(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Alamka your MIL come over every day to play with the baby just bear with it for the time being and your will learn to appreciate it later.

Chinese saying . . . "house got one old is like having a treasure."

Chngs Wife,
I too walk off and does something like prepare the milk, toilet or wash my hand, etc when my in laws carry my little princess, take it easy and think positive as what Littlpony say "dont get too depressed over it". I always tell myself learn to let go, life is like a box of chocolate. . .hahahaha. . . which is true sometime it is sweet and some is quite bitter lor.

Which location will your new house be at???

So how much do you feed him now???

I am so happy this morning my little princess managed to finished 125ml and sleep for 4 hours since 11pm last night, wake up at 3am and 7am for her milk . . . yippy.

On 02 October, she weight 4.3kg and on 16 Oct she weight 4.6kg, she is growing strong and healthy.

Yes her features are changing and I keep asking her and myself who she look like lor. I hope she took the best features of daddy and mummy . . . hahahaha. . .maybe my eyes and what of the father . . hmmmmmmmmmm. . . the brain of the father sound brilliant right??? My hubby is smarter than me. That is why he married me being one of the smart moves as well. . . hahahaha.

Some of my friends say she has my face shape.

you have "GREAT in laws". You are a lucky gal. I am not complaining as well coz I dont expect too much therefore I dont feel that much as well.

A piece of advise : Everything we do be it feeling, action or words will come back to us eventually one day or some how I believed in Karma and the children will learn from us we, are like a mirror reflection to them. Just think in that manner and you will feel better.

I have a coleg her children learn from her when she speak evil stuff about friends or relative and one day out of the blue her daughter tell her off the exact words and say since you are doing it why can't I???
You when to Singapore Baby and Child Clinic?? I brought my princess there two days ago coz she have a little flu due to the stupid haze lor.

Which branch you went to ?? I went to the one the AMK and my girl is Dr Koh, nice guy.
Sha, my new house is @ Cantonment, e Pinnacle. It's currently building lah..so wait lor.

Actually, I felt better after pouring here. It seems better than pouring to hubby.
hi gals, have been following all ur "conversations" ever since i was preggie. v interesting! can i join in? i delivered my gal on 4th sept. she was 18 days early, weighing 3.26kg 50cm.
Welcome on board. . . sure you can join in!

Chng's wife,
No problem pour as much as you - we are all ears for you. . .hehehehe.

My little princess is with my MIL, my hubby carry her over this morning before he go off to work. My MIL stay a few block away from us.

If your mummy or MIL is willing to help you to look after your baby for few days then you work your project as well. . . check with them lor.
How tall is Rachel now?? On 02 October during the check-up Sherilyn is 54cm. . .she is growing. .. hehehehe. . .
Sha.. i wish i could... but my mother in law is pretty old... and not well enough to take care of enzo... my mom is still working, so cant also... sigh.... headache ah... me been working into the nights after enzo zzz.... never mind lahz.. soon it'll be over... exams end in november... then i can enjoy my time with enzo alr!!! cant wait!!!
Just hang on there for the time being lor. . .

Me also sian have been looking for job but not successful as well. Hope things will get better for all of us. . .hehehehe.
Wei Kuan,
I think it could have some effect due to the motor power of the pump and also the design of it as well.

Well let's see what the rest say.
littlepony... on behalf of bb, thanks for compliments haha...finally see u posting here ar.. in any case.. i really enjoy our smses every now and then..haha
Hi to all the mommies,

When I saw the comments abt staying with MIL, I can relate to the hiccup incident that some of u mentioned. In the end, I told myself, she is only doing it for she cares for the baby. I can only pour out woes to hubby but it does make me feel much better after that. Initially, I had even contemplated moving out or even back to my parents' place. Anyway, situation is improving, I suspect hubby did talk to her abt it.

