(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

wen: I just called them. The 6pm class at Springleaf no more liao!!! Have reserved the last 9am Sat class slot, so same as u 8). Hmm, duno if my son can wake up for 9am class or not. He usually wake up at 8+am, sometimes 9+am. 1 parent has to attend some certification course ley....sounds like a lot of work....me lazy lah...hehe...

1) Fort Canning
2) Shang
3) Lyn's House (w all the hi tea food + drinks???) rem we 're royal tai tais ah...

I_panda: mUST GO!! or i go ur hse...
hi rodeo & wen,

can check out their website :

currently they only have jumpstart classes at Funan, i have enquired abt whitesands but they will only start classes if there's demand.. i think 4-5 at least. u can attend their trial class if u r interested (i joined in one of their ongoing class for trial)
I dun understand y i kena scold for nutting... im jus merely askin abt d venue & date for d gathering so tat i can make d arrangement & by askin it is offensive? m nt offended by the post but m offended by d person who replied to me... nastily & nt friendly... ATTITUDE! I tot an organiser shld b well-prepared to answer any quiries tactfully & nt by shooing it away lidat... if u cant b one den dun! tis is veri bad...
we r all human & i dun tink i deserve such 'scolding' fr u!
dun be upset. Mich is v friendly, sometimes she said things quite direct, if u know her long enough, u won't take it to heart.

we go lyn hse.. can bring our babies go swimming too. hehe.. then i wan to try out this caterer at my office lei.. hahaha
lamb: pls dun get upset. It's easy to misunderstand from writing esp when everyone is using ?, !, caps etc so freely.

cookiemz: "MIM is a formal training in music at an early age done through the fun and interesting way with musical games, musical activities, flashcards and a lot of visuals." They also do flashcards?? Just wondering if our kids will get confused if they attend >1 flashcard class.
gosh, i give up, have been trying to down size my files to post here, but it keeps exceeding 50kbites ?? arrggg
go to my blogspot to view party pics !
oh dear... the baby is upset!! well, it's not really a gathering!! it's a meet up for people i wanna MEET & honestly lamb, u're not in the list!!

SO... SORRY!! THIS ORGANIZER IS NOT FRIENDLY!! cos am not organizing a gathering!! and dun start anything on our thread or gain sympathies... U"RE VERY NEW!!

and lamb... many have requested NOT to have you at this gathering... see how many enemies you ve made!!
we're all mature adults here and have EVERY RIGHT to choose our C.O.F, and who is IN our click. Just that you DON'T BELONG GAL...
dear darling KONG!!! 'cheong' to see your blog... DISAPPT. w results... only 2 oictures + where's mommy + K?? only maid + K & CAKE!! w K cut off...

oh yea.. u're 1st on the list!

i'm not too sure if more than 1 flashcard class will confuse our kids but there's not much flashcards during the Seimpi class... basically just a few musical notes (tao gay), some pictures of instruments, animals and names of composers. maybe u can attend a trial class to see if you like it.. ;)
mich : heehee, cuz horr, the whole time i was running ard making sure everyone enjoy themselves, so helper carried K ... aiya, u go view LJ better la ... more pics cuz i'm more used to uploadnig on LJ ...blogger very troublesome ...
Celeste, got ur parcel, THANKS!! *MUACKS* (dun PUII ah...) u really went all out even to gladwrap it!! no need lah... save the earth! ;)

postage ex! hi-tea on me ok...

Jul 23rd is the appt.
Mich :

you bot 6 pairs of bblegs. gosh! guess some are for yourself...hehe. LOL.

Hopefully, SAM is not adding new designs in the BP leow.

I owe her $ for the rabbut... Rabbut already swim here but I have not make FULL payment!! .. do you think i want to drag the mosquito thingy? wait she breed mosquito to bite my C how??
rabbitkid, not on 23rd lah... date not confirm. BUT it's a weekday.

lazy to check atm liao... another time ok, vivi pciture??
Mums, me got into a freak accident last nite! Half of my tooth chipped out! Now in pain ... dentist told me to go back tomorrow ... and I lost my handphone! Darn week!
cookie n mspiggy,
congras!! u will soon realize having no 2 is easier than no 1..

btw, ladies, ask u gals what do u play with ur child? hee hee.. i find it hard to get my child's attention.. he is so busy walking round the hse n kapoing.. he can't sit still to play with his toys..
Does your #1 cling on to you when you were preggie with #2? My gal is at this stage currently, refuses to let even her dad carry.....sigh......
Yah lor..i used to be her no 2, she will only look for me if daddy is not around cos he is the one who feeds her at night....now, aiyo, stick to me day and night
paula: hope u r fine.

stef & mspiggy: my son also super stick to me. When i reach home in evenings, can't really talk to him until I'm done with dinner & bath (ie got time for him), else he'll cry when I walk away from him. Am thinking how to cope if got no 2.
Paula, oh dear, my hubby also fell and chipped off half his tooth 2 years ago. In the end had to remove the tooth. Must be really painful. Poor thing. Do take care.

Peng, your baby looks so cute! Really missed my girl when she was still a baby. 2 days ago I was telling my mum, 1 year ago she was still in my tummy. haha. Boys tend to be more active lah, my girl also behave like a boy at home, climb here and there, crawl here and there, no interest to play with her toys. Only way to catch her attention is to sing songs to her or tickle her.

Stephanie, some kids are like that. My GF is now preggie with 2nd child, her girl is already 2.5 yr old, now very sticky to her, always 'sai nai' to her. My mum say some kids will behave like tat.
