(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

i'm actually using the munchkin grinder now to puree apples and pears for javier.
he loved it when its chilled

phoebe, i was oso using munchkin miller but it doesnt produce as smooth texture as a blender. and it takes double the time. well, maybe i no strength and slow?

i'll use the miller again in 1 or 2 mths' time when i dun need the food to be of such smooth texture.

btw, has anyone seen those <font size="+1">warmer bowl</font> whereby u put hot water into the inlet and the food in the bowl will be kept warm? i saw 2 from tollyjoy but i wanted something smaller. any idea?
<font color="ff6000">doreen</font>

babe, thanks so much for the 'tip off'
...i will go kids21 to check it out...$35 is V ex...didnt think it would be that ex...some friends who recommended it to me never mentioned the price...

<font color="ff6000">melissa</font>
i use drapolene on normal days and destitin (regular formulae) on days when her bum gets reddish or has red spots...

usually, the destitin will clear up everything within a few hours, but its VERY smelly...so i'm looking for the aloe vera formulae...will go to kids 21 and try to smell it and see got difference or not...

<font color="ff6000">rexbabie</font>
u can try to rent the bumbo? try "rent a toy" or "rent that toy"...i think they rent out bumbos for $10...

rae ann, like cayden, has been trying to get out of the bumbo since she hit 6 months...seems like once they can sit unsupported, they wanna sit on their own...

<font color="ff6000">alicia</font>
oh no, poor adele! *sayang, sayang*
rae ann sends her kisses and hugs.....

<font color="ff6000">angeline</font>
hey i love kissing rae ann on the mouth too! not french lah...but she sometimes try to suck my lips...

i love her baby's breath...like heaven...sighs...must enjoy this while it lasts!!!

<font color="ff6000">june</font>
hey thanks for the video...that baby is amazing!
I waited for almost a month to get the head band and today finally I got it. . hehe. Btw it comes in a registered mail so look out for it.

Will take a photo and show you. . .hehe
<font color="ff6000">Orange</font>,
Totally agree dont compare and dont stress them. I enjoy watching Sherilyn playing her toys and something she get so excited she kick both her legs and flap her hands. So fun to watch our babies play now but I dont know about the later years down the road. I think it might drive us up the wall. haha
Littlepony, thanks for the advice, will take rest and wear mask when cary bb. Taking rest at home on weekend is hard cos it's my only chance to get out of the house...but will try limit it to one event per day la...

Angeline, wah...Trinity kisses back, so sweet
i try not to kiss bb on her lips cos heard human saliva has tonnes of germs..hehe...

cheekz, ya...bb smells like heaven! i like to smell her face, hair, hands, all over...will miss her smell till i recover...sob sob..
mine already drives me up the wall at times when she keeps flipping during diaper change and refuses to sleep when its bedtime. :)
cheekz, u can get the desitin cream w aloe vera from tmc pharmacy or ur PD or gynae. i believe it's cheaper than kids21?
<font color="ff6000">Back from the busy income tax filing</font>

*pant* *pant*

Ladies, you're most welcome.. well... Should thanks Emma also... she posted the 2nd part..

<font color="aa00aa">Emma, Big Big Thanks!</font>

I kiss Jayden's lips too... hehe.. Recently he likes to "eat" my face... whole cheek and chin there his saliva... 1/2 hour more to GO HOME.... phew..... rush finish the last part for today and i am off!
melissa.. yeah.. i understand that he's juz a boy, i guess he doesnt know what he's doing.. but i juz cant stand the fact that his lousy parents condone those actions... i wonder what will happen if it were the other way ard, what if enzo scratch their son's face realli hard? how would they react??? sigh... sad to have such in laws... sickening...

