(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

ilovebabies | I dont advocate the need of bringing our bbs for such classes, however I feel that these classes have definitely taught me how to socialize with Arianne better. I now know how to communicate with her using not just my voice but actions like eye contact and body language as well.
In terms of results, I could see that Arianne is responding to the things we learnt at GymB now but not really when she was 1 month old. She coos when I sing her songs and the actions we learnt from there, I guess that is also a sense of familiarity to her.
Most fruitful of all, we both have a great time doing all those activities together! However I do agree with domesticgoddess that we could do these things at home (buy the props home) but if I havent been taking the classes there I wouldnt have known how to sing Coo Coo Clock, nod my head with Arianne till she chuckles so loudly. Oh also, I certainly have forgotten how to behave like a kid and ran out of songs to sing too..

Yes, 60% good for me, 40% good for Arianne.

joon | Yes! Were still on for GymB. I actually bought 4 classes at one go, so still balance 1 class which Im likely to go on next Tue or Thu. Oh Ill PM you my mobile, do buzz me if youre keen. Ah, I can also do the Sunday class if youve to work on weekdays.. =)
MyGyms location not too good for me.. Oh I didnt know rhythminme is for 6 months and above, thanks for the info. I lazy to read the web site.. heehee
But hows babiesncream? Are they not a spun off from Kindermusik? Was the location at Robin Close on Bukit Timah road? Also how many classes did you guys attend? Sorry Im asking so many qns cos Im trying to decide if I should bring Arianne for KMs Village new semester classes, starting on 30th Jan..

Ling | Good idea! Maybe I should be more observant from now on when I attend the classes then later start my own.. If youre keen on coming for a trial, perhaps can join us? Oh yes, mummies do enjoy themselves. I personally take it as a cure for postnatal blues!

melody | Very qi kuai logic your PD has!

sha_987 | You must have looked so so so strange! Like alien! Hahahaha! Please dont do the same for Sherilyn.

<font color="ff0000">BTW, is anyone taken in with the mambo jumbo act of rubbing brandy on bbs hair/brows and they will grow thick and swear that it works??</font> Hahahaha!


'Guys don't get it' - hmm, that's true! they do get it eventually huh!! And guess what, without having to pay a cent! (if it's from our own pocket)! haaa!
hi emoments,

i read somewhere that if bb pass their sleep/nap time, they will have difficulty falling asleep. You can try creating a routine so that ur little one can slowly adjust to it. For babies fr 0-3 mths, they usually can stay awake for 1.5-2 hrs at anyone time, so try to put ur bb to sleep after he is awake for 1+ hrs. U try this for a couple of days and see if this works for ur bb.

have u tried swaddling him and put him to sleep?
If u carry him and walk ard the house, does he sleep? i noe this is a bad habit but no harm trying if tis can mae him sleep..hee
edksd yep have always put my neurogain in the fridge leh.

ilovebabies, blessedmommy, can i link ur blog to mine?

brenda, seems like they teach u more songs at gymboree leh....so nice. i may consider going too, may convince my hubby.

joon, the activities and songs like so nice hor? when u thinking of going. they dun have sat class huh? whats the class timing like?
At least yours is well hidden, my is right on the face!!!. . .hahahaha

Of course I look funny like an alien for outer space lucky I am only about 5 or 6 years old so no school. Definitely I am keeping a close watch on Sherilyn just to ensure that history dont repeat itself. . .hahahahaha.

How much do you pay for the course??? Where is it??

Thank you, lets hope that she dont get any darker. . . hehehehehe. I am also very tan and was mistake a few times by others that I am a Malay or Thai lady.

Sherilyn is now 4th month, yes we are starting her out early coz her intake of milk is very low so we want her to have abit more nutrient..

Next time get to paid otherwise no show for them. . .hahahahaha.
sha and ilovebb,
sounds like u two will be having fun at your friend's house tis weekend! oh.. and rach and sherilyn too!!! haaa!

