(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


Thanks for the update on my gynae. I was recommended to him by my gal friend who has since given birth to a cute bouncy baby boy in Apr. As she went through C-sect, I'm unable to ask more about natural delivery. I'm hoping for natural if I can. I'm seriuosly considering Paul coz like you, I may be able to schedule visits with my gf who is gonna have a baby in May 2006.

Any comments on SM Chua from your mum? Appreciate it!

poohy, who's your gynae?
I failed terribly in my 1st birth being ignorant etc etc... had forceps + epidural + episiotomy. And on top of it being induced.... that's why have changed gynae and trying for a better birth this time round.
Hope you are better now and everything is fine for you this time round.

my gynae is dr CT Yeong from tow yung clinic. I seen him for subfertilty problems in kkh and follow him when he goes private last year.

btw, do your current gynae do vaginal scan for u this time for your visits ? Mine did cos the pregnancy was still v early... the funny thing is i feel pain leh... last time before i give birth to my son, i did not feel any pain doing v scan at all... so just wanna find out whether others who gave birth before had the same problem...

my gyna never do v-scan for me leh...funny hor cause my first pregnancy v-scan was done on 7weeks and 9 weeks then can see leh...but Dr adrain can use normal scan to see my bb heart beat leh...but very blur lah... yesterday while dr Adrain told my hubby to see the small white dot that blinking is my my bb heatbeat my husband was like huh that one ah....
mother of a pricess,

maybe my gynae's scan machine not as good hehehe... anyway i guess different doc will have different methods and preference lor..
i look forward to doing abdominal scan soon... really dislike v scans.. so troublesome and painful.
just bear with it.... so how are you ???got any ms a not??? for me the same leh no m/s... only feel bloatness now 1 week mc at hme... so sian... are you working... what food ur bb is eating now huh...
mother of a princess,

ya bo bian gotta bear with it. My m/s hmm ok lah ... not much just feel bloated (and thus a little nauseous) at times ocassionally and then giddy at times... but still ok compared to some very serious case i know

how come u r on mc ???

I did thought of taking mc sometimes cos feel so sleepy and tired leh... and when i feel giddy lah... but i think better not cos... i just came back from the maternity leave not too long ago... then next year ML again... so paiseh lah... i try to bear untill i cannot then i will take mc.. hehe else i take leave

my bb is now taking rice cereal for 1-2 feed in the day. the rest of the feeds, he will take his FM... he is still on infant formula... i dun think i will upgrade him to follow on formula that soon. your princess leh ?
i was on mc coz got spotting n blood clot so gyna ask me to stay at hme eat,sleep,watch tv... got so relived when i saw my bb heartbeat yesterday nite coz last thursday only got water bag so worried...i even worse then you ah...monday just got posted to a new camp then work for 2 day mc for 1 week i very scared ppl there will start to gossip abt me leh... my princess was on similac follow on and 2 feed of frisocream cereal in the day..

and i was from bayb forum also leh... my nick there is @peace@...
mother of a princess,

ohh i c... well at this point baby's well being more important... its a life at stake... so cannot care too much what people say liao
Do rest well leh... somemore u still need to take care of your princess
mine was a long 15 hours labour...my princess arrived on 39weeks and 1 day....me too did not use epi..but use gas mask as it was a induce birth the contraction is very very pain then normal contraction....had a induce birth coz my water bag leak in the morning....my bb weight 3.3kg and i oni gain 5kg thru out the whole pregnacy ....

this is my princess 1hrs after birth
mother of a princess,

your princesss so alert ... looks so cute!!! hehe
Hey how come you need to induce when your waterbag already leak liao ? Mine was more or less induced in the sense that my gynae go and break my waterbag...... wow breaking waterbag manually is so painful leh
Else i think maybe i can delay another 1-2 days before labour leh hehee.. cos even though i am 2cm dilated but i still think can tahan leh..

