(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

hi Snoep..

I'm from may06 mtb.. Hey!! I'm in London.. how about u. I dun mind sharing my antenatel care in Ldo.
I've onli seen my private OBS on my 9th wk din got to their NHS GP. U can send me private msg to share ur experience

Hi all,

Im back again..
cookiemz, i think any kind of fish is good, lor. But for omega 3 oils, better to eat oily fish. I eat fried or baked salmon twice a week. Very boring to eat same fish every week, but i dunno what other fish are considered oily fish! hahah. (and i hate makereel, so smelly!!) Me living here for 4 yrs plus oredi. We go back every summer hols, but next summer cannot, cos baby just born. My mum doesnt know yet, but she's gonna have to come and help me in June 2006!! hahaah..

Emily, dun worry, i wun eat raw sashimi, although it will be a torture to tahan for 9 mths. Am also feeling very tired, not just today but everyday. Gotta drag myself out of bed every morning, man.

Peng, on and off cramps are normal. For me, when i get a shock, my cramps get very bad, or when i stand too long. (i stand alot at work).

Hey, im abit confused. I have very close EDD wif some of you, but im almost 6 weeks preggie, and you gals are like 3 or 4 weeks. Did you count from first day of last menses or not? Or are we using diff calcutaing methods? paiseh, i blur.

Hey, little Nana, im in Holland, just across the english channel from you.
Nice to meet you, neighbour..
here in holland, you can only make appt for first check up around week 10-12. Any early and they will ask you "your pregnant, not sick, why do you have to go to the doctor? " wah, wanna scream at them, i tell you..
hello Gillan & hidora,

Welcome !!
have you went for your 1st scanning already ? my 1st scanning (last wed) only showed the water bag....my EDD is also on June 18, 2006....i am now staring 5 weeks...

hi Snoep, my gynae actually counted from my first day of my last menses. Believed all should be using the same calculating method...
hi Snoep..

hihi.. I was quite shocked to hear tt they onli see mi on the 11wks of my pregnancy when i wanted to make appointment for my antennatal care. Btw in UK, if were to go for NHS, u'll be taken care by ur GP and midwife(blood test, scans) not the OBS(unless go private or difficult pregnancy). Anyway I had 4 bleeding espisode so I went to the NHS, A&E, had checked and early scan on the 6th wk..hehehe... Their antennatel care is quite different frm SG lor.. Many preggies will go for confirmation or test as early as 4wks.. (which I think is quite waste of money as it is too early to see anything) If i'm not wrong in UK, if u are hving healthy pregnancy they will not do very early pregnancy screening.. (which i think is good too, cos i dun reali like to expose Ultra sound to bb in the early stage) I've been trying to eat more healthy food, take multi-vits, fish oils b4 and during my pregnancy... Btw i did not hve any scan when i visit my OBS on the 9th wk( he'asking me abt my health, do's and don't during pregnancy, exercise and check for lumps in my womb tt's all and blah blah blah) .. he will onli do scan and test after 11wk.. So dun worry, the professional will take good care of u..
Hi luvflower,

i am turing 7week..onli did tummy scan.Jus came back from gynae 2day again.-2nd time liao. coz my spotting got worse..got a jab in my backside n my dosage of 'AN TAI YAO' increased...now getting worried!! wonder hows the bb doing inside..scan 2nd time but still no heartbeat...got to go again this sat to scan again..doc say shd hav by then...now so worried..n upset

Does any of u gals has this problems?
Hi Little nana,

I guess your right, lah. Thats basically the reason they give here. There's nothing to see at such an early stage, and some mtbs panic when they cant see anything or cant hear baby's heartbeat, etc. Apparently you can onee hear clear heartbeat around week 11 or 12. So im trying to be patient, lor. In few weeks time i will call to make the appt, see when they wanna slot me in. Got the number of a good midwife close by oredi. So exciting..

I actually used to be sooooo scared of pregnancy and delivery, etc. But now dat im preggie, now im TERRIFIED and not looking forward to the delivery. Most ppl have home births here, with the midwife. And all done naturally, ie, no painkillers, epidural, laughing gas.. nothing! They think they still living in the middle ages or wat i oso dunno. When you go to the maternity ward at the hosp, you onee see foreigners. Hahaha, its actually quite funny.

Ok, ok, birth of baby comes much later in this forum.