Why not take a pic of both of you two plus your two darlings during your gathering and post it up here!! Come on!!! haaa!!!!
hi brenda, im oso keen in attending these type of classes. but ive one reservation.

what if half way the bb start to cry or make noise, so we leave the class? are we able to catch up when we return to the class again?

i know it's best to let bb sleep full-full before the class so they wont sleep during the class or worse still want to sleep but environment not condusive enough, so cant sleep and keep making noise. but then if tt day got class, n his schedule didnt happen to turn out right then how? eg. his class is 11am. so we try to make sure he has enough sleep between 8-10am. but what if he was super alert and awake and just didnt want to sleep during tt period. by the time he attends class, he'll want to sleep already.

u know lah, bb unpredictable sometimes.

is the class area breastfeeding supportive? a room for breastfeeding?

usually how long is per lesson?

anyone attended babies n cream at gwc before? how do u find the classes? i duno whether to attend the BABY MASSAGE or POSITIVE INFANTS.
GymB classes | for bbs 0 to 6 months:
Tue 1450hrs/Thu 1400hrs/Sun 1500hrs - 45 min / class

daisybuttons | Will be great to meet u too! Just shout if you're coming too..

sha | Did your mum rub brandy for u after that?? hahaha! damn funny la

Here's GymB class info:
Gymboree: Tanglin Mall (Tel: 67377059)
For bbs 0 to 6 months > LEVEL 1 CLASS (Per Class = 45 minutes)
Non-Member > 1 class: S$34.00 / Subsequent class: S$38.00
Member > 1 class (Trial Class): S$34.00 / 4 classes: S$120.00 / 8 classes: S$240.00 / 12 classes: S$348.00
Annual Membership: S$50.00

Can trial one class first to see if u and bb like it.. Shout too if you like to come ya. (Think I should go ask GymB to give me commission heh..)
it just so happen that ilovebabies's hubby know my hubby way way back since those time when police are in short . . .hahahaha. . .and now the wives are communicating so they can't do much behind out back mah. . hahahahaha.

As for the photo on Rachel meeting Sherilyn it can be arranged together with other babies as well.
Ling, KM does not hv free trial. think u must pay $25 for 45 min session.

daisybuttons, my function room is fully booked. so u want to hv it at yr place?
No my mum did not apply any brandy on me but instead she give me some "Kui Tiao". . .got a good canning instead!!!! Eventually it grows out but the eyebrows become shorten and thick . . .hahahahaha.
edksd | I know exactly what you mean cos when Arianne was one month old and when we were there she was sleeping most of the time and when she started to yell, Ill have to excuse myself to BF her..
There isnt a room within the facility but there is a BF room (lockable with sofa) on the same floor next to the toilet. What the other mums do is, they just go sit at a corner to BF and its totally acceptable and comfy doing so. And when that happened, I just BF (now Ariannes on total FM) and watched the group do the activity then remember it and apply it when we get home.
You can also change the class schedule last minute, no extra charge for that. The class is only 45 minutes so yes, its better to be very sure that bb will be ok to attend.

A pointer Dont expect bb to actually listen to the instructress and follow her instructions, which will never happen! Its more like for the mummies to learn and apply to the bbs. Just like the dog trainers have to train the dog owners first then the dog owners apply to their dogs! Hahaha.. something like that la.. but not implying that our bbs are dogs.. heh

<font color="ff0000">ANYONE interested, all is welcome =) > I can help with the booking of the GymB class, whoever confirms coming please SHOUT here with the timing most preferred. Then Ill PM you for other info required by GymB for the registration.
Tue 1450hrs / Thu 1400hrs / Sun 1500hrs - 45 min @S$34.00/class</font>

domesticgoddess | Yes I am! Thats why I need activities to keep me happy as a SAHM la. You too, ya? You share the same nick as my favorite TV cook host, Nigella!

sha | Kui Tiao and hair growth hmmm.. maybe we can intro this to the balding men! Hhahaha!
sha |I've no idea on babiesncream. Yes hubbies can come la but have to sit at the waiting area to watch. Only 1 accompanying adult during the class. But I've not seen any PaPa attending class with bb yet. That's why BF during the class is conducive..
Sha and Edksd
Daisybuttons, Joon and I enrolled our babies for the positive infant class last Nov/Dec (?) Personally, i think the parents enjoyed the class more than the bbs.. hahaha .. as they are still young. I observed that the 'bigger' babies - 5-6 mths enjoyed the class more as they are more aware of the environment. Our young babies tend to be more cranky due to sleepiness/hungry! it is not advisable for your baby to feed full full before the class as they will spit milk due to the activities.

