(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Sherilyn has been flipping and she is now rather good and fast at it that is why we are now watching her like hawk. She also flip when she is asleep and she turn here and there roll all over the bed, think we need to get her a bigger bed.

I am now so sick having not been resting well the past few nights. It is a long story MIL problems as you know that she refuse to let Sherilyn eat pacifier so the poor girl suck her thumb SO HARD until there is blister and the skin torn and she say that she did not notice it. SO ANGRY!!!!

hi mummies, started work yesterday ! and it took me alomost 2 hours before i can get out of my place!!! so told my boss, i will work from home as much as possible unless there is f2f meeting. but my company nursing room is really great. there are 2 cubicles with sink, power plug, facial towel and frige
so expressing milk is really easy !

Joon, i still didnt get your email leh... my email and msn account is [email protected]

daisybuttons, your neck must be long long liao.. ha ha... as i still dont have the chance to send the photos across to u.. was busily clearing my emails last few days.. promise i will do it by today okie!

Joon, will try to post one of the playgroup photo here ya !

aiyo .. rem to wear a mask when u r close to Sherilyn. I know what u mean ... that's why I intro pacifier to Rachel when she turns 1 mth old. Already expecting such prob with sucking thumb. Prob u get ur hubby to convince ur MIL ? It's is always easier to go thru hubby.

Rachel also turn all over her bed. My sis will be giving me her play pen, maybe I put Rachel inside LOL
Saw your blog, DN got your big eyes he will be getting a lot of admirers when he grows up. . .hehehehe. . .

We have try to talk and convince her to used and I even put the pacifier into Sherilyns mount right in front of her but when I got on the plane to USA she refuse to STUDDORN and this really make me angry lor.

Yes I avoid going close to her so my hubby has to feed and changed her diaper last night.

During the day time we just put Sherilyn on the folderable mattress on the floor even when she flip and turn she will not fall off or hurt herself. But we make sure that the floor is clean twice a day and the mattress cover is change every week. I am rather particular about it especially when it come to keeping it clean for my baby. . .hehehehe

Hi Ling,
Welcome on board!

After reading and see your blog, I think I better go push my hubby butt and ask him to update it as he has been taking lots of photo of our babies but never update it.
Thanks for all mummies concern. Thanks DN's kiss.

yah lor so furious... i told y maid shouldnt listen to others, should call me immediately. so piss off with my sil also. She is also a mother and was 2 months pregnant, she should understand how i wish to know if anything happen to my girl. So should inform me mah.

So lesson learnt, nv leave bb unattended even is just one sec. BB take less than two sec to flip. And dun be happy if bb know how to flip early. It will need more of ur attention.

Amabel like to flip, keep flipping non stop unless someone talk and play with her. Even she sleep also will flip, sometime walk up seeing her on tummy playing herself. Luckily my bed is platform and her mattress is placed on the floor bedside my bed. So not worry she will fall. But my in law bed damn high lor.
She is soooo naughty and playful. What a headache

hehe, Rachael is sooooo pretty.

blessedmommy, ur boy also fell from bed so young. You must be damn worry like me.
joon, ilovebabies, thanks, managed to upload already. Baby started crying as soon as i pressed post! She's down for nap already.

Oh... you gals have blogs? what's your blog address? I've been looking around for blogs of babies that are same age as sophie but very hard to find leh.

Anyways... how old are your babies? Sophie is still struggling to hold her head steady coz she always turn to one side n one side is stronger than the other i think. And i think her head too big for her small neck... hmm...
Hey E-ling,

sayang mummy & Amabel! dun worry, my sister last time dunno roll off bed like countless times.. still ok mah.. keke

the mediacorp show will be on channel 8 every monday nite @ 10:30pm about pregnancy & life after baby.. the one where have some of the Aug mummies & my jadelle will be shown on 22nd Jan 2007.. :p keke.. may not even have my Jadelle, as she was cranky and wanted to latch on and i paisay to latch on in front of camera & everyone, so i ran into the room and hide! keke
OMG! that's terrible! it must hurt little Sherilyn. actually the pacifier is not that bad and i read that the crooked-teeth-thing is just a myth, so pacifiers are alright. why is ur MIL so against them??

u're right! i minimise minimise until the picture is the size of an insect still 52KB!
grrrr! i give up!

sorry, orange, i tried but cannot! haiii... wah, but ur office sounds GREAT! and u can work from home??? so ideal!!! i'm so jealous!

