(2006/06) June 2006 MTB



Sianz. My hb has started work n i have problem getting around!

He will be outstationed soon. Muz pick up my drivin skills else will be very jialat for my boy to attend swimmin in the morning then shichida in the afternoon then gym the next day!

Also, his meals will be affected as well.

<font color="0000ff"><font face="times new roman"><font size="+2">Sunflower, BINGO! Get from NTUC more worthwhile!</font></font></font>
thks for offering. i've already got 2 pcks fr ntuc on tue. moreover oki says 1 mummy can only buy 1 pck.

U know men lah, they usually more practical than us!

which gymboree u go? i still can't make up my mind on which gym, whether gymboree, mygym or bjg. But hor, v tired for us parents hor to join them at gym. the last time i bring him for gymboree trial, i was sweating like mad!
the last time i went there for trial too. did u actually joined toto? cos she sign up there too. u went for the wkday class? the instructors all malays hor?

ya. i joined toto. im going for the weekend class.

Ya lor. Maybe becos the owner is a malay.

tts y.

Think signed up for 3 months
ur hb started working liao, thot he stil studying? hehe btw i wanted to try out the gymboree trial at harbourfront but keep postponing. when is ur class? sat? time? trial oni on sun rite?
mich - aiya, i just came back and u broadcast for me so fast !!

ok ok, let me sort out the pieces 1st, based on the email u sent me on who order what:

1. Paula
- goldilocks
- Dr Seuss

- goldilocks
- Dr Seuss

- bubble books (2)
- BB einstein
- Dr Seuss (3)

4. Rodeo
- bubble books
- Dr Seuss

5. Shetland
- care bears
- Dr Seuss

6. Celeste
- dora
- Dr Seuss

7. Pawprint
- Easel

8. Vivi
- Dr Seuss

9. Sunflower
- Dr Seuss

3 ways of collecting:
1. At my place (in East, near Marine Parade, over the weekend)

2. At Suntec Tower, above Carrefour, on Sunday 9 - 1130 am, me attend church there

3. My workplace - Capital Towers (Mon to Fri)

sms me your preference, citing your nick hor. My hp is 9871 1874
for shipping charges, each mummy will pay # of items * $2.

MTDT: u ah, order so many, no choice, u are only entitled to option [1]. Don't wanna lug your luggage all over Singapore ah.
aishite: I will collect from your home. Pls PM me your address. Most likely Sat/Sun evening time. Will confirm again with u. Thanks.

Dr Seuss - i order 2 sets leh... unless buy 2 get 1 free?? :p

aiyoh.. i only hv 1 choice huh???
then go ur plc can shu bian play with ur gal n her toys boh!! hahaa

oh, u also go to NCC uh!
<font color="0077aa"><font face="kristen ITC"><font size="+2">aishite</font></font></font>
<font color="0077aa"><font face="kristen ITC">i collect fr u tomoro at Capital Tower, lunch time 12pm, can? I meet u at the fountain. will sms u</font></font>
haven't had the chance to transfer the pics to my laptop yet. will do so tonight and email you. there's a video of you and jezoir screaming at each other. very funny! will send that to you too. kekeke....
shetland - can... then i return u the stuff together wtih the books.

Asihite - so when is ur open hse! hahaa
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Georgia">Hi Serene, you are not the only one, I'm also considering doing up a blog, but am just simply too lazy...hahaha</font></font>

Urm not sure if the above font works....
MT: i so lazy to sms u thus use this to talk to u.. hahaha

Can come after 7.30pm? U scared of dogs? if yes, i need to lock them up..

Yo, teach me to do blog le.. me very lazy one..
shetland - i not scare of dogs... but dunno abt zav.... dun lock them lah... i wan zav to see them. hope he not scare then i can take pics of them together!!! heehee

if he is ok with playing with ur dog... i teach u to do blog! so ask ur dog to guai guai dun bully my zav... haha
SPICE!! tat book how much? so confusing!! like leappad is it?

aishite: i RADIO mah!!

jacque... i thot i saw u posting that u paid sam? BUT he say u havent pay?? blur sam!!
mich, price not confirm yet. Just place order only. Kiasu... I think it works like leappad. Fell in love with the elmo and pooh stories leh.
Hi all..

<font color="ff0000">RE: SAND PLAY</font>

Paula, so sorry that you have to take over organising the sandplay... However 7 July I CANT!! how?? Maybe hoping to bangkok for a short break.. But MAYBE only.. So jus in case i can go, I will bring FRIED MEE HOON ok... I will fried it myself... dun play play hor..
spice: u working or sahm?
so prompt in reply!! can be customer service leh...

RE: taitai gathering ah... aishite offer her big mansion with shark fins + abalone + bird nest

arigato aishite san!
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2"> SUNFLOWER & I-PANDA</font></font>

You gals having fun playing with <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">FONTS n COLOUR</font></font> hor!!