You could sign up for one class and do the same thing at home with you baby lor.
My hubby want to be there for the baby most of the times whenever he can so I am asking in advance, if we do sign up the class I know for sure he want to be in it as well therefore we have to take turn.
brenda and sha, joon, orange and I went to babies and cream. its quite fun actually, u get to learn little massage techniques with sing along songs, and little steps and movements for baby to stretch and play. i enjoy it. first lesson jovann a bit quiet and blur coz i think its something new to him to see so many babies. 2nd lesson onwards he enjoys he and giggles and chuckles with some music. as for bfdg, not advisable to feed at least an hour before class i think, else they may regurgitate. but if u need to feed during class think can go into a corner. even if there's dad's around, they will know better not to look since their wives may also be bfdg. u can always rejon the clas after a while.

as to daddies in the class, usually only one parent at one time. but once, joon and my hubby went instead of us, together with another angmoh. so that class has a surprising 3 dads. the next lesson think the wives must have went home to tell their hubbies, coz there's more hubbies ni the next class! hehehee. good for daddies to get involved, instead of us mummies learning everything right?

brenda, i love nigella too!!!! oh gosh her creations and shows are yummilicious.

DG, i am fine with having at my place, but the date cannot be 27th leh, that day got a bbq and a solemnisation.

girls, so when's our outing???
I am planning to go for one or two lesson just to have a feel of it and also to learn some new stuff which I can do with my baby as well.
Good that I manage to make your day A GREAT ONE!!!!

Those are the days when I am really young and naive and innocent!!!
i had the same problem w sophie the past week. like i mentioned, i shifted the interval between feeds from 3 hrs to 3 1/2 hr and that worked! NOw that they are a bit older, they can last longer so if we feed earlier, they might not be as hungry and if you feed them too late they could be too hungry. But it could be a lot of other issues also like not enuf sleep also will affect. like ilovebabies, sometimes i play w her halfway and then put her back to nurse if she fusses too much.

Very stressed... can understand... trial n error and take it easy ok?
Sometimes it's just for a few days and they'll be back to normal...

i'm also a SAHM! Which area do you stay? Do you join any playgroups? Now that sophie is more predictable in her schedule, am looking out for mums' grp to join...
sha | Sweet hub you have! These days hubs are so new age and sensitive, arent they? They want to be involved in everything! Like mine, Sunday is Papa+BB Bathtime! Of course theres no restriction on having papas in the classes, in fact I think we can organize one on weekend with GymB and make all the papas attend the class while we mummies sit aside to watch and probably take some pics/vidz! So if youre confirmed, just post here with your preferred timing and I'll check with GymB..

daisybuttons | Thanks for the info.. Do you know if the class is the same one that is being offered at KM, called the VILLAGE? Ya.. I adore Nigella too but shes so messy and dirty sometimes! Heehee..

Ling | Im residing in the west area, and you? We can always create our own playgroup or simply hang out for a cuppa centralized for all ya? Im sure itll be fun.. Just need to find a place that is conducive. If youre not coming for the GymB class, perhaps you could come by Tanglin Mall for coffee, theres a caf located right downstairs. Now that our bbs are not crawling yet, we can still hangout at cafes with bbs sitting in prams,
ME TOO! i live at holland, really close to Tanglin mall. do you msn?

heh sophie just went down for a nap and i made her hug a bolster! so cute...
Yes I agree, my hubby is not handsome but he has a good and kind heart!!! hahahahaha. .. all mummies please dont faith. . .hahahaha.

Nowsaday most daddy would want to be involve with their children activities unlike those old days.

It would be great to see the daddy playing with the babies and we mummies just take a back sit and watch!

If I do sign up I let you know which class I am going, it would be one of the Sunday.
haha i'm starting to get a bit bored actually, there are only that many songs i can sing and things i can say to sophie, other than the feeding, changing diaper. heh... that's why started looking around for forums.

But my husband works from home so at least i can have proper conversations ha. But he's been really busy n goes out for meetings so am back to being home alone w baby. Can't stay home for too long too, thank God i live in holland so going downstairs is quite fun too. haha...
haa! ya, i m not very good at songs ... but when i start singing to my bb..he get irritated. Hey, i do have a good vocal... he doesn't have good music genes in him!

