(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">peachie</font> we really super, can sms and post at the same time hahahahha! when i finished feeding jovann last night, i came out to the living room and hubby told me with a straight face : "i have bad news...... very bad news". then he proceeded to flash out the TAKA SALES BROCHURES. hehehehehhe! i immediately text you and jrt liaoz. i dunno when i going leh. this time, i have nothing in particular i am looking for, but will def go down. hubby may wanna look at golf stuff coz theres a golf fest! dunno which day though. no lah, i def wun take leave on fri. i thur on leave liaoz to go gymboree music class. cannot lah.... prob going either after work. or on sat after four seasons.

<font color="ff0000">phoebe</font> sorry sorry!!! actually i am interested inthe VCDs. but hor, i didn't do research on it, can someone share with me brainy baby better or baby can read better? and whats their teaching methods???

<font color="0000ff">ilovebb</font> oh? but i tot i read that milk shld still form a significant part of their diet till they are 1 yr old? actually, if he constantly reject milk, i may stop. but thing is, he gobble everyting up at my MILs plc! i cannot figure that out! so i guess he still wants? just depends on his mood? and in the night before bed, he can drink 40mins!!! i estimate that to be around 200ml leh. hhhhhmmmm....

PD says if they want milk, jusst give but dont force them to finish it. He is more concerned if I feed Rachel semi solid food and he insist 3 meals per day lor.
buttons and peachie

I received the taka sakes brochures too! i am still comtempleting whether to go a not...hahaha....but definately not going to take leave for it tis time.

I rcv my taka brochure last nite too .. but haven start flipping thru it .. eheh ... maybe I will delay it... have not been to any sales at all !!
Hi Buttons,

Hehe..... we are both good at multi-tasking.

Your hubby is truly funny!!! Anyway, I am only excited by 2 sales events every year - Isetan and Taka. So when my hubby saw the sales envelope, he just laughed and passed to me - of which I immediately started hyperventilating and went through the brochure with a fine tooth comb... But nothing much leh... Not as exciting as Isetan's. You getting the Graco playpen??? Why? I've got a playpen from John Little for $67.50 2 months ago at my mom's request, but it turned out to be the biggest white elephant. Clarence will scream his lungs out the moment we start lowering him into the playpen.
Bad bad bad... Another white elephant. Think you'd better try first (maybe go to a fren's place where there is one) before buying one. A playpen takes up a darned lot of space.

You taking leave to go Gymboree Music class! Gosh! You intend to do so every week???!!!

The only good thing about Taka sale is that there is 10% off storewide for everything including cosmetics and high end boutiques!!! Time to stock up again on my Shu Uemura stuff.... You got Taka vouchers during the Black card 10% rebate or not? If yes, you can flash you Taka card and pay using vouchers.... Like this you will enjoy 10% + 10% on all cosmetics... Not bad eh?

You not going to the zoo ah? I am worried about the dengue season as well, but I thought of using a mozzie patch for all of us to fend off the mozzies.
My mom and dad are already bringing Clarence to Botanic Gardens everyday, so well well.... Do you know if those insect repelling high frequency buzzers will work?

What is Rachel's feeding schedule now? how many feeds of milk and solid?

i am giving C's 2 feed of solids per day plus 3-4 feeds of milk depending on her mood plus fruits and snacks in between, it really seem like she is eating non-stop round-the-clock when she is awake. pengz....thought of starting her cereal for breakfast but worry she cant stuff in her porridge during lunch time.

Rachel's schedule:

630am - 100mL milk
9am - Brown rice cereal
12pm - porridge
3pm - 150ML milk
6pm - porridge
9+pm - 220ML milk

i guess they eat a lot now because they are more mobile and burning energy. It's good that they can eat right ??
<font color="0000ff">peachie</font> i have both the mozie patch, Buds mosquito repellent sample (think so), and the high frequency mosq repellent device that you mention. very KS right? hehehe. but we still dun dare to go leh. actually i myself is VERY prone to mosq bites. think my blood sweet? *thick skinned*. so tot better dun risk it in case jovann takes after me? but his blood grp diff lah.

about the gymbo class, actually its a free lesson, one time off only, for gymbo members. so a few of us are going down this thur, it only held on weekdays. so just one time, okie lah hehehe. reply my sms abt the playpen kaE? i may not check back here oredi. GOTTA CONTROL! GOT WORK TO DO! hehee.

<font color="119911">ilovebb</font> hehehe then u better dun flip thru! keep up the good work girl!
yes, thanks so much for the info abt milk. i wun force him to drink, will let my parents know hhehee.

