(2006/04) April 2006 MTB


NTUC selling Gain IQ 900g at $23.90 only. I bought 3 cans last night. Going to another one later to grab some more.



I really need to learn from you lots... how you manage with the children?

Care to share?
Happy Mother's Day.

Nana, congrats and really "pei fu" u too. You are really amazing.

Tracy - Giant is also having offer around $23.99. Hiaz, just bought 3 cans last week at $27 plus each.
hi nana, just popping by to wish you all the best for your delivery!

draik, can you pass me the link to nana's blog? I'd love to visit it

happy belated mother's day, mommies!
nana - can understand how tough it is with twins, take care, you are due anytime soon. Congrats in advance.

Btw, mummies, do you have any advice for lasik?
Hi Hi everyone,

me just came back from HK. Weather not too good as it was raining for the first 2 days that I'm there.

Where is everybody?
Hi Stephz,

I did lasik. Dun dare to give advise, but it's an op that you take at your own risk, although the doc will assess the suitability of your cornea for the op. Thankfully my op went well. The op itself was quite fast, about 20mins for both eyes? Did it at the Lasik Surgery Clinic at Paragon. There were alot of people there when i was there, kinda give the impression that it's a risk-free op.

Yes... where is everybody?
How long do you have to be blind after the operation? I am interested also but I need to look after KJ now. I am scare it will be inconvenience for me if I have to go blind for too long.
Hi Draik,

Won't be blind for long. About a day? The next day after op can see clearer liao, though still blur. Night vision is more affected than day vision. Need to be careful not to have KJ poking ur eyes though... I remember when i did it, for a few days my hubby played with Ruixiang more. It was a long weekend. May choose a long weekend so you have other help around. Then again, the doc also give you mc, so might 'lugi' abit if u don't take the mc :p
Morning, all. Where is everyone? Seems like our thread seems to be dying off....

Any updates and sharing of what is happening with our little toddler?

Xuanting had been attempting to sing some nursery songs though she still prefers us to sing together.

And another thing too, don't know what happened... but while my mom and dad went US for holidays, my daughter has grown sticker with her daddy and doesn't want me to feed her or touch her at nights... she would cry so hard and kept calling "daddy, daddy"; till I felt so heartpain.

Not sure if this is normal or not.

I have no problem with her in daytime.

My il rubbed salt on my wound last weekend somemore. But what I can do... I already tried. I don't know why my girl behaved in this manner.
YY all along very sticky to her father, akin a koala bear to a tree. When father is around, she don't need anyone else. When father is not around, she will fuss for her father. She is more naughty and demanding around him, behaves like a princess princess. Also, I think cos she knows I don't take nonsense, she tends to stick to her father and 'bully' him. Think little girls like to cosy up and sa jiao with their dads... Don't be affected by XT's behaviour lah. It may be a pasisng phase. Isn't it good that she don't stick to you so you have free and easy time?

thanks. I m using the same method to comfort myself too.

How re you doing these days?

How about others? What are you doing?
koalarie and chenoa, just this morning i had an episode with leo. he woke up and saw me go to him with the milk bottle, he started crying 'dowan dowan', 'i dowan mama, i dowan milk, i want papa'. then his papa came out of the toilet, and ask him if he wants milk, then he nodded his head. i was so angry i throw the milk bottle on his mattress.

he is definitely closer to his father because my hubby is the 'soft' one, always give in to his tantrums. He knows that i am more strict, so he prefers his daddy.

i bought him so many of his fav things - his Thomas the tank engine clothes, water bottle, bag, toys, books, etc. And when you ask him "who buy for you?" He will say "papa". Made me so angry.

when my hubby not around, he is okay with me, but the moment his precious daddy appears, he doesn't want me. The first time he said " I don't want mama, i want papa." i cried. a lot of heartpain but i just hope that when he grows out of this unreasonable phase, he will know that both of us love him very much.
I'm still a SAHM. Non-exciting routine day in day out.

