(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

hi panda

i'm at blk 14, toh yi..highgate quite near my place...i hv a late May bb ger...hope to c u in future outings

1. Queen Pauline, King Ijin and Lil Kelly
2. Queen Cutiezayn, King, Princess Zayn and Prince Zach
3. Queen Shetland, King Joseph, Princess Gabby
4. queen Wen, King, princess Gabby
5. Queen Aishite, King and Princess Shannon
1. Queen Pauline, King Ijin and Lil Kelly
2. Queen Cutiezayn, King, Princess Zayn and Prince Zach
3. Queen Shetland, King Joseph, Princess Gabby
4. queen Wen, King, princess Gabby
5. Queen Aishite, King and Princess Shannon
6. MTDT, hubby and Zavier.
<font face="tahoma"> Good morning ladies


sorry cant help.. dont have dryer. you have helper at home ??

<font size="+1">RE : KM Hol program</font>
Am going to fax the details over. Once I have the payment details, will advise you gals when to make the transfer okie
GUG TRIAL: 16 September 2007 (SUNDAY) , 1pm to 3pm

1. Ashite
2. Duffy
3. Dal
4. Carebear
5. Paula
6. Angeline
7. sunflower (TBC)
8. toto
9. Dor
10. Cutiezayn
11. Celeste
Dun have helper at home. Now thinking whether to get helper or not. But my home no space for helper to stay
. Any ideas if there's those local helper?
My MIL prepared to quit her job also. Dunno how... I am certain I am not gonna be weekend mom. I am also wondering if there's bulk ironing service. I know JB has. One big basket of clothes to iron and fold only a few dollars.
Now looking for options to reduce housework without the need for a stay-in helper. I cannot stand housework already... :p

i forget liao.. go back and check check...

btw, the form that u send us... the class is for parent right not bb?

also.. if sat, i might not be able to make it..
<font face="tahoma">Lyn,
how abt those part-time helper who can come in during weekends for a few hours? you can consider those. </font>
Lyn ,

I got a part-time helper.. i used to use her last time during preg period when i no maid..

I asked her to come once every week... to clean hse / clean windows / mop floor / iron clothes...

SHe is very clean but abit slow... and charges $10 pr hr... so far max she do at my hse is 5hrs $50.. but mine is flat lah...

If u want let me know i can recommend her... she is frm china..

get part-time helper to come once or twice a week to clean ur hse which includes washing, ironing, cleanin of ur hse. U need to hv a dryer so that the helper can iron after completin all other hse chores while waiting the clothes to dry. Let me ask my gf if the local part-time she used to hv is still available. okie

Re: Dryer

Ur Dryer load shld be 2-3kg more than ur current washer. If you have a 5kg washer, you shld get a 7kg dryer. Cos after washing, the clothes are heavier.

What brand of dryer are you looking for? I hv good price for Mayer products (Eg: Ariston), if not i can ask my other supplier to check for you. Juz let me know the model you wan.

Another alternative, you may want to go Thomson Plaza Best Denki to see. They are hving moving out sale. I bet you can grab a good deal there.
Hi Lyn

Yes...pls do get some help with housework. I'm also a SAHM with only one kiddo and am already feeling the strain, what more you with one and expecting as well. Boy...it must be tough...gambatte!
I have part-time helper who comes once a week for 4 hours including ironing @ $10/hr. I find her not bad cos she's good with kids as she also works part-time as a teacher assistant in the childcare. I learnt quite some tips from her. Of course,cleaning wise, nothing beats doing it on your own...hehe...perhaps i'm a bit or the fussy sort. Where do you stay? If you don't mind,I can ask her if she can take on another assignment.
Hi Mummies,

Re: WALking

Have your little ones taken their first steps yet. AM getting a bit kan geong now cos my ger will be 15 months next week and she still can't stand on her own. She's a bit lazy like mummy,like tojust r and r and not move about too much. How do you gals encourage your lil ones to walk? Heard from this obasan at the market that better for girls to start walking later...sth about tai tai life for them next time. Supersition yes...but am taking consolation in that for the moment. Ha!
I want your contact... I PM you my number
Thank you very much
muaks muaks...
I think I need more than once a week.