Hey, you gals, continue to eat healthy, drink alot of water, eat alot of greens and take good care of yourself, hor. me going to cook dins now. Till next time.
Hi Snoep..

tt's rite. For example, my sis went for early scanning in SG, OBS told her tt bb not growing, gave her progestrone hormones to stablise bb( I was told by my OBS tt 10 yrs ago in UK preggies were given tt too but now no longer as they've research saying tt it doesn't help to stablise at all.. it will only add on more MS, bloated tummy for preggies) Well.. they were saying tt if there's chance for miscarriage, nothing can do to help at all..(as bb not healthy to develop further) And for 11 wk, blood test and ultrasound will be more accurate so u've gotta wait for the day to come. So we've gotta follow the ANG MO culture lor.. wait and see lor.. hehehe..

Even in UK homebirth is oso very popular in UK. Waterbirth too very popular.. I dare not try homebirth leh.. hehe cos scared of complication haha... But come to think of it, this is a different experience tt u hve lor..Can be quite exciting too... Actually i opted for private becos i had early bleeding and oso hehe dun reali like gng to the GP near my hse.. hey.. why not we open up a forum SG MTB/Mums in EUROPE to share our experiences.. i think i'm dun belong to this thread leh.. a bit funny to write here hahaha...
Hi little nana,

Yes, thats a good idea too. I actually came on this forum cos i had to tell someone of my pregnancy, but i cant tell anyone i know since its too early. haha..
And also i was abit homesick, having to read all the dutch websites and forums. But when i read some stuff here, some of it i dun understand and doesnt relate to me, sometimes i feel jealous that these other gals can see dr so early, etc.
I guess we have to accept and get used to the fact that things work very differently in europe and in spore. I would of cos still LOVE to be back in spore for my pregnancy, go shopping with mum for baby stuff, etc. but i have to be realistic, lor.

Hey, you working in london or you expat wife cum tai tai? hehehe..

To the other gals, all tips and advise are still welcome, hor. Nice to follow advise from home too. Dont have anmum here, so i drink fresh milk.. loads of it!
hi Snoep..

i've started a thread.. MTB/MUMS in EUROPE-sharing session. I got to know a SG mum in UK too.. maybe i'll get her to join share her experiences with us.

Tell u hor.. I have food cravings lor.. Wanted to eat LOR MEE, HOKKIEN MEE, fishball noodles, HOR FUN.. When reading the thread haiz.. reali envy those MTB who are able to reach for their fav food so easily..

Think you were like me lor.. pple in the thread were talking abt gng for scan, results for scan blah blah blah.... so envy and jealous but come to think of it.. ultrasound might or might not be good for bb.. so won't wanna risk.. Anyway my HB's frd jus delivered in Ldo and onli went thru 3 scans
Bb is fine and she oso dun like the idea gng for scans every mth. heyz.. btw u can look for pharmautical fish oil.. start taking cos by cosuming fish not enf.. hahaha I'm abit kiasu and oso look out for multivits tt doesn't contain Vit A..

we're expat in Ldo.. So most of my time i'll surf net, chit chat, do hsework and oso cooking haha.. wife cum maid cum cook cum blah blah blah.. How abt u??

Talking abt milk.. i dun reali like milk recently.. Hb bot Marks and spencer organic milk.. still dun like the taste.. Do u buy lots of organic veg, meat n milk... we did leh.. very kiasu rite
hi little nana,

Hey, i cant seem to find your new thread, leh. So decided to continue writing here in the meantime.

yes, yes, i got craving too!! i crave for sashimi, which i cant eat now, and tom yum soup, which i cant find authentic tasting one without having to drive 2 hrs. My friend had a photo of a bowl of fishball mee on msn. Wah, i saw onee started drooling. hahaha..
I got prima food's mee siam packet thingie which i brought back from spore. maybe soon i will make.

So you take supplements too? I was told the onee extras we pregnant women need is folic pills. the rest like iron you get from green veg (i onee eat spinach or pak choy), calcium you get from 2 or more glasses of milk, vitamin c get from 2 glasses of orange juice per day. And fish oil to get from 2 or more times fish a week. ayah, like i said, here is everyting natural, wan.

Im not expat. Hubby's Dutch. Had 2 yr long distance relationship, expensive phone bills, and air tix, so he asked to come over in the end. Was hesitant at first but decided to give up my wonderful career and all and come over to see hw it is, etc. Been here for more dan 4 yrs now. We just got married 2 mths ago. Working full time, but will have to quit once baby comes. Cos here not like spore, MIL not gonna look after baby while i work. And babysitter/childcare is way too ex. So bascially i working woman/wife AND maid!! haha..
next year will be full time stay home mum/wife and maid.

Organic food? No, i dun buy. I dont really see the advantages of it. And besides, its much more ex, if im not wrong.

Okay, its midnight. Time for bed, must be up at 7am again. is the weather getting cold over your side? Here it was very cold today, leh. cannot tahan the cold.
Hi luvflower,

Yup, just went for the first scanning... bb so tiny.... I myself cant see it... The gynae must find for me.. hehe..

