(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

That is normal !!! I wish Sherilyn could drink abit more cause she is rather lean and her mummy is rather fat . . hahahahahaha. . .

Sherilyn is drinking Similac, sure can pass you some. Every Saturday I will be at my mummy place in Punggol and we are planning (not confirm yet) to go over to Victors place this coming Saturday night, let me know your plan.

Rachel look so cute and cubby.

I also think you better not use it. I think the milk power would be hard by now with the air and humid weather in Singapore so I think it is not healthy for the baby as well.

Better to be safe then to be sorry right.
thanks for the confirmation! Oh, ya.. u working late today.

Hmm.. i haven't confirm yet but maybe will pop down for a while. Coz i tot of getting lingerie...have to discard my old ones..
What about u? going down?
rachel is SO CUTE! very pretty... nice hair. heh we got hair envy coz sophie got no hair. heh... always checking out other babies' hair...
I wish to but I can't. I am ban from shopping for the next half year as I have dont alot of it during my USA trip so now is recovery time.

I can only go shopping for Milk power, diapers, food, etc. . only necessities items, so sad.
But it's good to resist the temptation! I tried to control but too many things to get before CNY. Everything needs to be new new new... and thus, pocket always empty after cny.
hehehe. . but it is mood of the holiday season mah.

Anyway, this year CNY I can collect ang pow for my little princess. . hahahaha.
how u stretch to 4 hourly when sophie drinks so little? my boy can oso drink only 1 oz at times! i wanna faint! luckily my mum will follow up wif another feed in an hr's time if he finish so little. so if he drinks 2 oz, will let him hv his nxt feed in 1.5-2 hrs time. nite time, he oso latch on 10 mins usually leh. but he alrdy double his birth weight at 2.5 mths lah.

ok ok I also tot of discarding it though a bit wasteful.. cos it was the BIG tin as it was the only size avail that time.

Sha, tks .. will get from u this Sat nite then. HUbby haven tell me their plans.


dont tell me what u buy tonite hor .. ahah gotta withstand my temptation !
coz my hubby still have not got that "kick" from me yet so he has not tell your hubby lor. He spoke to Vic on yesterday coz Vic call him mah. Will go home and tell him to plan it out with his gang.
i love to post her pic her but all her pic is at home will download it onto the thumbdrive and bring it to work and show OFF. . .hahahahaha.

errr ? a lot of things ? ahah I tot of getting knifes, frying pan, lingerie, wallet for hubby .... see the list is never ending ! but tks for the offer ! guess I will give it a miss
so sweet of u
my friend who's the mother of 3 suggested it so i tried today lor... seems to be working coz she's more hungry and she takes a lot more at one go. Babies at 3-4mths can feed at intervals from 2 hrs to 4 hrs. So i guess it depends from baby to baby. I'll try it for a few days and see if it works... i also super stressed out about this, trying all sort of ways. Sigh...
OMG! you have a long shopping list? You must be deprived of shopping right???

Enjoy your shopping and dont crazy . . hehehehe
No problem, on yes I am thinking to get a new bed for Sherilyn, can you check out is there any discount on baby items e.g. walker as well???

ya lor .. long time no do shopping IN PEACE ahha ... i may need to take half day to do shopping. anywya got lotsa leaves to clear this yr. and need to be Ah Yee for a buddy's wedding soon and got color code somemore !
why take half day it is not enough for shopping you should take one full day - trust me one this. What colour code???
OMG. . PINK DRESS!!! do you wear a pink dress after that??? Think it should not be a problem as it is near CNY there are many red and pink stuff.

I am not leading you astray as I understand!! If not you will still have the feeling that you have not done enough shopping. Just don't tell your hubby me tell you this!!!
Hi all,
Just to share with you my son 4+ months, use to use NUK latex teat and he drink 110ml of milk for like 35-40 min.. *faint*

Recently i change his teat and he finish 120ml of milk in 15-20 mins.. Everytime he finish all. Do u think i should increase to 150 per 3 hours? 150ml not too much for 4+ months baby?
ming liew,
not too much as Sherilyn is drinking 160ml already but on every 5 to 6 hours.

