(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB


Clarice's top teeth coming out??!!! So cute!!! Aunty Peachie must see this Sat!
Clarence is still bo gae leh.... After so many false alarms I also sian liao. hehe...

I also think the tau kua idea is fantastic! It came from a friend whose mom is Patricia Koh, who is quite a well known expert in childhood development and the owner of Pat's Schoolhouse. So this friend has a lot of fantastic ideas!


Yup, 90 cents! Dun worry... No hurry!

I think it's no hurry for bb to have tooth or teeth yet.. like my mil always repeat to me in hokkien...'7,sit. 8,crawl, 9,have teeth'.... So let it be nature! haaaaaaaaaaa!!!

My mom also said the same thing!!! haha! they belong to the same school of thought!
Agree agree.... it's just Clarence has teething symptoms for so long but have no teeth popping out.. so got sian of waiting liao.
arrghhh.. i cannnot decide on the theme of the room.. and i already ordered spiders for jadelle's room!

Maybe i should not go with borders and move with a garden/flowers/insects theme!
Hi Mommies,


i used to use the braun multiquick blender too. I wasn't really happy with the output. The puree just wasn't smooth enough, especially if the quantity is small.

decided to buy the U Like after reading about it in the forum.

it totally ROCKS!

never imagined that i would love a blender so much!!!! its so easy to use and clean compared to the braun one!

the best part? i got it for $69.90 with free soya bean drink maker...was $128 @ before the isetan sale.

now the braun is collecting dust in the kitchen cabinet...
peachie & little pony,

my mum also say that leh.. and by her "standard", she say why jadelle move faster then the "benchmark"..

i tell her gleefully cos she on breastmilk lor!! hahahahahaha
geezz.. cheekz,

u really tempting me... and i have that moulimex one..which didn't give me super smooth purees too..

i will go CK tang n buy it! since at least i can have 8% discount!
Oh.. tell her it's a combination of good genes, that's why jadelle seems to be moving faster than the 'benchmark'....

My mil complains that Wayne is very naughty.. but i didn't dare to tell her it's a combination of genes.. maybe i should blame it on formula milk??? haaaa!
littlepony, tts what my mom did too, she tried all the methods she could think of to keep him distracted. he'll suckle for a while, then spit out the teat or bite onto the teat, then make noise, move ard. then my mom has to try other ways to keep him distracted again.

my mom is feeding him every 3hrly, sometimes longer if he's still sleeping.
ilb, i think ur idea of feeding 60ml first is gd. but tt'd be mean i've to prepare more bottles as currently i just pack 3 x 110ml bottles to my mom's place.

i'll discuss w my mom and see what she says. i know she might tell me, what if tt day he's particularly gd and can finish his milk in one go? then hv to quickly go and warm up the 2nd bottle? headache.
ilb, ive started solids for kai for almost 3-4wks already. ive been v patient. just tt i feel upset too when i see him being so agitated abt eating solids.

i think ur darling kai is like rae ann...prefers the milk FRESH! they only want the best of the best

but luckily u have ur mum to help! and she's so patient...my mum is not so persistent...once i had a dinner to attend and left baby (she was about 3 mths then) with my mum... she couldn't get a single drop into baby's mouth from 6pm to 11pm...

when i got back, she WAS starving and drank from breast like its the end of the world!
edksd, not sure if she's teething, can't see anything yet but can feel that her gum getting 'sharper' especially during bf. Probably it's a sign of teething...

heeh for me I will reuse the same bottle. Aiyo where got time to wash and use a new bottle ? For me, it's still EBM so I am ok. Even when I feed the second bottle of FM, I reuse the bottle too !! heeh me v bad ? At the most, what I did was rinse the bottle and teat with hot water.

i was on leave last week and had wanted to incr Rachel's intake cos it was hovering betw 130ML... so I tried the dual feeds method. So at least now she can take 150ML. Probably their stomach is small, cannot digesst too much at one go.

FOr Rachel, unless she is super hungry, then she will finish the milk in one go, so the dual feed method works on her.

TRy it out ok !!

my bible super bb food recommend start @ 7 months for tofu.. so, i compromise lor.. since jadelle is 7.5 months liaoz.. i only give her a teaspoon niah.. cos i need to test for allergy, so dun dare give her too much at 1 go..

i also reuse the bottles.. i will rinse EVERYTHING with HOT BOILING WATER.. same with my breast pump! So far so good leh..
Hi Peachie

Hows yr photoshoot?

Guess wat? I found my $18 voucher and I went for it on Thursday when I have to take leave to take care of Dylan cos my mum went to Msia.

End up, I spent $188..

ahha .. so the $18 is just a marketing gimmick ? any pics to share here ??

jasmine, cheryl

yeah ! i am waiting for Rachel to turn 1 yr old so I can stop sterilising ! so tiring !
<font color="ff6000">ilovebabies</font>

$18 can only get back 2 4R and the photographer took a lot and tried to make you buy more lor.

Eventually I took the A4 size with 4 small photos at the top plus 8 softcopies back.