My calculation method is also from the 1st day of menses. I think that's a universal way of counting? Cos I saw a lot of website also count it that way
Anyway, for MTB staying in Singapore, which hospital are you planning to deliver in?
I have chosen eastshore as it's the nearest to my house, and my gynae is Dr Heng.
Saw alot of good comments about her, and indeed when I went to see her yesterday, she's a very pleasant person. Makes me feel very comfortable.
Welcome Teo and hidora,
I don't know how many weeks I am. Coz period not regular and I am still breastfeeeding my 1st kid -15months now. Went to gynae to date this pregnancy, but he found it difficult coz too small... so my next appointment is 12Nov2005 - hopefully by then I'll be able to date it and at least know when my EDD is. It's a torture not to know u know. :p

Hidora, btw, how big was ur sac? Was your gynae able to measure it? Did your EDD show on the ultrsound scan? I also did v-scan.

Hi Snoep and little nana,
I know it must be difficult and home-sick for u girls to be reading our posts abt the makan here and support we get here. However, pls do continur to come in now and then so that we can learn more abt the preg practices in UK.

u take care... better rest well. Don't worry abt not being able to detect heartbeat. For my #1, we only detected the heartbeat at 9weeks. So, there's still more hope. Pray and rest wekk, eat well too! Let us know....

Ladies, can we have a member list here so that we know who's who and all?
Let me start... pls update accordingly. Thanks.

cookiemz (EDD: 3/6/05)(LMP: )
mi hopeful (EDD: 9/6/05)(LMP: 2/9/05)
Angeline Goh (EDD: 11/6/05) (LMP: )
Emily (EDD: 14/6/05)(LMP: 28/8/05)
peng (EDD: 14/6/05)(LMP: )
luvflower (EDD: 18/6/05)(LMP: 11/9/05)
Teo (EDD: 18/6/05)(LMP: )
hidora (EDD: 19/6/05)(LMP: )
mother_of_a_princess (CD1: 29/8/05)
poohy (CD1: 25/8/05)

mother_of_a_princess and poohy, what is CD1?
Hi Emily,

I'm not sure whether was that a sac? Cos I'm only 4 wks pregnant... Initially I wanted to go for a visit in wk 5 or something, but heck, might as do a scan earlier to confirm that everything is in the right place. And the "an tai yao" I received from the gynae put me more at peace since it's my first pregnancy.

My little beanie is 0.7cm.., I did a v-scan. The normal one cant find it.. lol

p/s: have added in my LMP. =)

cookiemz (EDD: 3/6/05)(LMP: )
mi hopeful (EDD: 9/6/05)(LMP: 2/9/05)
Angeline Goh (EDD: 11/6/05) (LMP: )
Emily (EDD: 14/6/05)(LMP: 28/8/05)
peng (EDD: 14/6/05)(LMP: )
luvflower (EDD: 18/6/05)(LMP: 11/9/05)
Teo (EDD: 18/6/05)(LMP: )
hidora (EDD: 19/6/05)(LMP: 17/9/05)
mother_of_a_princess (CD1: 29/8/05)
poohy (CD1: 25/8/05)

CD1 is LMP
its the same... means the first day of your cycle.

my gynae managed to detect the heartbeat last saturday vscan... he said abt 5-6weeks liao.. but cant date yet cos still small... i am going back again this saturday to date the baby...
but i estimate his edd shd be abt 1-2nd week of june... actual delivery date will be in late may since my first baby was delivered 3 weeks early... and i always hear that subsequent babies will normally be early too ...
haha.. i kiasu.. yest went to c the doctor n pay $ to go for scan again.. heee hee.. baby still there and growing.. now i could c the yolk sac..
yeah.. dr said that the cramps would come and go.. so not to worry.. haha.. think i really overparanoid..

today had my first morning sickness.. yuck.. not nice feeling..

Sorry.. what is LMP?? haha.. me blur blur..
Howdy MTBs,

I've added my LMP, looks like luvflower is closest LMP date from mine, based on calculations, I should be 4 weeks old, but gynae said I'm 3 weeks, oh what the heck, I'm ignorant too myself.

cookiemz (EDD: 3/6/05)(LMP: )
mi hopeful (EDD: 9/6/05)(LMP: 2/9/05)
Angeline Goh (EDD: 11/6/05) (LMP: )
Emily (EDD: 14/6/05)(LMP: 28/8/05)
peng (EDD: 14/6/05)(LMP: )
luvflower (EDD: 18/6/05)(LMP: 11/9/05)
Teo (EDD: 18/6/05)(LMP:10/09/05 )
hidora (EDD: 19/6/05)(LMP: 17/9/05)
mother_of_a_princess (CD1: 29/8/05)
poohy (CD1: 25/8/05)
Hi Peng,

LMP is last menstrual period, mostly gynae will calculate based on the 1st day of your last menses date.