chng's wife,
i am also waiting for my flat@pinnacle! guess next time, we'll be neighbours. everytime i drive along AYE, i will check out the progress of the construction. now, at least can see parts of the flat. 2009 is indeed a LONG way to go...

btw my gal is 6 weeks 4 days old ^.^
thks for the welcome. saw ur gal's pic. v cute!!

i read ur situation regd ur older boy. i think its common prob. i have 3 older boys at home n i understand what u mean. try to spend some quality time alone with him, assure him of ur love. how old is ur older boy? my 3 yr old at times get v jealous of his sister but not my 5 yr olds. its not easy yah managing a bb with an older kid but hang it there, the worst will be over soon. the 2 boys will soon be playing (and fighting!) together n im sure will melt ur heart!!
Wow the topic seems to roll around MILs. On the other hand, my MIL and mom hands are full with taking care of grandchildren so i'm pretty much left on my own. However I am supervised by my mom she will tell me what to do and how to do it. That's why she's not so strict about confinement rules. I guess I'm few of the lucky ones.

You're right about breast pumping. I expressed milk only when I need to go out. I will leave bb with my mom but I will instruct my mom to only give her my BM. Eversince i started expressing, my breasts has started to become engorged again. I thought my milk supply has somewhat stabilized but pumping is disruptive! Last night I can feel lumps in my breasts so I always look forward to bb crying for milk so that I can DBF her. Thank God, she managed to suck the lumps away!

you're very welcome to join this group. since you have other children, you're more than welcome to share your experience or answer our blur questions about raising our first babies hehe.

my paediatrician is from Kinder Clinic lah. think u mistook me with littlepony hehe.

hi melissa, johannah (my gal's name) is in fact my 5th child. my 4th boy unfortunately left me last yr at 7 weeks old due to heart complications.

there is someone in this grp with 4 kids too right? who is that huh?

most of u r working moms huh. any sahm here?

ur gal is so round! bm is best!
you a SAHM?? Wow you have 4 kids??? That is amazing!!!!

I am currently a SAHM but I am planning to look for a job and will resume work once I got a job.

My baby girl (Only 1) is being look after by my MIL.
yes im SAHM. yup i got 4 kids at home and 1 in heaven
its a challenging job! at times eat rush rush bath rush rush everything also rush!

so u r looking for job now? good luck ok!
Thanks need lots of that . . .finding job these days is really tough.

So how old are all your kids??? Any plan for anymore???

My hubby want to have one more coz he say that one is rather lonely.
happy hour is going to be over soon for today.

Mummy out there, one question. do you all change the teats for your baby after she have pass one month or when as I notice that my baby is sucking faster now and I am thinking should I change all the teats?
my first r twins (5.5 yrs old), my third is almost 3. i love kids so maybe one more then close shop hehe!! u shld go for it too! its a joy seeing the children play together.

as for teats, im using avent bottle but with pigeon peristatic teats. my gal not v good with avent teats so i change. now she is using M teat. i think depend on individual baby. if she is sucking slower maybe time to change teat.
for those mummies on total breastfeeding, what do u do when u need to go out for 3-4hrs w/o bb?

ive not introduced bottle to my son yet, so i dun think can bottle feed him my ebm. reason why i dun want to introduce bottle is coz i afraid bb will get nipple confusion.

my mom says if i dun introduce now, next time when i go back to work, bb will hv problem w bottle feeding.

how ah?
<font color="aa00aa">edksd</font>,
Initially i was also afraid of nipple confusion. But i've also heard of bbs who're more adaptable than others and can handle both nipple and bottle. So i juz tried on my gal. Thankfully she seems ok w both. But every time I use the bottle, she'll take a few sucks to adjust cos she sucks very hard and sometimes end up choking cos flow from bottle is much faster! So got to watch closely how fast she's sucking and swallowing and quickly pull out the bottle when she starts taking in too much too quickly.
But i limit bottle-feeding to juz once a day - the midnight feed cos i want to make sure she has enough to last for at least 3hrs of sleep.

