(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Hi Sha

So it's like whether u take or not, they will still charge it, rite? Even if u take less or more, the charge will still be the same, right?

melody, my gynae also did not check my cervix during my last checkup @ 37 weeks. In fact he did not mention about the need to do that. My baby about same size as yours at 37 weeks so I guess there's no worries? My gynae keep saying "good size" so that kindda put me at ease

Ming, Melissa and cereal, jia you jia you. The end is near for a new beginning!
I only have swollen feet that is so obvious now my hubby cannot pretend it is not like an inflated balloon anymore! Haha... think have to wait until due for me leh.
you can say that, coz all cost will be in the hospital bill as "hospital charges". That is why MtE is one of the most expensive. But you have to be honest is that their service is good lor.

But then again really take care of you, check on you every now to ensure that you are ok after your delivery, take your temperature and blood pressure, etc. . .the food there is not that bad as well. I request for the confinement meal.

You taking for a single or double room?
Wei Kuan,
I am thinking that the red data drink is to help us to replenish the blood that we lost during delivery. . .but it is so heaty.

As for the cold part. . . I think it individual mah maybe I am not getting use to the so many restrictions. . hahahahaha. . .

Hi Sha

ic.. like u, I also have no choice as my gynea delivers there only.... tentatively I have booked the double room as I'm afraid the charges may be too high... and also, I'm afraid to be alone in a room :p dun think my hubby wanna stay overnite....
sha 987, you should drink the one without the seeds, not so heaty.
2 more days i will be in my 36weeks, so anxious as it means can give birth anytime.
my baby is 2.4kg at 35weeks

Dont worry it is only for 2 night the most I think.

I stay for two nights and it is over soon but my hubby stay with me thru out lor. If you are lucky you might get the room to yourself. . hahahaha but again you dont like to be alone.
hi chng's wife, it's not free leh.

yday i asked the reception. she was telling me upon admission, i'll be given 2 x $2 per entry coupon. if im staying in single bedded and hubby staying w me, we'll be given another 1 x overnight coupon.

i forgot to ask what if we're staying 2 nights. so today i called to ask again. this time they're telling me the 1 x overnight coupon is given to those in VVIP suite only. for every night extension of stay, we'll be given another 1 x $2 per entry coupon.

so now im rather confused. duno who's right.
Wei Kuan,
I did not take much "Bu" soup before that as it is not really need just keep your diet balance that's all.

Who is your gyane in MtE?
hi edksd,

TMC provide a $2 complimentary carpark ticket per day if u opt for 1 bedded with companion... i'm not sure if no companion they will still give u e complimentary ticket or not.
But when baby ZhaoHui admitted for jaundice i opt to accompany him for admission and i was given a 2 bedded( 4 bedded price) room n they still give me a complimentary $2 carpark tickets. Maybe u can call to ask them.
hi dumpty, melody, my gynae oso hv not done any cervix check on me yet. i tot it's becoz bb is not engaged yet. my bb is still in diagonal position - head lower right and legs upper left.

bb did not put on weight for the past 1 wk. he remains at 2.9kg at wk37.

so now my gynae will push for natural birth, no more talking abt c-section or induction

gynae has asked me to start recording down bb movements. she wants me to be v alert to bb movements so tt i'll know if bb movements reduce.
Hi Sha

Yeahlor... I'm scared to be alone.. and if for the 2-bedded, nobody staying tt nite, then it's even more scarcy to have an empty bed besides u hor? Me timid mouse *paiseh*

My gynea is Dr Teoh... his clinic is on the same floor as yrs.. Dr Kowa, rite?
dont need to scare lor, the nurse will come in and check on you every now and then.

If not you can request to have the door open during the night time lor. . hehehehe. . .

Yes, my gyane is Dr Kowa. hehehehe. . do near yet so far. . hahaha. .

do u knw which side or floor of TMC r under renovation? can't imagine how to rest a/f deliver wit all d renovation noise...


seem like most gynae will do the cervix check, will check wit gynae how come he didn't check for me...


heard body alot of wind & cold & weak a/f give birth, therefore needs lots of tonic to give back the energy tat had been use up during the pushing
thanks all for the info on tmc parking. i think i'll go ask again during next wk checkup. over the phone, not so clear.
Sha, That's a good idea.... heehee...

