(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Haha we're obssessed with guessing the gender again!! I did hope that I'm having a boy but I think it might be a surprise and I might be having a girl instead. So right now I'm totally trying to brainwash myself to accept both.

This website is great. It will convert your Chinese age from western age and predicts the gender for you. Our GMT is 8 by the way. Make sure you get that right.


Still a boy for me.

Hi Smiley

Actually I only feel the baby kick me twice in a row so far. I told him I'm going to buy him a toy, but in the end I didn't buy as the one I wanted is faulty. I walked out of the shop and I can feel 2 hard kick (quite painful) and I was shocked.

Other than that, I can feel the movements only.... then I know baby is awake liow. The movement will last for a few hours, then nothing.... few hours later, u start to feel the movement.

Dunno whether my interpretation is correct or not leh...... I know it's not cramps, cos it's not painful, but u feel something swimming inside yr tummy lor.... so I interpret that as baby's movement.
bijou, ilovebabies and daisybuttons,

My hubby has been nagging me to eat veggies, not to take sweet stuff, eat more fruits... coz he knows I have no discipline one.. :p Usually I take secretly, then after that I confess. Heehee...

Anyone here hates veggie like me? I don't like to eat veggies and I eat less than one or two servings in a week.
I am guilty for hating veggies so I supplement the lack of it with Vitamin C. Fruits I can take but veggies.. eeee no thank you.
smiley n melissa,
i like fruits too.. but don't really fancy veggie and i try to eat but as little as i could.
As for fruits, i love strawberries, kiwi and green apples so much
Ooooohhh.... Melissa, I love what you say! I can quote to my hubby that there's someone like me!! Hahaha!! I tried to take, but i find the taste SO bitter..
I seldom eat fruits as well.. but I don't mind eating more fruits than eating veggies coz at least they are sweet.

BUT now I have to be wary of the fruits I eat, so very troublesome. Water melon, pineapple, orange, mango, banana cannot eat too much.. so not a lot of choices left except like what little pony says... kiwi, strawberry and apples loh :p heehee..
I can't take any seafood during the 1st trimester, will vomit. But now start to take fish again, but i got craving for meat, especially beef!
halo gals ..

I can take practically everything now ..phew. .. i used to feel nausea when I eat or even see the sight of fish and pork in my 1st trim.

Gals, you can dont take vege... but FISH is a must ... it develops the bb's brain you know ? and if u want a smart child, start eating fish ...

my sis in law hated fish thruout her pregnancy until one chkup, her gynae highlighted that her bb's head is too small... then she started eating fish again ... so gals remember ok ? be kuai lah !

I have started to feel the bb movements since last week I think ... it is painless, no cramps .. but I know there are movements .. initially tot it was my stomach growling but we shld know how to differentiate by now ... so I confirm it is the bb's movements ... sometimes it moves the hand sometimes the legs ... eheh cos I know exactly the position of the bb and the movements

emoments, my bb movements are the same freq as yours ... it will be quiet for a few hrs then it come back again ... like today .. i realised the bb woke up at 10+ am hahaha
I don't really fancy fruits, but I'm forcing myself to eat grapes and apple for the bb's sake...

emoments, welcome

I was hoping for a gal also, but it turned out to be a boy... Quite disappointed... Now trying to accept the fact....
i do try to eat lots of veggies n fruits every day, but as i get tired of the tastes very quickly, i've to vary the types every time.

I dun know abt u all, but my mouth still has this bland taste... so i can't take plain water unless itz very cold or very hot. And i need to take something tasty regularly 'cos i can't stand the blandness inside. Tried to take fruits 'cos they're sweet, or i'll also be craving for snacks juz to hv somethg in my mouth.. Any of u hv this experience too?

Of course I am having a bb.

Anyway , i dunno the gender and we try not to know until giving birth.