If i dun use bottle for midnight, i realise she'll keep waking up and demanding for more thru'out the night... How r u doing so far on DBF?
Does tat mean u don't know exactly how much ur bb is drinking? U monitor by poo/pee and weight? Tatz what i do and i worry sometimes if my gal is really drinking enough..

So far, i've only gone out once w/o bb. So my gal was on bottle during tat feed.

<font color="0000ff">michelle</font>,
sigh... i still can't find the "S" or "M" on the Nuk teats... i give up le!!
Shirlyn, I hope our flat will be ready in '08. 3mths I oredi cannot tahan...dunno 3 yrs how?? And I'm worried tat my in-laws prob will slowly lead to marriage prob with my hubby. Hai~ Which blk u took?? I'm at Blk 1B, and most likely will be SAHM when hse is ready.
<font color="aa00aa">edksd</font>,
oh btw, i plan to use bottle-feeding more often from 3rd mth onwards, for all day-time feeds, so bb can adjust when i go back to work fr 4th mth onwards.
I'm on DBF but I also introduced bottles now and then to my girl b'cos I do need to go out without baby. So far no nipple confusion. I also introduced pacifier to her before 1 month b'cos she likes to suckle for comfort. Also no nipple confusion but one thing in common, I used all NUK products so all the teats are same shaped. Seems to suit her well. I think you should try b'cos there will be times when we have to leave baby behind. I will try to introduce more bottles 2 weeks before I have to start work.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Age</TD><TD>Delivery Date</TD><TD>Paediatrician</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>Weight (Kgs)</TD><TD>Delivery</TD><TD>Baby #</TD><TD>Feed Mthd </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">;) (ilovebabies)</font></TD><TD>30</TD><TD>19-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Rachel</TD><TD>2.41</TD><TD>natural birth w/o epidural</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">elaine</font></TD><TD>27</TD><TD>20-Aug</TD><TD>Dr Ong Eng Keow</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Zhaohui</TD><TD>2.385</TD><TD>induced &amp; assisted (forcep) delivery w/epidural </TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TBF &amp; DBF </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Mrs Chng</font></TD><TD>26</TD><TD>21-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Jordan Chng</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">E-ling</font></TD><TD>25</TD><TD>21-Aug</TD><TD>Dr Edmund Koh</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Amabel Loh</TD><TD>3.005</TD><TD>natural birth w/o epidural</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DBF &amp; EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Amylim</font></TD><TD>31</TD><TD>29-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Julian</TD><TD>3.5</TD><TD>emerg. C-sect</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">lichristin</font></TD><TD>30</TD><TD>31-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD></TD><TD>natural birth WITH epidural + forcep</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">77(peachie)</font></TD><TD>29</TD><TD>31-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>Raffles Hospital</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Clarence</TD><TD>3.3</TD><TD>C-sect WITH epidural</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">pjen</font></TD><TD>27</TD><TD>01-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>2.52</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Elle</font></TD><TD>29</TD><TD>02-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>2.86</TD><TD>VBAC</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">joon</font></TD><TD>31</TD><TD>02-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Keoy Soo Shin</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Denen</TD><TD>2.89</TD><TD>natural birth w/o epidural</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DBF &amp; EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Sha</font></TD><TD>33</TD><TD>02-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mt. E</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Sherilyn</TD><TD>3.185</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">*sasha*</font></TD><TD>24</TD><TD>02-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Joseph Gomez</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Saarah Anisha</TD><TD>2.65</TD><TD>VBAC</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">bjiou (bjiou)</font></TD><TD>31</TD><TD>02-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mt. E</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>3.095</TD><TD>natural birth WITH epidural</TD><TD>3</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Jasmine Lau</font></TD><TD>28</TD><TD>03-Sep</TD><TD>Dr. Simon Ng</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Jadelle</TD><TD>3.19</TD><TD>natural with vacuum delivery with epidural</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>FM+EBM + DBF </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Olsen (sandi)</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>03-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>2.895</TD><TD>natural wtih assisted forceps delivery</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">blessedmommy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD>04-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Johannah</TD><TD>3.26</TD><TD></TD><TD>5</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">elmo88</font></TD><TD>27</TD><TD>05-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>3.43</TD><TD>natural bith w/o epidural</TD><TD>2</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Ming_liew</font></TD><TD>29</TD><TD>06-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>induced &amp; natural birth w/o