(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

enzo gets my vote too
i'll get my hb to vote also... hahaahhaa... enzo liverpool fan is it? if man u, maybe my hb don't vote, hahahahahaha!!! (just kidding

WAH! ah neh keen! what a fast delivery!! phew! so u paid the doc in the end lah, hahaha... er, but if the doc doesn't get there in time, does it mean we don't have to pay them?????
joon.. me not sure if he'll be a liverpool fan.. i'm a man utd fan.. but daddy is liverpool fan.. but we only got the liverpool baby jersey.. so bo bianz.. lol..

mommies.. thanx for ur votes!!!
emma, i really lurve that pic leh hehehe. i tell u loh, enzo sure win one hehehee. coz the rest are adult pics not as fun! i voted liao!

shirlyn, thanks thanks, of course you can link ur blog to me. go ahead. whats ur blog again huh? i am going to bookmark all ur blogs now. michelle, can i have ur blog url again too?

shirlyn yah i also find DN looks diff and more handsome now leh! hehehee.

blessedmommy oh u like scrapbooking too! so fun hehehee. where do u usually get ur supplies from? its been a long time since i restock as i have not time to do whole of ML. did u know Made with Love has moved and now is a spanky new classy shop, with cafes and stuff leh. have not gone in yet but looks so diff now. i have followed them when they were in their old dwelling at liang court. they were so small then. now they have moved twice and growing more upmarket. did u have time to do ur SB even now with ur kids? wow.....if u do, thats amazing leh. how did u do it?

brenda, ur girl so chubby! heheheh! oh btw read ur bedtime routine. i have a routine too but much shorter than urs, left out the massage and reading book. can u share what stretching exercises u do pls?

sigh...last night really bad. the night before Jovann sleep at 11pm woke up 6.15am we so happy. then last night hor, he slept same time, woke up 4.45am and refused to sleep! kept fussing when nursing with eyes open big big. till 6.30am then sleep until 8.30am cry again.

btw, i rem someone asking before about mucusy poo hor?mine boy's poo more often now leh, and some of them is mucusy or wet looking. what does it mean? i got ask the clinic they say since he is still "gek-ing" with poo dun think its diarrheo leh.

going onto solids - i bought a recipe book for baby with guidelines on when is baby ready for solids. i find it very useful. ilovebabies, think munching when looking at food alone is not a sign they are ready for solids yet. must fullfil most of the following before they are:

When is your baby ready?
- birth weigth has doubled
- can control head and neck
-can sit up with support
-can show u when full (turns head away or won't open mouth anymore)
-shows interested in ur food, through gestures and/or sounds, when u eat
-has stopped exhibiting the extrusion reflex. (if food comes back out of mouth when spoon fed, ur baby is not yet ready for solid foods)
-drinking at least 32-40onces of FM per 24 hours and still wants more
-bfdg at least 8-10 times per 24 hours,empties both breasts at each feeding and still wants more
-time between feedings become shorter and shorter over a several day period
-can bring an object in hand directly to mouth.
-sleep periods are becoming shorter instead of longer.
pay la cos in the end my jo fall into his hands wat!!

ya me big SB fan! i still got loooads of materias leh cos last time used to buy n stock up. every mth i sure spend 200plus on matl. i get most of mine from laine's. personal preference cos so used to buy from them oredy so quite close with them. ya i know abt MWL shifting but hv not visited their new shop. nice??? i used to do a lot even with my boys, but since i had my gal v difficult to start leh. just cant find time, energy n mood!!

wow tks for the info.
hmm Rachel fulfills 7 out of the 11 criteria u put up. anyway .. MIL says she's going to let Rachel try a few mouthfuls of grind brown rice. Let's see how. So excited !!

In fact we tried to train her to get used to spoon feeding when she drinks plain water. She is doing quite well at it.
<font color="0000ff">Emma</font>,
Voted! all the best!

haha, I also feel hungry ALL THE TIME!! Thought it's just me! Like that how to get back in shape? Every day I deliberate on what clothes to wear to work so that I dun look so huge esp. tummy and hip areas...
End up w lots of blacks and vertical stripes... hai...

Trinity has also been pooing wet/mucusy poo leh. For the past 2 to 3wks, there was only 1 time when she poo'd the grainy poo that she used to hv. Thot it's diarrheau at first too, but she doesn't hv other signs like lethargy or frequent pooing. Anyone knows if this kind of poo is normal and why it's like this? Do your babies still hv the grainy type of poo?
Rachel has been pooing wet/sticky but not mucus streaked poo. Still grainy i think.

