(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

yah me too, sometimes when sophie cries too much also tests my patience! i pass her over to my husband when i feel like that so that i don't lose it.
good that ethan is putting on weight!

i love that place BUT haven't had a chance to hang out there yet, used to be delifrance right?
i like jelita, quieter than holland v.

Ling | My MSN ID is ([email protected]), add me! Ill be delighted to meet u for a cuppa.. Ya, Jelita is a quaint place on its own and less populated. On 2nd floor they have a proper BF room too.

My Arianne hasnt flip yet either and shows no sign of it. I was at GymB and I witnessed another bb had his first flip so the first sign was his leg trying to make a cross over so many times then finally, flop! He was on his stomach. So I guess I could use legs crossing over as a cue when Arianne is ready.

Sophie hugging bolster ah? Heh, its moments like this you want to capture.. So adorable right? Ive my vid cam right next to me all the time, its like ready, go, Shoot!

Last night I let Arianne suckled on a slice of orange and her expression was so so so cute aiyooo She loves it btw~

Arianne just woke up from her nap and she had loooong nap today, from around 2.30pm to just awhile ago! Must be the lovely rain that makes the day cooling. She also slept very well when we were in Shanghai last month, temp there was about 10 degrees.. So, perhaps those mummies whose bbs have problem sleeping, try blasting your air-con!

Hey, watch your back if you going to be changing Sophie on the floor. Sure kena backache one..

edksd | Kindermusik is www.kindermusik.com.sg Errr, I dont think GymB has one.. I searched already..

littlepony | Its a quite challenge for me to be a SAHM, Im still struggling with it now as a matter of fact. But the thought of leaving Arianne at home with maid and me going out to work is heart wrenching. Once I went out for a manicure and before my toe nails were dry, I rushed home and ended up with all my nail color smudged!

Sha | Sure! Just give me a shout then.. And hey, what happened to the beauty-is-in-the-beholder's-eyes? Handsome in your eyes enough liao la..
Well, I used my dad's CPF for my uni education. After I graduated, I will pay back to my dad's CPF. You will have to pay back if the parents are not retired yet to withdraw it. If they retired & can withdraw, no need to pay back. The rationale is the govt wants to make sure our parents have enuff $$ to retire.

Anyway, you are given up to 1 year before you start repaying, and can stretch up to a max of 10yrs. I opt for 7 years repayment, but finished in 4 years. (used the yr-end bonus to pay off lump sum)

play school
I did start play school with dexter until he was about 2plus before he goes to nursery. We brought him to TumblerTot. Quite fun for him.

On still rite?
Want to change to 3 Feb? Me ok.

wah too many post, no time to read all leh. Just look through only.

Diasybuttons, you can link my blog to ur also. Mine is http://www.preciousangel.blogspot.com in case u dun have

Amabel appetize recently very good, every 2 or 3 hrs will drink milk again, esp at time keep wanting to drink milk until she is contented then will go sleep through the night. If not she will sleep for less than 10mins then cry until we feed her again. She normally will sleep bet 11 to 12am then all the way till i wake up at 6.30am.

Rock to sleep,
I dun rock Amabel to sleep, i will put her on her bed, off the light (only night light is on), on music that she has been hearing since she is in my womb, give her pacifier, after some time she will fall into sleep. If she still not sleepy, she will refuse to suck the pacifier, therefore we will know if she is not ready to sleep yet, then i will just leave her on her bed and we wont play or talk to her anymore. Then after awhile she will cry (which normally becos she is sleepy already). Will then give her the pacifier and i will hold both her hands and she will sleep after a while.

If 3 Feb then i cannot, got to attend housewarming.

Start on solid,
Amabel seem to be very interested in our food. She will keep staring us eat and her mouth will start munching
wow wow so many posts. went out of ofc this afternoon for a meeting.

gals who asked to link my Rachel blog to ur babies', pls go ahead ! The URL is

So is the trial class fix oredi ? I see if me and hubby can join in ?

gals got one qn. CNY is coming and I'm sure most of us would be doing lotsa hse visiting. So how do we BF our babies ? how do i express my milk ?

hmm usually on the first day of CNY, i'll be at hubby's uncle hse follow by my grandma's hse. Both places will be very crowded and I dont think i have the luxury to lock myself in the room to BF or express. Then how ? and the fridge is always full of food and dont think got space to store my EBM. and the FTG seems to lose its cool after a few hrs leh ... probably I need to add in ice pack.