Rachel's feeding schedule is very similar to C

6.30am 180ml milk
9.30am 160ml milk (at times she will skipped tis feed if she is napping after taking her bath)
11.30am porridge
2.00pm fruits, snacks etc
3.00pm 160ml milk
5.30pm porridge
9.30pm 180ml

I tot of replacing her 9.30am feed with cereal but my hubby not very keen lor cos he feel that milk shd still be the essential nutrients for her now.

why not you chk out with ur PD ? I guess every PD practices differently and it's up to you as mother to decide what is best for your gal.

I guess their feeding schedule is quite fixed now since they are older and more predictable. So quite easy for my mum ... cos feeding Rachel solid food is much easier than feeding milk. heheh ..


u r welcome ! i will "ren" ....

Yap, will check with the PD. As wat u say, there is no best or correct method of feeding baby, all babies are different
thks for sharing.
<font color="aa00aa">Cheekz</font>, Adele cries after every jab regardless of what jab it is. *sigh* Btw, hows your maid now? Did u manage to solve the issue?
Hi Buttons,

Aiya, you are not the only KS one around. I am thinking of doing the same!!!

Speaking of KS-isms, I think all parents are the same. All of us want the best for our precious little ones. Anyway, I still could not get over my friend's $30K investment in a top primary school and told my hubby our lunch conversation last night. That was when he reminded me of my good friend, Audrey, who bought a $870K condo directly opposite Kwong Hwa Primary School and did volunteer work for 2 years to secure a place in Phase 2B (1) there. And his division secretary recently went for an interview for parent volunteer scheme at Nan Chiau Primary (which is right opposite my home) and was rejected due to overwhelming response! Gosh.... Finding a school can be so stressful.
Guess the situation is only getting worse given the class size has shrunken from 45 pax to maximum 30 pax wef 2006. This means that the intake in all the good schools has gone down by 33% overnight. Unbelievable.

I replied your sms on the playpen... Did you get it?

Haiz, got lots of work.... Gotta fast from this forum....
Yuna and ILB,

Hehe, you gals are good!
Guess I will pop by on Friday evening for a quick peep too. Agree that lunch is darned rushed.

i share the same sentiments as you. My coll who has a 4 yr old son, signed up for volunteer service at Nan Hua Primary Sch and was rejected as well !! My jaw dropped when she told me that cos her son is only 4 !!! Do we have to do that when our bb are of that age ?

I also cannot take it! I know the situation is bad, but never in my wildest dreams that we have to start thinking (aka strategising) so early!!! Amazing!


Like this I think very hard for Clarice and Clarence to go Nan Chiau Primary together leh... Hehe, we can go for interview together!
Haha!!! ILB, you also very near!!!

I can only imagine 3 of us at the Principal's office.... And the Principal will ask - so how old is your child? We will be like - Er... 9 momths??!!! Hehehee....

We can be traffic controllers.... Each one of us jaga 1 junction from 7-7.30am everyday, before we rush off to work... Haha... then we can gripe on this forum how bad the morning traffic can be!
peachie n ilb

Hey, i was talking to my hubby tis morning on our way to work abt the pri sch thing. Monday ST came wif a supplementary section on "Which Primary School". So we were discussing abt it and our main prority will be Nan Chiau for C next time, worse case will be the new Pri sch, Anchor Green. I wld not want to send C to a faraway top school, will be tiring for her n us as parents. Den we were discussing how increase our chance to get into NC. haha....

ahahha u r hilarious !!

ya principal will say "halo aunties ! dont waste my time ok ! come back in 5 yrs time !!"

but u intend to stay in SK ?

Haha, my husband also went thru the ST supplementary section!
Great minds think alike.

Hey hey, I never knew NC is so popular until now leh. According to my husband's dept secretary (who stays at Rivervale), NC is the hottest primary school in the whole of SengKang! Gosh, you just need to see how many kids and babies there are in SK... then it's not surprising why there is overwhelming response to the parent volunteer program!

I also tot it's pretty funny!
3 of us will sure kena kicked out of the Principal's room!

About staying in SK, that is another issue. It is darned far from my mom's place at Bt Merah.... But one thing is for sure. I intend to stay put for the next 3 years cos quite a lot of cash is needed (for valuation top up, agent fees and renovation) if we move. So well....

What about you???

we are in the same boat. My mum is staying in Redhill ! heeh

ya agree on the $ involved to sell and buy a new hse... so sian but I dont really like SK .. too far for me. I was so used to staying in RH before I got married.

