(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

hey mummies,

me too went for my checkup this morning. I gained 6 kg so far... last weight this morning abt 51kg. Me in my 31st week i think... bb is 1.5kg at average weight. Actually my this bb is heavier than my boy. And the good news is she turned already! Looks like my "exercises" did help a bit. Hope she dun turn back up. My gynae said likely i will deliver earlier... i think so too.. cos my boy came at the 37th week... wow time is moving faster now... in 1-2 months time seeing my bb ... sleepless nights ahead

hi gals
i did my hospital tour at Mt A today.wah.. saw the 4-bedder rm, think they are much smaller than last time i visited my sis in late 05 when she delivered her 1st. think i wan to upgrade to 2 bedders liao. those mummy deliverin at Mt A, anyone getting 4-bedders?
yest.. i went to crystal jade n ate the la-main. i juz ate abit of the red chilli oil... oh my god, at nite, i got a bad stomache and LS. scared the hell out of me .... but luckily onli LS one time, then i m ok.. pheww
Hello ladies,
collected my beansprout pillow today... same supplier as okipoki! simply love it... the material feels good too.

wow.. today still talk abt food! our thread shd change the title already. hehehee
Hi Jojo,

My mum always commented i have too much water in my tummy so it looks big. But it is not heee...

My legs are swollen but still ok. The gynae didn't comment on anything when he checked my legs. I can still walk. Just that when i walked and when i stopped, i can feel the numbness

Hi Poohy,

Wow.. u gained 6 kg only! I am now already 64 kg.. think i have gained around 14 kg liao

Hi Kite,

I am having BH regularly now.. hmmm, u will feel ur tummy very tight, and it is not due to kicking of bb. Because u feel the tightness but u dun feel movement of bb at that instant. Not painful, just that i find it uncomfortable.

I just ate lots of haagen dazz ice cream just now because today's my brother's birthday and they bought a haagen dazz ice cream cake

I also drank 7-up and coke while having steamboat. Feel rather guilty heee..
u r right! I got my durian cake liao...finally settle my craving...haha....and to further tempt u ladies, I ate the durian coil from 717 @ suntec....top layer is D24 durian, then cake with another layer of durian inside...yummy yummy!!

picture speaks a thousand words...*LOL*

ya loh...I have been thinking of durian for many days liao...today finally ate one...of course muz take pic lah....
hi all...

Have not been here for quite sometime... really got alot to read thru....

hey hav anyone ever thought of going for a c-sect? I thought of going for a c-sect leh... if i really opt for c-sect, it would either be 24 or 31 may i think.. cos it need to be 2 weeks before due date....

any comments about c-sect? i am still in a dilema..

U must have really enjoyed ur durian cake ya? heeee...

Hi Hidora and celeste,

It is normal for some preggies to opt for c-sec immediately. One of my colleagues went for c-sec around 2 yrs back because she said she sure cannot tahan the pain in normal delivery. And i think another reason is because the doc tell her if she try to go normal delivery, eventually she may still need c sec. So she say she might as well opt for c sec. Easy and fast.

My colleague who just gave birth also went for c sec eventually after the bb was found to be in distress when she failed in normal delivery process. So she told me if gynae suggest c sec due to some reasons, best to go for it, rather than go through the trauma of normal delivery and end up still having to go through c sec.
Morning ladies..

Wow okasan.. really peifu u to take pictures and tempt us further. Anyway, I have a few mouth of durians yesterday in JB. Hahaha went for some groceries shopping then saw this durian store at Da Ma Hua Yuan but not as nice & is expensive.

Mspiggy & Kite,
Yeah the beansprout pillow is really nice hor...

I will be taking 2 bedded instead at Mt A. Havent tell Henry yet cos he didnt ask me during my previous visit.
Good morning!

okasan, u terrible... even post a pic to tempt us further!!!! Luckily I already had my durian fix. hiak hiak hiak
Morning Mummies,

You really went to Suntec and buy the durian.I have not try the coil before.So it is realli nice,than my next trip there i must buy the coil too.

Is this your first preggie? I personally won't like to go for c-sec as i know that during the confinment period,it would be more painful on your wound and longer to heal compare to normal delivery.I rather choose to have normal and experience the hardship i had gone thru to have my bb arrive in this world.That is more memorable.Until today i can still joke/talk about my first delivery with colleagues and we all enjoy talking about those moments.
Of course,this is up to indiviual.If you think you cannot tahan the pain,you may want to consider c-sec.
Celeste (celk),

your gynae advised u to have c-section or u decide to opt for it yourself? if gynae advise one, then just listen coz they more expert....

if u opt for c-section yourself, is there's any reason? c-section takes longer time to heal after delivery...
Hi Celeste,
Is there any particular reason that you wanna opt for C-section? For me, I prefer natural
. I have friends who opted for C-section becos they are scared of the pain, and said they will prefer natural for their second one.

Hi Okasan,
Wah.. You still take pic to tempt us.. hahaha... I am trying to refrain from taking it cos I put on too much weight already. Now I have two boxes of almond magnum sitting in my freezer to tempt me some more... hahaha... Buy 1 get 1 free at Carrefoure...

Hi Dor,
Remember to drink more water

Hi kk,
Wow... Your baby is 2.9kg already! Gonna see your baby soon liao.. excited or not?