Errr any solution ?

My gynae gave me abt 10 packets of Nestle cereal. It says from 6 mths onwards. So I cant give it to Rachel now right ? Any mummies tried nestle before ? I tot i read from Aug thread that it is quite sweet.
ilovebabies | No one can confirm yet.. Let's see tomorrow if there's any confirmation.

Mummies interested in GymB Trial class | How about this coming Sunday, 14 Jan @3pm? PM me with your name/bb's name/mobile number if you want to ok? <font color="ff0000">Please let me know by Sat 3pm</font>.
If there's more of us going, I'll try asking them for a bulk discount.. heh, will just try my luck!
Hi mae
Thanks... will try to create a routine.... thou seems a bit diff... hmm... .

Hi Melody
The hospital plan using medisave also have to go thru an insurance agent, rite?

Hi ilovebabies
I also feel hospitalisation is very impt.... if can pay thru medisave, even better.. will find out more.

I cant make it this Sun. Guess I gotta miss it.


The neurogain PB plus fish oil has 30 capsules in a bottle. Each capsule contains 500mg of fish oil. FYI.
wah, u girls sure move fast man! just spent 15 mins reading all the posts!

<u>Playgroup Class</u>
me working lah, so can only go for the Sunday 3pm class. add me in
but i'll be hb-less this week!

Playgroup List
1. Arianne (Brenda)
2. Der Nen (Joon)
3. ??
4. ??

Saw that some of u were asking abt the bb classes... thot it'd be easier to put all the links down...


2. VILLAGE @ Kindermusik

3. TINY TYKES @ My Gym

i cannot find the link to the gymboree website though... keep getting the clothing website!

<u>Ergo BB Carrier</u>
michelle, i didn't buy the insert. tried putting DN in the carrier last week and he's ok in it. didn't put him in long, just a while to try it out, and he fell asleep in it! i think can safely say he was comfortable in it!!!
i think ethan shld be ok in it. u say he's past 7kg and 60cm already right? DN's now abt 6.5kg (i think) and 60cm (i think). why don't u just give it a shot? good luck!
mae, u interested in the ergo? i've got one, and so do daisybuttons and michelle. for me, when i put it on, it's SOOO comfortable! i tried the sling and it hurt by back
also, DN kept fussing when i tried to put him in, so i gave up!

sha, what's sherilyn's blog? can i link DN's blog to hers?

I'm ok with gathering on 3 Feb
is this the list so far?

Gathering List
1. Phoebe
2. Daisybuttons
3. Joon
4. DG (??)

<u>Fish Oils</u>
Thanx for the info ilovebabies!
will compare with my Usana ones and then decide whether to switch or not. do u usually take 1 or 2 capsules per day?
Here is Sherilyns Blog but I must say it is not very too updated as she got a lazy and busy daddy. . hahahaha. . .

How much do you pay for the Ego carrier, I am still using the sling.

Anyone who want to link their blog to Sherilyn here is the URL, please go ahead.

Playgroup this coming Sunday is not possible for as we have plan for something else already. If there are other Sunday PM me okie.
ilovebabies / sha / joon | Lets wait till tomorrow then decide if we should make it this Sunday. If most of you cant then its more fun if we do it on another Sunday. Is next Sunday better for all? If we are going next Sunday or later then I might be able to negotiate for a lower rate and also a private session if we have enough mummies.

So quietWhere have all the mummies gone to today?
i organised a BP for the ergo and paid $134.20 for it. it's retailing for $168 on some SG online shops.

i'm here! i'm here! took leave today. :p sure, let's wait
i don't mind another sunday too. a special private session wld be more fun, seeing as we all know each other!
brenda, will be going to try the playgrp. posting on behalf of crystallised too.