YY's stickiness to her dad is not a short passing phase. She has been very close to her dad for at least a year. I'm not mad or jealous with this, but see she bully him I can only shake my head.

When we ask YY if she likes Mama, she will say, "No. I like Papa." but she also will say "I like Mama" when we ask her if she likes Papa. Depends on her mood...one moment she will like Papa don't like Mama, later she will like Mama don't like Papa or she like Ah Gong Ah Ma don't like us.... We know sometimes she purposely say the reverse to see our reactions.
rxmum - thanks, just wonder how many month(s) to go back for review (if need to)? For me, still a bit hesistant about lasik, hee... beauty vs pain.

Draik - you interested?

koalarie/fussiecat - guess kids will always go to the one that they can bully.

chenoa - guess it's part of the growing phrase. My girl can tell me straight in the face "I don't want to listen to Mummy" few months ago, then when heard her say again for the second time, hubby and I had to "guide" her.

At least now, she don't say this anymore. So heartache when she says this, so sometimes I will reflect if I'm too fierce with her.
omg chenoa, my boy does exactly the same as YY. it depends on his mood also. when his daddy does lose his temper, then he will come running to me...
he also likes to purposely do something to get a reaction from us. sometimes i really have to hold back and pretend to be nonchalant just so that he would stop misbehaving.
For me, its the opposite, my girl ONLY wants me when Im at home.. and it can get really tiring esp when I have to wake up at 530 am these days and there are times she refused to sleep till 130 am! So look on the positive side, at least you gals can have more free time and rest
Hi all,

Glad to see the mummies coming back one by one to post. Among the 2006 threads, ours is the most inactive one leh....

Aiden has been displaying this peculiar behaviour of wanting to "run away" from us. For eg, we were eating breakfast at the mkt this morning, suddenly he decided to get off his seat and explore the market, without even turning ard to check to see if any of us is following him! We let him walk some distance and finally chased after him when we realised he has no intention of turning back.

When I brought him back, I asked him is it he doesn't want papa and mummy anymore? And this has happened several times before already. Scolded him so many times, but he just doesn't get the idea....sigh

Anyone encountering the same problem as me?
TWW, yes and that's isaac. If my face show i'm anxious, he will give me a very cheecky laughter *HIAZ*. i really suspect at times he did it on purpose and assume 100% i will be chasing him.

Ya, is good to see everyone is back posting. I'm worst, nobody can touch isaac except me. He always scream " no daddy, no aunty.. mummy mummy"

Last Fri, he has created a big drama he refuse to let me go and my maid has to grab him and run to the car (time running late for all of us). He cried thru out the journey until he vomitted. that makes me very depressed.

Anyone's kid still teething? isaac just had his back 2nd molar spouting out. that makes him cracky, upset, and refuse to eat.

Yeah Amanda's 2 back molars just came out a few weeks ago, and she developed fever, and was clearly in pain... luckily the episode is over for now, until her next 2 molars come out
hey mommies, i'm having insomnia, hence the posting at this odd hour. am so glad to see everyone posting again, tho i dun post often, i do read this thread regularly

anyone read the story on enrichment classes for preschoolers in sunday times yesterday? I've not sent Leo for any classes tho my hubby and i sometimes discuss it... i'm not anxious becos he's already doing a lot in his playgroup. but during the teacher-parent session 2 days ago, his teacher did mention that he is quite advanced in his cognitive abilities, especially his memory. so now we're wondering if we should enrol him in a class to give him some challenges. but i'm still wary of making him do too much at such a young age... how???
finally you are talking!!! you've been so quiet all this while; quite unlike your usual self leh.

it's comforting to know aiden is not the only boy exhibiting this "run away" behaviour

i really think his curiosity is so great that he can risk losing his mummy and daddy just to explore a new place.

aiden is not so sticky to me. he is generally ok with his daddy or grandparents, except during sleeping and waking times, when he will want only me.

molars - i don't think his molars are out yet. still can see his inner gums. i really dread the next stage of teething. wrecks havoc on his eating patterns.

i'm not sending aiden to any enrichment class except for a 2x a wk playgroup, where he just goes to sing, dance, draw and play. personally i think kids their age do not need enrichment classes as long as the home environment can stimulate their learning, its good enough.
Tww, i very talkative mai.. I very quiet one hor, haha...I see nobody post lei also what and how to post mai. plus i'm very busy recently and there's something keep pounding me whether working so hard and spending little time for our kid is that good.

