(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

panda - i stay v near u too...Toh Yi...r u sahm too? can jio me along when u all hv outings? i will pm u my mobile number k? thanks!

My dad cut in big chunks and steam the eggplant first, then fry it with soya sauce. I usually feed her the middle part which is with less or no soya sauce.
She loves it. Think we used brinjal, the slim and longish type...not the fat type. Hope this helps.
<font color="ff6000"><font face="kristen ITC"><font size="+1">cheri</font></font></font>
<font color="0077aa"><font face="century">actually i stayed at Highgate, along toh tuck. U at toh yi, which block? me not sahm, am ftwm. sorry ah..u oso june mummy?</font></font>

if still no recover can call up PD ask.that time celest oso v bad nappy rash.PD told me to use an anti fungal cream to apply...after that her rash ok liao..her rash is those red dots type..very painful n got liquid come out.
Hi Peng,

I remember Zach suffer from nappy rash few months back also. I brought him to the normal GP and he also gave me sort of ati fungal cream then he recover in 2days.
Tks mom for the great advise.. will heed the kind advise.. yeah if still dont recover will bring egan to see dr..

oic.. i m looking for a course for my 1st son while waiting for the slot in JG.. tks!

join us for the gathering.


come la for the gathering.. angeline coming too.


i cooked before, just dump the whole piece with skin into porridge to cook. after cook, the inside will 'melt' into porridge left the skin, just take out skin will do. But now stop giving, cos heard not so good for little ones..


ok no prob.

sunflower - drinks, fishballs/taupok etc, profiteroles
paula - curry puffs,chicken pie
spicegal (maybe) - pao
wen - baby biscuits
<font face="tahoma"><font size="+1">Paging for Jacque</font>,
can you pls PM the details so that I can confirm the KM hol program soon? thanks

1. Name of child:
2. Date of birth:
3. Name of mummy:
4. Contact no. </font>
The Royals Christmas Bash Updates 2

Date: Changed to 16 December 2007 (SUNDAY)

Venue: Globetrotters at United Square
(Will share the proposal with you later on)

Time: 3.30pm to 5.00pm

Budget per family: S$60.00 per family (Mum, Dad, Child/Children)

Note: Minimum 35 families to go. Please start registering now.

Globetrotters Details:
8 course hi-tea menu: S$20 per pax
3 course kids menu (snacks for tots): S$5.00 per pax
Globetrotters will waive the S$100 function room fee; apart from the function room, they will reserve an extra section for us at the restaurant.
Inclusive of goody bags for the tots

Party Organizer Details
The Party Room
Suggested Games for 18 months old; parent participation required.

i. Santa's Elves
Each elf must find the correct toy factory that he belongs to.

ii. Santa's Bag
Each child takes a turn to give Santa his bag full of presents.

- Break -

iii. Balloon Bop
Who can keep the balloon up in the air?

iv. Musical bubble time
Dances, music and bubbles

The games will be followed by balloon twisting where each child will get a balloon.

3 Game Masters
Duration: 90 minutes
Surprise gift for all kids
Quotation: S$400 with Santas Appearance at Activity IV or S$360 without Santas Appearance

Our Financial Statement
i. S$60 x 35 families = S$2,100.00
ii. (S$20 x 70 adults) + (S$5 x 35 child) = S$1,567.00
iii. S$400 to Party Room
iv. Remaining S$133 small presents for tots or spend on log cake?

Gift Exchange
Shall we organize one for the children?

1. Queen Pauline, King Ijin and Lil Kelly
<font face="tahoma"> <font size="+1">KM holiday prog confirmed!</font>

We have booked the studio for <font color="ff0000">every Sundays at 12 noon to 12.45pm from 18 Nov to 16 Dec 2007</font>

Regarding payment, do you want to make individual payment or I can issue check and you gals transfer back to me. Which way do you prefer?

The fees will be as such :
Registration fees : * $32.10
Tuition fees : *$127.33
Materials : *$62.06
Total : *$221.49
*Prices are inclusive of 7% GST

Participants :
1. Mspiggy
2. Peng
4. Jacque
5. Shetland
6. MTDT's fren (can include my fren?)
7. Paula </font>
re KM holiday program

Weekdays class - who's interested? 5 lessons, twice per week (weekdays), 2.5 wks

1. toto (prefer 11 am slot - Fridays preferred)
2. sunflower
3. lyn
4. kissbb
5. kissbb

Paula - is the GUG trial confirmed?