I think if they dont poo after every feed or up to like 10 times per day, and accompanied by fever, it shld be ok.

me too.. eat non stop. and always got craving for ice cream and durian.. how to slim down ? anyway have resigned to fate that I can only fit into my old clothes after i stop BF.

hmm recently Rachel has incr her milk intake to 120ML every 3 hrs. She takes 5 x 120ML + one latch on. And I pump only 4 times a day. Cant really catch up with her demand since my ss so-so only. So how ? give FM? not sure what brand to give leh ? any tips ?
daisybuttons.. thanx for ur vote.. but hor.. actually this one depends on how many friends u have right.. more frens more votes lohz.. hehe..

puppylove.. thanx for ur vote too... congrats on u winning the contest to ya.. i see alr i also posted enzo's pict!! hehe... go have a look see when you're free... http://www.singaporemoms.com/community/node/81230

ilovebabies!!! i also love man utd all because of giggsy!!!! hehe.. fell in love with him when he was the spokesperson for titus watch!!! hehe... yummy!!! lol...

btw.. juz to share.. here's my v handsome(in my opinion) nephew!!! of cos u all can vote for him if u all think he's handsome too lahz.. hehe...
formula milk
actually all brands are almost the same. the only difference lies in the mktg strategy of the milk powder company. tats y abbott is no 1 brand in singapore now.
as long as rachel has no problem after consuming the fm (diarrhea, constipation etc.) then, no problem.

Thks. Yun back to her normal self (alert &amp; playful)a/f 2 big "pisai" came out on sun mornin... haha so tat hv been disturbing her

trying to vote but webiste is down leh... will try again later

About training baby to sleep thru the nite, i had try out giving water but she suck a few mouth cry so no choice but give her milk. I guess it depend on the baby when they would give up the 2/3am feed.

Some baby like to eat
Some baby like to sleep
Some baby like to play

Her schedule is still very unpredictable. I would be very happy if she would just wake up once in the nite for feed.


when i clink on link b/f i can vote, it show starhub webpage first isit?


Congrats to Trinity!!
fr ur description, my boy is not ready 4 weaning!
he drinks so little everyday, esp while on EBM. and he dun empty both breasts. he nvr does tt anymore since he was 3 wks old. he now BF for usually 10 mins on 1 boob only.

tks ... abbott is what brand ? me so mountain tortise ahha ..

ya I am afraid she is allergic to cow's milk too.


heeh I fell in "love" with GIGGS or 61665 (my friend's dad named him cos he cant read English. LOL !) when I was abt 19 yrs old. HE was so young then .. well he is much more experienced now but I feel he has the charm and confidence on the field. Oooooops am I talking too much abt him ?

voted for ur Enzo too .. and yes ur nephew is one handsome kid ! Really know how to pose ah ? So vain ah ? ahahha

btw how come Enzo look so different now ?
ilovebabies.. u can never talk too much abt giggsy.. juz dun let ur hub see.. muahaha... enzo looks different??? hmm... maybe its the photo lahz.. i dun realli like it... he took it when my nephews went for the studio shot... kpo so juz take one or two... all not nice one.. haha... free one still complain.. haha..

melody... ya.. the starhub thing will appear for a while then u will see all the pictures...
<font color="0000ff">shirlyn, melody</font>,
thanks for ur congratz!!

<font color="0000ff">melissa, ling</font>,
*hi-5!* Hv u trimmed ur bb's hair b4? Some pp say if u trim, hair will grow faster. Also to apply olive oil. I dare not trim/cut Trinity's hair now... what if the hair doesn't grow?? May try the olive oil method though.. hmm...
where can i buy?

<font color="0000ff">daisybuttons, starz</font>,
most of Trinity's photos are taken by my hubby who loves photography! we've two DSLR - Nikon D2X and D70, and a Sony R1. On avoiding blur photos, juz want to share some tips

1) Take in bright conditions - if u're indoor, switch on the lights or take near windows where there's natural sunlight. Make sure the lighting brightens up the face, i.e. dun stand w back towards the light. This will result in backlit shots where face is dark but background is bright. If possible, take outdoors.... daytime of course!! haha..

2) Check that camera speed is high. For me, anything slower than 1/60sec will lead to handshake and blur photos. (Higher speeds are like 1/125sec, 1/200sec.) If speed is slow, use tripod. But of course if baby is moving, then cannot control lah!! But at least control ur own camera shake loh.
If ur cam cannot set speed (S-mode), then move to a brighter place to increase speed.

3) Use flash to freeze the shot. However I dun use direct flash which can irritate the eyes. My cameras hv hotshoe (on which u can fix an external flash), so can use bounce flash, i.e. flash is directed to the ceiling (or side walls) and bounces towards baby. Photo will look better than if direct flash is used.

4) If ur cam can adjust aperture (A-mode), then set aperture to a smaller number. Eg. set to f4 instead of f8. This will increase cam speed.

5) If ur cam can adjust ISO, set to higher ISO. Eg. ISO400 (vs ISO100), but photo may turn out grainier.