Playgroup List
1. Arianne (Brenda)
2. Der Nen (Joon)
3. Jovann (daisybuttons)
4. Reubern (crystallised)

ling, hahaha yes my boy's feet sticking out too it looks so farnie heehe. and oh my, now u remind me. he is done SO Many things on that mat! pee-ed on me, squirted poo on me, and recently gave a quick kick to the top and tail bowl and it went splashing all over the floor and the mattress beside it. when daddy and me cleaning and drying up the floor and mattress, he decided to pee! i realised only when i saw more "water" dripping down from the mat and when i stood up i saw a puddle of pee oredi. sigh.....that was a mess. not the worse though, the worst was the poo-ing hahahaha.
phoebe, thats the thing loh. think i dun want my boy to have to pay his teeth off once he steps into society. very ke lian. i know ppl may thinkg differently lah. if we can save for him now, we just try loh. cross fingers he wanna go local U hahahaha.

e-ling, ur url is not a ur blog leh. how come ah?
joon | You clever girl, picked the right day to take leave.. so nice to sleep in..

My Arianne tends to stick her right hand into her mouth than her left and also, kicks more with her right leg. Anyone bb here also has the same stunts? Wonder if she's going to be a right-hander..
Hmmmm... I would like to join too if I can make it! Want to learn more songs and things to do with Gabriel! Lemme know can?

My boy attempts to put both his fist into his mouth at the same time! What's that gonna land him in?

edu fund
I also bought an edu fund for my boy. Never thought of using CPF leh
. Got the NTUC edu fund to pay for 20 yrs. The main reason I got that is that if anything happen to me (touch wood), then my boy can get 10% of the insured sum monthly so the policy can kindda "pay for itself"?
oh my!
haha i can imagine that happening to me too! peed, pooed, all kana already. she's not hit the water yet tho. heh

OH! i got a suggestion. Ever since i've been pooed n peed on, now when i clean/bathe sophie, i wear an apron! Keeps me dry! haha

sophie does the same. prob righthanded too.
brenda and lind, if they use right hand good right? Jovann uses his left hand leh. left hand to grab toys, left hand to grab my hair, left hand to stuff into his mouth. jia lat loh.....hubby trying to change his habit else next time at a disadvantage leh.
I would love to join as well. But this week is not good for me. Hubby not in town and i dont think i want to drive a wailing baby behind me!! hehee

I think that is normal. my bb put his fist into his mouth and 'zhoot' all the way!! somehow he is not sucking his thumb but the whole fist.. wonder why. hahaha

I think i am the kiasu mummy. Bought hospitalisation, life and investment policy for my boy. They are so expensive.sigh.. what to do. Need to plan for his future. Personally, i think hospitalisation is very impt as the hospital fee is so high in singapore.

I might not be able to make it as could be traveling that week
Will let you gals know.

I've bought hospitalisation and education fund (just endowment saving) for kai. As for life, it's not so urgent, probably wait till 1 yr later or so. Many experienced parents told me hospitalisation is the most impt and must buy and must buy early.

kai is officially 4mths old today

2days ago weighed him he's 5.77kg, guess he's the only sept bb who's still weighing below 6kg :p

but it's ok, im no longer so obessed w it. i did not weigh him at home for almost 2 wks liao. imagine last time i weigh him few times PER DAY!!

joon, daisybuttons, michelle, why do u all choose ergo instead of bb bjorn? im thinking of getting one but duno which one to choose and wonder how long can it last since bb already 4mths?
sophie is also 5.6kg, she is 3mths, 3 wks.. was worried too but it's ok lah, she looks healthy and all so let it be.

happy 4mths to kai!
Ling | Apron! How come Ive never thought of that.. Brilliant! So I guess nothing wrong with the more right hand moves than left ya..

dumpty | Arianne does that too but shes more of a pointer bb. My aunt commented that bbs who suckle their pointer are closer to their mum, as for thumb suckling bbs, they are closer to their papas. As for the fist, errr I guess its the whole family of popos, gonggongs, jiujius etc..! Heehee..

| <font color="ff0000">GymB</font> > This Sunday, 14 Jan @3pm |
Daisybuttons | Gotcha! Got your PM too.. Noted > Crystallised.

I was told that LKY is a left-handed and some rumours say that left-handed people are smart leh.. But its kinda expensive to be a left-hander. For one, left-handed mouse costs more than right-handed ones! Heh.. also you get poked when you sit with a left-hander using chopsticks! Hahaha..

dumpty | Will be great to have you with us! But can you make it this Sunday @3pm?

edksd | Will you be joining us?