GUG TRIAL: 16 September 2007

Drop me an e-mail if you are interested in joining us too. Trial class will be held on 16 September at 2.00pm. It will be held at United Square (Novena).
<font face="tahoma"> toto,
you just called KM too right? Mala told me you were on the other line with her colleague! hehehehehe</font>
Trial class is confirmed. I just called the school but the person in charge is off. So I spoke to the centre administrator and she said she will ring me up with a final confirmation this afternoon.
mspiggy - yes yes... Mas rang me ma. she tot we are two diff groups, so she gave me a diff date. i told her to release my dates, as you are Grp 1 (wk end) and I am Grp 2 (wk day).
Mummies, I need confirmation for Christmas Bash, okay? Cos' December is a peak period for company functions and hence, it will be harder to secure a restaurant if we drag our feet. If we have less than 10 families for the event, I will probably consider hosting a small one at my home.

MTDT, Dor, Angeline, Wen, I am expecting your RSVPs hor!
Hi Paula,

For the Royal Christmas, can I bring my gal there also 3yrs old. Just let me know how much I need to pay additional.
Can I know which part of CCK you staying ? I also stay CCK.
<font face="tahoma"> Paula,
I dont mind issuing cheque first. Agree it's neater this way too.

I see

max 12 babies... you wanna join?? let me know soon okie?
I stayed at 685b. Are you nearby? Eng, can bring our child for a walk! Finally found someone who stayed near me. So happy!

Okay, will make payment to you. You will be at GUG too? If yes, will pass you cash.

Count Celeste in.
<font face="tahoma">Paula,

re: Christmas Bash
I cant confirmed yet coz SIL & family coming back to Sin on 16 Dec but dont know what time. Will confirm once I know the details</font>
Yea, can bring your 3 year old daughter along. We will talk about the costing later. Impt is to finalize the RSVP list first cos' have to confirm with restuarant.
<font face="tahoma"> Paula, nope not going to GUG. Already has something on that day. I'll inform you gals my account no later when I gather all the babies details.

Per Paula's request.. you're in for KM okie. Pls give me the details </font>
I see. will you be interested in morning weekday class at JWT? think the teacher is trying to get a class started on monday morning 930-11am.

may I know which part of Serangoon you stay? Near MRT? Not sure if hb will come with me or not. Will bring some snacks for adults but dunno what, that day see what is convenient to buy
I stay Yew Mei Green so is quite far. But if you free u can bring Kelly for a swim then we can meet up or I can meet u elsewhere too keke..
Let me know on the Christmas Bash so that I can RSVP, I cannot leave my gal alone.

I can offer to held at my multi purpose Hall if the crowd is not too big.
I add on your name to the list liao.

Yew Mei Green opp Yew Tee Mrt?

1. Queen Pauline, King Ijin and Lil Kelly
2. Queen Cutiezayn, King, Princess and Princess

Christmas bash i cannot confirm cos got annual company trip.. every year is round xmas... usually i dun go... cos i only go HK during xmas... but this year boss say CHELSIA and HUBBY FOC.... so i go lor.... hahahha
<font face="tahoma">
Celeste, S$500 to MY account NOT Paula's! hahahahahaa (kidding lah) I will let you know later.

<font size="+1">back to KM holiday prog</font>
Teacher Shauna is booked already
Teacher Dora will be conducting our classes. Any comments/feedback??</font>
Found this useful ... extracted from Dr. Miriam Stoppard's Teach Your Child.

DIY Modelling Dough
Mix 625 grams of plain flour, 300 grams of salt and 75 millimeters salad oil in large bowl. Add 240-480 millimeters of water a little at a time. If the dough becomes sticky, add more flour; it should be dry and handle easily. To color the dough, divide into balls and put a few drops of food coloring into a depression made in each ball. Squeeze and roll the ball on a floured, washable surface to mix the color. If the dough gets sticky, add more flour. To make a scented dough, add some fruit favored gelatin poweder. Store the dough in a plastic bag in a refrigerator for up to three weeks.

The EC opposite Yew Tee primary school at North 6.
Is princess and prince, I hv change it hehe...

so sunday GUG trial class was confirm, can I know where to meet ?

1. Queen Pauline, King Ijin and Lil Kelly
2. Queen Cutiezayn, King, Princess Zayn and Prince Zach
i'll be in jkt for christmas, too bad can't join the party

i'm going to buy children table+chair set. any advise which one is good and affordable? many thanks!
1. Queen Pauline, King Ijin and Lil Kelly
2. Queen Cutiezayn, King, Princess Zayn and Prince Zach
3. Queen Shetland, King Joseph, Princess Gabby
I thought the one from Lil Tikes is good. But pricey. Hubby asked me to consider those from IKEA. Are you looking at those plastic one? Or you will be investing in those sturdy ones that they can used when they are older?


Im here leow...hehe..My details are :

1. Name of child: Ryker Tay
2. Date of birth: 29/06/2006
3. Name of mummy: Jacqueline
4. Contact no. 91828989

Let me know when to tt the payment to you. Thanks.
