(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

Hi Ladies,

An update! Had my Week 31 checkup yesterday, bb weighs 1.73kg & feet size of 6cm (she says a newborn is abt 7cm), still considered big for petite me. ;P Told me if by next visit (3wks later), he will to exceed 2kg, most likely will be Ceasarean! She said she's pro-natural, but it's better for me to be prepared than to had a bad tear or end up e-Csection, as I'm simply too small size. Emergency Csec will also cost me a fortune.

Hi kite, btw, did you notice Dr Chan has a new competitor (Adelina) next door, I was told that she is new from KK, just started her own practice in TMC! Oh, my next appt is 24 Apr, the next is 2wk after, frequency increasing as date draws nearer ... miss you again ...

Whoa! Medusa, really peifu you. That's a lot of studio shoot collections! I too like the one from Kids Pictures. You are very photogenic ...

Hi, Ladies,

I'm currently in Hong Kong and mine, the baby clothes are so lovely! I have to refrain myself from buying anymore stuff for the little one! Running out of stamina to walk too ...

Hi, Carebear,

May I know your built? My gynae told me that 2 to 2.5 kg is considered average size for petite builts. I'm petite too and Baby Kelly was underweight as of 29 weeks. I'm due for my next visit on next Monday when I'm 32 weeks.
Morning ladies,

I have got my beansprout pillow... actually is really nice but there is a slight out of alignment so not so perfect. I have helped one of the mummies to collect hers... at least better than mine.
hidora, oic.. sotong me.. din c that email.. haha still stupidly wait for ur email pay n collect the pillows..

okipoki can give me the contact for your beansprout pillow..

carebear29... really?? like that considered as smal built.. i think my bb size shd be close to u.. b4 pregnancy, i only abt 40-41kg, 1.54cm.. hmm.... so must go for c-section??? my gynae told me my bb is considered small-medium size.. N i m still eating durians hopefully to make my bb bigger!!!

medusa, wow.. ur photos so nice.. feel so tempted to take.. u r a pretty mom!! no wonder ur daughter oso so cute.. mom pretty, daughter oso pretty..

Btw, any1 can give me the ctt for the malay wrap lady??? want to store all these nos so after birth wont be so busy.. tks alot..
Morning Mummies!

Yup FM92.4 is classical music, very nice n soothing music.

oic. out of alignment ah. but the pillow n material is fine rite? what pic did u choose, how many u order? extra casing? i intend to order 2 pillows + 2 extra casings.

Hi Carebear29!
Wow ur bb weigh 1.73kg at 31wks. hehe. Wat was ur bb's weigh at 27wks? mine at 27wks on last appt is 1kg and Dr. YC asked me not to eat too much leh, scare bb too big for my petite size. Hey we are of e same built, petite size too.
My pre-pregnancy weight was 43kg, now 52kg (oh dear i m already 52 kg at 27wks while u 52kg at 31wks). we can actually use our and bb's weight as a gauge liao hehe. but e diff. is ur bb is a boy while mine is a ger

Yes i notice there is another new clinic opening but not sure which gynac. hehe , Dr. YC got competitor liao.

Btw did u confirm on which bed? i hv informed them i wil be getting the 1 bedded ward. But afraid Dr. YC wil tell me the same thing as urs, if bb too big, need c-sect. if c-sect, i might downgrade cos cost wil be quite ex. see how wat she wil say on my next appt which is on 29 April. miss u again.
Thanks Okasan for replying to peng.

Yah abit disappointed lor. The ingredient is the husk of the bean so is pretty light & material not to very smooth type but still ok. I choose the Duckie with ABC alphabet blocks. I only ordered 1 w/o extra casing cos not too sure of the quality.
morning ladies

my bb also i tink quite big sized...was 1.4kg at 28wks 2 days. But my gynae didnt mention anything bout possible to end up c-sect. I think they can only gauge when its closer to EDD? Cos maybe some babies put on more weight in the earlier stage and lesser weight later stage? Btw, I am 1.58m also not considered tall....*lol*
wow! Durians! Talking abt that makes me hungry. I ate 1 BIG pack a few weeks ago!