But is your baby wanting more milk?? Maybe you can try the next feed. I give Sherilyn a bit more during the night feed at 180ml then she will sleep thru the night.
I think 150 should be ok. My gal used to take more than 30 mins to finish her 120ml and sometimes fall asleep halfway (we were using Avent slow flow then). A few weeks ago I changed teat to fast flow for 3mths and she finishes her whole bottle in 10mins so we gradually increase and now she has 160ml (sometimes got leftover)in about 10 - 20 mins. She is now 3 mths 3 weeks old.
Ilovebabies/Angeline | Thanks for the compliments! =) Just hope well not have to deal with obesity when she goes to school.. heehee

Blessedmommy | Wah! You were amazing!! I had a dreadful birthing time =( .. I was spotting at 6am and about 12 hours later at 6.50pm I gave in to Epidural and popped came out Arianne within the next 20 minutes! Was your ward on 10th floor? If you were, the lil cute boy who ran into my room could be your son since Ling mentioned here that you have 5 kids?!

Daisybuttons | Thanks for the compliments too! As for the daily exercises, I learnt from the classes Arianne and I attended at Gymboree. Not easy to explain in writing, easier in actions la heehee.. but Ill try my best to explain to you here:
- On the floor, with bb lying on her back, stretch (like straightening) her left arm and the right leg at the same time. Then change to right arm and left leg. Sing Little Tea Pot song while doing this.
- On your chest, with bb lying on her tummy, roll from side to side. Stretch both bbs arms like flying.
- On the floor, with bb lying on her back, pull the blankie around with her lying on it. Then lift the blankie left, right, left right like rolling bb left to right, right to left. This is good for her balancing.
- On a gym ball, put bb lying on it and move the gym ball side to side.
- Tummy time about 20 minutes or when bb displays signs of tiredness. Put bb lying on her tummy and put toys or anything colorful in front. This is used to train her to reach out for the things in front and at the same time stretching her neck and upper body.

These activities usually tire her out. In fact the best activity for her will still has to be SWIMMING! Ive been bringing her to swim since she was 3 weeks. Not only does she enjoy it and sleep very well after, me too!

Melody | Did you try with a syringe or teaspoon? My Arianne refuses water fed by bottle but teaspoon works well for her! But may I know why you relent to giving milk?

Ming Liew | 3 hours/150ml is it for the whole 24 hours or only in the day? Total consumption? My Arianne takes about 780-820ml per 24hours in total. Drinking a lot is a lesser concern than not drinking enough!
Emma, voted for Enzo too .. Think he is a sure winner based on the current votes

Daisybuttons, some of the stretching exercise are similar to what we did ya ?

Ming, i dont think 150ml is too much. Cayden is also drinking 150ml on every 4 hours. But last few days, he seems to be getting hungry earlier and wakes up more often at night
I will probably increase his intake.. He will be 4 month tomorrow. I think the milk intake is also dependent on the baby's weight?
orange.. thanx... hmm.. ya.. he's leading by a bit.. but hor... the votes are open till 15 feb.. so other pple might still catch up..
never too late to talk about birth story! i enjoy reading birth stories! does it get easier everytime u give birth? yours seems so.

omg arianne is so cute! she look like a eurasian! *drool* my girl was born in 14 Sep so she's almost 4 months.

voted for enzo already!

thanks for your tips! think my girl is ready for solids liao based on those descriptions but i don't plan to introduce solids until she's 6 months to reduce risks of allergy to certain types of food. still want to exclusively breastfeed her for 6 months. so i will sit back and see some of u mommies introducing solids to your babies.

read from a hospital brochure that grainy or seedy poo is still normal. no worries ok. as long as it's yellow it's still good. i shaved off all my girl's hair since 1st month now her head is completely covered with hair, very black and grew very fast. no scalp left bald..lol. i never applied any oil just let nature takes its course. you can buy olive oil in pharmacy.