Wah, our situation is pretty similar. RH is CONVENIENT! But a 5 room HDB flat there costs $500K! How to move??!!!

Haiz, gotta work before I get sacked... Fasting till end of today.
See ya!
peachie & ILB,
can i join in and whine wif u mummies? my parents stays in queenstown and we r seriously considering to buy a flat there. in fact we started hse hunting abt a mth ago. and we was sooooo horrified tt a 4 rm flat at 20+ storeys high fetched abt S$465K! GOODNESSS! wat is the world coming to?!
and yes, like wat peachie mentioned, a 5 rm cost abt half a million dollars. according to my hb, queenstown & Jln Membina area has the highest valuation currently. and bad news is, this trend is not gg to stop anytime soon coz of IR.
my dreams pao tang le... the cash part to cough up on top of valuation can easily come up to b/w $30-$60K... and tts excldg the reno. *sad*
No worry. Let me know which VCD you prefer.

Shoes Update:

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Design</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>Qty </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emma</TD><TD>solid - chocolate (7165)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>dumpty</TD><TD>cream / brown trainer (7172)</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>loveable lion (7134)</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>playful puppy (7151)</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>daisybutton</TD><TD>Handsome prince code (7149)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mary</TD><TD>Blue/orange trainer(7174)</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Friendly giraffe (7123)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheekz</TD><TD>smiling octopus (7140)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>brenda</TD><TD>sailboats (7155)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>flying dragon (7117)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xena</TD><TD>perfect princess (7150) </TD><TD>6-12M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>melody999</TD><TD>flying dragon (7117)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Perfect Penguin 7142 </TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>nedlands</TD><TD>flying dragon (7117)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
i was from Nan Chiau High before it was moved out from River Valley. didnt know it became so popular?

i guess Nan Chiau is popular in SK becos tts the only school w long history as compared to the new schools there?
jRT, im oso looking for a 5rm flat in bt merah area. somemore my hb wanted older flats like more than 10yrs type as those are the types which are much bigger than new flats.

quite sian. how i wish i can forever remain in this 3rm flat in bt merah. small, simple and easy.
juz realised tt most of u hv giving semi-solids/porridge/snacks to ur babies abt 2 or 3 times a day. i think i am the only one still at 1 porridge feed only. and now he dun like cereals anymore, and most times he takes only 2 or 3 mouthfuls then he starts refusing to open his mouth. and he hates fruits so i dun make anymore purees 4 him... die leh, am i depriving my boy? oh no....
oh u oso lookg ard tt area? my hb did look out 4 those older flats but they aint cheap oso lor. older flats might b en bloc later... so tts a risk... we gave up the idea alrdy lah... the flats there r darn exp...
like buttons, i oso tot milk is still the more impt diet at this age.

but ek ong says no. hv to focus on solids alrdy. he said if milk is so impt, u n i wld be drinking milk instead :p alamak.

tts why tt day i was in a bit of shock when i heard tt. coz ive not been focusing alot on solids and even started porridge only when kai is 8mths old.

sigh... blur mommy....
<font color="0000ff">melody, buttons...</font>

bought the cheese and yogurt from cold storage. i don't haf the yogurt now, but i took a pic of the cheese for you...


stated on the package:
<font color="aa00aa">The sugar found in many children's snack foods creates plaque acids on the tooth surface. On the other hand, the cheese in Kraft Cheestiks contains a tooth-friendly protein called casein. It counteracts the effects of these plaque acids, by depositing a protein film buffer on the tooth enamel surface, and remains effective even after children have finished eating. And of course with Kraft Cheesetiks we don't add sugar, just Kraft Cheese</font>

<font color="119911">babies, breasts and bottles</font>
I've never heard of babies rejecting bottles till I had rae ann...in my MIND, bottles are babies' best friends...i remember how i grew up LOVING my bottles and my milk...so did my younger siblings...

and then i thought breast fed babies are the "strange" ones...but its not true...i met some kids who hated bottles even tho they were never breast fed.

I know one who was born premature and some how did not have the suckling reflex, so in the end, cannot suck ANYTHING from birth! the mummy had to cup feed and spoon feed all the way!

that would be nightmare for me! coz in the beginning, they drink so much milk!

so our babies are now drinking less milk or not wanting to drink so much...perhaps they are weaning off the bottle?

I have a suggestion:

Why not try getting them to drink milk from sippy cups or the PIGEON STRAW MUG? i read that it is now developmentally possible to try to feed milk via other methods though bottles may seem the fastest and easiest!

I managed to feed rae ann 30ml of FM today! Yipppeee! She drank all of it!