Isaac is like Aiden also; his curiosity is greater than risking losing us. And i seriously suspect he is always been followed.

I'm very sure you dont look forward teething stage, in fact, i think at this age is worst than they are younger. But at least he will tell me he is in pain that's how i realise he is teething. But he is forever not hungry, only wants plain bread and milk. Or jelly or yohurt will make him very happy.

Fussiecat, i felt enrichment class is all depends how u see it. To my view is like TWW, home environment plus 2 hrs playgroup should be good. Imagine at 2 years old being pile up tons of stuffs seems so pressured. Although they are learning thru playing but still learning in all aspect, however, looking at the article there’s only 1point I agree with them – that is rather them playing the right way than watching TV at home. Anyway that's my 1 cent worth of thot. WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU? Why Insomnia? I had mine last weekend.. hiaz

Just share something with you girls what I saw this evening makes me very uncomfortable. Although I know is not something unusually but somehow i can feel a “tear” in myself. While, walking back home from work. I saw this maid busy talking among with her frds. After awhile, she realise she lost her little employer and went looking for him. When she finally found him, she scold him in her own language and of coz’ the boy started to cry and call for mummy, instead of comfort him the very next moment she just walk away and leave the boy crying there.

But the boy is only 2 years or maybe 3. How can she just not attend to him in the very 1st place and how can she just leave him there when the boy dont want her. Hiaz..

Plus the china earthquake makes me feel quitting my job and be at home. but with the inflation now, I cannot just quit and be at home seeing Isaac grow. – TWW I really admire your final decision then.
re: Enrichment class
Xuanting too is not attending any enrichment class except for her playgroup.
I have thoughts of sending her to music classes as she really loves to sing, dance and play instruments. But, I think, most of these classes are a little over-hipped, are they not?

re: Bonding with only selected ppl
I was pretty sad when she said "don't mommy, daddy wei wei" or she exhibited the behaviour of sleeping far away from me and chose to be near her daddy or my mom. It really made my heart pain.

She wasn't like that when she was younger.

But one thing quite comforting is that when she saw both me and hb, she would always call me first and hug and kiss me too when we went to my mom's place.

Re: Teething
Xuanting seems to be teething molar too.

She had been having fever since last Friday and PD couldn't tell what the problem was. Yesterday just bought her to see YG and Dr Liu said she's too heaty.

How do you tell if it's teething??

Re: Maid
That's what made me scared of hiring a maid too though got my mom ard to supervise.

My mom too lenient. She and her sisters got a maid for my grandma and they can encourage her to "see" her boyfriend (of course got warn her of consequences).
argh! Leo has been having on and off fever since sat night
Took him to KKH at 2am yesterday cos his fever reached 40deg. Took blood test and confirmed no virus, but he's still getting fever despite taking ibuprofen. i'm so worried
Hi fussiecat,

KKH doctor told me that these days fever last fm 3-7 days. taking too much ibuprofen is no good too. You may ask the doctor to prescribe the 'bullet' it is more effective.

We went back to KKH 3rd time in a wk and we request for 'bullet' and his fever subsides alot the next day and recover 2days after that.

Hope this helps
Yes, get that "insert", it works like magic. KJ fever refuse to go down for 5 days when he was suppose to go for his birthday party. We make him do a blood test and found nothing too. It was only after the doctor give him an "insert" and his fever was gone for good. We should have give him that long time ago instead of feeding him so many anti-bodies.
Hi mommies!