<font color="aa00aa">there was once, her son spilled enzo's gerbers baby biscuits all over the floor.. thus leaving none for enzo.. she can still blame me for not bringing extra when enzo cried for marm marm... i juz told her, "how would i know it will be spilled all over the floor.." she can reply somemore,"i always bring extra".. pengz... i was realli dumbfounded boi... kns... then her hub (my hub's bro) offered enzo his son's wang wang cheese cracker... er..... er..... i guess i no need to say more lahz hor... sigh...</font>

angeline.. i guess its ok.. i got the advice from the pork seller when we bot the pork for the porridge when he was 6 months old.... but u better mince it till its very very very very fine.. and only add a tiny amount to test first.. in case it causes any indigestion..
let me know how it works out..
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Adele give Rae Ann a hug too and say thank you!</font></font>

Sha, Wah, 1 month! That's really long man! I just ordered early this month. Looks like I gotta wait for another 2 more weeks. Can't wait to see your photo!
Urr actually hor can't smell leh cos they dun have samples there. Or did u order the Calendular cream?? Can try it instead lor cos when I ask the difference between the calendular n aloe vera cream the sales girl say almost the same just that aloe vera more for healing scars.
If u wana try the calendula I can dig out a small bottle for u to try. U want??

BB kissing
Damien hor actually knows how to 'kiss' leh. Cos sometimes he happy happy will jus grab ur face n kiss. Then I'm so sad lor becos this week he kisses everyone but me. Ask him to kiss me hor no matter how near I bring my face he won't come near. I so sad aah my son dun want to kiss me....sob sob

My pd ask me to cook porridge with mince pork. She ask me to use the brun blender to make the pork smaller for bb to eat. Cos that's how she does it for her daughters.

btw the bb in the video hor u read the description they actully say the 1 yr old girl was under the brillbaby program only at 9mths leh. So within the 3 months she learnt so much!!
Its actually in the youtube video that June posted on the 1 yr old girl reading. I'm so impressed. The description for the video says the girl went under the brillbaby program for 3 mths now can read.
THis is the link for brill baby. I jus went in to see they even have flash cards for u to download.
Doreen.. so its some programme lahz.. i thought she was a genious.. was expecting to see her get her PHD when she blows out the 5 candles on her birthday cake.. chay... not happening alr i guess.. lol...
i still use desitin when the need arises too but the smell doesn't bother me. as long as the rash is gone, i'm very happy. usually i wash Hannah up on every diaper change. desitin, watson oso got sell.

me a bit conservative lah. kept my lips only for hubby so will teach hannah the same.. heehee.

me one of the mommies that never got the bumbo. too late to get now, hannah can already sit but with support. she's already learning how to crawl already. just tahan a bit lah. alternatively, getting a walker is more worth it.
go Daiso, they sell ice cube trays with covers @ 2sgd.. very useful!


u buy from littlejetplane before? Have you met her before? i find putting into ice cube trays and store in ziploc bags later on is better leh.. and cheaper!

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">LITTLEJETPLANE</font></font>,
Dun shy dun shy, we know you have been following our thread under another nickname!!
<font color="ff0000">Hihi! I'm back from Phuket.. aiyo didn't want to come back le, such a beautiful place!</font>

Here's a pic of me and Arianne savoring the ocean view from our villa's plunge pool..

<font color="ff0000">Me now catching up on the past week's posts..</font>

<font color="0077aa">Em</font>, wah!! I just read the amount of things you brought for the Msia trip!! okok you're SUPER anal.. *kow tow* hee.. sheets and blankets heehee..

Oh abt Enzo's kena bullied, I think both your Bro/Sis-in-laws are the ones who have a problem -failure in upbringing their child properly! The boy's ill behaviour is their doing!! The boy is innocent, but not the parents!! Urrggghh.. Is Enzo ok now? Hope there's no scar from the scratch..

<font color="0077aa">Diana/Buttons</font>, thanks for the hi-tea pics!! So lovely! luckilygot you girls taking them cos my vidz cam ran out of batt! urrgghh..

<font color="0077aa">Cayden</font>, yeahhh looking forward to meeting u tmr.. will ask mummy to use bb perfume on me so that I'll smell nice nice for u!
- Arianne

<font color="0077aa">Xena</font>, no la.. <font color="ff0000">Jovann</font> kept calling A becos he wanted revenge!! heehee..