Tomorrow, I'm gonna start pumping again and try to see if she would accept BM through the straw mug.

Alternatively, perhaps we can look into other WAYs of getting MILK into their tum-tum?

How bout cheese or yogurt? but not advisable for those with allergy to cow's milk lah...

Just let me know. I'll see if i can get the passes whenever anyone wants to organise an outing.

it would be great to meet up and haf a good walk around the zoo with the babies...

just that, after 11 june, i won't be free during the weekdays and...probably will fasting from this forum during office hours!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Cheekz</font></font>, admire your determination in not giving up on trying bottle feeding! to me, that's what the spirit of motherhood is all about! so 30ml today, 60ml in 3 days! *Salute!*

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, thanks for putting in my Jack & Lily shoes orders! did u receive my VS orders ah?
talking abt sippy cups, i had one from NUk coz im using NUk bottles.

but i realised when u shake the bottle, the water will spill out from within the sprout. i saw avent and another brand having non-spill magic cup or something like tt, i wonder how it works. when shake up and down, there'll be no spillage?

im asking coz i was trying to get kai to drink some water from the sippy cup, but he likes to shake the bottle up and down, so in the end, we're both drenched.

i tried the avent sippy cup...but its got this non-spill feature so the baby will have to suck hard to get the water out...

so i took out the valve that helps to prevent the spill...but in the end, i give up!

straw works the best for me! the pigeon or the combi straw mugs are very soft so won't hurt baby's mouth...

but u need to buy the straw cleaner. its brush meant for cleaning straw...
cheekz thks. for the avent one, if u tilt it, there's really no water spilling? duno whether to try this or the straw.

do u nd to teach rae ann to suck frm the straw or they've this natural ability alrdy?
Hi <font color="0000ff">cheekz</font>,
Thanks for including me for the ZOOK OUT. If we are meeting this week -thurs or fri, I will PM u my number coz I am on leave and accessing internet will be tough coz its just me and Clare. She is clingy these days so hard to anything ard the house.
I have been going back to my in-laws during lunch time everyday this week to feed Clare, phew! its real tiring. Also when I leave, she cries. Sigh, emotions torn - maybe I should not go back? but I like to see and play with her? cant make up my mind heeeee how ah... Big salute to you if u r doing that for 3 months when u return to work.

<font color="119911">edksd</font>,
I use Nuby, turn upside down, does not drip coz it got a valve. Rubbery handles and spout. But this one must suck hard too. I think she likes it, coz can *chew* chew*
Clare seems to like drinking milk than eating her puree or rice cereal. alamak too :p

<font color="119911">phoebe</font>,
thanks for incuding my order for J&L. seems like flying dragon v popular. do let me know how to make payment.

School for our babes- I have not thought about it or rather I dare not, keep hearing no vacancy, donate $$, chalk in time for weekends - so many babes born in Doggy year..oh dear. *headache*

i have the Avent sippy cup too and it always leak though I put the valve on ! so angry ... how to prevent it ? wet my diaper bag always !
Sept Mummies. . why are we thinking sssssooooooo ahead of times. .SCHOOL??? . . hahaha. .

Let's just think how to celebrate our babies one year birthday!!! That would be more fun.

Ever tot of having your baby one year birthday celebrated at ZOO?? Since you enjoying going. . hehehe. .

wah u mommies r talking abt pri schools when its like ... 6 yrs away????? im the one with the big headache now which sch to send my boys to next yr. when there r too many choices, u also headache!

remember i told u abt my fussy boy who rejected bottles all the way? i tried avent sippy cups too and did the same like u, took out the valve to make sucking easier for him. in the end, so much spillage. u try pigeon spouts. they r much softer n easier to suck. i also tried straw. but u cant get them to drink much from straw too. at least not at the beginning stage. my boy is now 3 and he either drink straight from cup or use straw, depending on his mood. he drinks 300ml each time in the morn and at nite.

u will be comforted to know that ur prob is a temporary one. i had a v challenging time too when my boy was 6 mths - 1 yr old. he was such a fussy boy. well.. when they hate bottles u wont have a prob to wean them off bottles in time. there r children who just cant wean off bottles. and truthfully speaking i dislike seeing big kids, like 3 or 4 yrs old still on bottles. my twins were weaned off at 18 mths and i had big prob then too.

then there is this thing abt tooth decay. my dentist said that my 3 yr old boy's teeth is much nicer n in better shape than my twins. maybe cos he never had the habit of sucking bottle to sleep? haha.. hope thats a consolation to u ya?