6) If above fails, ask baby not to move!! kekek...
wow wow puppylove ... are u sure you are not the photographer for trinity ? u know so much abt photography !

haah sad to say I am using CASIO Exlim series which I dont think I can do so much setting.

yes I do not use flash on my Rachel thus some pics turn out blur but I do not have the hotshoe leh.


hmm Enzo looks very baby in this pic yet he look so much older in the liverpool jersey.

love ur blog, esp d scrapebook... wow u must spend alot of time doing it hor,,,


Yun poo is wet, sticky &amp; grainy at times. Sometime 1 day 3x...

abbott has a range of product, the most popular one is similac which is advertise by zoe tay. I guess will have to observe her poo a/f feeding formular. If got constipation can try those hypoallergic milk powder which part of the milk protein is already broken down aids in digestion.
If diarrhea can try soy formular. Isomil taste quite nice

tks ! Rachel did tried similac before when my ss have not came in after delivery. But that time dont know whether she is allergic to it or not ? maybe I'll buy a small can to try out.


ehhe same here .. i hope Rachel always remain so cute like she is now !
if you want to try giving Rachel FM you can get some from me just to try it out on Rachel, what you can do is mix abit of the FM with your BF, I did that at first.

Abbott is the company and they are selling Similar lah. . hehehe.

Brought Sherilyn for her 2nd jab yesterday and she is doing fine not sign of fever, maybe it could be the pao sheng.

As for the brown rice we will be giving it to her next week just to try it out, will mix some of it to her milk and see what is her reaction.

She now weights 6.18kg and lenght 65cm, what about Rachel?

me voted for Enzo as well!!!!

I have heard that mixing FM with EBM is a no-no as it destroys the properties of EBM so as good as not BF. if I want to try, I will give Rachel one full feed of FM.

Oh my rachel is a small baby... only 5+kg. Doc say she is born small, so she will be "smallish". anyway PD says she oredi double her birth weight, so not a concern.
I just try it out on one feed with half a scope just to ensure that she is ok with FM.

If you want you can get some from us to try it out on Rachel.

Sherilyn is not very heavy as compare to you know who lah. . hahaha. I think girl better keep it that way.

Sherilyn now recognized me and will call (baby shouting) for me when she saw me and want me to carry her. So happy can't wait till the day our babies call us mummy!!!
thanx mommies for ur votes.. hehe...

oh.. enzo is losing weight lehz.. think cos he's a very active baby!! cos his milk intake is not that small... hmm....
i just went to your blog via Dernen's and realised you have 5 kids! Wow that's awesome! I'm hoping to have 4 but started a bit too late... heh... See how..

my baby also drinking like yours. 10 mins during daytime, she prefers to drink at nite. sigh... am so worried these few days coz she's not drinking. this morning only drank 30 mls! AH..... but i started to space out her feeding to 4hr intervals. Seems to be working.

no never shave... think no point. my hb n i both botak when we were born, now got hair.
shd be ok lah...

your sherilyn is very long/tall! 65cm! That's great, can be supermodel next time!
enzo losing weight??? He is not drinking??? Sherilyn is on 160ml but every 5 hours sometime she can drag all the way to 7 hours. I am abit worry that she is not having enough that is why i am giving her 180ml if she drag too long.

She is long as of now but you know how thing change as they grow. Dont wish her to be any super model just be good can liao. . hahahaha.
just went for lunch with the dept. Another embarassing moment when I cleared up all the leftover food on the table. Just too hungry and couldn't get enough. :=(
hehehe. . . it is ok lah. Just take it that you are helping out to clear out all the dishes in order not to waste food mah!!!!!
emma, enzo sure wins. so he is going england n leaving u behind then. hahaha!!!

how come when i click it, it says "michelle" n not "enzo"?

will vote 4 him.
thanks for the tip off on the food cube BP. How many should we order? Is 1 tray enough? I've seen in other BPs that some mummies got 5 - 10 trays? Is there another recommendation on how long can we keep the purees? Like EBM, 48 hrs in fridge and up to 3 months in freezer?
actually food cube is popular in 'big countries' bcoz supermarkets are not near the place. thus, mummies will prepare the food over weekend to last for 1 week. then they will go marketing in the weekend again to get fresh ingredients to make puree.

in addition, it is convenient for working mums to use food cube as it save time when preparing baby food.
thus, it is alrite to keep it freeze for at least 1 week. i dont recommend keeping for too long.

depending on how many solid food meals you intend to let your bb eat.

eg. 3 meals a day x 7 days = 21 meals.
so you probably need to buy 2 trays (on assumption you use 1 cube per meal)
hmm.. DG.. good question... maybe he and daddy can go.. and leave me here to zzz.. haha.. i desperately need the zzzzz... yawnzzz...
good for enzo. My dear Wayne is still drinking as little as 110ml every 2 n a half or 3 hours. sometimes, he can drink 120ml.. This is damn little. But PD says it's okie. BB don't need so much milk as what we think.

what brand of FM u using now ? Can pass me some ? tks in advance !


My rachel is the smallest here .. 2.4kg at birth. Now she is 4+mths.


u r not alone. after lunch, I am always looking for desserts, cakes, kueh ... whatever snacks I can find... very embarassing when I go out with guy colleagues and I insisted on the TOAST BOX kopi + toast bread after lunch. hahah

Here's my "smallish" Rachel :


i have a tin of Similac i bgt when rachel was born. However I only used it for a few days and hence the tin was not opened since then. Do u think I can still use it ? not safe hor ?
lil pony.. ya.. think they realli dun need that much lehz...as long as they are growing can alr.. hehe

ilovebabies.. smallish never mind.. so pretty... cannot complain.. hehe