<font color="0077aa">Selina</font>, I second your father's (it was him right?) saying.. the purple color spinach is better! in fact generally the deeper the color of the veg, the more nutritious it is.. Purple is a deeper color tone comparing to the usual spinach's green..

<font color="0077aa">Cheryl</font>, sorry me blur.. what Puree class pics yahoo link u refering to? can you send me the link pls? PM/Email me ok..

<font color="0077aa">Buttons</font>, eh when I was posting at those hours, where were you?! hiak!

<font color="0077aa">Alicia</font>, poor Adele.. she's alright now yah I hope..

<font color="0077aa">Doreen</font>, you mean Damien was really smooching away ahh? like the mouth making the zut zut shape? wah!! he must look cute! take pics le! sure can catch since you're always so fast in fishing out your cam (remember Ling's place?) heehee..

<font color="0077aa">Jasmine</font>, I bought from littlejetplane.. so u mean she's one of the mummies here ah?
<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>
WOW!!!! The subjects and scenary in the photo are so pretty!!!! *phewheet*

Who is littlejetplane? Who who?
Dear mummies

Postman arrived.
Can collect the CB Calendula Cream.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>USD</TD><TD>SGD</TD><TD>Payment</TD><TD>Shipping</TD><TD>Payment </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blessedmommy</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>34.65</TD><TD>55.44</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>7.00</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Xena_princess</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>27.72</TD><TD>44.35</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>5.60</TD><TD>Paid </TD></TR><TR><TD>ilovebabies</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>13.86</TD><TD>22.18</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>2.80</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pigeon</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>20.79</TD><TD>33.26</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>4.20</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>lilprecious</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>27.72</TD><TD>44.35</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>5.60</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Selina</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>34.65</TD><TD>55.44</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>6.44</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jerene</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>13.86</TD><TD>22.18</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>2.80</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheekz</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>13.86</TD><TD>22.18</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>2.80</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>dumpty</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>20.79</TD><TD>33.26</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>4.20</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>E-ling</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>20.79</TD><TD>33.26</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>4.20</TD><TD>Paid </TD></TR><TR><TD>June</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>6.93</TD><TD>11.09</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>1.40</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

For those who have opt for postage, charges as follow:

1 tub = $0.80
2 tub = $1.20
3 tub = $$1.70

<font color="0000ff">Selina, lilprecious</font>, you want to self-collect? PM me to arrange.
<font color="0000ff">Blessedmommy</font>, you want to collect from my colleague or via postage?
So in the end u brought Arianne along aah??
I thought u really went for er ren shi jie leh.
Wah seh nice view I love the pool....miss swimming so much.
Err Damien doesn't smooch smooch with the zu zu mouth. His mouth will be slightly open n jus 'pok' on ur cheeks.....kekeke
Most of the time both hands will be holding the person's head. N its jus too fast. Never occur to me to take pic leh. I think I am jus too jealous. MY SON KISS OTHER PPL BUT NOT ME!!!
<font color="0077aa">Dumpty</font>, yah! like a postcard isn't it?! hee.. but the actual thing was even prettier, plus the smell of the sea, the warmth of the sun, the sound of the waves.. awwww *KOK* Wake up! ok la, see u tmr!

<font color="0077aa">Doreen</font>, ya lor cannot leave her behind.. the thought of it already saddens me! so I don dare to.. rather just bring her la.. we had fun though!
Is this still on or over? Is it too late to join now?