Celeste, your bb is bigger than mine. Mine is 1.3kg at 28w 5 days. seems like she's going to be small unlike her brother. At this weight, i already feel miserable bec of the bad backaches i get esp while i am at work. I didnt mention to Adrian abt the backaches but he told me to bear in mind that the load will get heavier by the day
so i can expect the backaches to worsen.... sometimes i just feel like taking unpaid leave to stay at home to sleep. haha!

re: leg swelling
I'm coming to 30 weeks and my legs are beginning to swell. Beginning of the day they look fine but at the end of the day, they feel tense and look chunky! I'm getting worried cos in my first pregnancy, my legs literally doubled in size! Lifting the legs up when sleeping helps but at work, cant do that. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that 3rd trimester for pregnancy will be much better. Else, i think i really have to take unpaid leave to lie down at home.

okipoki, the bean bag i bought fr another supplier has lots of husk. but the cover is plain. Can see http://www.studioij.com/b-huskpillow.htm if u want. It costs $12.90 plus $1.50 postage.
Hello good morning gals! I am back from my trip to Penang!

hmm... talking about baby's weight and size already. Have you gals went for the last detailed scan? I will be having mine at 32 weeks I guess... My gynae told me in my last visit. How often are you gals seeing gynae now?

Hi medusa,
Wow... You are photogenic
. I almost wanted to buy the bumwear at the expo fair, but feel that it's overpriced, so did not buy. I searched through the forums too and not many positive comments.
My legs swelled like elephant legs when I was in Penang... Now ok already. I suspect it's my diet in Penang... Difficult to control the "good" food there so ate lots of "char kuay teow", prawn noodles, laksa... Now I continue to watch my diet and eat more vegetables and fruits, no more swelling
Lyn, u took bus or plane to Penang? Yes, the char kuay teow there is v nice...v diff fr those sold her. so u suspect it gotta do with diet? i dont particularly fancy oily stuff and take lots of fruits and water but still get swelling. I just keep my fingers crossed that my BP will not go up too.
i'm still seeing him only once a month.
heard that nearer to delivery have to see every week!

D day: My friend told me to put big plastic bags (black trash bags) underneath the bedsheet we sleep on in case waterbag burst during sleep and flood the whole bed... so funny and noisy to sleep with trash bag underneath! i prob use rubber mat (for changing baby) just put under my bum when the time is nearer? what are your tots?
Morning Mummies,

Durians? I want to eat durians too! But now is not the durian season leh. I miss the D24 durians.


If bb becomes too big in the later stage, the gynae might induce you b4 the delivery. My fren gave birth to her 3.24kg bb at week 37. The gynae said if wait till wk 40, bb would be over 4kg, so not advisable to wait.


I'm still visiting my gynae once a mth.. sobz.. thought in 3rd tri can visit her more frequently. Will be ard wk 32 also.

Hmm, have not thought of that yet leh.. Quite true hor, if waterbag brust while sleeping, then the mattress can be considered gone liao.
I took car there... Every hour gotta stop for toilet... kekeke...
My friend is going to have her wedding reception in KL in May... I wonder if I can go...
Ya, I think it's due to diet. The two nights that I had swelling cos I ate something with seafood! The worst swelling day is Penang laksa the day before. I had swelling for the whole day, not only at night! Lucky, now ok already cos I back to my more vegetables and fruits diet. Dare not anyhow eat...

hee... I postponed my gynae's visit last week by a week. I suppose to see gynae once every 3 weeks. Dunno what he will say when I see him this Saturday... kekeke...
hahaha.. I cannot imagine sleeping on plastic bags leh... Haven't thought of that though...
yum yum !durians are my fav too but scared eat already make bb bigger and bigger...

looking forward to scanning bb on Monday! one month ago he was only 750g hope now he bigger!!

when are you all starting to drink young coconut water? where to buy?
morning mummies!
am going for my 29th week check up this afternnon - decided to take the day off and go swim in the morning ...
tinkelbell: drink more mater, supposed to help water retention right? and prop your feet up while at work ! i tot i had quite bad water retention earlier on, so did these 2 things and am feeling better now.
gynae visits: from 28th week, it is onoce in 3 weeks, then after 31 weeks, it's once every 2 weeks, then 38 and 39th week ...

very fast horrr - i think i will be quite upset when i pop cuz i am so used to the bump now ...

but also getting leg cramps at night, so pain !!!
someone was saying earlier in the thread that if you rotate your ankles and flex your calves before bedtime it will be better issit ??
I started to drink young coconut already... kekeke.. my favourite drink...
I crave for durian also.. but my hubby dun allow me to eat
I was reading the pregancy guide book. It was stated there that we should not use soap on our nipples as it will strip away the natural oil secretion. Do mummies here really did not use soap on the nipples? I mean, when you shampoo or foam, will surely kena a bit here and there one mah. Should we apply some moisturizer after bath instead?