It's really up to you. The doc will assess whether your corneas are suitable for Lasik before they proceed. They will not go ahead with the op if they aren't suitable. I cannot say more besides this. Really up to you cos there are risks involved, though most people come out fine. I am so glad that I can wake up in the morning without having to look for my glasses anymore. I think there are 3 reviews. First is 1 week after, then 1 month after, then 3 months after. I did not go for my third review since everything is fine. :p

Enrichment Class

I think frequency of the classes really depends on the child.

Ruixiang goes to 2 hourly playgroup everyday (except this month cos it's holiday) and on sun, he goes to Shichida. But I can sense his waning interest in shichida, and we are stopping that when this term ends. Have signed him up for a 45min seimpi music class on sat instead cos he loves music and movement. I think for now, it's still not too overwhelming for him cos everything is quite short and he enjoys them. But come next year when I will be sending him to longer (4 hours) prenursery in mornings, I might stop the weekend classes, and just bring him out to play and experience other things.

Play by ear lor


I have a maid and I must say that she's not too bad. But of course, I am not 100% confortable to have her and my FIL looking after him, but that's the best arrangement for now. Am looking to taking 9 months (on top of 3 month ML and 1 month VL) to care for no. 2 and him when I delivered in Sep this year. Cannot imagine leaving my baby in the hands of my FIL (who's quite blur) and maid.
Hi Draik,

i agree with me. I also dun know the 'insert' until one nice doctor in KKH give him that. He has fever for over a week and we rush down to KKH multiple times in that week. Sigh!

I heard can buy the 'insert' over the counter in Pharmarcy but those are the type that cannot take oral medicine together when input the 'insert' . but i hv not try those yet.
Yah, after we have experience the magic of the insert, we wanted to ask the doctor if there is one for running nose or cough a not. We hate feeding medicine to KJ.
Wow, so many posts.

Hunniepot - I agree that it's good that the kids are not sticky to us, at least we have time to do other things. But just to share that that feeling is really awful (as if I was unwanted). Thank God that happens only at the beginning period when hb came back from overseas, now they will stick to me and look for me. Hee... with these 2 different experiences, I found that I would still prefer my bb to be sticky to me (tho' can be quite frustrating at times).

Draik - won't be doing lasik now cos' read that there may even be review at 6 month too. Won't be here for review if do it now. Wonder possible and safe to do it in Korea?

rxmum - thanks for the info. It's good that you took NPL to look after your newborn. I wouldn't trust my FIL and maid to look after my No. 2 too.

The Bullet
Wow, thanks for sharing. Really thank God that my No. 1 only has fever about 4 times since birth.
Hi ladies,

wow, it's good to see so many posting.

Talking abt fever, I just recovered from high fever for the last 3 days. Because of an infection in my throat and the docs did not give me antibiotics, my fever went up all the way to 40 deg.

I had never had such a high fever before. And now I know how Enya felt when she had fever up to 39 to 40 deg. Breathless, tired and headache.

Hope that we are all well and never get it again.
Re: Stickiness
Enya sticks to my hb like a piece of candy. Daddy daddy all the time. But when hb not around she will stick to me. In 3rd place is my mum. I guess that is part of their growing up. Many pple said that girls tend to stick to Daddy which I think it's quite true. Not too sure abt boys.

Re: Enrichment Class
I see that most of the little ones are attending playgroup. I have stop Enya from going to the playgroup after she got the pneumococcol virus there. I'm actually thinking of re-register her to playgroup again. Wat do you ladies think?
You are moving to Korea huh?

Re: stickiness
KJ stick to me like chewing gums. Dun want daddy most of the time too. Got to play with him when KJ is around.
hi all...saw my 'name' here.!!

if you are interested in cupcake baking and decoration, just email me for details. Because I do classes in my home at Hougang for small groups.