Btw, I thot the water retention will go away after delivery? You stil having swollen leg? Hmm... maybe the massage will help?
hi melody, i know currently basement is renovating coz the antenatal class has been shifted to lifestyle centre instead.

and level 1 oso renovating.

i think level 3 ward rooms are renovated already coz 2 mths back i saw the newly renovated rooms. maybe the level 5 ward rooms are still under renovation.
for those of u who've bought breast pumps, is it necessary to bring it to hosp? then do we need to bring steriliser too?

btw, i put the breast pump to my breast and i realised the shell doesnt cover the whole of my aerola. is it acceptable? ok? alamak.
melody, I suppose I'm same case as edksd : baby not engaged yet. That's why so far still no cervix check done. However, my gynae asked me to look out for bleeding. He told me that once bloody discharge starts, it probably means that delivery is not that far away. So far, I have no such discharge but I'm starting to experience mild cramps this morning. Only thing bothering me is the swollen feet... Looks so ugly and weird

me also got swollen feet & hand tis week, everyone was tellin me soon... yah find that i look more & more like miss piggy>>> but tell myself never mind only last few wks to go... bb coming out soon....

Here's the reasons why we need heaty stuff during confinement. Accordingly to old wives' tale (long long time ago....), they believe that when we give birth, all our bones n pores expand n open.

When it does that, water and cold air can get into it. So that's why they say can't bathe in normal water, can't blow in cold air directly etc. If we don't take care now, then at old age, we get all kinds of illness like 'feng si' and also prone of other sickness in future....

So when we take heaty food, we are giving our body nutritious food to build up. If we have all along be sicky, then this is the time to 'bu' our body with good food.

This is in a nutshell why we have confinement. haaaa!!!
It's water retention in your body. That's why you still have the swell. It will be fine after Mona comes and massage u lah!! So don't worry!!!! You probably be as slim as ever in no time!
Anyone has breastfeeding problem like me
My bb dun seem to have enough breast milk and I got to supplement with formula for 3 to 4 times a day :x
little pony,
Wow . . if that is the case have to listen lor. so better be a good girl and listen but i am getting to heaty leh. . . too hot to bear but it is a good thing that the weather is still not so bad lor . . hehehe. . .

Ya can't wait for Mona to massage me. . hehehehe. . think that is the only best part of confinement lor.

Thanks for the tips.
Hi Riushiki,
Dont worry you are not alone in this world. . .hahahaha. . .

For me the breast milk supply is not in yet it takes couple of days for the milk flow to come in. If you have any questions you can check it out on this website http://www.breastfeedingonline.com/
Think there should be a hotline to call as well.

I dont have that much on the first 2 days as well and my baby tends to fall asleep during BF as the milk flow is coming in slow. But today I can feel it is building up it is my third day. I let my baby latch on every night and whenever possible thou I dont have that much, this way it can stimulate breast and it will generate more milk flow.
Ya I think most likely it is also because of the wind in the body that is why my feet swell up as well.

Riushiki, I had the same problem as you initially.. had to supplment with 90ml of formula for my bb after latching him, else he will cry non-stop... Probably your milk supply hasn't kick in yet... Try ilovebabies method ie express bm every 3 hours to establish supply for the first 2 weeks.
i tot so as well but the swell is the still there lor. as what the ladies mention here it could be because of the wind that is trap in our body that is why we need the massage. . .I am looking forward to it. . . the best part of confinement.
Hi edksd, melody and all deliverg at TMC,

I deliverd on Sat and was there until Mon. Reno is still going on... very noisy!!

When u admit urself, ask for the rooms facing the main road, not the rooms facing the PIE.

The reno is now on the 4th flr, at the side where the rooms facing the PIE are. My 1st night was in a double room on the 3rd flr, right below the reno... TERRIBLE! They renovate from 12-2pm and 5-7pm, during visiting hours. They gave me a pathetic fruit basket (with only 4 fruits!) as an apology. You'll prob get one too.

2nd day, we shifted to a single deluxe room (single rooms full) and were on the side facing the main road. Less noisy, better
so ask for rooms on that side. 3rd flr or 5th flr, doesn't make a difference coz the reno's on the 4th flr!!

