(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Don't feel like that lah. No one is pressurizing anybody mah. At least I don't feel like that at all. My friend told me even if one is dilated, it could still take weeks before baby feel like coming out. And the estimated weight can be very off like by 500g. So I'm really taking everything with a pinch of salt. Really, I'd opt to for natural labor instead of induction anytime. Why don't you try to ahem ahem?
Hi Bena,
Thanks. Yes must walk a lot. I walk every morning about 10mins and last Thursday and Friday went Bishan park for a 200m, got home on Friday night after dinner already got mild contraction. . and also do the squat stuff it also helps to ease up the pelvis

Any news. . .

Chng's wife,
BTW what is for dinner tonight? . hahahahaha. . .

Yap still shop shop shop . . coz after that there will less of shopping for me more of children or child care stuff. . hahahaha.

It is quite true that my delivery went rather smooth and easy as well, can believed that I have already pop. . . the same time last week we are all just talking about WHEN and now we are all talking about BF.

So have you started BF??? As for me I started immediately after baby is born in the delivery suite the nurse at MtE they strongly encourage it and the midwife will pass the baby to you and ask you to try. . . that is how it started once you start you cant seem to stop. . hahahaha.

I envy you that you can express out so much milk. . .me still have problem with that it seem that my milk flow is not coming as much yet.

BTW, your hubby is truly doing a "GREAT JOB" accordingly to my hubby and he wonder where he got the time as he is a DAD now as well. . .hahahaha. . .

My hubby gets up in the middle of the night, to check on her, change her diapers and also he want to learn to bath her. He is doing a great job for a DAD! The only thing he can't do is BF her lah. . . hahahaha. . but there is once he carries her when she is hungry and she latch on him. . hahahaha. . . so funny.

You mean episiotomy . . . I had it as my baby is rather big. . . so the doctor did it to assist me and I still have to push her out. There is no pain as I am on epidural but after that you have to be careful as it hurt slightly after the stitches is done and you are advise not get out of bed after epidural, you might fall and hurt yourself and tear your stitches not big move even if you want to squeeze you have to be careful as well.

I gave in MtE, what do you need to know?? In a single bed.
I know what you mean my body is also not coping with well. In the first place I get sore throat follow by a cold due to the body heat really easy and now I cant drink plain it is really making me sicker as well.

I have no choice but to eat a lot of fruits; apple, pear or orange but they are not cold. I ask my hubby to take them out from the fringe so I can eat them all the time to cool me down thou I only started I dont know how long more I can take it lor. . .hehehehe. . .I am already on lozenges.

It could be lacking in sleep as well.
Little Pony,
Ah, think I lack of sleep during the first two day of being a mum, can't believe it. Beside I start drinking red data drink on the second day of delivery as my MIL brought in one bottle of me. I am too HOT that is well I getting sick. . . hahahaha. . . the nightmare has just started don't know how long I can tahan.
Sha, shiok hor, give birth liao! Hehehe. Tonight cooking fried rice! Hahaha. Tmr can't cook liao, got to go back to work le...sian~
ha.. no la.. not depressed yet
just a matter of time..hehe

melissa, i cannot "ahem ahem" la.. gynae told my avoid that from 36 wks onwards...

wah Sha, after stitches, sneeze also got to be careful ar.. that is very vulnerable wor..
cereal, yup, i agree with you...coming to forum got pros and cons. your gynae ask u to avoid ahem is bcos scared will induce labour? My gynae told me to stop all ahem since 2nd tri cos of my low placenta liao...so now i also dare not ahem tho i do hope it can help me to induce labour :p
u got someone to help you during this period of time? It's difficult if you r falling sick... just hang on there as well..

Chng's wife,
wow.. fried rice huh! so nice! i still haven't decide what to have for tonight!!!
Chng's Wife,
hehehehe. . .wow so good wife next time sure good mummy one. . hehehehe.

Going back to work liao, better than staying at home lor.

Shiok after giving birth, now not really yet maybe it couple of months later as least when I am really to run around first lor.

Yap even when you sneeze not to hard as you might tear the stitches lor. . . you are advise to be careful when walking and not to carry any heavy stuff as it might tear the stitches as well.

If you take good care of it for the first week it will recover real fast. But it is better to be careful lor. The hospital will give you pain killer, it is not so much of the pain it is still bearable to me lor. Dont worry too much what is more important to me now is that my baby girl is out and she is healthy lor.

Oh BTW, my baby girl cries real LOUD!
Little Pony,
Yap my MIL is helping me but I am heating up as my body base is hot according to the Chinese saying. Thou I only started but the drink is to heaty for me and no plain water to wash it off it is getting tough lor. . . plus lacking in sleep as well.
Hi Sha

Would like to know what are the things they provide in Mt E? Been hearing a lot from TMC or Mt A but nothing from Mt E.

Is it a must for us to bring our own nightgown etc? Any new set of newborn clothes? Receiving blanket, diaper, diaper bag etc?

Thinking wat to pack in my hospital bag, dun wanna bring a big bag thinking they might not provide this or that.