I watch that show before. Very informative for MTBs now. Too bad, we have passed that stage already. Ok will look for ur Jadelle ... eheh shld be easy to spot cos she resemble ur hubby a lot, right ? esp her big eyes and thick eyebrows.


understand understand. dont be angry. ask hubby to tell MIL nicely. hope MIL understand. tell her every baby is different, cannot compare to baby of our era. A lot of things have changed including our lifestyle and standard of living for eg.

I also agree with bb around, we must be hygenic and hse shld be kept as clean as possible. But my hse is only mop once a week when we are at home during weekends. Other than that, the windows are shut during day time so hopefully less dust.

I use to have a mattress on my L shape sofa for Rachel to nap in the living room. Now i dont dare to let her sleep there, so she only sleep in her cot. at least i feel safe if I am not with her.

Eling is right.. sometimes it is good if they flip later. Though Rachel still cannot flip all the time, I am still worried even when I am sleeping. Sometimes she may grab her blanket and pull over her face though I swaddle her, lightly.

Ling, my bb blog is http://rachelgiggles.blogspot.com/
hmm... DN is still not rolling abt leh... he just turns to one side, gets his arm trapped below and then starts complaining! hurummphh...! hahahahahha... he's a little lazy boy!
welcome Ling,

yah bb at this stage really need alot of attention even if he still not yet flip

Jasmine, wah jadelle will be a star then. KK saw that show last week, very informatic show, will watch it again, hopefully can see jadelle
sorry to hear amabel fall. *sayang*

purposely choose a school near my mum's place (which is next door). so he no need to wake up so early, and after school, can just walk back. save $$ on bus fare. haha.
his school start at 745am, so 730am then walk downstair to go to school.
my and hubby not concern on primary school. as long as its not the worst school (bad reputation kind), just enrol him. wat is impt is convenient so that he wouldnt be tired.
coz other than the sch teachers, it is also parents' duty to teach their children. so if his result is good, he can then enrol in those premium sec sch. my hubby wants his son to be like him mah. haha.

baby sophie is 2 day earlier than baby javier. my boy is 27 Sept. delivered in MEH.

today brought him for his 5-in-1, at the same time do his 3mth assessment.

At 3mth 8 day old:
Head: 40.5cm
Length: 62cm
Weight: 7.0kg

javier is trying this stunt has Saturday. tried in his cot, on my bed, on the sofa, in his pram, in our arms (almost everywhere when he is lying down except the bathtub)

so far, he aint successful

and when he cant flip after afew tries, he started to make noise. then we give him a push to help him flip. haha.

will be soon he will be able to flip by himself. like wat diana said, after that, he will have to be placed on the floor. going to buy him a bumper playmat

so exciting. aug mummies gathering got mediacorp filming. we also want!!?? haha..
so gathering is confirmed on 27 Jan (Sat) at DG's place. will do potluck then, ok?

let's start to compile name list and food:
You are right - if your baby learns to flip early you really need to watch over them like a hawk!!! Even when they are asleep!

You should tell your maid that her first priority is to look after your baby and if there is anything she should be telling / calling you immediately and not listen to what other say.
eling, How's amabel? *sayang sayang*

ling, welcome!
Sohpie is very cute! Did you shave her head before?

I would love to join but if it's on 27th I may have to miss it coz Gabriel wil be going for his 2nd jab on that day! He had his 1st 5-in-1 last week and after that he kind of lost his appetite for a few days. So poor thing... I think is due to the pain.

baby flipping,
Gabriel is already flipping. And he also keep wanting to flip whenever I put him on bed or mattress. I was very excited when I first saw him do that but now I think have to be careful after reading some of the postings. Gotta watch out.

pumping at work
Sigh... I also struggling to keep up my ss. Now 2 pumping sessions at work only yields about 400+ml, which is only enough for 3.5 feeds. But during the daytime, he'll be feeding 4 x 120ml. So I gotta still be diligent and pump once in the morning and night time. On top of that, will latch him after my dinner for his last feed, then twice at night and finally once in the morning. I must be one of the weird one here. Not really missing my boy alot even though I do wonder whether he is feeding, peeing and pooing alright during work :p But I hardly call home to check.