hey you gain so little weight.. how u do it wan... i gained abt 10kg leh!
But managed to lose all of them and more after 2.5mths.. must learn from u liao.. hehee gain less weight and bb get most of it...
hohohh...i aready big size mah so don need to put on so much weight so i eat normal lor...never crave for any food..my water bag only leak not burst mah..then only open 1cm so have to put a tablet in to the cervix then doc break open my water bag wahh a gush of water cumming out but still don wan to open till 6pm gyna check me again oni 5cm so she put a kind of drip to speed up the labour that is when the real pain come in...almost cried when gyna say if 12am never open don wait straight go c-sect...lucky my bb come out at 2358hrs...
mother of a princess,

ya i will also cry if after labour my gynae still want me to go for csection. hehee.. the pain really make me shake leh that time... i was literally holding on to the bed rail while my whole body shake with the pain from contraction.. concussed man..
poohy, this time i also had to do v-scan. Same as last time. This time not pain. Last time pain. Think coz gynae this time was very gentle!!! Phew!

ai yoh! Can u choose a shorter nick? ehehhee...
ur gal's so cute, pretty and alert! I'm hoping for a girl this time too.

Say, are any of u craving for makan?
I am like always hungry... then will reach a stage where I am so hungry I feel sick and lousy... then after makan, I'll feel so bloated, full, sick and feel like puking all the food (although I've never done it yet)... think it's air in the tummy. Anyone have something similar to what I am feeling??
Evening Ladies,

Went to the gynae to draw my blood for a ful blood test and also to test for toxoplasmasis since I have 3 cats at home.

I'm waiting for my husband to come home later and fetch me back to my mother's house. I can't stand staying in his house any longer.

My FIL is a retiree and so he's always at home. I'm have just quitted my job before I knew I was pregnant, so I am staying at home too. And then my FIL has the habit of calling me to do things, not that I mind, but he always shout! And I'm someone that gets frighten easily...

What happen earlier on was that my MIL called home (FIL carries the housephone) to ask me what I want to eat. I was doing my work and suddenly he just shouted my name. I literally jump up from my seat. I mean, wtf?! I'm not that far away from you, 2 m at most, do you really have to shout?

So I told him pls dun shout, cos everytime he shouts at me, I will get a fright. But he pactically ignore what I said and ask me to hurry to listen to the phone. Come on, I'm 2 m away from the phone, it wouldnt hurt my MIL to wait on the phone for a while isnt it?! And if i walk a bit slower, he will keep hurrying me. It's just so fking irritating! Pls lor, I'm in my first tri. Can dun hurry me so much? Moreover I have a rather weak body and health.

I know that I shouldnt get work up, but just imagine everyday at home you will get scared for no reason, it's just so annoying!

And my mom scolded me saying that I should have gone home and stay.. initially I was thinking since I've already married into this family, I should stay here. but now, I'm going back to my own house where at least I know I wun get frighten for no reason..

After I got the fright just now, I have been hving cramps. Got so scared and went to eat the "an tai yao" immediately.. pray that everything is alrite..

Hi Lilfeets,

Your gynae is weird... I have not heard of a doc that pokes his patient every 2 days. I mean, if you are in your third week, the gynae will most prob ask you to wait for 1 or 2 more weeks before checking again. Why does he have to poke you every 2 days? Would you want to seek a second opinion?

As for my gynae, I didnt do any blood test on my first visit on Monday, only urine test and blood pressure. And today I fixed the appointment myself with my gynae again to do a text for toxoplasmosis . Then I told her since I'm here for blood test might as well do the full blood test. Another test for down sydrome will be done in the later stage of pregnancy.

I believe the blood test will give me a peace of mind which is why I ask my gynae to do it for me.
hi poohy,

read your blog dating all the way back to july 2004.
wow, you're really detailed in your documentation! especially the part on your delivery of baby samuel, down to the hour!
not sure if this has got anything to do with your nus comp sci discipline

guess we have couple of things in common, comp sci and dogs

hi emily,
me too! always hungry, but so sick of all the food...quite ironically, although hungry, but appetite not as good....talk about the contradictions...

i felt really bloated with the 3 regular meals and now am trying to switch to smaller, but frequent meals, feel much better now....
also developed aversions to food that i liked previously - broccoli, magnolia fresh milk...

i also have many cravings every now and then!
stuff like laksa, szechuan soup, chocolate gelato, bak kut teh etc, anything that's has a strong taste....can't stand anything too bland now...