I had "night sickness" for the past 3-4 nights but starting today, i has a little "morning sickness" and ya I had cramps ytd, the whole day, but was mild, and it came on and off
Hi MTBs,

My MS is not here yet but, how does the ms or ns feels like? So I can know when it comes...
Hi Peng,

Let me post this for you.. I was very paranoid too.. so I went online to search for articles that can make me feel better... ^____^

First Trimester Worries: Do's and Dont's
Article By Ann Douglas

There's no denying it. Worrying is as much a part of pregnancy as stretch marks and popped belly buttons. While you are unlikely to stop worrying entirely until Junior makes his grand entrance a few months down the road, there's plenty you can do to keep your worry-o-meter from shooting off the scale in the meantime. Here's what you need to know about the top ten first-trimester worries that are most likely to have you pacing the floor at 3 a.m.

1. I'm petrified that I'm going to have a miscarriage.
If there's one fear that's pretty much universal among newly pregnant women, it's the fear of experiencing a miscarriage. While the majority of pregnant women will end up with the storybook happy ending that they're hoping for, a significant numberbetween 15 and 20 per cent will experience the heartbreak of miscarriage. The way to cope with this particular worry is to turn it on its head. Rather than focusing on your odds of miscarrying, focus on your odds of not miscarrying: 80 to 85 per cent.

2. I don't feel pregnant anymore.Could I have experienced a miscarriage?
After spending weeks coping with morning sickness, overwhelming fatigue, and swollen breasts, it can be a little disconcerting to have all those symptoms disappear overnight. While it's true that a sudden disappearance of pregnancy symptoms can indicate a missed miscarriage (a situation in which the developing baby dies, but is not immediately expelled from the mother's body), that's not the only reason your symptoms may have disappeared. They tend to disappear towards the end of the first trimester anyway. Bottom line? If you're really concerned, call your doctor or midwife.

3. I had a glass of wine before I found out I was pregnant. Will my baby be okay?
While it's obviously best to avoid exposing your baby to any potentially harmful substances during the period when your baby's major organs are being formed (approximately two to eight weeks after conception), there's no point in beating yourself up about that glass of wine now. Instead, concentrate on making the healthiest possible choices for the remainder of your pregnancy.

4. I fell down a flight of stairs last night.
I'm petrified I'll have a miscarriage because of the fall. While it's hard not to hit the panic button when you take a tumble, try to keep in mind that your body is designed to protect your baby against accidents like this. The walls of your uterus are made up of thick, strong muscles and your baby is floating around in a sea of amniotic fluid that also provides a cushioning effect. Add to this the fact that your uterus is tucked behind your pelvic bone during early pregnancy and you'll see that your odds of experiencing a miscarriage as a result of a fall are very slim indeed. If you are still worried, see your doctor.

5. I'm basically surviving on soda crackers and flat ginger ale these days.
I'm worried that my baby is being deprived of important nutrients. If your baby had to rely on what you were able to consume on a meal-to-meal basis, there might be cause for concern. Fortunately, Mother Nature has prepared for such a possibility by stockpiling nutrients in your body. Your baby is still dining away on nutrients packed away from all those healthy-balanced meals you enjoyed during your pre-morning sickness days.

6. Everyone says I'm huge.
I'm worried that I could be carrying twins. If your belly seemed to blossom overnight and everyone's commenting about how pregnant you look, it's only natural to start wondering if you could be carrying more than one baby. While your odds of conceiving twins are relatively small (one in 90, unless you happened to conceive with the assistance of fertility drugs), the only way to find out for sure is to go for an ultrasound.

7. I experienced a lot of complications during my first pregnancy. I'm worried that I'm doomed to repeat them this time around.
While certain sorts of complications do tend to recur during subsequent pregnancies, others do not. Pre-eclampsia for example, tends to be more of a problem the first time around than in future pregnancies.The best way to address these concerns is to discuss them with your doctor or midwife.

8. I'm worried that my older child will resent rather than love the new baby.
As excited as you are to be pregnant again, it's only natural to worry about the disruption that may result from adding another baby to the family. While there can be some rough spots during the early weeks as your older child learns how to share you with the new baby, most families find that these problems tend to become less of a problem over time. You can help lessen it with some simple actions. Arrange by arranging for grandparents to give the older child lots of one-on-one attention, for example. Keep the older child's routines as consistent as possible, or have the new baby give the older child a present.