Wah. So fast we have a little star in the making liaoz? ;)
My Gabriel's assessment at 3 months 6 days old last week was:
head : 42cm
length : 62cm
weight : 6.4kg

I'm very happy coz his weight gain for 2 months is exactly 2 kg which means avg of 1kg/mth. Hehe... as per what some of your PD informed right?
javier assessment during 1mth, he was 3.95kg. so in 2 mths, he put on 3kg. haha.
but nvm lar. he dont look overweight. anyway, PD said good growth. no problem.
Wah! Your BM must be helping Javier gain all the good weights! Gabriel was heavier that Javier at 1 month (4.4kg) but now lose to him liaoz! hahaha... But I'm not worried as long as he still alert and playing
Except that he is still pooing several times a day! I read that most of your babies are pooing once a day or every other day so wondering if Gabriel is normal. Could he be not absorbing my BM well huh?
hi sha, maybe e next visit to PD u should bring ur MIL along, then ask PD abt pacifier see wat PD says.
tat day i brought my mum to normal GP with my boy, e GP saw my boy sucking his thumb n immediately she commented, y nv give him pacifier? pacifier can thrown away next time but thumb cant throw away...wat she means was is easiler to kick away sucking habit by throwing away pacifier when baby older but is difficult to kick away if baby sucking thumb
I will go if both my hubby and I are not on Biz trip
count me in first ya !!

Joon, yup.. i can work from home. My company allows flexible working hours and we can work from home as long as we deliver our tasks. BUT, i have lots of night confs leh.. so dont envy me !
read in forum alot of mummies' babies poo once a day or every other day. but mine still poo everyday (4-5 times)
but i feel as long as he's still growing (& putting on weight), is alert and happy. nevermind lar.
just need to buy more diapers only lor
my boy usually poos once every 2 or 3 days. it was rare tt he poo-ed 3 times yesterday while at my mum's plc! if me & hb were ard, we wld hv danced for joy!!!
everyday we will nag and ask him to poo... massage his tummy as well but dun seemed to help all the time.

as long his poo is still mustard yellow colour, guess he is absorbing well.

was javier planned aft a 6 yr's gap?
u r oso rite in a sense tt being older, he can help wif minor errands and can understd hvg a little sibling ard.

aft u mummies kept talking abt baby's falling down, i started to get fearful oso though my boy cant flip yet. its scary tt juz 1 sec & they can fall off liao.
the 3 babies looked sort of shocked tt they were in the pix! hehehe

Jovann's features had changed! he looked different now!

ur DN looked so good & chubby!!! so huggable!
No matter if your bb has learnt to flip or not, just ensure that if you r planning to leave your bb on the bed and u go do something, just ensure that you guard the bed with lots of pillows and bolsters. But still best, to have them lying on the mattress on the floor.

Bb can flip without anyone's notice... So, just be careful.

Btw, i like to ask if anyone brought their bb to take studio photos? I am asking becos i am quite keen to bring wayne to take studio photos as well but dunno which is good.
nah. it wasnt planned. haha.
after dexter was 3yrs old, wanted to try for another one. earlier then, was on pill for 2yrs (birth control)
no luck. so decided to let nature take its path. then another 2yrs later, got another baby

not too bad either. at least dexter is old enuff to entertain himself, and i got more time to look after javier.
and now, dexter treats javier as his 'pet' haha.
<font color="ff0000">Exercise to POO</font>
there is an 'exercise' which u &amp; ur baby can do to help the digestive system works better, thus clearing out the toxic (to poo)

when u wake up in the morning (before u start to step down, while in bed), u do this exercise. <font color="0000ff">remember, cannot step on floor yet hor</font>

you turn / roll your feet in clockwise direction 30 times, then anti-clockwise direction 30 times.
by doing so, you 'activate' your lower body system to work (stomach and intestines). you should be able to have a good bowel that day.

both my sons do it everyday. every effective. for babies, you help to 'roll / turn' their feet. for javier, within 1-2hrs, he will poo and clear his system.
Rachel is so cute!

Aiyo my little one is botak from birth. Didn't shave her at all. Did you shave your baby's? We're not sure if it helps in anyway coz my husband n i both botak when born and didn't shave, now ok leh.

Phoebe, dumpty,
My pd says Sophie is underweight. She was 3.95kg at birth so by now shd be 6plus kg but still 5.9, if i'm not wrong. This morning i weighed she's 5.6. Tom going PD, will see how. Your babies are good weight! Me have been really worried last two weeks, trying to get her to drink more but she doesn't want.
thanks for uploading the pics! thanx for ur email add, i'll send u the ones my hb took too

yeah! his milk belly! didn't think of that! hahahaha

i saw the playmat, but it's quite expensive! or is this the usual price of a playmat? is there anything special abt the one u're buying?

yeah, he's a chubby-wubby! i'm always so afraid that he's putting on too much weight

u can check out DN's blog at http://der-nen.blogspot.com does sophie have a blog? pls share!
Hi Elaine,
We have told her many many times but she think she is right and she feel that it is ok to suck the thumb. Have quarrel and make noise to my hubby but there is little he can do as my MIL has before cry and say that the son is not filial, now got a wife do need to listen to mother, these and that and threat to disown him as well.