this time round i hope for a boi boi... but if it is a gal i also want.... tdy my little darling drop down from my bed...she was crying so hard...see liao my heart also pain...so far i got no craving for food but if i eat too much then i will feel very bloated....
mother of a princess,

my mom used the chinese calender method to calculate and said that my bb will be a ger. But me and hubby tried just before the ovulation, so I was thinking it shld be a bb boy based on western medical research..

cant wait to see who wins the battle between eastern vs western...
Emily, thanks for your advise on what to eat for constipation. Went supermarket to buy fruit juice and lots of diff fruits. Called doc to ask, he said can eat all fruits,except banana. (which would be the first thing i would have gone for if not preggie!!)Luckily i called. hehehe.. And doc's asst gave me appt to see him tomorrow, cos i think im calling too often to ask questions.
Well, their own fault for having stupid rules like you cant go pregnancy check up until week 12, right? stupid ang mo country!!

Also heard prunes and dried apricot very effective.

Im also having your problem with food, Emily. Always hungry, but try to tahan cos just ate like an hr ago. But when tahan, dan feel nauseous and uncomfortable.. but when eat, dan feel bloated and uncomfortable...sigh..

Today is my first day of MS. As soon as im vertical, i feel like puking, so have to stay horizontal. Thus, had to take MC and stay in bed this morning. Damn, i thought i was one of the lucky 25% who doesnt suffer MS. Okay, so dat thought down the drain...

Hidora, I get very bad cramps too when i get a shock. Sudden loud noises or when someone sneaks up behind you, dat kind of thing. Dan cramps get so strong, you cant stand straight anymore.
Hi emily,

Thanks for the updates..
..me same same as u..aft eating will feel no well.but if dun eat hungry!if overeat,worse!bloated n indigestion.oso,jus now at dnr outside,my MIL says the dishes was cooked too salty but i say its bland.no taste..die lah..

Hi muffinmocha,

Sian leh..see the brown stain again today.yesterday not much.make me more disappointed.me too b4 jab no morning sickness,but now aft taking the jab n medicine i feel nausea n poor appetite..got the urge not to take the medicine.
morning ladies!

hey snoep, congrats.. finally you can go and see the doctor... hehehe.. seems that haressing the doc does help.

I didnt know can't eat banana leh. I only heard alot of people say cannot eat del monte banana. Must take note liao.

My MS still hasn't come... maybe not so soon. but I am hoping I wun suffer from it leh.. Nowadays my appetite is weird... same as most of you, dun eat hungry, eat already too full and wanna vomit... sian....
hidora, oh no! U better rest well. Maybe it's better that u shift to your mom's place... in addition to not being frightened at your mom's, you'll get treated like a queen too! eheheheee....

lifeetsc, I agree with hidora. Maybe u'll like to seek another opinion? 3 week is very early to know if there's any prob with bb. btw, which doc are you seeing now? Care to share?

let u see my prince. :p

Hope ur gal is better from her fall. It's just part and parcel of growing up! I know very heart-pain one, yeah?

snoep, so how's the constipation coming along? Better??

Angeline, hope u all be better soon.

Ladies, after reading on our symptoms etc etc, looks like we are all normal. :p
Hi ladies...

Relieved to hear that my cramps and MS are pretty similar to some of you, was worried initially.

Cute baby gal! My hubby wants a gal too but my MIL hopes for a boy, you know lah old folks tend to want 1st born to be a BOY. Aiyoh but cannot "control" such stuffs one! I still believe all babies are God's gift.

Any reasons give by your doc that ww MTB should avoid bananas? I only know from my experienced good friend that we should avoid Del Monte bananas, just like what hidora mentioned.

your prince is so handsome......

teo, if your bb come out is a gal then if your MIL blame you then you just tell her is your son problem not yours.....hahha.... but boi or gal is still the same cause it is stil my flesh and blood mah...
hi hidora

I called the nurse to ask why I did not get any urine test or blood count etc. She said that it's because I am much too early to scan now so need to do HCG bloo dtest every two days to make sure that my pregnancy is not eutopic and that my baby is developing. Once they can scan, then I don't have to do the HCG test. She said it is pointless doing blood count and pressure now cause not too BIG yet. We were abit concerned as well.. Give him the benefit of the doubt for two more weeks and I may consider getting a second opinion. Feel a little bad cause this Gyne helped me conceive. Don't want to seem ungrateful.