9. My vaginal secretions have changed. I'm worried that I've developed some sort of infection.
This is generally only cause for concern if your vaginal discharge becomes greenish-yellow, foul-smelling, or watery. There's no need to be alarmed if you experience an increase in the amount of leukorrhea the odourless, white, mucus-like discharge produced by the vagina while you're pregnant. Hormonal changes can cause your vaginal secretions to become wetter and more abundant.

Fortunately, your first trimester worries won't be around forever. Before you know it, you'll be into the second semester with a whole new set of worries.

Updated list
1) cookiemz (EDD: 3/6/05)(LMP: )
2) mi hopeful (EDD: 9/6/05)(LMP: 2/9/05)
3) Angeline Goh (EDD: 11/6/05) (LMP: )
4) Emily (EDD: 14/6/05)(LMP: 28/8/05)
5) peng (EDD: 14/6/05)(LMP: )
6) luvflower (EDD: 18/6/05)(LMP: 11/9/05)
7) Teo (EDD: 18/6/05)(LMP:10/09/05 )
8) hidora (EDD: 19/6/05)(LMP: 17/9/05)
9) mother_of_a_princess (EDD: )(LMP: 29/8/05)
10)poohy (EDD: )(LMP: 25/8/05)
tks alot hidora for the article... yeah u r rite.. shdn't be so paranoid but rather enjoy the process..

oic.. my LMP is 8/9/05.. tks alot..
Updated list (including gynae)- the EDD should be in 2006 not 2005 hehe

1) cookiemz (EDD: 3/6/06)(LMP: )
2) mi hopeful (EDD: 9/6/06)(LMP: 2/9/05)
3) Angeline Goh (EDD: 11/6/06) (LMP: )
4) Emily (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 28/8/05)
5) peng (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: )
6) luvflower (EDD: 18/06/06)(LMP: 11/9/05) - Gynae: Dr Fong Yang (Paragon Clinic)
7) Teo (EDD: 18/6/06)(LMP:10/09/05 )
8) hidora (EDD: 19/6/06)(LMP: 17/9/05)
9) mother_of_a_princess (EDD: )(LMP: 29/8/05)
10)poohy (EDD: )(LMP: 25/8/05)
hi emily,

thanks..so upset to see those spotting again jus now..haiz..now can onli pray..so moody these few days

Updated list
1) cookiemz (EDD: 3/6/05)(LMP: )
2) mi hopeful (EDD: 9/6/05)(LMP: 2/9/05)
3) Angeline Goh (EDD: 11/6/05) (LMP: 6/9/05)
4) Emily (EDD: 14/6/05)(LMP: 28/8/05)
5) peng (EDD: 14/6/05)(LMP: 8/9/05)
6) luvflower (EDD: 18/6/05)(LMP: 11/9/05)
7) Teo (EDD: 18/6/05)(LMP:10/09/05 )
8) hidora (EDD: 19/6/05)(LMP: 17/9/05)
9) mother_of_a_princess (EDD: )(LMP: 29/8/05)
10)poohy (EDD: )(LMP: 25/8/05)

rest as much as u can. Take your hormonal supplement and injections as per your doc's prescription.

I experienced heavy bleeding during week 5-6 when expecting my son in my previous pregnancy. But it end up well still... so just rest more, be positive and keep in close contact with your gynae on your condition
Okay, updated list so far...

1) cookiemz (EDD: 3/6/06)(LMP: )
2) mi hopeful (EDD: 9/6/06)(LMP: 2/9/05)
3) Angeline Goh (EDD: 11/6/06) (LMP: )
4) Emily (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 28/8/05) - Gynae: Dr Paul Tseng (TMC)
5) peng (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 8/9/05)
6) luvflower (EDD: 18/06/06)(LMP: 11/9/05) - Gynae: Dr Fong Yang (Paragon Clinic)
7) Teo (EDD: 18/6/06)(LMP:10/09/05 )
8) hidora (EDD: 19/6/06)(LMP: 17/9/05)
9) mother_of_a_princess (EDD: )(LMP: 29/8/05)
10)poohy (EDD: )(LMP: 25/8/05)
mother_of_a_princess, take care. We'll be praying...
I also don't know my EDD... this is just an estimate that I have done coz I think I know when is the date of conception.
HI Sneop

here's the link.. Think no response so far.. might be a dead thread soon.. hehehe..


HAHA.. i also brought prima pack in London. MEE RUBUS, LAKSA, PRAWN NOODLES, CHICKEN RICE, blah blah blah.. but still miss the authentic hawker food alot.. Will be gng back in JAN for CNY so will eat till i drop hahaha....