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">BB PUREE/PORRIDGE MAKING CLASS II</font></font>
- please indicate prefered day - wkend/wkday - Venue: TBA
1. Emma - weekday afternoon ok/weekend also ok..
2.. Nedlands - weekend
3. Cheekz - prefer on weekend/ weekday maybe
4. Xena - definitely weekend
5. jRt - wkend
6. Cheryl - weekend
7. Ling
8. E-Ling - weekend
9. Joon - weekend
10. dumpty - weekend
11. phoebe - weekend
12. daisybuttons - weekend
13. emoments - weekend
<font color="0077aa">Emoments</font>, yes! I supposed if there's a demand, there'll be supply! Will be checking out on the rental of kitchen this week.. *still recovering from PRS(Post-Resort-Syndrome)* heehee.. will be reverting with more details..
Mariko, yes, payment first. I have ordered the ice cube tray from them, just made payment and have not received the goods yet. They took quite a long time to process my order.

Jasmine, my first time buying from littlejetplane, bought online so have never met the person. Who's littlejetplane???

Brenda, email you the photo link. Wow...nice picture!
more please
hi blessedmommy
postage is $2.50
total will be $2.50 + $7.00 = $9.50

hi dumpty
transferred rec'd

hi ilovebabies
will arrange for harbourfront with you again.
me coming week very busy.
schedule filled with meetings and training to attend. Will have to be the week after hor.
<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>,
*phwee phweet* my poor attempt at whistling lah! hehehe...
Nice scenery! hmmm.. can almost smell the sea already!

I've bought online fr littlejetplane too
Must say that the service is v good & prompt!
Hmm.. i almost bot from littlejetplane.. they had this iplay swimwear bp.. but they are still selling swim diapers at 13+++... and only m and L sizes.. too small for all our babies alr... and taka was only selling it at $5+++.. the BP till now still havent close.. enzo has been swimming for coming 2 months.. haha... heng i never get from her...
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">BP for Wall Border</font></font>

List as follows:
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Merchant</TD><TD>Design</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>Cost</TD><TD>SGD</TD><TD>Total</TD><TD>URL </TD></TR><TR><TD>Xena_Princess</TD><TD>Wall Dcor</TD><TD>Rainbow Border HA70191</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>7.49</TD><TD>23.97</TD><TD>31.89</TD><TD>http://www.walldecorshops.com/HA70191.html </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Wall Dcor</TD><TD>Pooh Fun Foam Hooks Priss Prints PP46110</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>4.95</TD><TD>7.92</TD><TD></TD><TD>http://www.walldecorshops.com/PP46110.html </TD></TR><TR><TD>jamie</TD><TD>Wall Dcor</TD><TD>Care Bears wall border 12" x 5"</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>12.95</TD><TD>82.88</TD><TD>82.88</TD><TD>http://www.walldecorshops.com/BRPS96300.html </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alicia</TD><TD>Wall Dcor</TD><TD>Strawberry Shortcake Wall Border</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>12.95</TD><TD>41.44</TD><TD>41.44</TD><TD>http://www.walldecorshops.com/BRPS96301.html </TD></TR><TR><TD>e-ling</TD><TD>Amazon</TD><TD>Choo Choo Express Wallpaper Border 9''x30'' </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>24.99</TD><TD>79.97</TD><TD>79.97</TD><TD>http://www.amazon.com/Choo-Express-Wallpaper-Border-9x30/dp/B000GPRQ6U/ref=sr_1_55/104-5756030-0466360?ie=UTF8&s=baby-products&qid=1176286629&sr=1-55 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Daisybutton, the wall border you want requires 1-2months before delivery.
Then the wall hanger maybe too bulky and heavy.

<font color="ff6000">Hello Sept Mummies! Hope you all had a nice weekend!</font>

Update on Nail Cutting. Managed to catch my daugther in a passive mood after she woke up from nap just now. She just lay on the play mat and quietly let me cut her nails. The domestic helper wiping the windows nearby helped as a distraction. Once in a while she'll turn round and say "Chloe, good girl, let mummy cut nail har" in her Tagalog/Singlish slang.

<font color="ff6000">Ling ah ling,</font> my hubby entertainment unit doesn't require press button one. It's voice activated!
However, it only does basic function just clap and smile with an ocassional song. Maybe should send it for upgrade.
