(2006/05) May 2006 MTB


Think we share the same sentiments. Really hate to work but i fear staying at hm looking after K. I think the babysitting job is even more taxing than working


I went to look through our archive last night. Miss the time when we were all preggy and sharing all our happiness tog... Heehee really miss those time

milo & Gabby,

I guess it is good to stay home once in a while to babysit. But not everyday lah heehee.. YJ down with fever last nite.. this morning fever again. So me and hubby stayed home today to take care of her. Luckily fever subsided liao and she is back to her happy self again
That makes me guilty not to report for work today :p But it will be a good break for me from school


james does delivery and the price he quote will include delivery

heehee once in a while at hm ok la. if everyday, think i will die lo. perhaps i do not have the type of patience :p

how come YJ having fever? teething?


anyone bringing ur little ones for the pneumoccocal jab?

Hmm i guess so.. dunno why lah.. suddenly get cranky last evening.. and vomitted out all her porridge at mil place. SOmetimes she is like tat cos she wanna rush home with us haha! So she lots of "pattern" in the evening time when we go fetch her. Guess her tummy got wind too, so she felt uncomfortable. Now ok le
kk thanks for your email but had smsed that James already

Started J for p-jabs loh..will bring him for his final dose few weeks later. You haven't bring K yet?

GUG good huh? i walked past it few times but didn't go in :p

not yet leh. thinking of starting at 1 year to be in time for his JG's classes. tat why now hesistating to send him for regular classes. how many doses has J taken?
sms from Patsy @ 12am

Doctors are telling us we may have reached a point if no return for Sabie. Her blood acid level keeps going up and her body tissues still not accepting the oxygen. Please pray a miracle because that is the only thing that can save her now. We will still have faith.

hi michele,

i'm praying for little sabie too. hoping for a miracle too.

hi mummies,
long time never log in liao. Was terribly frightened on Monday when my gal fell from her cot bed (height is at our chest level). Scared the hell outta of me and my tears kept flowing....Quickly rushed her to hospital for the pd to check on her and gave her a full checkup...the next 24 hrs was also critical as we need to monitor her to ensure that she did not have signs of vomitting or drowsiness. thank god she's fine now.

so mummies, must always keep a close eye on your bb...never underestimate yr bb's ability to climb...

thks god she is ok
nat climb over the rail? K is starting to jump, very scare 1 day he might just topple over but i couldnt find a right bed for him leh.. sigh
Luckily she is ok. Have you lower the level? My cot bed can but nvb used it since after k fell from there @ 4 bed. He was grounded to sleep on mattress laid on e floor. These days really have to be aware since our little beloved can crawl, jump, crusing or walking already.
My parents n in law have been naggy on wanting us to fix window grills on our unit. Cant imagine one day k jump out from the living room window.

Ps pray for miracle for saby.. little angel.
ino, i know how you felt...and might still feel...once in a while, when i recall how christian fell, i still shudder. guess what...christian fell twice by now!!! Both in my care. Lousy mum hor....but indeed, babies are very resilient creatures....most of the time, they are ok....but of course, case by case lah. God's been very kind to this mummy and the little boy. He's fine too. Was very tempted to rush him to hosp but after first A & E visit when he was 5-6 months old, now, i stay home to observe first. His recent (and 2nd) fall experience lagi jia lat....u hear story already, also scared. So, take heart...no worries. Glad Nat is fine.
Yup Chris and Ino,

I guess all babies have knocks and falls sometime in their life. My boy, fell with back of head hitting concrete floor of swimming pool area on the day he turned 3 months old. My mum was carrying him for a stroll along the swimming pool and she missed a step. She was carrying him facing her hence when she fell flat, she fell on top of my son with the back of his head hitting the floor first.

Hai... I think u can imagine how i felt on that day. Couldn't blame my mum but worried abt my son too. I didnt rush him to doc or A&E as he stopped crying after we pacified him. So...i guess we just have to pray for God's blessings on our little ones every day
Your post so funny! He can jump so well?