epi</TD><TD>2</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Emma</font></TD><TD>25</TD><TD>06-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Winston Ng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Enzo</TD><TD>3.095</TD><TD>c-sect with GA</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>FM &amp; EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">forgetmenot</font></TD><TD>29</TD><TD>06-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>90% girl</TD><TD>-</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Bena</font></TD><TD>28</TD><TD>07-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>2.65</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Hellobaby</font></TD><TD>29</TD><TD>08-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Claire</TD><TD>3.4</TD><TD>emerg. C-sect</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Little Pony</font></TD><TD>29</TD><TD>11-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Ngiam Thye Eng</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Wayne</TD><TD>3.15</TD><TD>Natural birth WITH epidural + vacuum</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DBF &amp; FM </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Chng's wife</font></TD><TD>25</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Shermaine</TD><TD></TD><TD>natural birth w/o epidural</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">edksd</font></TD><TD>29</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Ong Eng Keow</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Kai</TD><TD>2.82</TD><TD>C-sect WITH epidural</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TBF + cup feed EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Cereal06</font></TD><TD>32</TD><TD>13-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>3.15</TD><TD>emerg. C-sect</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">ilcy</font></TD><TD>28</TD><TD>13-Sep</TD><TD>Dr. Gong Wei Kin</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Zachary </TD><TD>2.715</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>EBM &amp; FM </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">huijun (wei_kuan)</font></TD><TD>28</TD><TD>13-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Rui-en</TD><TD>2.7</TD><TD>natural birth w/o epidural</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>FM + DBM + EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">rainnie</font></TD><TD>26</TD><TD>14-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Ning Xuan</TD><TD>3.075</TD><TD>Natural birth WITH epi + vacuum</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Melissa (veryhappy)</font></TD><TD>29</TD><TD>14-Sep</TD><TD>Dr Gong Wei Kin</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Hana</TD><TD>3.185</TD><TD>natural birth w/o epidural</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TBF &amp; DBF </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">melody999</font></TD><TD>31</TD><TD>15-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Xin Yun</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">puppylove</font></TD><TD>32</TD><TD>17-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Trinity</TD><TD>2.9</TD><TD>natural + vacuum</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">emoments</font></TD><TD>31</TD><TD>18-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mt. E</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Dylan</TD><TD>2.575</TD><TD>emerg c-sect</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>EBM &amp; FM </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Mummie_of_Rhys</font></TD><TD>28</TD><TD>18-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Rhys </TD><TD>3.82</TD><TD>Induced+Natural birth with Epidural.</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>EBM &amp; FM </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Angeline</font></TD><TD>30</TD><TD>19-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mt. E</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Trinity</TD><TD>2.55</TD><TD>emerg. C-sect WITH epidural</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>FM + EBM + DBF </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">dumpty</font></TD><TD>?</TD><TD>21-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Gabriel </TD><TD>2.965</TD><TD>C-Sect with GA</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Domesticgoddess</font></TD><TD>32</TD><TD>10-Oct</TD><TD>Dr Ong EK</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Nicholas</TD><TD>3.69</TD><TD>C-sect with Epidural</TD><TD>2</TD><TD> DBF </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">riushiki</font></TD><TD>31</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Raffles Hospital</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Jaden</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">chocolat (chocolat)</font></TD><TD>?</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>3</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">daisybuttons</font></TD><TD>28</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Jovann</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Smileys</TD><TD>29</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>80% girl</TD><TD>-</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">pig2</font></TD><TD>33</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></td></tr></table>,
So much to read.. no time to read all posts.. so just did a quick glance. Apologies mummies if you have anything addressed to me and I miss them. Do post again or PM me.

blessedmommy, i am SAHM with 2 kids.
Do you have any day help to look after your 4 kids?

mummies who use these for storing BM, how do you sterilise them and how many times can they be reused? I got only 6 bottles from TMC but thought of freezing EBM with them.

