(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

wah, this is quite sian... i hate manual pumps... used 1 once and gave up. hahaha, (abt the stroller) er... that's why now got no $$ to buy playmat! hmmmph!

phoebe, dumpty,
i used to be like u girls, quite worried that my girl still poo a few times a day while everyone else poo once every few days. but my girl is still thriving well. she's also 6kg at 3 months. now she's poo once every 2-3 days. i think when the time comes, ur babies will follow the same pattern also lah.

flipping over,
my girl hasn't learn to flip yet but i'm not eager to let her learn. i know that she will learn to flip eventually. still giving her tummy time but she's always lazy to hold her head up hehe. reading you mummy's experiences, i think i will let her decide on her own whenever she's ready. she's so cute now i don't want to make her grow too fast!

nonsense, i don't think your baby is underweight. she's probably in the 25% percentile but i'm sure she's fine. don't force her to drink more if she don't want to ok? you can try though but don't force it.

thumb sucking,
my baby is a big thumb sucker! she hates the pacifier so to discourage her from sucking her thumb, we put back her mittens! or sometimes we let it be b'cos she look sooo cute that way haha. a friend of mine whose baby is now 7 months used to suck her thumb as well but do away with that now all by herself. i heard it's normal for babies to suck their thumb, just try not to make it into a habit.

yesterday i complained about very bad milk supply. well i had my 2nd pump and i got 5.5oz. looks like it had caught-up. girls, thanks for your support. i am trying to drink warm milo before pump and try to increase pump frequency. although now i find that my girl is usually done latching at 5 minutes instead of 10 minutes last time. but those methods helps. i am able to achieve 10oz after 2x pumping at 3hr interval today. wonder how much i will get on my 3rd pump at 5pm later. now i'm tempted to get an Avent Isis. i heard it drains your breasts much, much better than electric double pumps. sometime i find assembling and washing too many parts (using Ameda Lactaline) very troublesome!

i think some electric pumps can be battery operated. my Ameda Lactaline runs on batteries.
i'm using the avent duo electric pump. has the battery pack. but i'm away whole day in sentosa, not sure the battery can last how many pumps. hmm...
i think i asked a friend before how long can the battery-operated pumps last, she said 5 days of pumping at 3x pumping per day. not bad leh. think should be able to last u for one day and more lah. or else, bring extra pack of batteries.
melissa / diana
thanks for the info. will chk around on tat day with the staff there. see got better place to pump, rather than the toilet (although hotel toilets are clean)
will also lug extra batteries to sentosa
I love the socks you got for DN, can order online not? Can give me the link?

Does Avent Duo come with battery pack? I was using it (rented) but changed to PIS cos I thought Duo doesn't have battery pack and I don't have power socket in the office toilet.

Glad to hear that your SS is back

Welcome on board. Very pretty mummy.
studio photo
I had some taken for free when Trinity was 2 mths. Was helping out to be free BB model for a photographer friend. That's the photo I have on my MSN now.

Ya.. he was already 6.6Kg when u last saw him leh.. heheh.. manage to hide his fat well ..hahaha. You should look at his thights! my god! SOOOO FAT !

Phoebe, try to ask the organiser if they can get you a room to express your milk (I am assuming you having your conf in one of the hotels)

Joon and Ling, both of you still look young lah. Dont worry !! Me too over 30 !! sigh... But what most matters is young at heart !
Joon, oh forgot to ans you on Cayden's bd.. he is born on 10th sept !!! I was praying so hard that he will not delivered on Sept 11th..hahaha.. My boss was asking if i am going to have a terrorist son !
got msn, [email protected]

thank you!

yah that's what i thot too... just worried that she might not be growing much... but i guess she's like me, eating is not life. heh... But thanks for the encouragement. Baby's like me also, a bit hard to force anyways... heh
woah.. its been some time boi.. been real bz and tired ever since i had to go back to sch for meetings... sigh... fell sick prob cos i was so tired.. and the worst thing is cos i'm sick i cannot carry enzo.. think i should go buy some masks...

ling.. welcome welcome..

eling.. dun worry k.. amabel will be fine...
oh dear... that's awful... but don't worry, ur BM has lotsa antibodies and enzo will be fine
hope u get well soon... damn those 1st day of school blues!!