My fruits and vege intake still the same as before, only now more meat!

i can't take plain water, those boiled from tap water. I will vomit after drinking. But have no problem taking RO water! So i will boiled wolfberries, longnan, red dates and tungsheng (of course, no sugar added) to replace my water.
Actually for those who don't like fish, can take Neurogain mah... I am taking Nerogain coz I also don't take a lot of fish... :p

How many cups of milk do you drink? I asked my gynae for calcium pill but she says as long as i drink milk 2 times a day, i don't need. But I very bad.. I only drink once a day :p

Hey, btw, does anyone know whether we can take Vitagen/ Yakult now?
hi puppylove

i dont such symptoms as yours .. in fact i feel v thirsty in my 2nd tri and this is also documented in websites that in 2nd tri... we are always v thirsty .... so I drink lotsa plain water everyday ...

probably you try to healthy snacks lor else it will be too unhealthy for u ...

wah pig2, keep the gender in suspense ah ! so exciting right !!! but I cant wait ,.....
hi smiley

I am also taking NeuroGain .. but I still try to keep my intake of fish consistent ...

I also drink Anmum twice a day (most of the times eheh) sometimes I am too full to have the 2nd cup at nite leh ... so I am not taking calcium also ...

Eh i take Yakult leh .. but not very very frequent .. sometimes share with niece only ....
what's wrong with the drink ?
hi smiley
I am also taking neurogain, but still try to take fish!

As for Anmum, i had 2 glasses each day, once in the morning and once before i sleep.
thanks! will try the method u suggested to replace water.

so good... wish i can also tahan taking lots of plain water!

btw, i've not tried Anmum yet. Is it nice? any flavours to choose fr? Currently taking calcium pills prescribed by gynae, but itz so yucky to take...
I thought there's nothing wrong with yakult/ vitagen. I take it almost everyday until my fren asked me "Are you sure you can drink that?" And that made me worried. That's why I thought I ask you gals here loh...

I like to take cold drinks and since I can't take carbonated drinks, the excuse I use to drink cold drinks is to drink yakult and vitagen since these 2 have to be kept in the fridge and drank while still cold mah.. heeheehee.... So it's ok to drink that???
Hi ilovebabies

Glad that you feel the same type of movements as me... was worried that they are not baby's movements but something else... as I read from books, u don't feel the movement so early for 1st time mum.... *phew*
Yakult/Vitagen should be ok lah. I was flipping a magazine once and saw this Yakult/Vitagen ad featuring a very pregnant woman endorsing it. Besides the live cultures in that drink is good for preventing yeast infection. I take it once in a while. I just love the taste when I'm feeling yucky.

I salute you for having the patience to wait that long! I wish I could that, the old fashion way but I just can't! I'm a technology freak and would love to exploit it as much as I can. I'm tempted to go for a 3D scan too but budget is a big constraint to me.

Hey powdered milk like Anmum, Mammil all that makes me "pang sai" ley and it makes me full for like 2-3 hours! I wonder if I can continue to take it. It has DHA in it so I can safely skip fish if I don't feel like taking it.
Hi amylim

Like what the rest say... healthy baby is more important....

So you must try to accept this fact and be a happy MTB... so that your baby will be happy as well...

Easier said than done.... my mum and hubby has been counselling me a lot tt time... now I accepted it liow and try to be happy...

My mum even threatened not to take care of my baby if I keep crying 'cos she said my baby will end up always cry... tt's scare me off... how can boys keep crying, rite?

So amylim... gotta be happy and accept him!
Hi puppylove, i am taking Anmum now. It's quite nice actually. It has 2 flavours, vanilla and chocolate. I buy the vanilla one, and add milo to it myself.. Heehee... Try the small can first if you are worried you don't like the taste..

Pig2, I agree with Melissa, I can never wait that long!! I need to picture whether I am talking to a baby girl or boy when I talk to the baby inside my tummy now. heehee...