Went for baby's follow up check today and he is 8 days old. Put on 330g already! yippe! His jaundice level went up from 7.6 (at discharge) to 13.7 so he is really sleepy. Feed for only 15 min and can last 4 hrs. So hazy, so cannot sunbathe him properly.. how??
hi dg, i sterilise the bottles every time i use them. a nurse from tmc ever told me cannot reuse the bottles for too many times coz the glass may shattered inside which we cant see. but seems like everybody is reusing them like nobody's business, so i think shld be ok ba...

u can continue to get the bottles from tmc when u go back for checkup or PD visit.

ive oso bought medela freezer pack http://www.medela.com/NewFiles/brpmpacc.html#freezer_pak but it can only store 80ml per bottle, but it's better than avent VIA cups coz they can only be reused for 4 times.

ive yet to experiment w storage bags, not sure is it convenient and easy to use.
noticed that u hv added me in. thks
pls help me add on:
feeding : DBF &amp; EBM
pd : dr belinda murugasu
hosp: gleneagles
natural delivery

DG, i hv a maid who does the housework, but im looking aft kids myself. wow ur baby is putting on weight well! great job! jaundice will go down v fast if baby has enuf fluid intake. so if he is really sleepy, try to make him wake up more to feed? i think it will help.

to those moms who DBF, i think one bottle a day will not cause nipple confusion, not to worry. due to too many kids at home, i hv resorted to bottle feed ebm in the day n only DBF at nite. thank god so far baby adjusting well between bottle n breast.
joon, thanks.
I am not sad anymore, have accepted the fact that I had to have c-sect before I had the op.. now just concentrating on my TBF..
so far so good, though on some more difficult days when i miss spending time with Marcus, I do feel like giving up as TBF is so time-consuming.. but i got hb to cheer me on.. we made a pact before i delivered that he has to encourage me to BF for as long as possible, whenever i plan to give up.

When must you decide whether to be SAHM or return to work?

IL Problems
i am not living with parents or ILs but have conflicts with my MIL whenever I see her which is very infrequent as she lives in London. She is not superstitious but i find her naggy. she has tons of "suggestions" on our meals, how to raise children, BF etc.. and she will repeat everything EVERYTIME she sees me. Actually my tolerance is very low and I tend to tell her off before I can control. Right now she has come to stay with us for 6 weeks to help out (which is an appreciative gesture) but only 2 days and I have earful of "advices" from her already.
hi melissa, ive oso bought NUK teats long time ago during pregnancy
i think the shape of it resemble sucked nipple most.

are u storing up on ur breastmilk already?
edksd, thanks for info. how much you pay for the freezer pack? I got the medela milk bags which is $28 for 20 bags, can hold 150ml max. I don't reuse them, so find it really expensive. Previously with my first child, I used up 5 packs! So I figured my BF probably costs about same as giving FM.

blessedmommy, peifu peifu still. I have a 2 yr old and was looking after him all by myself until 4 months when we got a maid to help with housework. Now with a newborn, I can imagine the challenge ahead, at least for a couple of months.
hi puppylove,

my DBF so far so gd i guess.

i combed thru a lot of breastfeeding websites. find tt the dr jack newman website is quite good, coz got video clips. can understand what they're explaining abt latching, etc.

im currently trying to use compression during breastfeeding to make sure my son gets all the milk.