As for multi vits intake, i've been taking from pills and natural sources. As i do hve MS and intake of vits might not enf.. soo...

Wow... you are reali brave to go all the way to holland by urself and settle down with ur HB. It is not easy to get use to the environment in overseas especially when ur family not ard.. REALLY PEI FU!! Btw taking care of own bb is a good choice I would want to hve more bonding with my child.. HEYZ... i'm oso gng to be SAHM when bb is born... gng to be FULL TIME AH SOH LIAO.. hahaha..

ok.. will see u @ the thread...
meanwhile take care!
Ok here's my updated info:

1) cookiemz (EDD: 3/6/06)(LMP: )
2) mi hopeful (EDD: 9/6/06)(LMP: 2/9/05)
3) Angeline Goh (EDD: 11/6/06) (LMP: )
4) Emily (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 28/8/05) - Gynae: Dr Paul Tseng (TMC)
5) peng (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 8/9/05)
6) luvflower (EDD: 18/06/06)(LMP: 11/9/05) - Gynae: Dr Fong Yang (Paragon Clinic)
7) Teo (EDD: 18/6/06)(LMP:10/09/05 ) Gynae: Dr SM Chua(Spore Shopping Centre Clinic)
8) hidora (EDD: 19/6/06)(LMP: 17/9/05)
9) mother_of_a_princess (EDD: )(LMP: 29/8/05)
10)poohy (EDD: )(LMP: 25/8/05)

How u find your Dr Paul Tseng services?
just added in some info..

1) cookiemz (EDD: 3/6/06)(LMP: )
2) mi hopeful (EDD: 9/6/06)(LMP: 2/9/05)
3) Angeline Goh (EDD: 11/6/06) (LMP: )
4) Emily (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 28/8/05) - Gynae: Dr Paul Tseng (TMC)
5) peng (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 8/9/05)
6) luvflower (EDD: 18/06/06)(LMP: 11/9/05) - Gynae: Dr Fong Yang (Paragon Clinic)
7) Teo (EDD: 18/6/06)(LMP:10/09/05 ) Gynae: Dr SM Chua(Spore Shopping Centre Clinic)
8) hidora (EDD: 19/6/06)(LMP: 17/9/05) Gynae: Dr Heng Tung Lan (East Shore Hospital)
9) mother_of_a_princess (EDD: )(LMP: 29/8/05)
10)poohy (EDD: )(LMP: 25/8/05)
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum and am so glad to find this discussion thread for all MTB in June 06.
EDD - mid June 06.

Hi Angeline,

I can understand how you feel.
Dun mean to sound disgusting but every wipe can be so agonizing....hoping that there're no brown stains.

I'm about 6.5 weeks now and have seen my gynae twice last week (very 1st visit on Tue and 2nd on Friday).
I experienced light spotting before I saw my gynae. Got heavier by Friday.
Went back to TMC to get hormone injection and doubled dosage of the hormone pills.
Spotting got lighter now.
Gynae ordered bedrest since last Wed and will still be on sick leave till this Friday.
Having a review this coming Friday.
The wait for the next appointment can be so agonizing too!

Hi Poohy,
Thanks for sharing your experience with your previous pregnancy.
Really consoled to hear that it turned out well.
Hoping my case will be the same too.

hi ALL,

i also wanna join u MTB June 2006. I discovered preggie two weeks ago. Now 7weeks preg as of yester. My EDD 4/6/06 . At first gynae cant see sac at 5 weeks. Then I went back second time, now can see sac and bb is abt 8.2mm. Been suffering from Morning sickness recently.. Vomit 3 -5 times per day. Feel so sickly now. Anyone also got MS?
hi Muffinmocha & Milim,

welcome to join us...
u wanna update on the list on your EDD and which gynae you visit..

I dont hv much MS...only last week tummy cramps on and off...feeling kind of worry...If hv MS means stable pregnancy I dont mind to hv it...anyway just hv to wait for my next visit to gynae next week then i'll feel "safe"...
Hi again all,

Emily, thanks for understanding. Yes i will still continue to read this thread eventhough our situations are different. Nice to learn from you all's experience and to hear that your babies are developing healthily. Also good to learn all the tips for your marlers and marler in law and gynea, etc. Me havent told anyone in the family yet, not even mum, so cant ask for advise yet. All my info is from internet so far.

Hey, anyone know of a good oil or cream for stretch marks or not? I kiasu, wanna apply as early as possible so as not to have ugly scaring after baby is born.