Okie... I love the slim type. Save a lot of space
hee... with some options, I can go shop around physically.

I also want your friend's contact

Oh.. Best Denki having sales at Thomson Plaza. Ok... will try to go see see. Do you know how long it will last? This weekend is fully packed already...
Mayer got dryer?

My house now in a mess. Things everywhere. Floor not swept and mopped daily also. Think my MIL also buay tahan.. she will come and help to clean and iron clothes during weekends :p I already find it very strenous to bend to tidy up the mess A creates. Sometimes, leave them for my hubby to tidy when he comes back from work. kekeke...
A has a classmate at JG who only started to walk at 16 months. Did you keep carrying your gal? In order for them to learn walking, gotta give them lots of opportunity.
sometimes i use part-time maid too esp when i'm over tired. she's v fast n efficient n take initiative to clean whatever that needs to be clean, $10/hour. pm me if u want the contact.
i'm considering ikea too. just wondering if there are any other similar quality n price around so can choose model

that time saw courts TPY saw a plastic table & 1chair & 1stool for around $49. quality not bad. not sure if they still have the promo.

ikea has some wooden table set as well. There's this set of table with 2 chairs going for $35/39.

re: dryer

I've been thinking to get one too. Saw this ''dryer'' at tangs basement the other day. Just hang the clothes and switch on the fan on top.. salesman says work like a dryer. but don't think suitable for Lyn as she will need to hang it up too whereas dryer doesn't need to.

kissbb, dor
can recommend any good models
hi ladies,

have sent out email to all regarding 22Sep gathering. Pls let me know if you didn't receive.

1) panda
2) mspiggy (tbc)
3) sunflower
4) kissbb
5) happymum123
6) serene (TBC)
7) Wen
8) Stella
10) Spicegal
11) vivi
12) rodeo
13) Angeline
14) dal
15) pawprint
16) aishite
17) aishite's fren
18) Lyn
19) paula
20) Dor
21) MTDT (tbc)
22) mum2b
<font face="tahoma"> sunflower,
i think i'm cant make it already.... scared too rush and Wes will be cranky in the evening. thanks for organising!</font>

i saw ur description on wher to park, how to go to ur hse.. i nearly fainted.. simply no idea wher is ur hse.. hahaha. nevertheless, we shld b able to locate.. u juz chop enough carpark lots right in front of ur hse, okie. hehehe
I did not receive ur PM... But i think i got your HP no... Have jus sms u MS lee #.. u receive? Jus tell her tingting frm farrer park recomm one...

Sent me the emails leh... I kpo mah... jus incase i can go.. i jus pop by... especially if MIL make me angry that SAT.. then i just carry chelsia n run...hahahhaa
Dor - ^5... I read sunflower's email on parking i wan to faintz!! hahaha.... best is to come alone lah.. got valet service! hahhaa :p

Celeste - you are Ting Ting??? name soooo sweet huh!! hahhaa :p
sunflower: Just saw your email. Share the same tots as Dor.... hehe....need to turn a lot :p
I'd bring salad. Most likely will bring my maid along cos doubt ER will sit in his car seat quietly by himself.

well said. hahaha....


no offence hor.. dun chase us out when u see all our comments.. hohoho
dor, mtdt, rodeo


my house infront won't have enough lots for you ladies.. so thot nice nice write for you
hummpp.. heart break liao..
Part time help
I got a part-time helper during my pregnancy too. Also S$10 per hour. So Lyn, do rest well and get help.

Btw, my maid decided to move on to start her own business so I have no helper now. Thinking of engaging those cleaning company but haven't done so yet. More ex than part time helper but wonder if worth the time saved coz they come in 2s. If any of you are using helper, can ask if anyone is willing to work at Tampines during week day for about 4-5 hours? TIA.