The A4 size costs $95, but if you get the package of $188, you will get 8 softcopies back.
i still sterilise lah.. but hor.. how can i sterlise my pump so often in office? i still pumping 4x a day in office leh.. so i use boiling water lor.. i dun like to use the tablet.. turn the avent cushion yellow..
Milk bottles, i sterlise the night b4 for my MIL to use lah.. but sometimes, when outside and all the bottles she brought along has been used, we will go n find hot boiling water lor, before reusing it for jadelle. mostly go fast food chains, they will help.
I am baack!!!!


So you took the $188 package??? I was sooo tempted to do the same!

I paid $121 in the end!!! Did a composite A4 shot with 5 small frames (exactly what u bought except with 1 more frame) of Clarence.... So there is one main pic with his name on top, and there are 5 small frames of his other pics... showing him 1)curious, 2)happy, 3)frustrated, 4)sad and 5)exploring.

There are a few shots of me carrying him and playing with him, so I bought 2 4R shots of that as well.

So in the end I didn't buy any softcopies. Just the A4 size composite shots with frame ($103), plus 2 4R photos of me playing with him ($18). Haiz... went there expecting to spend $18, in the end spent $121...

Same same!!! My Braun is collecting dust BIG time.... But ULIKE is really good. Take brown rice for example.... The Braun multiquick not only could not blend properly, the blades were dented by the blending process! Cannot believe it. ULIKE did a great job for everything.... And better still, the blades are easily replaceable at Isetan at $10 per set. No wonder my mom swears by it... She has placed the Braun which I bought in the store room liao...
Haiz. And I bought 2 sets of Braun some more!!! Lugi BIG time....
Now I need another ULIKE for myself...

On feeding milk, Clarence went through a milk strike phase when he was 3 months old.... and we had to split feeds then and it took us more than an hour sometimes to feed 110ml!

But since we started him on solids, he seemed to have changed and he now simply loves milk!!! He will get really excited at the sight of his milk bottle. We feed him 200ml as the last feed at night, and sometimes he could get up 2 hours later and whine for more milk.... Basically, his milk intake now is 850ml per day, plus 2 bowls of porridge.

So to those moms experiencing difficulty in feeding milk now, it will probably be part of the growing phase and will go away.
So don't worry yah?
Emoments, Peachie

I booked a photoshoot for 16 April. Was supposed to do it on 9 April but my friend who wanted to do it as well couldn't make it.

Yeah, I have already guessed that it will be MORE than $18...

So this Sat, Rae Ann will have a date with Dylan @ the swimming pool in the afternoon and another date with Clarence and Clarice @ night...

So fun!

Maybe if got time, both of you can show me your photos
<font color="ff6000">Nail cutting</font>

Dear mummies, do mind sharing how you cut your babies' nail. My husband and I are finding it increasing difficult to cut our daughter nail. She like to pull her hand away when we are cutting her nails. Even when she's sleeping, she'll pull her hand away.
Thanks Phoebe,

I don't have a bumbo but will try to put Chloe in her high chair with 5 point harness. Hopefully she won't move so much....

My girl like to pull her hand away too, i got no tricks, just hold her hand tight and do it quickly. Normally have take a break half way to entertain her a bit. How about ask your husband try to distract her while you cut her nails?
Hi Peachie

I thot can only take babies? When I called, the girl told me only babies unless I go for the family package.. so didn't manage to take any pics with him.

Wow.. yrs very creative... can show curious, happy, frustrated, sad and exploring... mine dun have.. maybe I only want to show his happy side... thou I got one crying shot which he gave me the softcopy free....

However, from this photoshoot, none of the photos he took show Dylan's dimple... sigh... a bit disappointed thou.
<font color="0000ff">PG</font>
I made Dylan sit on my lap when cutting his nails.. he likes to pull his hand away too... but there' s no other way to cut liow... he wakes up quite easily and if I carry him up from his sleep, he will wake up... so bopiah... sometimes I take a couple of hours to cut his nails with many breaks in between, sometimes even take up to 2-3 days to cut all his nails.... so difficult... sometimes I even cut his nails in the car....
<font color="0000ff">Cheryl, Emma, emoments,</font>

Thanks for sharing your methods and tricks on nail cutting. Now I can try all the different styles this weekend.

i just hold my gals hands very tightly and cut. She is awake when I do that. Let her get used to it so I can trim her nails anytime when she is older. Before I do that, I always tell her I am trimming her nails so she sort of know this term and she will kuai kuai let me trim and observe at the same time. Baby needs repetition, so u can start teaching her now.
edksd, healthy times brown rice cereal need to finish with 30 days after opening. its stated somewhere on the package...

cheekz, what is ULIKE?? can share with me pls??? me looking for another blender to put at mum's plc. u said braun not good. which braun model is not good? thanks!
I was wondering when I read ur post too why Phoebe miss my Damien leh....hehehe
Never occur to me u type the wrong name I was still looking at other posts to see if U state the reason why.....hehehehehe

I also wanna see ur burberry....hahaha
I cut wayne's nails during weekend afternoon. Once a week manicure + pedicure. And i cut it while he is sleeping. Almost immediately he nap, i begin his mani and pedi. I believe the 1st half an hour of his nap is the deepest sleep he goes... so even if i move him around, he still zzz away.

Can someone show me how Ulike blender looks like??