How long did u stay in Mt E and how much do u need to pay if u dun mind sharing?

Bena, ya gynae does not encourage self-inducing methods.. coz if ahem ahem, u get contractions but what if bb is not yet ready to come out, then it will make bb in distress and can be dangerous in some situations.
Oh...ur placenta low, then lagi cannot ahem ahem.

Actually.. i hv stopped ahem ahem altogether..during this preggie lo..
haaa. girl cry loud means good vocals. guy cry loud means can command during NDP. haaa!! My own philosophy! haaaaa!!!

Got frequent tightening today.. what about u?
Gals, tell u a joke. Jus now I was at IMM Giant, queueing @ for e cashier. Then this auntie trying to squeeze behind me to move out...then she suddenly say very loud...Hai yo, y e floor so wet! I got a shock! I thot my waterbag burst! Then e water is actually from the fridge behind me...
chng's wife.. we stay no far apart leh.. when i see u went to IMM, i check the list and found u stay in clementi.. hehe, I stay jurong east..
cereal, tat means we stay very near to each other! I'm staying near Clementi Central...U know here e new blocks are?!? I'm rotting there...
chng's wife, clementi got new block? oops..dunno where leh... haha.. new block u rotting there.. u still so young..rotting liao.. me already rotted lor
congrats to the ladies tt popped. seemed like over the wkend was a gd time to pop.
its so encouraging to hear u mummies delivering w/o epidural!

i wonder how it feels like when u start to hv contractions? does it feel scary? or u ladies r juz too excited and happy?

btw wats effaced?
thats great! all the best for your VBAC, how are you progressing along wt your pregnancy? i think as long as the c-sect scar not affecting you ie: no pain, not swollen etc...chances of VBAC shd be quite gd esp if baby is not too big a size either.

u might want to ask your gynae how they are gonna monitor your baby during labour as well.

my gynae attached a wire to baby's head to monitor her heartbeat internally as he was concern abt her head presentation throughout the journey & wanted to monitor that my scar doesnt rupture suddenly by baby's movement.

keep us updated! will pray for you...

chng's wife,
VBAC-vaginal birth after c-sect.

tks for your compliments .. I just do what I can for her .. somemore first child mah

you can do it too !! mother's instinct !


yes Rachel does hiccups a lot too .. i was wondering why also... eheh so it's normal lah ...

btw my mum still fry vege with garlic also .. nothing's wrong with garlic right ? it is not cooling stuff right ?


you will not have so much milk for the 1st few days .. dun feel depressed ok !! I think I managed to pump out like 10ML only .. then on the 4th day, I rem I pumped out 50ML which I tot it's a lot oredi .. keep on expressing every 3 hrs for the 1st two weeks and you will the milk keep flowing non stop. Mine even leak at times leh ... so jia you ok !!!

my hubby is on lappy most of the time mah so got time to do all the blog stuff heheh he has also tried to bath and change diapers for Rachel ... not too bad lah .. at least he tried right ?

i'm sure your hubby can do it too ... father's instinct ! hehe

yes all the heaty food makes me sick. I am ok now. Eh my mum say cannot take too much orange leh ... u ask ur MIL ok ? ya have to take it out from fridge and let it "warm" up before we can consume .. so sian hor ?

ok lah, just endure for the 4 weeks ok ? I still got 2 more weeks ... jia you jia you
thanks for the advise. my pregnancy is quit smooth, no pain on the scare. I really no idea what my gynea will do. He only say to me induce and if 5-6 hours bb nt come out will go c-section...
Congrats to Emma!!!! Another popped. So exciting! Who's next on the list then??!!

Chng's wife,
u damn funny.. about the leaking of 'waterbag'. haaa!! I burst out my 1st morning laugh! haa!!

When u seeing your gynae? I am seeing mine tomorrow. And I have been practising some squatting exercises as well (but not too much, as what ilovebabies advised)... I've got this feeling that I could carry baby to the 39th week.. coz till now, i feel tightening and crampy.. but not very strong contraction. Hope gynae say bb is fine to the 39th week. :)
Little Pony,
I went to gynae check up this morning, now back in office.
Update as follows:
- cervix thining
- bb head down but not yet engaged. Gynae said not all bb will engage early, some engage only when going into labor. Since my cervix already thining..labor should be within 10 days...
- water level dropped to 7 which is marginal. Gynae said if drop to 6, then must take out bb
- bb's weight at 38 wks 1 day = 2.969kg. But gynae commented that bb has not grown much over the past 4 weeks..only 400g

Update ur progress after ur visit tmr hor..

i was given 8-10hrs to to attempt VBAC, if not go for C-sect. i think now is best to discuss your birth plan etc wt your gynae etc. i had drawn up a birth plan but didnt hv chance to discuss wt my gynae since baby came sooner than we all expected

i am still keeping changing table for you, but if you can SMS me when you think you can coll it, that'd be great!

hope all the new mummies are coping well.
Oh.... so it shouldn't be too long for you then. Bb don't grow much at this last stage. Mine didn't grow much as well during my last visit to gynae. Don't worry! As long bb is healthy, should be fine. And bb smaller size, easier for you to give birth too.. then u can pump bb up later!