"Cant imagine one day k jump out from the living room window."
Must fix window grilles soon ya.

yes..gotta be more careful next time..can imagine how terrified you must've felt. Eversince i read how Sabie is suffering and fighting for her life everyday now, i'd been rushing home these days to give my boy a tight tight bear ((((((((hug)))))))).
yes yes. must fix window grilles, esp if you have table or sofa near the window. Xavier love to stand at the window and look out these days..haha..KS mummy have grilles from Day 1 since i moved in.
ivy & fates,
ya. k oso loves to do what x do. Worst, he can even kiss the window (lower one). The upper one i alway open. However, i still dun like the grilles on, seems like living in e cage.
Any lobang for window grill person to recommend. Sure kena a big hole since i didnt fix it on when i had the renovation that time. Individual one should be x man... sigh!

left 24hrs for little poor saby, pls pray for her..
cant help, tears just keep rolling. m pc idiot n just enable to go online after what network not connect error.. damn.. called friend to help.
Saby's heart has stopped, her brain already damaged and her feets ....
She is waiting for time. Ps pray for her, the time isnt up yet, things might change.

Saby just enlighten u n me to treasure our beloved when they are around.
hi mummies,

thks for all the concern. natie wants me to say thank u to all aunties. hee

yes, we treasure our little miracles even more now. i also go home everyday to give my dd a great big hug and tell her that i love her everyday...life cld be so fragile...

hi annie,
well i guess money has to be spent on safety stuff. ;-) after all, it's for the safety of our most loved ones. ;-)
Yap, have been asking for quotation here n there.

leejen & anastasia,
Yap, really heartache.

i duno whether sarah needs financial help or not since complication involved in this case. K has a hole in the heart (SDV) and cannot be insured anything regarding to the heart. i really cant imagine how much the bill for saby's case.
<font color="0000ff">I may sound a bit hard hearted but life still has to go on.

I sobbed esp. when I saw their family photos. It makes me think that perhaps I should have some family portraits when our bbs turn 1, so that (touch wood) if anything happens, we can still be reminded of the wonderful memories of us together. Anyone has lobang for photoshots?

Let's treasure our loved ones and try not to complain too much about them. Sometimes, it's difficult but we have to let them know that we love them.

Regarding insurance, it's a standard practice by insurers to exclude illness or surgery related to existing condition, esp. congenital ones (i.e. present at birth). I also have a heart condition and DH was very worried when I was pregnant then.</font>
What a gloomy day! Ya sabie had passed on...went to a place where there are no knives, no medicine, no life-support machines, no tubes and no suffering. Her little soul must be wondering why am I not awake after doctors had put me to sleep? Sad sad sad..
Hope she will have better karma in her next life.

What heart condition do you have? Take care......
hi bbloh, thanks, i received the file liaoz, now rally my colleague who wants to buy swimwear.

by the way, i just took my family photo with foto-u when J is 11mths.
There is one @ tanjong pagar opp sophia wedding collection especially for toddlers. This shop is opened by taiwanese; same boss as sophia wedding collection. I had my w. album there.
So how? do you need to go for review regular? Hope everything ok.

Wah! great warming pics u posted on.
Anyone wants to donate for saby? Pls donate to this following detail:
POSB SAVINGS: 137 42379 0 then email your name (username & real name) amount and transaction reference number to [email protected]

Note: Any amount even $ 1 also can, its the heart that count.

For Cards that you want to send to Saby, pls send to the following :

Carole Ng (Attn: Sarah & James)
107 Westwood Crescent,
Singapore 648798.
<font color="0000ff">leejen,
That's a very nice and heart-warming family portrait you've posted. Jeneil looks really sweet and I can almost hear your giggles & laughter during the shot.

Regarding my heart condition, I was diagnosed with Mitral Heart Prolapse (MVP) in 1999 during a heart scan. It's a condition where the Mitral Valve (a human heart has 4 heart valves which is used to control the flow of blood when the heart expands or contracts) is unable to close properly and results in backflow of blood (normally our blood only flows in ONE direction). I was very sad during that time and read up on this condition. Of course, I've sorta gotten over it now, hoping it won't deteriorate. No need for annual review though I can sometimes feel chest pain and breathing difficulty.

Thanks for the concern and everything seems fine at the moment (Ops! I should be more optimistic!)