but i still kiasu, sometimes still cup feed him ebm, abt 4 times a day on average.

i do not know how much he's drinking. but i think doesnt matter la coz really no way to tell mah.

so just monitor poo n wee. and oso during PD checkup, just make sure he's gaining weight healthily.
hi chng's wife, i noticed from the table tt we gave birth on the same day at tmc. wonder which room did u stay in? me in 308. luckily not the noisy side.
hi melissa, puppylove,

ive this problem, im not sure is it coincidental.

i went out few times w/o bb, each time abt 2hrs+.

before going out, i'll make sure i breastfeed bb and pump out milk. but whenever i come home, i feel a bit engorged.

i duno why like tt.

like tt how to go out? sigh...
<font color="aa00aa">edskd</font>,
thanks! will check out the jack newman website!

my gal is juz 5 days younger than yours, born on 17 Sept. She's abt 4kg now, based on home digital scale (weigh myself w and w/out bb and take the diff). She was approx. 3.3kg on 30 Sept. Tat means 700g gain over 18 days... is tat considered low? Wat shld b the average gain for bbs?
hi puppylove, i think ur bb is doing v well...

according to my PD, bb gains abt 25g per day or 150-200g per wk.

so i think ur gal is definitely on the right track, not to worry.

btw, i oso weighed my son the same way as u do, but i realise sometimes the weight fluctuates in a day. for eg. morning 3.8kg, evening 3.6kg. normally i make sure i weigh him after a change of diaper so tt i wont take in the wetted diaper's weight. hehe..
<font color="aa00aa">edksd</font>,
phew! so my gal is gaining well lah! tatz a relief!
ya hor, must make sure she's weighed after diaper change cos diaper can be v. heavy! kekek...

Her 2nd Hep B jab is due, so I was planning to visit Dr Ong 2moro or Fri and at the same time check her development. Did u go to Dr Ong for the jab?
hi puppylove, yes i went to dr ong for the jab. im oso opting for 5-in-1, what abt u?

they'll take her weight and head circumference and height. refer to the health book, the assistant will ask u those bb developmental questions.

did ur bb lose weight upon discharge after delivery?
actually havent decided. Why did u go for 5-in-1?

ya she lost weight upon discharge and even 3 days after tat! think itz cos milk ss not in yet... but good thing she started gaining after tat.
Welcome blessedmommy
With so many children, u are indeed blessed! The other mummy with 4 kids is Sasha. She has twin boys too!! I take my hat off to the both of u
amaaaazing mummies!

U're right... I shld be thankful, they did after all produce a wonderful son --- my hb!!!!! hahaha!

Chng's wife,
Wow! The pinnacle! I love that! So which floor did u book? I would have tried to get that if my hb and I didn't already by a resale flat. I would be neighbours with u and Shirlyn!!
Then our bbs can play together! hahahaha...

U're doing the right thing by pumping or BFg before u go out. I guess ur MS must be really good that's why u feel engorged!
That's a gd thing right! Don't worry abt nipple confusion. I read tt it's advisable not to introduce the bottle b4 the bb is 1 mth old, but after the 1st mth it shld be ok. Just give it a try!

I guess I'll make the decision in Jan. I'll try it out as a WM first and see how I take to it. It's the separation anxiety I'm afraid of!!!!! Yeah! Keep at the BFg! Besides ur hb, we're here to cheer u on too!
hi puppylove, i read from another thread in this forum, somebody said dr ong recommend 5-in-1 rather than 6-in-1. the reason i duno how to explain.

my bb oso lost weight upon discharge. he was 2.8 at birth, 2.5 when discharged. he was 3.2 during his 1 mth checkup. today i weighed him, think he's abt 3.6-3.8.

hi joon, if i introduce bottle, how many ml shld i feed per feed? my supply not tt much actually. everyday the total amt i pumped is usually 150-200ml only. i think cannot meet demand still.