I am also thinking to bring Sherilyn to the studio not now but few months later at least wait till her hair grow out. I am planning to go back to the studio that took our wedding photos at Upper Thomas known as Precious Moment.
OMG! that's sounds terrible! alamak, like that very difficult, i agree. i think she's sad that her son has "left her" and she feels lonely.
i guess she just wants to feel "wanted". oh dear...
ya..the playmat is expensive. but now got 20% discount. getting the world map at $119.20
during the previous BP in Nov, i didnt get coz i find it expensive and not sure how big (cannot visualise)
but saw the picture of the map in the oct mummies gathering, looks quite big. so decided to get for him.
if u wan to get, now short of 1 more to hit 10 pcs for the BP.

bb javier was born 2745g. so i'm happy with his growth. actually already find him heavy to carry. haha.
Hehe... so our babies behave the same as of now.

Sigh... I wish my boy will take pacifier. But he absolutely hates it and wails so loud when I gave him the pacifier. He so much prefers the thumbs/fingers/fists.

I shaved Gabriel's hair on his first month. Now still looks botak. hahaha...

How much is Sohpie drinking now? Gabriel had been kindda stuck at 120ml +/- 10ml ever since 1.5 months! He's now 3 months 2 weeks old liaoz.
that's great. actually even at Sophie's weight i find her heavy to carry...heh. maybe coz i skinny. is javier fully breastfed?

heh... ok.. in that case, maybe no point shaving.. so cute. Hmm... if i express she drinks max 100-130mls but sometimes only 30mls! Sigh... But norm i don't express coz i'm home, a bit troublesome to keep pumping. I think 120ml regularly is great!

Welcome on board! Your bb's birth weight seems to be the champion of the thread!

Javier is so chubby and cute! Guess he'll reach 8kg at 4month, so my girl will not be alone!

I'd try to make it for the gathering, so I'm updating the list now.

Gathering Update

thanx for the link! can i link DN's blog to sophie's blog? u look really young
i don't have time to read everything, but will do so later after work!!! can't wait!

thanx for the info... i'll think abt it coz it's kinda pricey... ahhhhh...
yes, javier is current still on total breastfeeding. i hope when i'm back to work, can maintain supply to continue.

not sure if he's the champion. haha.
emma's baby also very chubby 1 ler. wat time do u normally knock off from work? we havent meet up yet!!

think abt it lor. aiya..since u already get the super exp $$ stroller, can still get 1 more mat rite? heehee

aiyah.. cayden poo at least 3 big poos a day as well !! but he is gaining good weight though.. he was born 2.74Kg and dropped to 2.5Kg after he had Jaundice. At 3 mths 8 days, he was 6.6Kg !!
i think its alrite that they poo more than once a day, as long as they are still growing.

my boy drinks frequent somemore. used to be 2hrs, abt 100ml. now trying to stretch his hrs. heehee. so far managed daytime to stretch to abt 3hrs, and drinks abt 130ml. but at nite, he still wants 2hr feed. heehee.
welcome on board!!! Went into your blog. Nice blog design plus well, hey..... forums r fine...and probably you get hooked on to it like i do! We are a nice bunch of people! haaaa! besides chatting online, we share msn and msg! And most impt, we share stories of our babies!!
I know off at 6pm, reach home at around 7pm. But my bb usually sleep at 8pm, so have to cuddle her to sleep from 7to8pm.
My mum &amp; bb hang out at the pool side everyday leh , usually twice a day. I always try to accompany them during weekend. Will SMS you next time to meet! Or maybe you can go down now to find out if there is a SUMO bb there !

sure! heh look young but not young anymore...
Past 30!

yah me too TBF but baby's demanding less n less so seems like my supply also follow suit. like today, don't wanna feed, don't wanna sleep. She feeds like 5 mins and she's done. I just keep feeding her on and off so that at least i know she's getting some in. Sigh... When do you go back to work?
me going back to work 11 jan.
then 1st day of work got to go sentosa for conference meeting.
am wondering no powerpoint, got to use manual pump, so sian.

hahaha... me too... over 30 and over the hill...

wow! cayden didn't look 6.6kg when i last saw him leh! when's his bday btw? i know u told me b4, but i forgot... bleah... i think labour pain killed off some brain cells... bleah...