You can also drink Yoghurt... I don't like to drink milk, but I replace with Yoghurt drink... same as Yakult/Vitagen, gotta keep in the fridge and drink while still cold. I checked with my gynea and he's ok with it... Yoghurt has a lot of calcium also.

So maybe you can try drinking that instead.
Hey, check with u all.... can we drink lime juice? How about lemon juice? Got a craving but not sure whether can drink or not....
emoments, thanks.. I drink yoghurt too.. I like the marigold strawberry yoghurt drink.. yummy :p~

Why you don't like boy boy in the first place? They can be quite cute too mah..
And at least you don't have to feel the pressure from the in-laws to carry on the family line now... hahaha...
hi emoments

actually 1st time mum can feel the bb kicks from 17 onwards so we are not early right ?

I am 19th week now, u ?

Gals, I am taking the AnMum choc flavour one .. v nice leh. .. even hubby says it's nice .. hey dun add too much milo as I tot it could be heaty ?

in my opinion I tot Yakult and Vitagen are considered healthy drinks that why kids can drink, right ?

I dun like children all along, esp boys.... so I was hoping my first kid will be a girl, then slowly I can accept children mah....

Actually I don't even wanna give birth, but seeing my hubby likes children so much... and to be fair and have a complet family, I gave in lor...

Hi ilovebabies
I'm only coming to 16 weeks only leh... and I started feeling the movement when I was 12.5 weeks. And the movement has been quite consistent (except different hours of the day)... but sometimes if no movement for more than 12 hours, I started to get worried... then tok to my baby and walk around... a while later, can feel it.. *phew*

I hope so too... but I think when come to own kid, I'll sure love him lah....

Hubby said I'll sure spoil my boy... hmm... maybe... unless I got a girl coming up soon.. hahaha....
Hi bjiou

No leh.. I'm big-built type one.. and I have put on a lot of weight despite I have MS during my 1st trims whereby I kept vomitting...

But I have been falling sick (esp flu & cough) ever since I got pregnant..... and I tend to cough a lot.... maybe tt makes my baby more active??
You will love your own child, regardless a girl or a boy. If you come from my history, you will not say what you did. I have been trying to get pregnant for 3 years and I tried very hard, only to be greeted by 5 miscarriages. So really, it's not my choice if I want to have a boy or girl. Sometimes if you want something so much but God won't let you, there's nothing you can do about it. So be thankful. Children are a blessing. I don't really like children too but I believe they will change your life positively and I welcome any positive changes in my life right now.
wow so many posts...hehehee.

puppylove, i have the same bland taste since my 5th week. now its either better or i get used to it! hehehee... i hate water too, coz of this. so what i do at home is i squeeze a bit of lemon inside my cup of water, and it is sshhhhiiioook .
u can try it if u dun mind sour things. just squeeze a bit, for me i like to put in one whole slice, and use my teaspoon to "poke" and squeeze out the juice hahaahahah!

i also have to eat sweet things, or just put anything inside mouth just so to distract me from the bland bitter taste in my mouth.

hey girls, yah smiley is right. if we dun take fish, we can take neurogain. it contains the DHA that is supposed to be the reason why ppl say preggies must eat fish. i also dun like fried veges now leh, so i eat very little. the only time i eat vege is when its in bee hoon soup, or dry noodles or what. if its fried in a chinese dish form, i dun take.

smiley, i think u can take yakult and vitagen, nothing wrong with that. whenever i go my mum's plc to eat, she will give me a bottle of yakult lite to drink coz i love that. it contains huge amount of good bacteria for your tummy digestion. esp if u have a dose of antibiotics recently, such drinks are very good to replenish ur store of good bacteria. i dun really like to drink milk now so my gynae bo bian have to give me cal tabs hehehee.

oh like what emoments said, yogurt is also good. it contains calcium and protein. and i read that it coats ur stomach lining with lactic acid which is a vitamin b producing factory, good for pregnancy.

emoments and ilovebabies, i feel the swimming movements too, and i always feel very happy when it comes. sometimes over weekends i notice the movements not that frequent, and i get worried too.

