to be jobless soon. hehee!!! But since I have made the switch, I decided to stick with it.

<font color="0000ff">emoments</font>, U finally decided to go Perth!
I am sure u guys have lots of fun! Oh, I didn't breastfeed Adele at all. She didn't want to latch on after we came home from the hospital. Sorry, can't answer ur qn.

<font color="aa00aa">JRT</font>, crushing the powder is a good idea! Perhaps I should get tablets from the PD instead. Adele always screams when we feed her medicine thru the syringe. hehehe!!!

Any more mommies here keen to join in the X'mas Bash? We still have quite a no of vacancies.


Confirmed attendance:
- Alicia
- PG
- Jamie
- Angeline
- Joon

Pending confirmation:
- Phoebe
- Buttons

Might be able to go:
- Brenda
last fri i had vommiting (once) and diahoerra. next day, vomitted once again and diahoerra. and then recovered on tt very day sat evening.

just last mth i oso had the same thing. the doc told me it's food poisoning. coz if it's stomach flu, i shldnt be having diahoerra.

so this time i took the medicine leftover from the prev visit thinking it shld be food poisoning again and didnt visit the doc since i recovered the next day.

who knows yday sun, kai suddenly vomitted in the morning after breakfast. i suspected something wrong w the breakfast or the amt (but the amt is his usual amt).

after showering while playing, he vomitted again. i noticed he looks a bit weak this time. so quickly prepare to go hosp.

the clinic near our place has a PD but only on duty at 7pm. so we went to tmc 24hr clinic, i tot there'd be PD on duty but no. and if we were to call, the consultation wld be $200!! so in the end we decided to go kkh instead.

at the hosp while waiting to test for urinary tract infection, he had diahorrea. the doc diagnosed stomach flu.

i wonder did i pass the stomach flu to him? or am i really having food poisoning?

anyway, he's now having more diahoerra than vomitting. keeping him hydrated now.

btw, i learnt tt when a child is having the runs, there's no medication as they're still too young. so the only thing we can do is to keep them hydrated. but not w plain water coz they lost not only water but oso sugar and salt (they call it electrolyte). so we've to feed them w clear fluids like glucose water, bland soup, diluted juice, barley water, rice water to replenish.

hopefully he'll recover soon.
hi mommies thanks so much for replyinG! now i dun feel so alone, coz Jovann also tends to hold food in his mouth and dun swallow until years later! so my MIL is not the only one who cooks slow cooker until 3 hours! but seriously, i think i shld cut down, better tell her today. i know sooner or later they will learn, but i dun want him to reach 1.5yrs old and still eating mushy mushy food leh.

anyone else has comments??

Ling, i am very envious sophie full self feed leh. at such times, i really wish i am a SAHM mum like u who can spend time teaching J such things. right now, i only can teach him self feed on weekends during bf, coz cereal is thicker and stickier. on weekdays, no matter how many times i bring over short spoons, suctin bowls, with instructions to MIL and dad to LET him self feed, they end up not doing it!!! i get so upset sometimes...sigh....but i can only think at least i know they love my son lah....but can't help feeling things could have been better. i believe SAHM moms really provide a diff nurturing environment for their kids and they develop and learn things faster.

for cereal, he can do it okie i.e. put spoon into bowl and scoop food into mouth albeit very messily, until he start to lose interest and stick his hands into the bowl instead. will not be able to get him interested long enough to finish his food.

edksd, no prob! glad i can help.

oh dear..kai is sick? it sounds scary, do keep him hydrated with soups then.....

eerrr... i dun rem now but did a new mommy asked about my birthday poster? sorry i forgot to reply you! yes yes, i did it myself...in high res then sent to printer shop for printing.
hi buttons,

it sounds scary coz it's the first time we see a toddler vomitting and having diahoerra.

just now during lunch, hb and i went to my mom's plc to visit kai. he's alot better now. taking 'smooth' cantonese style porridge already.

the next time i see a doc, i want to ask is it really true tt gastic/stomach flu for adult will cause no diahoerra. some docs are just confusing me.

as for my comments abt self feeding or chewing, etc. i personally felt tt it doesnt really matters. it's not tt they purposely did not want to learn, they'll be able to pick up when they're ready.

for eg. when they're ready for more bigger chunks food, they'll reject the pureed stuff and ask for something different. when they're ready to self feed, even if u dun give them a spoon, they'll snatch over yours and self feed themselves.

so no worries.

ER... i'm not the right person to ask abt sleep lah coz we actually let sophie cry and scream.
hee... but most times she'll fall asleep quite soon BUT recently, she's really protesting sleep. But it's partly our fault coz we keep going out/travelling and she's been sleeping late and so when we put her down at 7, she'll protest. But we're back to normal now, sleeping at 7ish. haha my poor neighbours... i think they're quite used to it already.

oh dear... are you ok now? Kai?

Sophie had stomach flu when we were in shanghai and she had the runs. The doctors did a stool test and found out it's not food poisoning. i think in the past when i had stomach flu, i had the runs too leh.. I know what you mean abt seeing a toddler vomit. I didn't see it coz Sophie was with my mum at that time... but it was terrifying coz she had high fever - 39.5! But thank God, it was really a miracle coz she recovered the next day.

ya... it's great that you're trying with J on the weekends, all the practice helps and it'll get better. Sophie still plays with her food too if she's not hungry or just not in the mood. nowadays more and more playful so if i'm in a hurry i'll feed her.

Sigh, my mum n in laws also didn't believe me when i told them that Sophie can self feed the entire meal. They still insist on feeding her when they are here. Hee... i can always see them cringing when they see sophie messy and all coz they are not used to it. hee... really hard to change their minds. But now after like a few months, they are telling their friends wah their granddaughter can self feed. hahah... But it's quite troublesome if you're home full time, coz i need to bathe her after her meals and mop the floor.

But edksd is right, gotta follow their cues, there was a period of time sophie was ok with chunks and then she started spitting them out so i went back to blending for a while. When she turned one, she started playing with her food and throwing away her spoon so i fed her lor. then after a while, she was ok again... funny lah...