Actually, I teach cooking and baking and also chocolate moulding. Which is popular with mothers with kids.

let me know your needs, what you want to learn..can custom made one to suit.
starry and draik, thanks for the advice. I have never heard of this 'bullet' before! his fever came back again this morning! 6th day already
i am so worried
How is this 'bullet' administered? Confirm can buy from pharmacy?

i have fallen ill myself now, got cough and last night got fever. Now still feel a bit 'high'...
my girl also has fever the 6th day. We re now bringing her back to see the PD. My PD is pretty against this bullet thing... it is just like giving ur child nurofen, which brings down temperature quite fast too.

she ever asked us if we like something inserted into our ass or not le... haahaa...

well, i guess, different pds or docs would ve different practices.
Actually the bullet thing is nurofen. My doc told me it is the same as the orange medicine, can only be taken 6 hourly. We insert the bullet into KJ butt twice and the fever is gone forever.

Actually, I was thinking about the baking classes too. How come some many of us will talking about it, then suddenly nobody mention it? I am still interested leh.
Hi, have received this. If register by today, will get early bird discount. Also got buddy discount. But must register by tomorrow. Anyone interested?

Date: Saturday, 07 June
Time: 2.30pm – 5pm

Workshop Outline
· Methods in producing commercial muffins that can extend muffin-life up to at least 6 months
· Methods in storing them to keep them longer (without any preservatives)
· How to have them ready in minutes and anytime
· How to produce chewy muffins and cake-like muffins

Participants are expected to work in groups in weighing ingredients, washing utensils etc. Each participant will, most of the time, have their own cake to work on and very often are encourage to create their own designed cakes . During the workshop, you may be required to take down notes and tips for baking. Participants may have to bring along an apron. After the lessons, participants would bring home their own masterpieces.

Mango Tropicana Muffins
Cheesy Chocolate Muffins
Pandan Coconut Muffins
Happy Monkey Muffins

Workshop Cost - $55* (if you register & pay after Thursday 05 June)
Early Bird Deal -$50* (if you register and pay by Thursday 05 June )
Buddy Discount - $48* (if you come with another 4 friends, ie 5 of you, each pay this special rate. Must register and pay by Thursday 05 June)

Singapore Muffin Workshops is halal. Liquor is not used.
Prices include ingredients. No additional cost will be incurred.

Once we receive your registration, we will advise you on the payment. Payment can be made either via ATM Transfer.

For No Show – Once payment is made, no refund is possible

not sure can buy fm pharmacy or not but my GP say can lei. i got mine fm KKH. U can try to ask the pharmaist in Guardian
hi mummies, if any of you interested, email me )[email protected] ASAP BY TONIGHT

cos' only left with 3 or 4 vacancies. The lady said can still enjoy the buddy discount (5 pax) unless the vacancies are taken up already.
Draik - you got it right, me moving to Korea. Sigh, going to have language problem over there (unlike our stay in US last time), dunno whether can survive

Tracy - take care. On enrichment, I think playgroup is good for kids, so you should consider (just my thots). For mine, besides playgroup, I also sent her to 1 x weekly Tumbletots lesson.

fussiecat/Koalarie - pray your little ones are getting better. Just to share, when your bb perspires, change their clothes quickly when wet, they will recover faster. Also get them to drink more water. It works for my little ones.

Haha, can't believe I put up so many posts today.

Stephz, Envy you! i love KOREA! i love the food, the weather, the clothes, the theme park, the spa!! haha... but you are right language is a big problem, i had a tough time during the last trip i was there.

As for the Muffin, as much as i love to join u.. but i cant this weekend.

Draik, i am still keen! in fact, i just bake my cake last weekend coz' isaac didnt want to eat coz' of teething.

Hey, anyone knows where can i bring isaac for art workshop? i'm looking for one.. but most of them have to be min 3 years old.

Fussiecat, like what kolarie mention not a lot of GP/PD advice bullet stuffs. therefore, is not surprise you dont kw. in fact, i only kw it when my colleague mention to me last few months when isaac having very high fever. But then isaac's doc only give us nurofen and is like what draik mention is exactly the same thing.

Just that some kids doest like to take med, so they give that as a option.