Okie. will update you when i've done mine! Probably will take a day MC tomorrow after checkup.

My last gynae checkup at 37 wks bb was only 2.6kg, no increase... wonder why she stop increasing but gynae never said anything leh....

My gynae dun even check for me whether cervix is open or not... when did ur gynae start checking for u? 38wks?
Nothing much really if you want you can bring along with you unless you want to bring along with you own pajamas, I did. If not you can get it request it from the nurse hospital lor. Other than that most of the stuff is provided.

MtE, provided 2 disposal pants, kotex and also toiletries.

You only need to bring along with you :-
1 x set of Baby cloth for discharges and mittens, the blanket to wrap your baby.
1 x your own cloth and disposal pants for use upon check-out.

Dont need to bring along with you any diapers the hospital provided it and also try to room in your baby and then take the diaper and keep as much as possible . . hahahaha. . as it is free . . .dont said I teach you that. . hahahaha. .

Think of the milk power you plan to feed your baby and request for it if you dont want to breastfeed immediately. But I BF immediately upon delivery and mix it with FM as well.

If you hubby is staying the night with you bring along his stuff as well.

Upon check-out the hospital will give you one additional goodie bag those with sample stuff and you can request for 2 or 3 FM bottle if you want to.

The hospital also provided free transport for your check-out. What my hubby did is he drove there but during the waiting time he drove back and get his brother to drive him back to the hospital so upon check-out we request for the free limo / transport service home. Save on parking fees.
Hi Sha

Thanks for the details.... it really helps a lot. Really appreciate it

Btw, I thot Mt E charge every single thing? So the diapers are free? That's good
Thanks for the tips
Hi melody
My gynae has been checking my cervix very visit since my week 34. She wanted to make sure that there is no signs of early labor that time. In fact, in the last 3-4 wks, I think gynae should be checking cervix very visit. At least my gynae does that.
In fact, this morning.. gynae feel tummy and said tat bb has not grown much..so she did a scan for me, which is how i know bb only grow 400g over past 4 wks. She scan my placenta to make sure that the blood flow to bb is still normal - which it is.. so still ok.
Actually last 2 weeks till EDD is crucial.. especially for placenta and water level.. so gynae wanted to be really careful.. She also said that if bb movement drops.. must call her immediately since my water level is only 7.
cereal, gd news! Within 10 days!! Came back to work today...behaving like a walking corpse! Can't sleep for e whole nite. Haiz~ Going to take leave for the nx 2 days. Dying soon~ so shack!

Sha, not bad huh. Take free limo home. Hehe. Wonder if TMC got such service?
Yes my baby cries very loud and it is so embarrassing. I went for the BF class with my baby that during my stay in MtE. The nurse wants us to learn so get us to do it and wake our baby up, she carry my baby and do diaper check and she cries so loud that everyone in the class stare at me . . . . . alamaka!

Go singing anot I dont know but sure got big lungs the daddy said. Hahahaha. . . maybe next time can be parade commander!! hahahahaha

Good luck, wish you a smooth smooth delivery . . .

Chngs Wife,
Got baby photo but need to shirk the size first. . .waiting for my hubby to do it as he forget to load the software into the computer but now he busy changing diaper for her and comforting her. . .the new lady in his life!

Ya. . I wonder why we can drink plain water. Does your foot swell up? Mine do, I wonder if it is water retention if it is water retention the more we should we drink plain water, maybe make it warm lah. Those red data water really heat me up.

My hubby takes his carmera and video down the bath session his mum did this morning and will learn step by step he say. . . give me sometime me first time daddy mah . . .hahahaha. . .

I called Mona liao she is coming in next week. . . hehehehe. . .hope I can lose as much as possible as well.

I heard from my hubby that he and WS was talking that it is very dangerous for them as we communicate . . hahahahaha.

Anyway I only took half the orange yesterday and 2 apples and 1 pear . . hahahaha. . .need to cool myself down.
Yap the charge for everything, so the diaper are not really free so take and keep it quietly and ask for more. . . it is all in the hospital charge.

Chngs wife,
MtE, is so expensive this is the only additional service to attract customer lor. . . I have no choice as my gyane only deliver there lor. Take taxi home is still cheaper than the hospital bill I think.
Wei Kuan,
Cervix check is not painful at all. . .trust me.

Does anyone know why we need to eat all the heaty stuff during confinement ???
does anyone knows abt the car parking at tmc during our admission/stay at tmc?

whereas is cheaper to park?

heard tt the renovation at tmc will only end in mid nov.

Yes, I think my milk is coming in . . . can feel it. Anyway before that still let Sherilyn latch on thou it takes me a longer time it can be an hour or two before she is full. I need her sucking to help stimulate the milk and this morning I can feel that it is filling up.

But I lack a good pump lor. . .wanted to go get one last weekend but she pop liao. . hahahaha. . . so now no choice I think have to get hubby to get one manual one first. His heart pain to get the S$200+ one. . . hahahahaha.

I will go get it once I am able to get out.