sometimes my girl fusses too after a feed but we sayang2 her and she no longer ask for more. till now, she takes in 110-120ml per feed and we didn't give her FM. i still have an unopened tin of Similac on stand by. told hubby to use his judgement and see if he wants to give but he stands by my resolution and commit to provide on EBM for our baby. also i scared she can't take it b'cos i'm lactose intolerant myself! your smallish rachel got biggish cheeks liao haha.

me waiting Kiddy Palace to have storewide 20% discount liao. no info so far. i have a big list of baby things to buy!

ming liew,
sounds like ur bb is ready for solids? based on daisybuttons info hehe...

so many posts!

i was just pondering over Jadelle's BAD sleeping habits these 2 days and here you all are discussing it!

PROBLEM 1: Waking up every 2-3 hrs interval to latch!

she sleeps by 10pm, wakes up crying 1 hr later for comfort and suckle only 1 side before sleeping again and will wake up every 2-3 hrs to latch on lying down, until 8am in the morning! following which, she will have 3-4 feeds of 150ml every 3 hrs via bottle and will latch on again when i am home. At night is the only time i can latch and with my declining milk, i need all the latching i can do, but it is SOOOOOOO tiring to wake up and latch her, as such, i developed another bad habit.. latch her lying down! leading to the next problem! I tried to extend the timing in between the feeds, but she cry very loudly and i was afraid of waking up everyone, including my neighbours..

Problem 2: I worry about how to get her out of my bed next time! How to teach her to sleep by herself? Cos, i will fall back to zzz with her in my bed if i latch her leh..

Problem 3: how NOT to rock/feed her to sleep, and how to teach her to sleep by herself? She will get bigger (heavier!) and more stubborn and independent, so i want to nip this in the bud!
I tried the crying method.. guess what? she cried for 20 min non-stop even though i keep going in to reassure her and ask her to sleep. she cried loudly and waved her arms at me, wanting me to carry her to sleep cos she is sooo tired! I gave in and she fell asleep in my arms within 5 minutes, but refused to let me put her down on the bed. (Will sob!). MY MIL, she carry her ALL the time and rock her to sleep in her arms. Her logic is that she don't sleep long if we put her down, which is true! If i put my girl down for nap soon after rocking/ latching her to sleep in daytime, she will wake up immediately! and her naps are like 30min on average with me looking after her (i rock & hold her for 15 min max and put her down then) x 4 times in a day.. That is too little right?

HELP!! What to do?????????

I am lactose intolerant myself too. I did asked my gynae whether my gal will inherit it from me, he says unlikely unless both me and hubby are. So rest assured ok ! but better be safe than sorry

yeah a lot of ppl says Rachel has a very chubby face.. the cheeks are inherited from me. My mum says I have very big cheeks when I was young, so when I start to take solid food, my mum always tot that I still have food in my mouth ! ha !


oh no u sound really tired !! while reading ur post makes me recall the times when Rachel is still < 1 mth old cos her feeding was very frequent too. I am not sure how I can help but since Rachel was v young, I always train her to sleep on her own. Which means I will pat her or rock her to sleep. Before she fall asleep, I quickly put her down to her cot and she sleep on her own after that. So for now, she can sleep in the cot with a pacifier and bolster.

I dont really like the idea of letting the bb crying out loud. I read that bb has stress too so crying is one of the ways to relieve stress. But it's so heart pain to see them wailing right ?

OK for her to sleep thru the nite:
Did u try to feed her FM for her last feed ?

Make a point to latch her in sitting position and then put her back to cot ? It will be tiring for u but I tot why not give it a try ? *sorry*

Educate ur MIL not to ROCK her till she fall asleep. SOmetimes when Rachel is cranky I will rock a bit but once she settle down in my arms, I will sit down and just pat her to make her sleep.

My 2 cents worth of opinion.

ya me mom of 5 but my 4th boy is with jesus. so by the time i see him again he would be a young man

not sure if that lil boy is my boy cos hubby didnmt bring maid along to hosp leh?