Holland v so happening! aiyah.. then u won't be bored. When i was doing confinement at my mil's plc, it is as far as near to NTU.. so see how bored am I!
daisybuttons/ sha
no prob abt linking blog!

sherilyn chg so much from the last time i saw her pic. she look chubby to me leh. dun look like one bb who dislike her milk!

starting at 4 mths shld be fine. i also started my boys early. but mine opp cos their appetite for milk so big my pd say to start early cos milk alone no longer enuf for them.

im also starting my gal in 1 wk time. not gonna wait for 5 mths.
haha yah NTU very far! we almost bought a place at jurong, lakept near my parents in laws.
so you back at work? Have you tried singing to your baby and clapping his hands &amp; raising them up and putting them down. sophie always laughs when i do that. i think it's because i also laugh when she laughs so she laughs more... strange hor?
(but no sound yet, just mouth open big big)

can link mine too, not sure if you have the url
here it is
Yes. return to the corporate life!Juggling n struggling!
Yes, i did try singing to him but he prefer me to make funny faces and noises! And he laughs..
As for feeding time, I try to keep quiet because if i talk to him, he thinks I am playing and he will reject milk and play with me!

Haa. ya.. babies are funny isn't it!! I always say teethless yet mouth so big! not shy!
just wondering if your bbs are still sleeping on bb cot? mine has promoted to king size bed (sharing bed with us).. he doesn't want to sleep in his cot.. n it's quite dangerous too because he knows how to flip and one of his legs can be out from the cot leh!!
yah not easy... do you have to work late? yah sophie also like funny noises... i think they like us to look stupid! haha... there was once my husband pretended to use sth to knock his head and she kept laughing! hmmmm... maybe it's just my sophie. ha
sophie hasn't flipped yet but she rotates 360 degrees. I'm thinking of lowering the cot one level when it seems more dangerous. unlikely that she'll share bed w us... ours only queen sized, afraid to squash her and also a bit hard to wean off later. i've got friends whose kids are 3-4 and yet still sleeping w them!
ya... sometimes, i have to work late. In Marketing. So sometimes, workload juz pile up!

Haaa... that's so comical! Your sophie is so mischevious!

I know it's hard to wean off if i start having him to sleep with us. I have a mattress ready for him.. will probably put him to sleep on the floor when he's abit older.
Yes, she is chubby on the face but not that fat lor. . .hehehehe. . .she like her milk but she is not those greedy type and will refuse to drink more if you give her. . hehehehe. . .

I think it would be good to start them slightly earlier, anyway in another three weeks time she will be five months so I think it should be ok.

Link your baby blog to Sherilyns Blog. Sure, will ask my husband to it.
hi ling, shirlyn, blessedmommy, have also linked ur blogs to Jovann's, thanks! can link mine too and its www.cheekyjovann.blogspot.com if you dun have the url.

brenda, me staying in northwest, not exactly west hehehe.

blessedmommy, DG, joon, phoebe, so far we 5 are the ones who indicated interested in the gathering hor? shall we fix a date and see if the rest are free? how about 3 Feb, Saturday?
ling, hey yah so similar! best is my window is also right next to the changing table hehehehe! main diff is ur have one gigantic bear and i have 5 small ones hahahaha. b ut i really love that changing table, so so convenient and right height and space to arrange the supplies. its a great buy considering only less than $200. love it!
ling, ilovebabies
thks for the encouragement and advice
i shall continue trying n try very hard not to lose my temper with ethan :p

anyway we just got back from the PD. altho ethan is fussing about his milk, lucky his growth is still on track. he is just short of 4 mths (on 14/1 he will be exactly 4 mths) and weighs 7.18kg, 64.3cm long. took 2 jabs - 1 on each thigh - n i think he was crying not cos of the pain but because we had to put him on the table while he take his jab - he hates to be left lying down! after the jab we carried him n he immediately stop wailing liao hee, now sleeping very soundly in his cot

anyone here using ergo bb carrier? i was wondering when can we stop using the infant insert?
Yes it would be hard to wean him off if he starts sleeping with you.

Sherilyn is turn but not the bad having his leg out on the cot, she is now sleeping on a playpen so we plan to get her a cot so that she can turn more and also we can put the playpen at the living room when she take her afternoon nap
sha | Sorry I went to steal a nap while Arianne naps.. Yes, but only one of you can be in the activity area. The other one will have to sit at the waiting area to watch. The waiting area is only a divider from the activity area so can see quite clearly.

Ling | I sometimes hang out at O'Brien's for cuppa at the Jelita. Nice place to kopi and the tuna sandwich is yummy!

yah was also in marketing... work late, work weekends, super stress. understand..
a few of us in marketing hor?

ok! cool!

oH! sophie's feet's sticking out of changing area now... is yr baby's feet sticking out? she's also starting to knock things over! hiyah... think i need to start changing her on the floor. but yah i love it, very cheap n good! heh... best!