heh heh heh... cayden really does hide it well! hee hee... thanx for the photos! i'll send the ones PF took over too

thanx for the compliment
heh heh, punk hair? more like "no hair"!
geez, i don't know how he got so fat... i guess all my worries abt not having enough milk was unfounded! btw, i saw the comparison pic of enzo in his liverpool jersey... so cute! golly, it fits him just right now
hi, chk w u all, normally by the time i bring bb home it's ard 8.30-9pm. do u think i shld try to make him sleep soon? coz i read most of ur bb sleep at 8pm? i know sleep is impt for them. but i really wish to play w kai a while more. but afraid of overstimulating him and later he cant get to sleep.
DN sleeps abt 10pm
... before his bedtime, we don't play "noisy" games with him or make lotsa noise. we usually read to him and lie down with him and talk to him before his last feed. after the last feed, he usually sleeps very easily.

why don't u just follow kai's cues? if he's sleepy, it's going to be so diff for u to keep him awake, and if he's NOT sleepy, it's also going to be difficult to make him sleep!!! so just follow and see what he wants to do
wow i think then mine is a pig. she is in bed and she insists to be in bed by 7.30pm!! if i dun chg her into her sleepsuit by that time she get cranky. like as if she got own body clock!
u know.. i realli wish enzo can zzz a lil earlier... he sleeps earliest 1130, latest 1am... i need to wake up at abt 630... so its realli tiring...
but i get to play with him alot lahz.. my fren asks me to train him to zzz early... how do i do that? is it possible?
reduce the play time. dont get him so excited at nite thus not able to sleep.
slowly, you will be able to train him to sleep earlier, probably around 10 plus.
dont think can be so early like blessedmommy's gal - 730pm!!
phoebe, in fact i wish mine sleep earlier, like 7pm???!! hehe.. cos at nite is usually the time i get to spend with my boys, after she sleep n knowing she wont wake up for anything else other than milk.
mine usually sleeps at about 10 - 11pm. If we are lucky, her feed will be between that time and she will fall asleep by herself right after the feed. Otherwise, if she drinks at say 8++ 9++ pm, then I'll try to give her a top tail wipe, put her in bed and read to her and pat pat her to sleep around 10:30.

BFing mummies,
Do you still BF on demand when at home, or do so on a fixed schedule? Eg. When you mention that you latch before going to work, do you wake BB to latch regardless if they are awake or hungry? Or your BB's automatically wake up and get hungry at the same time every morning?
did u manage to find the lady with the socks? coz i found her thread last night. do u want me to post it here?

I never really fed on demand since DN was born. (only when he's super cranky and cannot wait!) I feed him every 3 hrs. It works for us coz now we can "expect" when he'll get hungry. Also it's easier for my MIL to feed him - she knows when to start heating up the milk coz it's almost feeding time, rather than to wait for his hungry cues. This is DN's daily feed schedule...

7am (or so, sometimes 6.30am, sometimes 7.30am)

coz i'm still total BFg, he still wakes up for 1 feed in the night, sometimes twice, before the 7am feed the next day. (i hope i haven't been long-winded!!)
DN is such a good boy as compare to Sherilyn thou both are born on the same day. Sherilyn now drinks 160 180ml but there are terms and conditions to feeding her.
First she must have a nap before feeding time then she will finish all the milk otherwise she will only drink half of it and no matter how you give it to her she will refuse it.

She only has 4 feed per day which I think it is not enough for her. If we try to give her some more milk in between she will use her hands and push it away or swing her head here and there.

Any mummies out there have this problem?
Sha.. 4 feeds per day means she drinks every 6 hrly??? enzo also dun realli like milk.. he drinks every 3 hrly, but only 140-150... sometimes also mood swing, dun wanna finish... so i have to spoon feed him the remainder...
Sleeping Time
Sherilyn has been training since the second month onwards which I have learn from the parenting craft to create a sleep environment for her so at around 9 to 10pm I will carry her the room and sing to her and let her know that it is bed time and my hubby will read to her sometime as well (if there no soccer match during that time. . hehehehe).