Hey Laides - Have you started checking our strollers and new born diapers etc? Was wondering if anyone has contact number for whole sale distributor or can buy in bulk to get better discount etc.....
Er...U dun know my MIL, sure dun wanna mess with her...hee hee... anyway when we were trying for a baby, I had to go thru tests, drugs coz I'm weak in health since young so its normal that everyone will assume the problem lies in me. Anyway, I'm thankful that my hubby did not have to go thru hellish tests and managed to get me preggy after almost 10 months of trying. Now that I'm tested positive she would naturally "ask" for a BOY.

Can I ask you ladies if you have noticed that you don't really smell that good "down there" recently? My gf did mentioned to me about hers and I noticed today that mine has a slight ordour. Dunno if I'm being paranoid or what. Any similar cases?
ya emily,

I have shifted back to mom's place last nite... now my little bro and my mom treats me like a queen.. heheh... so much difference from being at my MIL's place..

And your prince is indeed handsome! Can't wait to see whether my is a bb boy or ger.

gillan, if really is a bb ger, tell your MIL your hubby must be thinking of hving bb ger when BD.. heheh..

My mom said that eatting del monte banana will cause bb to get frighten and go into minor fits easily, but the other bananas are okay... Could it be ang moh countries import mostly del monte kind of bananas since it last longer?

lilfeets, when I was 4 weeks pregnant, my gynae is able to see the baby via v-scan. Also, by using the v-scan, she's able to know whether it's a ectopic pregnancy. Perhaps you wanna suggest that?

Hmm.. not yet check out all those things leh... but I've just bought the Enfa milk powder for mothers. It contains DHA which is good for mothers, anyone drinking the same thing?

you only try for 10mths leh... i TTC for 3 year then have leh...and i had to take clomid to get preggy wan....for this pregnacy i also took a cycle of clomid and i also went thru a lot of test... As for the smell every preggy women sure have want..slight increase of discharge also...don worry just put panty liner lor....
hi there, i just joined this thread. i am about 8 weeks pregnant and my baby is due on 3 June 2006. i ve been experiencing MS, cramps and constipation. I was so worried because yesterday I didnt have MS for the whole day. I was relieved when it came back today.
Thanks for the banana theory, reason is because I have bought a whole bunch of bananas 3 days ago and have been snacking when I get hunger pangs. So at least I know other bananas are Ok except Del monte. MIL has been "brainwashing" Hubby after he indicated preference for a GAL.

MOAP (mother of princess - will be using this short form henceforth k?),
I use panty liner daily even before preggy, I'm addited to it coz I find wearing it makes washing panties less of a hassle. Ya maybe I too paranoid coz the scent is not the pleasant kind ok. Yucks
Aiyoh I've been trying for 10months but it took years to convince Hubby to have a baby ok. He is not very "pro-baby". Have to wash and wash his brains, friends and relatives helped in the 'washing" too.
Hi Ryue,
Welcome to the thread. Congrats!
Drink lots of water and fruit juice if u suffer from constipation. I used to have it at the initial stage, but the "stools" have improved, not a torture to my bum when I do BIG BIZ. Wow u actually felt relieved that your MS came back? First one that I come across to feel that way. MS makes me feel like "life sucks". Mine have been mild as compared to some, but they say MS may come more frequent as u approach your mid/late 1st trimester.
hi gals,

Can i check if anyone of you hv urine infection or diarrhoea ?...in fact i've been given some antibotics by my gynae for the urine infection last week but now hv finished all the medi still got leh...very itchy down below...and this morning i hv diarrhoea...dont know what happened....i scare might cause harm to my baby...
sure u can use MOAP as my nick....