This morning took out frozen chicken to thaw so dat can cook tonight. Wah lau, saw the raw meat, straight away felt nauseous!! Anyone have that experience? And i find that i cant smell raw onion and garlic oso. Cham, lah, how to cook like dat???

little nana, thanks. i will check out the other thread later. lunch break is over liao. sian, man...

oh, oh, can add me to the list, pls?
snoep (EDD 15/06/06)(LMP 08/09/05) - not definite until i see midwife, but havent make appt yet.

see you gals again soon! ciao!
hI Snoep..

I also had tt experience when i was 6th wks preg onwards.. till now still dare not take homecook meat. I used to fry veg with garlics b4 preg.. now dare not even touch. this is very norm lor.. during tt time i can onli take FRUITS, STEAM VEG and eggs.. Now trying to pick up meat. hoping tt it will get better gradually. So meanwhile u gotta REN!!!
just went to see gyna...got a jab at bckside and increased of hormone pills.. and was ask to stay at hme for 1 week. i saw my baby heart beat...the bb is so tiny... last thursday i could only see the water bag.... it is amazing...
1) cookiemz (EDD: 3/6/06)(LMP: )
2) mi hopeful (EDD: 9/6/06)(LMP: 2/9/05)
3) Angeline Goh (EDD: 11/6/06) (LMP: )
4) Emily (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 28/8/05) - Gynae: Dr Paul Tseng (TMC)
5) peng (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 8/9/05)
6) luvflower (EDD: 18/06/06)(LMP: 11/9/05) - Gynae: Dr Fong Yang (Paragon Clinic)
7) Teo (EDD: 18/6/06)(LMP:10/09/05 ) Gynae: Dr SM Chua(Spore Shopping Centre Clinic)
8) hidora (EDD: 19/6/06)(LMP: 17/9/05) Gynae: Dr Heng Tung Lan (East Shore Hospital)
9) mother_of_a_princess (EDD:yet to comfirm )(LMP: 29/8/05) Dr Adrain B WoodWorth(TMC)
10)poohy (EDD: )(LMP: 25/8/05)
Hi poohy,

Tks for the encouragement..now hoping for the best.mine is brown spotting.not much of red colour..guess the nurses there sure see me till sian liao..does urs stop after the 1st trimester?or will it continue?now feeling better to koe tt urs had turned out well..

Hi emily,

LMP-- 06/09/05 Gynae-- Dr AL Lim (TMC)


Hi muffinmocha,

Finally found someone who knew how i feel..i think i getting paranoid.every feel hr will go toilet jus to chk if got stains anot..My 1st gynae visit sat n 2nd visit mon.next visit this cuming sat.Whos ur gynae in TMC? scarly ours is the same..Me too had 1 'AN TAI ZHEN' injection. n the AN TAI YAO dosage increase to 3x from 2x daily..but i feel like a bile in my throat,nausea aft taking the pills..appetite not tt gd liao.doc onli say rest more at hm..didn order bedrest for me..but i guess its really v hard to stay in bed the whole day at hm when u got things to do,etc..hehee
Morning MTBs!

Hope today is another great day for all of us.

mother of a princess, angeline, hope the two of you are feeling much better.
Good morning ladies,
Good to see new members.
Can members pls update the list from now on coz it is difficult for me to read each post and update all the time? Just find the most recent list, copy, paste and update. Thanks.

Updated list so far:
1) cookiemz (EDD: 3/6/06)(LMP: )
2) milim (EDD: 4/6/06)(LMP: )
3) mi hopeful (EDD: 9/6/06)(LMP: 2/9/05)
4) Angeline Goh (EDD: 11/6/06) (LMP: 6/9/05) - Dr AL Lim (TMC)
5) Emily (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 28/8/05) - Gynae: Dr Paul Tseng (TMC)
6) peng (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 8/9/05)
7) luvflower (EDD: 18/06/06)(LMP: 11/9/05) - Gynae: Dr Fong Yang (Paragon Clinic)
8) Teo (EDD: 18/6/06)(LMP:10/09/05 ) Gynae: Dr SM Chua(Spore Shopping Centre Clinic)
9) hidora (EDD: 19/6/06)(LMP: 17/9/05) Gynae: Dr Heng Tung Lan (East Shore Hospital)
10)snoep (EDD 15/06/06)(LMP 08/09/05)
11) mother_of_a_princess (EDD:yet to comfirm )(LMP: 29/8/05) Dr Adrain B WoodWorth(TMC)
12)poohy (EDD: )(LMP: 25/8/05)
13)muffinmocha (EDD: )(LMP: )

Teo, Dr Paul Tseng is quite good so far. Have u heard abt him or seen him before etc? Any gossips? :p

Snoep, don't worry. I haven't told MIL nor mother yet too. Just told friends... for support. As for family, I don't think they need to worry just yet until things are more confirmed.