So now around 9:30pm she will sleep and we will feed her around 12 to 1am coz she drink her milk at about 5 to 6pm and will refuse to drink anymore if we feed her around 10+ . After which her next feed would be at 7am.
Wayne is still drinking a mere 100-110ml. He can be fed every 3 hours or sometimes 2 n a half hours. Also got mood swing.. sometimes, get cranky...

It's normal becos they are now more observant with the environment. And therefore, tend to move alot more.

I juz let him b. most of the time, he will finish his milk but sometimes, he will push away and i will just let him have his way. I will then readjust the next feeding time to about 2 hours or so.
Yes that is why I am rather worry, if we try to feed her early say 5 hour after the next feed she will cry and she will spill out every thing even if it is inside her mouth.

That is why I think she is not having enough milk. That is why I try to feed her 180ml most of the time but my MIL do not seem to see it that way and only feed her 150 160ml each time.
What I normally do is if she only finish half bottle of the milk, I will keep it warm and in the same time I will make let her sleep and feed her again when she wake up. That is me as I give all my attention to her but when she is in the care of my MIL it is another story.

If she cant the milk this time round the next feed she will make lesser for her. Hiaz.
I found the thread, but seems like she doesn't have the sneaker type. Think I will try to buy from Pangbaobao.

I try to make sleepy environment for my gal too. But now she is able to recongise the bedroom and knows how to 'retaliate'. Last nite I was trying to put her to sleep at 10, but she wasn't sleepy at all. The moment we carried her into the room she started to twist and turn and wail until we brought her back to the living room.
So no choice, have to wait till next feed time at 11pm and then she kuai kuai fall asleep after her meal.
i put my girl on 3-hr schedule when i'm at work but when i'm back at home, it's feed for demand for her. i find that she will still take in milk and suckle and when i tried to unlatch her she will throw into a fit. she probably missed me and wanted to fall asleep in my arms. whenever i shift her to her cot she will wake up and cry again. *sigh* i've been very tired eversince i started work. her sleep schedule also go haywire. she will only sleep at 2am and wake up again at 5am for feeds. she sleeps through the morning though.. *faint*

she also still feed 110ml every 3 hours but sometimes she can take in up to 200ml. till now i still don't know her limits! i just can't pump that much!
Sha, i also face the same problem, unless yun wake up from her sleep if not we had to split the feed to 2x. Currently she on 3hrly, & only 90ml... sianz so little yet she dun wan to drink.
you can ask your MIL to feed as much as the bb wants and if bb reject, then readjust her feeding time abit closer like every 3 hrs interval.

Anyway, i think your bb is at her 4th month alreadi right? If you see that she is not drinking too much of milk, perhaps you can start introduce cereal to her. Let her feed on cereal once a day. That will help to supplement her milk intake.

do u tink i shd bring yun to the PD cause yesterdae she spilt out some phlegm. tis 2 day she dosen't seem to drink only drink 2oz & sleep more than usual.
blessedmommy, hehee.. there is one more piggy here.. Cayden sleeps early too.. around 7.30pm (latest 8pm). And we cant stop him from sleeping as he will get really cranky and he will make sure the whole neighbourhood knows about it !!!!
wah i missed so many posts!!!

gathering - cannot cannot 27 Jan!!! change date can? that day super busy. BIL rom that evening and afternoon gotta go changi chalet to meet my friends.

orange, thanks for uploading!

crystallised, he changed a lot since u last saw him meh? maybe he look blur blur in the pic hahahaa.

ling - oh dear! hope annabel is okie now? only 3 secs she fall? really scary.

flipping - my Jovann haven't managed to flip totally yet. he's been on his side a lot nowadays, but keep being stuck there hahaha! hubby wanna help him but i stopped him coz if he does flip with his help then not counted mah!

joon and pheobe, i got the bumper playmat too. mine is the rainbow pooh one, thickest at 15mm. hehehe. coz during full mth my friend asked what i wanted, i specified that. think it costs around $180 then, but they have quite a few ppl sharing so i dun feel too bad. else i dunno when i will buy leh, so exp! but we LOVE IT! hehehe. its so nice and colourful. just took it out last weekend and put in our cosy corner. its green shades, and once Jovann was in his green romper he look "lost" in the bright forest hehehe. then now his duvet is on the playmat and the duvet cover is the green and blue. whenever i pass by the playcorner i always feel it looks super cosy and "playable" hehehee. hubby took a nap there twice liaoz.

joon and phoebs and DG, may i know where is st andrews? hubby and i discussing where to send him next time. he suggested st andrews but its in AMK right???

ilovebabies, i am from RV high! hehehe. but too bad RV primary and high is not affiliated, dun think can get my boy in coz of that.
I give up talking to my MIL so whatever it is I will tell my hubby to talk to her instead.