My mom said the coconut must be those big green ones. Not the thai little ones. I dunno when to start drinking cos diff people say diff things. A malay father told me to start drinking early like in 7th mth cos you nv know when you will deliver earlier. But chinese usually say drink in the last mth.
lyn, i kind of rejected most invitations fr late may onwards cos i am not sure if bb would come out earlier than expected. my friend was asking me to bring my son to watch Hi-5 concert in early June but i think better not to get the tickets so soon first even though there is discount.

Jo, i am also looking forward to coconut drink. But if u buy fr super market, u'll have a hard time trying to chop open the coconut. I think pasar malam stalls sell the young coconut drink right?

As for waterbag bursting, haha, your friend's method is quite cute. havent really thought abt it too. I didnt really experience spontaneous waterbag bursting in my first preg as it was induced. But i remembered it felt like urine seeping out. Hospitals use this big adsorbent piece of pad to absorb. I find that useful esp first few days after delivery where the lochia can be quite a lot and sometimes stain the bed. can get fr pharmacy.
K Ong,

So jealous. My gynae's nurse said if the visits reduced to 2-3 wks so soon (wk 28 onwards), they would be very busy. =( So I'm still on the once per mth basis.

Ya, I tried the rotating ankles, and wriggling of toes, it really works with the cramps. Have not been hving cramps lately. Then when I feel like a cramp is coming, I will wriggle and rotate again.


My hb also ban me from durian. My gynae told me last week that "YOU ARE VERY FAT!" And then all sugary stuff are banned.. But I'm still thinking of buying some durian puffs and eat in secret later leh.. lol
Hi, Carebear,

I was 42kg at 1.55cm. Baby Kelly weighted about 1kg at 29th weeks. My gynae was concerned and he said that for my built, our babies will most likely be about 2 to 2.5Kg...
Hi, Okipoki,

Yea, on a short biz trip to HKG. Today is a public holiday in HKG. Got a lunch and dinner meeting. Can go shopping in the afternoon ...
I still use those exfoliating types of shower foam.. I still put around nipple le...

I am thinking whether we can use adults diapers? hahaha... then confirm wun get stain on bed. I very scared get stains on my bed too.

I will be in my 36 week! Can we still travel at 36 week? I feel it's kinda risky...

Young coconut has thin meat... The younger it is, the thinner the meat...
Re: leg cramps

Yea, I am having leg cramps too, it hurts. I was told that if your left leg is in cramp, raise up your right hand. If your right leg is in cramp, raise up your left hand. It seems to help. I kena leg cramp last nite and uses this method...
Morning mummies,

Hi peng & kite, yap! Seems like we're about d same petite size. Kite & I shared d same gynae. My bb boy is 1kg at Wk26, considered M-L size bb. She didn't say I must go for Csec, but if bb continues to grow on L size scale, she'll assess and advise again. Guess she's "mentally preparing" me, in case my cervix is not wide enough.

Kite, think you are fine if she din mention to u since, she spoke to us abt it since wk22 ... not sure why, maybe she's gauging on my hip size or whatever ... will wait for D-day!

Don't worry abt downgrading, my friend oso opt for 1-bedded, but upon admission, when she knew she needs to extent stay, they allow her to switch to 2-bedded. I opt for 2-bedded. A little tempted to opt for 4-bedded initially becos a few mummies over the forum says they usually automatically upgrade 4-bedder to 2-bedder (with no extra cost leh). But, nowadays as TMC becomes more crowded, I rather not risk it. ;P

I bought a pack of sheet protectors (10sheets) at abt $5 from pharmacy. It's meant for patients, old folks, babies & etc. It's rather similar to those they used in hospitals but thicker, meant to protect the mattress. It doesn't make any plasticky sounds when we lay on it. Intend to put that beneath my bedsheet from wk33 or 34 onwards.

Saw the bean-sprouts pillow you ladies ordered. Very tempted ... but mom told me not to buy cos she wants to prep and sew it herself ...

Ciao ... gotta work liao!
prob will buy coconuts from fruit stalls/pasar malam then. Shall start on the 35th week? Due date is 40 weeks right, so start one month before...
hahahaha hidora... dun tempt me also leh... kekeke... Last nite when I went for my grocery shopping, saw durians on offer, but my hubby dun let me buy...

Hi paula,
Wow.. you are small size... Me like giant liao...

Recently I have two friends who just gave birth. One is 3.5kg baby gal, one is 3.8kg baby boy! Gosh... I thought 3.5kg is normal weight cos they gave birth naturally... And another friend told me bigger baby easier to handle.
Lyn, it will be too risky to travel at 36th weeks. I'm taking some risk even on this trip. Furthermore, babies often pop out early... some at 38th weeks.
Lyn, yea, baby kelly is extremely small ... due for a fetal growth scan on next monday. My gynae tried consoling me saying that smaller baby easier to come out ... FIL said I will experience less labor pain... haha ...