Bloatedness: Try ginger water
Constipation: Drink fruit juices and eat more veggies
During my #1, I drank fruit juice every day during lunch. So much so that I never experienced constipation at all!! For this preg, I have yet to start on that, and already having constipation...

i heard dr paul tseng quite supportive of natural delivery and not performing episiotomy.
Hi MTBs!

Great to see more and more MTBs. Initially, I only told my hubby and a close friend about the pregnancy as my Gynae said no point announcing to the whole world coz its still the unstable stage. But my "kaypoh" hubby went to broadcast to his family, so to be fair, I have also announced to my parents.

My good friend is also visiting the same gynae as you, in fact I may consider him. Not that my current gynae is lousy (he's a joker)its just that its my 1st pregnancy, so I may be a little "paranoid" in seeking alternative/2nd opinion. Maybe can also compare notes with my galfriend if we go to same gynae. Just my 2 cents thoughts.
Hi ladies

I am barely 3 week. EDD about 24 june 06. Not sure yet as it's still too early.

Am wondering.. What does our Gyne do for you (i.e. what kind of test you have to do) the first month you see him? My gyne kept take blood test every two days to monitor my progesterone and HCG level. I have needle marks all over now. Is this normal? He has not taken any urine test or any other test or blood pressure. Is this acceptable?


chk with u whether it is normal to have discharge in liquid form?? Lilfeets, for my chk up, i only did urine test and blood pressure but no blood test. like u, i oso wonder this is normal...

i am thinking of choosing dr woo bit wah from tmc tiong bahru as my gynae.. anyone got any comments on him?? tks
poohy, yeah, dr paul tseng is very supportative of natural birth etc etc.. that's why I chose him. In fact, I changed my gynae to see him.

Teo, I know your gynae. My mom used to work for him. Dr Paul Tseng is good if you want a well managed birth (i.e. follow ur birth plan). U decide. For me, for my #1, I was only 4 days away from my cousin. So, we went into the doc room together every visit.

did ur gynae followed your birth plan in your previous pregnancy ? I din come up with a birth plan but my gynae also encouraged natural birth... so i went for natural birth without epidural and he also din perform episiotomy.. though i got slight tear... i am also aiming for natural birth without episiotomy and epidural this round... u ?
Updated list:
1) cookiemz (EDD: 3/6/06)(LMP: )
2) milim (EDD: 4/6/06)(LMP: )
3) mi hopeful (EDD: 9/6/06)(LMP: 2/9/05)
4) Angeline Goh (EDD: 11/6/06) (LMP: 6/9/05) - Dr AL Lim (TMC)
5) Emily (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 28/8/05) - Gynae: Dr Paul Tseng (TMC)
6) peng (EDD: 14/6/06)(LMP: 8/9/05)
7) luvflower (EDD: 18/06/06)(LMP: 11/9/05) - Gynae: Dr Fong Yang (Paragon Clinic)
8) Teo (EDD: 18/6/06)(LMP:10/09/05 ) Gynae: Dr SM Chua(Spore Shopping Centre Clinic)
9) hidora (EDD: 19/6/06)(LMP: 17/9/05) Gynae: Dr Heng Tung Lan (East Shore Hospital)
10)snoep (EDD 15/06/06)(LMP 08/09/05)
11) mother_of_a_princess (EDD:yet to comfirm )(LMP: 29/8/05) Dr Adrain B WoodWorth(TMC)
12)poohy (EDD: )(LMP: 25/8/05)
13)muffinmocha (EDD:08/06/06)(LMP:01/09/05) Dr Eunice Chua (TMC)

Hi Angeline, Mother_of_a_princess,
Seems like we're the only ones needing the jabs.
We're all at TMC as well, but different gynaes...
I did not experience morning sickness prior to the jabs at all. But feeling nauseas since for the past 2 days in the morning and night. Think it's mostly likely due to the medication than anything else.

Do update on your progress ya?

Cheers ;)

muffinmocha, angeline

me too getting the progesterone in oil jab weekly from my gynae. Previously when i had my son, also jab weekly throughout the 1st trimester becos of the heavy bleeding with lots of large blood clots...I remembered crying so hard cos i thought the blood clot is my bb. And 2 months ago from that, I just had a miscarriage. in any case, my bleeding stop after awhile... but there is a name to it.. its called subchorionic bleeding... the bleed of the layer between the placenta and the uterine wall. The risk of further bleeding looms across the entire pregnancy as the blood clot resulting from it during early scans was so much larger than my baby himself... in any case, i did deliver him safety eventually ... so i hope u gals also cheer up and rest well