Yes will start giving her some cereal after her second jab next Monday. I will ask my own mum to but the raw stuff and grill it for my baby.

Ya.. sometimes, it's definitely better to get the son to talk to the mum. Don't worry too much. Bb gets cranky sometimes but as long they are healthy, it's fine!
oh, DN is not all that good all the time! he has his cranky days too and will cry the house down!! arghhhh... the good thing abt Sherilyn is she lets u sleep for quite a long stretch! i think as long as her weight gain is good, u don't have to worry
what her weight and height now btw? the last time DN got weighed at the doc's he was 5.9kg and 59cm at 3.5 mths.

if enzo is drinking 140ml every 3 hrs, that's ok right? is that too little? coz when DN is with my MIL, i give her bottles with 130ml of EBM for each feed, 3-hrly. is that too little?????

yah, i checked too... looks like she only has the girls type left
abt trinity's sleep pattern, looks like she's very smart and cannot be tricked! hee hee hee...

i know how u feel abt the pumping! coz i'm not pumping enough to replace what DN is drinking at my MIL's when I'm at work. he takes 3 feeds with her (390ml) but when i pump twice at work, i can only pump abt 340ml.

what colour was yun's phlegm and how much was it? does she seem to be uncomfortable or super cranky? is she running a fever?

blessedmommy & orange,
jo and cayden having their beauty sleep!!! hur hur hur...

st andrew's is at potong pasir. if u drive along the PIE towards changi, it's located where the CTE crosses the PIE, just after toa payoh. u thinkg of st andrew's eh? i now within 1km of the school actually. wouldn't it be so funny if all our boys went there!? wah... ur description make me very gian to get the playmat!!!!!

alamak! my post is so long!
hi, kai is having blocked nose today. heard him cough a few times (not choking on salivia). no fever. wonder if we shld bring him to the doc?
sleep time
My boy used to sleep at 7.30pm latest by 8pm also. But ever since I went back to work, because I can't reach home earlier than 7.15pm usually, he'll "wait" for me so now his sleep time adjusted to around 8.30pm already.

Talking about that, I was so heart ache last night. Coz of late meeting and the traffic jam due to rain, I reached home around 7.45pm. Guess what? My mum was carrying my boy and he looked quite glum when I reach the door. The moment I enter, he started to cry and want me to carry. So I carry and he calm down a bit and then when I pass him to my mum to carry while I change, he wailed so loud! Makes me so heart pain but I'm also glad that he knows how to miss me now! :p

Hehe... I also thinking of enrolling Gabriel in St Andrews. I believe it is at Potong Pasir right? The St Andrews village where Pri, Sec and JC all next to each other. But I'm not affiliated leh. Sigh... gotta do volunteer service then isit?
im fr rv pri, hope to let kai attend rv pri too since it's oso nearby, but the nearest is still chang de pri which is just across the road.
do bring kai to see doctor. after wayne's incident, we just bring him to see doc if we hear him coughing .... it may be just a minor cold but juz get the doctor to make sure.
angeline, i bf on demand when im w kai. even not for hunger, for comfort oso gd.

thus i actually hv no schedule for hus feed or sleep. wat a messy mother right?

i told my mom to just feed him whenever he seems to be hungry, no fixed timimg. if he's super cranky, my mom will feed him like 60ml to let him go to bed.

mine is low fat mom's milk, so im not worried he's taking more. he's only 5.4kg 60cm at 3.5mth.

we are trimming wayne's hair again tis Sunday.
We shaved off his hair during 1st month. After 3 months, his hair has grown so much.. to make it nicer, we going to trim his hair this coming Sunday, as a form of celebrating his 4th month. heee!! will post up photo next monday for the new look of his!