Im trying to call GymB now to ask in what quantity attendance then they can organize a PTE class for us, also the discount! Ill revert as soon as I talk to them.

Anyway for those mummies (sha/orange/ilovebabies) who cant make it this weekend, I can always arrange for another session as this is a weekly affair for Arianne and me
brenda i cant make it during wkend most of the time. thinking of going during wkday instead. u were saying babiesncream n gymb has trial, what abt kindermusik? sorry im v confused n blurred over so many choices.
brenda u attended which one before and which one u think is best? babiesncream, gymb or kindermusik? tts oso a new one mygym?
Great idea, should be okie as of now for next Sunday. Better let wait and see if there is any other mummies who is interested as well. It is a Tanglin right???

Thanks a lot for arranging it.

Got any picture or websit which I can view it??

Okie will ask my lazy hubby to do it.
yah, nice day to sleep in. but with DN awake, how to sleep??? he's not like arianne, dunno how to take advantage of the shiok weather to have a long nap!! hahaha...

try this url...

happy bday kai!
i got the ergo coz of recommendations from friends who tried all sorts of carriers and slings. apparently, the ergo's gd coz the bb is not hanging from his crotch, but sitting on his bum, so that won't affect spine development. here're some websites u can check out.



edksd | No worries.. The trial classes at Kindermusik and GymB are actually their regular classes, just that they allow you to come in and try out one time and pay one time charge. As for babiesncream, I don't have much info on them and have never attend any class there before.

If weekdays are better for you then you might want to try Tue or Thu for GymB. I am ok with any days (too free la heehee).

This Sunday's class is being organised because most of the mums here can make it. It'll be fun if you can join us as all our bbs are about the same age, talking the same language and we can also hang out for coffee after.. PM me if you want ok? cheers!
joon, so far do u use the sleeping hood? do u know where to buy ergo carrier? nowadays do u go out w bb in carrier or stroller?
Was the website liao. Just one question I am thinking about baby facing the front as per what I was it is mostly that the baby is facing towards us??? Can Ego have the baby facing outside???

I am using the sling for the sitting position for Sherilyn as well.
the ergo looks rather bulky n warm leh. i quite short leh, think it's going to look huge on me.

the infant insert is for use at what age?
nope, i haven't used that coz DN is still not "tall" enough. anyway, i've only used it at home so far. haven't gone out with him in it yet. coz my 1st choice is still to use the pram then i don't have to carry anything at all. i'm waiting for him to turn 5 mths then i'll put him in the carrier more often. i think he's still a bit "short" for the carrier.

in the ergo, the bb cannot face front becoz of the way it is designed. the part where there's all that fabric forms a little seat when u put it on and that's where the bb "sits". there's nothing to support them if u face them in front. so if u want ur bb to face outwards, u cannot get this carrier.
the insert is for newborns until 3-4 mths, or until the bb's neck/head is steady. feedback from others on the forum is that the insert is VERY WARM! so not advisable for our climate.

know what? i'm short too! (abt 1.53m, bah!!) when i use it, it does look huge on me! but at least it's comfortable, so i don't mind. it looks better on my hb coz he's abt 1.79m. but anyways, if my hb is ard, i'm going to make him carry DN, not me!!!!! if u're keen on trying it, there's a local company here that allows one to rent the ergo just to try it out. if u like it, u can buy it, if u don't, don't! i'll try looking for the website for u.
joon, im 1.51cm :p

kai is 60cm as of 2 wks ago. i think oso not tall enough for the carrier yet.

one thing i notice abt carrier facing inward is tt bb will hv to turn their head left or right in order to see the world
duno is it tiring for them.
found it!!!!!


it costs $10 to rent the ergo for a week, deposit is $168.

we are in the same club huh? i HATE being short.
always the butt of stupid short-jokes. ya la, if they face in, they can't see w/o turning their heads. well, there are always 2 sides to the story. if they face out, u gotta get the bb bjorn, and then u worry abt spine development. if they face in, can get the ergo, but worry abt them not seeing much!!!!! i guess gotta go for the lesser of 2 evils... and that is ur decision to make!


Do you all apply smell nice nice lotion on baby body? My girl sweat alot even in air con room so she after afew hrs she smell bad liao. I heard that baby should have baby smell?? Or is it that they apply something nice on their body.
Can share what you all apply on baby body?