Table & Chair
My hubby got a set from the neighbourhood shop. Cost him only S$21. Both not plastic..think wood mixed with metal. Coz he said baby will outgrow very soon so no point buying expensive ones unless willing to invest in those with adjustable heights. Then again, he said, he rather buy a new set for her every year coz those with adjustable heights are very ex...hehe..
<font face="tahoma"> RE : KM hol prog

1. Mspiggy
2. Peng
4. Jacque
5. Shetland
6. MTDT's fren (can include my fren?)
7. Paula

Ladies, can you pls kindly tranfer <font color="ff0000">$221.49</font> to my account : <font color="ff0000">POSB savings 126-46865-2</font>.

Please indicate your nick when transfering and also email me or post the transfer reference once it's done. Thanks!

U dun knw meh... i am as sweet as my name! Pauline's name more sweet... JIA JIA... and Kelly's QI QI... cute hor... hehehe

ouch ouch... we know la.. how cramp is serangoon gardens esp w the parkin and the summon police officers :p
<font color="0000ff"><font face="kristen ITC"><font size="+1">rodeo</font></font></font>
<font color="0077aa"><font face="century">can rem to bring my training pants?</font></font>

<font color="0077aa"><font face="century">so many talks abt gathering. Its NEXT sat hor. I keep thinking its tomoro.</font></font>

<font color="0000ff"><font face="kristen ITC"><font size="+1">sunflwr</font></font></font>
<font color="0077aa"><font face="century">sayang sayang</font></font>

how come no have my name? u dun allow me to go ar??

And hor... can do me a favour, do u have the exact start date n end date for the whole course... i really need to update my diary cos dun know why damn forgetful these days... everything have to write down BLACK & WHITE into my diary... hahaha
celeste.. sweet ting ting hor...

why are u so forgetful? are u P? Only P women are forgetful lei. hohoho

think today, will kenna bash up manz.. :p
Sunflower: Don't get upset lah.... private housing roads v chim 1.....cos got many small roads. Need to be familiar with the place to not get lost :p Thanks for reminding us that the TP there v on ;D Hopefully I won't get lost on that day cos I've never been to serangoon gardens.

Panda: Yes, will bring your training pants. Also for kissbb.

I know someone will ask me that... I AM NOT PREG LAH.... aiyo... not only preg pple are forgetful... OLD pple also forgetful lah... aiyo.... Really wanna to SMACK u... u backside itchy todat ar? haha

kekekeke... u comin tis sun for trial rite... see u then. hahaha. but dun smack my butt la cos by Sunday wont b itchy liao. :p
<font face="tahoma"><font size="+1">Celeste dear,
PAI SAY!!!!!</font>
I've copied and pasted from the earlier posts :p

<font size="+1">The classes on every Sundays at 12 noon to 12.45pm from 18 Nov to 16 Dec 2007</font>

jot it down in your diary okie!
<font face="tahoma"> RE : KM hol prog

1. Mspiggy
2. Peng
4. Jacque
5. Shetland
6. MTDT's fren (can include my fren?)
7. Paula
8. Celeste

Ladies, can you pls kindly transfer <font color="ff0000">$221.49</font> to my account : <font color="ff0000">POSB savings 126-46865-2</font>.

Please indicate your nick when transfering and also email me or post the transfer reference once it's done. Thanks! </font>
ms piggy so.. am i in or not???

Anyway have trf $221.49 to you liao... via IB.. ref: 1353067005 .... please check hor...

Thanks for organising.... KISS KISS frm Chelsia....
<font face="tahoma"> celeste, you've transfered already!? OHHH never include you leh... too bad! hahahahahahaa

kidding lah... confirm liao. total 8 babies including your girl
Never include nvm lor... i go your hse hang pig head... i can find out your addy easily if i wanted to.. hahaha... i AH LONG ok!!! dun play play ar... hahaha

Sunflower ,


Yep, I can imagine the state of mess. I used to sweep and mop everyday but now, only down to sweeping daily and mopping twice a week...hehe. i sweep with the magic cleaner and that really cuts down the dust a lot!

As for walking, I don't really carry her a lot...on the contrary though...cannot afford to or I won't be able to do anything else! How can i create more opportunities for her to walk? I think her main problem is with standing up on her own because she actually enjoys walking when i aid her.