Nonetheless, let's treasure each moment (whether good or bad) as it comes although it is rather difficult most of the time, esp. when we're not in a good mood or stressed!</font>
dear bbloh - im very optimistic wif your heart condition, you are strong lady (but personally, you are cute and petite)

but do take care ya.

well said! we treasure each and every moment with each other.
i plan to bring the donation to the saby's wake. Anyone would like to donate? If so, if you feel comfortable to donate @ my side, pls transfer your donation to my posb saving a/c: 171-25763-8 Annie Quah and pm your username, real name, $ and contact no. (This info is for Sarah only).
Currently, i received some already. Hoping for more donation. Remember $ 1 also count. Hope that you can help. Thanks
your family photo is so cute. Did you took in Studioloft. Wow your girl got so much hair unlike my baby. I jus took my photo too. :>
I was a blur sotong mum thought only can bring 1 suit of clothing.
So thinking of having another photoshoot when my girl got more hair hee hee.

Maybe can organise a BP purchase photoshoot when studioloft have their promotion in motherhood fair.
<font color="0000ff">matsu,
leejen took hers in foto-u. How's your experience with StudioLoft? Can share some pix with us? Is it 2 photographers taking photos at the same time?</font>
Morning mummies!

Wow nice pic leejen!! Makes me wanna go buy a photoshoot package too!

What do you think of foto-u? Saw lots of SM mummies sign up with them.

Then you better take care of yourself....rest more. Is your baby still waking up in the mid of night to drink? Husband helping to feed?
my experience with studioloft is ok. UM only one photographer is taking the photo.haven heard about foto u will check it out.When the photos are out will try to load up :>
hi, i'm thinking of bringing my girl for a PS with Foto-U too...

ivy and leejen, which photographer did for you? they have a number of photographers rite? what package did you go for?

haha...i think i will have a hard time thinking of the outfits for baby, spouse and myself for the PS...how many outfits did you change and how different were these outfits?
i have transferred $20 through internet transfer to Sarah's posb a/c and did sms her already. Thanks

Really glad that mummies across the fourm went to the services for little angel, saby. I really v lousy as i cried in front of Sarah.
Pardon me to share this, Saby also started with a hole in the heart like keane. She gets more complex as the arb.. didnt growth as her heart grow bigger; more oxygen required... according to Sarah, surgeon told her that actually Saby's heart had been bleeded for few mths way before the operation. No signs at all to show and maybe as a toddler, even when the pain stucked, she wont even know how to say out.
Anyway, I learnt something..

how much is your package for the foto u?
hi mummies,

Drypantz is giving away free samples at Compass Point. at level 1 just outside Lee Hwa Jewellery. I put down my hubby and my names and we got 2 packs (2pcs in each pack). not sure if it is only for the weekend though.
morning everyone...

cheri/annie - my photographer is david, i took thr $288 package. yeah, they have few photogrpahers, depending on the package, you can view the business section, they indicate the package each photographer offer.

but one thing to take note, they don't like latecomers, coz the photoshoot is back to back, one after another, especially weekends, so have to be considerate and come on time or early (for 1 makeup, can opt out oso)
michele (mtml888),
No, Cardiology stated that his hole is 3.5-3.9cm right in the middle of right and left heart chambers. Right side receive blood flowing back without oxygen and left side is popping out the blood with oxygen.... co-ordinate with both lungs, pressure and blood level involve. Hence, no operation unless the threaten signs show as operation for such is too risky (involve both sides).The most concern will be keane's review after his 1 year old where changes with increase of oxygen intake and so on for the blood.
We were told to look for 1st warning sign ie the fluid in the lung.

However, 1 blessed news is that the hole wont grow bigger even the heart grows..hahah..

Anyway, regardless of how the % indicate the majority stays healthy; mummy's worry is alway there. This kind of worry is unlike I personal has a hole in heart. (Putting myself as an eg).

one of my gf just gave birth to 2nd bb also has a hole in her heart; where the other one proved to doc that she stayed alive when doc said she can only lived 12 years old. Whose really know whether can make it or not, i presume no one in this world know.

Hows your son now? Is he fully ok?

Thanks for your info. So david is the one. Ok, i book him for my keane. Your photos really nice warming shots. I like the warming not the super unique 1.