pig2 and the rest who drink anmum constantly, wah, i salute u girls leh. very good practice. 2 glasses a days, so good. i can't stand it leh, dun like the taste. i am drinking mamil gold coz its given free when i signed up for FBI and when i went for a talk, so i have 2 free tins, but i only drank 2-3 times so far. dun like the taste of such milk.

pig2, how are u going to stop the gynae frm telling u the gender ah? u will tell him before hand that u dun wanna know huh? its quite exciting too right, if u know only when baby is born.
Hi melisssa

I am so glad that your are so positive in your life and I know you will be blessed with the wonderful children in your life ! Don't think of the past and carry on with the future !!

HI emoments

I am surprised you can feel it now ... prob you are an exceptional case unlike the rest of us

hey gals .. I was thinking abt the gender prediction thingy and I feel there cld be a loop hole ?

tot the gender of the bb is det by the man based on the dunno what X/Y thingy in the semens ? so if the MTB is having twins means both will be the same gender ??
Hi Melissa, yes i agree that you will be blessed with a healthy baby and wonderful children......take good care and stay positive!

ilovebabies, actually there's 2 types of twins. identical or fraternal. identical twins are from one egg and one sperm, when they divide the cells somehow they become two sets, and become identical twins. so they must be of the same gender. but fraternal twins are diff. they come from two eggs and two sperms. i heard that olders mothers have higher chance of this even if they dun have family history of twins, coz some of the time when mother ages, she may produce two matured eggs at every cycle. when two matured eggs are release, 2 sperms can fertilise them, so becoming two feotus growing in separate gestational sac. they may be same in gender or one boy one girl (long feng tai), but they are not identical in features coz they come frmo diff sets of cells......
Actually yes, the gender of the baby is predetermined from the moment of conception. And twins comes in 2 types: fraternal and non-fraternal. And some twin is a set of boy and girl. Cute right? So all this gender prediction thingy is really just for fun. I never take it seriously!

I saw one article where a parent of mixed parentage gave birth to a white girl and a black girl! They're twins! Both parents have white/black parentage. It's just so weird that their kids are sooo white (blonde hair blue eyes) and another is African American (dark skin, dark eyes).
Hi Melissa

Sad to learn yr sad history... hope this time is a smooth one for you.

Yep I agree with you... children will be a blessings, regardless of boy or girl.
hi daisybutton

We will let the gynae know that we dun want to know the gender during my next visit.

Anyway, you received my email about the medical hall?
wow, so many posts in 1 day!

so many of u can feel movements from your little one already... so envious! how does it feel like? i tried concentrating but cannot feel anything, except the occasional rumbling of my tummy which tells me that i am hungry. haiz...

have a great weekend to all!
talking abt twins, sounds like mine. they look like at birth but now one is fair n european looking, the other is very asian sorta mediterrenean looking. when i bring them out, ppl ask....'twins? dont look alike
' mine being fraternal, its true that they were actually conceived on diff dates. found that weird n cute in the beginning. fraternal twins usually run in family while identical ones are by chance. FYI: boy-girl twins are usually fraternal, cant be identical

ah, i was at mothercare centrepoint today but didnt know they were hving sale. guess will hv to go down again one of these days.
hi gals

tks for the enlightenment ... ok so we all agree the prediction thingy cant be true lah ... prob some got it right by chance hor ?

77, how many weeks are you now ? the bb movements r v different from our usual feeling ... as if something is kicking inside ... a wonderful feeling beyond words !!

gals, enjoy the long weekend !!
helo pig2, okie thanks! then i go check my babystreasures one.

sasha, mothercare got sale ah? how much and for what products? hehehe ur twins sound so cute. u mean they can be fertilised on 2 different days!!! how did you find that out? isis the size?

girls, i saw mothercare got those nice sets of baby clothing for 7 days one, is it worth it to buy?