Her health is most important...
Some babies grow faster towards the end of pregnancy... If you wan baby Kelly to grow faster, eat durians...
I am telling my baby to come out at 3kg... kekeke...
Haha lyn,

While tempting you, I'm also tempting myself...

I also want a big baby, easier to handle. When I went for my wk 28 scan last sat, bb was only 1.28kg. And my MIL said why so fat? I was so irritated! I just told her that if bb didnt put on weight, something is wrong already. Then she said she like thin babies. Fat babies no good. Wa lau, I was like am I the one giving birth or you? Then she kept gng on and on abt how fat baby = fat adult = unhealthy. And continued how she dun like fat baby and blah blah blah.. Seriously, I feel like sooooooo irritated.

Then again, my own mom commented why so small?! Aiyo... then she said your bb surely very small one, 7th mth already still so thin..

Well, basically I was a 3.9kg baby when due, but my hb was only 2.5kg. That explains their remarks.
Lyn, yea, have been forcing myself to eat as much as possible these weeks...

Hey, any mummies here are thinking of getting the rocking cradle from Fisher and Price?

Really, go stuff yourself with durian. While you are putting on weight, bb also put on weight from it. My fren, the one who got induced at wk 37, couldn't stomach anything in. She had morning sickness for the whole 9 mths. And the only thing she can eat w/o vomitting is durian. Then becos of durians, bb grew too big and had to be induced early.
carebear: actually since TMC getting more crowded then the more you should opt for 4 bedder confirm get upgraded. Can save some money...

but 2bedded less privacy, and it's first bb and lotsa visitors then like too noisy for your neighbour? similarly, if your neighbour also too many visitors, then disturb your rest... and first time stay in hospital would prefer hubby to be around... but in order to save $$ i will still go for TMC 4bedder (keep fingers crossed for upgrading)and be brave at night by myself..

I'm just pissed off at her insensitive remarks. She then commented on how big sized my brother is. (My bro is really big sized lah, abt 1.8m and 100kg) Said becos during bb time fat, that's why now also fat. I dunno lor. It's like indirectly commenting on my mom like that. Tried explaining to her that becos my bro eats alot and dun exercise, that's why so huge, but she insisted on her beliefs. It's offensive to me in a way lah.
Haha Paula,

Remember to drink more cooling stuff. Durians are really heaty. I can't eat durians as even a little durian puffs will give me bloody mucus the next day. Really cham. Milo give me sore throat. Anything heaty is bad for me..

And be prepared for the weight gain from durians.. My fren gained 13kg from durians...
HAHA! Hidora, dont bother abt your MIL lah... fat bb cute mah
and fat bb doesnt always equate big sized adult... how u grow in future depends on your diet after that.

aiyo.... durians were the culprit for my previous preg wt gain. Hee hee...gained 20kg leh. this time not much durians so i think prob wont gain so much. keeping my fingers crossed! aiyo... but after hearing so much abt durians, i think i must eat it tonite liao!!!! yummy slurpp
carebear, my bb also big, that's why gynae said must induce in week 38 to achieve a natural delivery. maybe you can ask your gynae whether this is possible? better than planning for a c-section?

re gynae visits: from 28th week, once in 3 weeks, then after 31 weeks, once every 2 weeks, then 38, 39, 40 week.

will be seeing gynae tomorrow (wk 31). my bb weight 1.38 kg in week 28.
Durians also my fav... but gotta curb for these two months... for the sake of bb. i have been drinking black chicken with cordeceps soup (spelling?) every week. heard bb will also grow big due to this...
Hi, josephine_tan
But I've already send back my cfm slip to TMC 2mths back on my 2-bedded choice ... ;O Can still change meh?

Hi, Gina.
CareXpress rang me after I filled up d online RFQ ytdy. Their rate is good too. You can now try CareXpress or Just Relax. They are coming down 2 my place 4 assessment next wk.


We got the cravings for durians going on here. Luckily, I can't eat durians.. And hb wun buy for me. Else I can't imagine how balloon I will be. But I feel like drinking bubble tea now leh.. Cham lah.. I'm hving craving for sugary stuff again!


You know they always say the best way to avoid conflicts bwt DIL and MIL is to NOT stay together.. So true lor. But I'm staying with the in-laws.. Haiz.. So 90% of the time, I'm hiding in the room.


Ya lor, fat bbies are really cute! Feel like pinching their cheeks every time I see chubby bbies.