I don have M/S leh.... oni some time feel like oni then i should be kan cheong also rite...

i am drinking anmum1 don like the taste of enfa milk taste..i vomit twice when i tried it for 2 times...
Hi Gillan,
Thanks for your advise & congrats to you too. I am sure your hubby would be just as excited as you when your baby is born. My gyane had advised me to drink prune juice. But on the days when my MS is bad, I feel like throwing up at the sight of the prune juice. Water will also make me feel worst. My gynae is giving me bi-weekly progesterone oil jab shots and oral administration of duphaston 3 times daily. Is that the normal practice??

Hi Luvflower, I used to experience that very often before I got pregnant... itchy down there and all.. I read on the web that you should blow dry your private part after shower before you put on your panties. For me, i used panty liner as well and it worked for me! the carefree panty liner (ultra thin, orange colour pack) is perfect. You wouldnt free anything. All my pals uses that.

Hi Mother of princess, I am on Dumex, Mamil. The taste is quite nice.. vanilla. You can try
hi ryue,

welcome! add your name into this list?

1) cookiemz (EDD: 3/6/06)(LMP: )
2) milim (EDD: 4/6/06)(LMP: )
3) mi hopeful (EDD: 9/6/06)(LMP: 2/9/05)
4) Angeline Goh (EDD: 11/6/06) (LMP: 6/9/05) - Dr AL Lim (TMC)
5) Emily (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 28/8/05) - Gynae: Dr Paul Tseng (TMC)
6) peng (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 8/9/05)
7) luvflower (EDD: 18/06/06)(LMP: 11/9/05) - Gynae: Dr Fong Yang (Paragon Clinic)
8) Teo (EDD: 18/6/06)(LMP:10/09/05 ) Gynae: Dr SM Chua(Spore Shopping Centre Clinic)
9) hidora (EDD: 19/6/06)(LMP: 17/9/05) Gynae: Dr Heng Tung Lan (East Shore Hospital)
10)snoep (EDD 15/06/06)(LMP 08/09/05)
11) mother_of_a_princess (EDD:yet to comfirm )(LMP: 29/8/05) Dr Adrain B WoodWorth(TMC)
12)poohy (EDD: )(LMP: 25/8/05)
13)muffinmocha (EDD:08/06/06)(LMP:01/09/05) Dr Eunice Chua (TMC)

gillan, my mom said that besides del monte, another kind of banana is the one with green colour skin but edible kind. They belong to the same family, so cannot eat too. But I seldom see people buying that kind to eat, usually use that for praying during CNY only.. so as long as you dun touch that should be fine or maybe wait for snoep to ask her doc why banana is not recommanded.

I just tried drinking enfa.. taste weird, but still can tahan.... (actually most things taste weird to me now) I hope I can still tahan the taste while having MS... I wanted something with DHA, and I think only Enfa and Dumex has it.. so I got that instead.
aiyo hidora

can i skip the number and go to 15? 14 doesn't sound nice ley.... now i'm very 'pandang' - better safe than sorry.
dear hidora, please add me to the list
15) Ryue (EDD: 03/06/06). Gynae - Dr LC Foong(Gleneagles). What is LMP?
My granny had also asked me to avoid Del Monte bananas. So, I skip bananas altogether.
Try Dumex Mamil, vanilla flavour. its quite yummy!

i am new to this thread. i had my IVF ET end Sep. tested +ve last fri but don't know how to calculate how many months pregnant as it is different from LMP. Am excited to be here to chat with all of you.

i had SO-IUI done for my first kid (now 4) after trying for 3 years, and last year 4 IUIs between Oct and Feb with one laproscopic test in between. No success thus tried IVF after some months' of break. Still worried tho tested +ve cos i had a m/c before (conceive naturally). Pardon my amnesia but in which week can the doctor detect heartbeat if the pregnancy is smoothsailing?
i have just called dumex to get the free sample of mamil mama... hope to try it when the sample arrive...

hi to you and wellcome to this thread Doc can detect heartbeat at 6weeks...

hello Alyy

Congrats!! I think the heartbeat can only be detected by end of 4th week of pregnancy. My gynae only arranged to see me on my 6th week and I could see the heartbeat then. You can go see your gynae and request for a V-scan. My guess is you would probably be able to see the amniotic sac now. You would also find out if you have single or twins during the scan.