Yesterday, went to see my gynae. Confirmed my baby is a boy boy.. hahaha... saw the two "balls"... so obvious and baby was sucking his toes during the scan. Very cute...
My next visit gonna be 12 days later with diabetes test... chamz... gonna kena poke again
. I was poked twice yesterday for haemoglobin test and injection
I asked the nurse can no need injection or not, she said gotta negotiate with the doctor one... bobian...

Aiyoyo.. you gals and the durian and ice-cream talks... really making me drool...

y you want c-sect... it will take quite a long time to recover leh... you can't even carry your bb for direct latch..maybe you have your own reason..but think twice...
Hi Lyn,

Why do u need to go through so many tests??

Yah, i didn't know my bb can be so big hahaha.. imagine at 19th week, she was only 295 g... so much smaller than all your babies.. so i thought she is going to be a small one.
hi osakan..... durians!! Really tempting me.. i am refraining from it cos have been eating so much of it and all the wt goes to me, not the bb... n u still use pic to tempt us....

yeah.. talking abt ice cream, i juz love ben & jerry ice cream n hyatt cakes. been eating it every nite.. real sinful..

KK, wow.. your bb is 2.9kg? how many wks are u?? wow.. so big.. what did u eat?? must learn from u..

btw, chk with those who have "reserved" a malay wrap lady, do u need to make appointment with her now? Cos we dun even noe when we give birth.. what do u tell her? Tks alot..
Hi all..

well this is my first time.. and my gynae still have not advise me whether am i suitable for c-sect or normal.. but just that as the day draw nearer, i am getting more excited and scared leh.... worry i cannot tahan the pain... so might be easier to opt for c-sect... m really confuse...dun knw how..

worry if opt for normal.. then fail.. how.. then i will be in pain on both areas leh.. haha
Hi Celeste,

I do have same worries as u. I thought i am the only silly one bearing those thoughts as day draws mear.. i think that is part of pre natal blues haha...

If gynae never say anything, why not go for epidural? try for normal delivery.. if cannot, at least u can still witness c sec process. Epidural is very effective in relieving pain from what i know so far. It can help u endure through c sec too.
hi all MTBs,

understand that some of u hv bought the nepia diapers.. so how u find the material? good? me stil contemplating if shld order from nepia or buy pampers/huggies. any comments?

re: weight
i'm into my 32 weeks now.. put on almost 11kgs.. not sure if it's ok though. realise that i started to put on only since 2-3 wks ago.. eerks. so worried..not sure by delivery.. dunno how much more i'll hv to put on.. heehee

re: durian
haha.. so there's many durian fans here as well.. me oso one! luckily am not banned.. had durian once in a while but reminder..dun hv durian 1-2 days before your routine gynae check cos yr sugar reading will definitely go up..cos it happened to me during my earlier check.. my sugar went up slightly then i realised it bcos of durian that i ate the nite before... it was normal after that.
hello mummies,
can i check with you gals, if mummies have inverted nipples can they direct latch for bb? or must rely solely on expressing?
Celeste (celk),
if u are worry abt the pain, then all the more u should go natural unless medical reasons loh...coz u heal faster with natural delivery....u can always opt for epidural to relieve the pain....

as for baby positioner, I'm not sure how much it is selling coz I never buy...not a neccessary item.....
I wish to bf my baby for at least 3mth....will then decide whether to continue when I go back to work after maternity leave....

how abt u?
hello mummies, I'm back in Singapore!

Hmm, I heard from some friends that epidural is adminstered like a drip and I read somewhere that epidural is jabbed thru our spine... any knowledge whether it will be the formal or latter in KKH?
i know there is a shield for inverted nipple from Medela.I think is for use before your delivery or before bf.Not very sure,you may go and check on that pdts.Should be call Contact nipple shield.Saw a thread selling it.


I am prepared to bf even after i go back to work.But don't know hows my milk flow.Have already buy all bf items liao.

Hi duffybuff,
Some of us have purchase the bumwear recently from a BP.Maybe you wanna consider that if you want to use cloth diaper.Haven receive my item yet.Don't know how well it works.
hi okasan,
i hope to bf till 6 mths. have to be very determine.. heard from many friends that it's a tough start in the beginning. will also face alot of pressure to give bb FM if our supplies is not enough.
hi jojo,
thks for the info. will find out more... but am also not sure if mine is really inverted or not. gotta check with the lactation consultants or my gynae.

hi paula,
you only going to rest for 1 mth?
Mspiggy, you may want to stock up cabbage or cold pack for breasts if you intend to BF for so long...

Yea, work is pretty hectic and I'm given an extremely high number to hit this year...
Paula, i see. so you will try to take the rest of the mat leaves much later?

my boss also hopes i can only take 8 weeks instead of straight 12 weeks. but will try to 'neg'
HOw many....heheh.....but too bad....we are not in the same hospital..who knows you guys will be shouting for each other name in the next delivery room..hahah
I cant recall but there's a list of all the June MTB somewhere in this thread.

which hospital are you going? maybe it's the same? hehehehe

I went for my pre-natal class at KK and met another MTB with the same EDD too!
No one goes to NUH except me leh.Cos it is near my hse,more convenient loh!I think i saw the EDD chart of the mummies here before.

Actually EDD will not be exact too.Most probably i will have early delivery cos this is the second one liao.