Abt car park, my hb got the $2 car park pass for both nights - 1 night in double room and 1 night in single deluxe. Only the VIP rooms get complementary parking. The $2 coupon is gd, coz my hb's original parking fee was $33!!!!
Hi Joon,

How are you coping with confinement? And how is your baby?

My baby went for her first medical check today and today I too take my first medicine bath....hahahaha. . . me can't tahan.
Riushiki, try to drink plenty of fluid, at least 8 glasses a day... Are you taking green papaya with fish bone soup? It helps to increase milk supply.
hi riushiki,
do u feel ur breast full/engorge??
b4 u express ur milk....
-drink hot water/milo
-use hot towel massage ur breast (top, bottom, left n rite) must use strength to massage dont just touch touch...
-drink more more water for e whole day...
- eat fish !!
wei kuan,
cervix check is not painful, but sometimes can be a little bit uncomfortable coz gynae will put her fingers all the way in...

ya I dunno the reason why we cant take plain water as well.. but I still take. Show my mum my ulcer and she din say anything ehhe

i do not have water retention, as confirmed by Mona also.

I heard some mothers experienced water retention after birth. So dun worry ok ?

ehhe ur hubby is cute .. make his own bath-the-baby video ah ? good good at least he is trying ... my hubby tried once also .. bb cry .. and he panicked then I took over .. think he still worry that he may hurt the fragile baby.

wah u got Mona as well !! good for u !! rem to note the before and after measurements. oh yes, did u tell her u need thigh wraps ?

aiyah tell ur hubby, there's no secret between us oredi ... make sure they dont do anything funny cos we'll inform each other ! haha !

eh i still took durians yesterday leh !! wah I miss it so much esp in the 3rd trimester !

good to hear that your milk is coming in... can feel it in the breast. touch it and u feel that it is hardening by every hour. right ?

i am using the medela electric dual pump. dun think I can survive on manual pump, v tiring right ? dun hesitate to get a pump cos that's the tool to help us est the supply when bb is not suckling.


pump every 3 hrs, latch bb as freq as possible and DRINK LOTSA fluids.

Alternatively, make green papaya with "NGOR HEE" fish head bone daily. I have asked mum to brew this soup once I return home. I think it does helps. And I eat two pieces of fish everyday. Fish is a good source for est our milk supply.

I think we try not to compare how many ML we can pump out as it will be v stressful. As long as you have enuff to feed ur bb, it's shld be ok. rem to monitor their urine output, shld have 7-8 wet nappies per day.
How i wish i could be sharing BF experiences with all of you here! But haaaaa, i am still thinking of whether i dilated, when bb due! haaaa! Anyway, now.. i seriously taking notes from all of you and hope it applies when it's my turn!!!
Hellobaby :

Hope your checkup by this friday indicates positive signs for natural birth !!

I haven't really give up the hope for natural birth as yet , still a few more days to go , am trying the following :
1) Psycho myself and my boy telling him that he is a brave , smart , alert boy that he will pick the correct position during delivery , without distress and working with mummy hand in hand to have a smooth natural birth , good timing with minimal pain .
2) On all fours every night by stacking piles of pillows on my bed and place my upper body weight on it , flipping through magazine for as long as I could .
3) Trying the ' ahem ahem ' approach . I did talk to gynae about it and she said that's one of the solution for intact cervix . She did not mention should I try it or not . I opt to give it a try . I am in my 39 wks and baby is 3 KG . Should be a good size for natural birth .
4) Some squatting and walking .

If all the above fail , I do agree with u and go straight to C-Sect instead of induction . That's the best I could think of and do now , the rest is ....... faith !!

Bena :
My blood pressure goes up and down .... it fluctuates from 140/91 to 120/75 within few hours . Once I have sufficient rest , it goes back to normal . I have a blood pressure measurement at home , will take my own pressure before and after mild exercises . This kind of ease my mind as I want to exercise and yet I know when to stop .

v soon v soon .. who knows u pop tmr ? ehhehe

i am still waiting for you to talk to me on the BF experience aahah and i think we have a few cows in this thread oredi .. u will be next v soon lah !


relax relax ... dun get so tense up else cervix will not open ...
haaaa. if tomorrow, that's very scary.. but ideal. haaa!! I also like to share BF experience with you (esp now it seems u the expert).... haaaa!!!

me no expert lah .. just becos I am the first here to pop and by trial and error and advises from friends... i managed to got things right ahhaha
