(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

She can never sit still. Hubby drive van during weekdays. So no place to put car seat. Normally I will have to carry her on my lap illegally. I will go crazy when I go MIL place at Seng Kang. She move non-stop thruout the 30mins. I will need to pack a bag of toys to distract her thruout the journey.

can sit behind? Cos van's space very big at the back. Jaime can have a wonderful time and i think also not as dangerous as sitting infront wor.
Mummies I just put all in a post for easy reference.


Car park entrance can enter from killiney road or somerset

Program Sheet for Jan 06 Birthday Bash

1pm~1.30pm Arrival of guests+registration
1.30pm Start of lunch reception
2pm-2.30pm Diaper Contest+ Prize Presentation
3pm-3.30pm Crawling Contest+Prize Presentation
3.30pm-4pm Cake Cutting+ PhotoGraph session**
4pm-4.30pm Walking Contest+Prize Presentation
4.30pm-5pm Prize Presentation for Photo Contest!

** subjected to changes. Once everyone is there, we will do the cake cutting and Phototaking 1st!

Here's a list of things for u to bring for the bday bash:

An exchange gift of $20 if possible unisex present as every baby will get to bring one home!

Baby participating in Diaper Changing Contest
- Bring along a spare diaper
- Changing Mat

Baby participanting in Crawling Contest
- Bring a toy to draw baby to the finishing point

As more babies are into the walking phase, we had decide to hold this contest.
- Bring a toy to draw baby to the finishing point as well

* There will be NO LIMIT of participants for all the contest as many of you might like to join in the fun last min.
* Only the TOP 3 will have a prize to bring home.
* Let your baby join in the fun!!
* We will call out for baby to join on that day, no registration is needed at this moment
i oso bot 2 small tin of enfapro coz it was on sale. aiya, i suppose either one is fine hor.. :p but i'll heed ur advise and give enfagrow after i finish the enfapro... keke

my boy oso the same lah. likes to play with the wheels of his stroller and my car tyre! so dirty! i think babies/kids are the dirtiest!!

babies' progress:
edgar hasn't really utter his first word yet. nor does he knows how to point or walk. is he slow or what? i realise that most of the babies here can do alot of things liao. not that i'm worried but juz curious to know if there are any other babies like edgar. also are our little ones still babies?? feels funny coz they look very big to me liao coz 1 y.o. already mah! hahaha!
chicken little

sorry haven't paid yet. now with the DBS token thing so ma fan. Coz it's my hb's internet acc. SO need him to be ard when i apply to transfer to new acct.

what's the acct no? can PM me? then i transfer tonight. thanks!
not to worrie lar. BB's grow at individual pace. Caleb also cun walk yet so Edgar not slow. Alot of the bb also not walking. They will start once they are ready.
hi mummies

just be observant if you child likes to see wheels spinning. that's one of the sign of autism ... yes, babies are curious by nature and now their world has got bigger because of their mobility. Keith would turn his walker to spin the wheels but he'll move onto to other toys in a while ...

babylon, yes ... so far, only my first bottle is bought here and subsequent x numbers are all from HK. 6 bottles for HKD$600 and EYS has a website listing the locations ... even the airport has one. I do not know ba bao san ... for Hao Zou San, don't use it if your baby is having a fever. 1/2 bottle dosage is quite a lot. I think we used 1/3 at 1 yr old

My younger nephew also loved wheels when he was 2YO. He'll sit and play with the stroller wheels for a long time. But he soon grow out of this and and since stopped playing with the wheels.

So i guess its just a growing phase.
does any mummies know where to buy this Munchkin flashcards? i have been searching hi and low but can't find it anywhere! if any mummies see it, please let me know hor! thanks!
damien is the stage of throwing things out of the house (from the main door). Yesterday morning he found a branch of key and he simply just threw out of the house. My mum can find any spare key as Duncan need to rush to school.

Nowaday i need to pick up his toys, my shoes, my dog's toy and etc along the coridoor on my way back home.
hi celine

some of these babies here are fast learners. Edgar is not slow. My #1 walks at 15 months after every baby I had known then had walked. He was babbling but then still not talking at 2 yrs old (not even daddy or mummy), we went to a speech therapist - conclusion was that he was ok because he understands us ... now we wish that he would stop talking.

Does Edgar babble or, recognizes people or show interest in his surroundings? As long as he's keenly exploring his surroundings, that's fine. They need time and encouragement to make things happen :> ... enjoy your baby while he is still your baby, they grow up so fast!


i bought this for renee at motherworks at greatworld..but that was 1 year back..maybe u can call and ask them if they still have it
DOn't worry. Daren also have yet to utter a single intelligible word to us, just go mamamamama when he's whiny. It's just a phase. Let them grow at their own pace and we just nurture them with our love which is most impt. Now that they are 1 yrs old, they are considered young toddlers. =)

My boy also like yours. cannot walk. but now better, can walk a bit when i hold 1 hand. speech wise also, can only say 'mum mum'. everything else sounds 'da da'. sigh. lately becoming more proficient in clapping and waving bye bye.

I asked to withdraw from the IFC. then the supervisor come and say he's very slow, shouldn't keep him at home, so sugget we change to half day. think it's their tactic to make me stay though.


thanks, then i'll pay on that day.
ya i tink the supervisor just trying to make u stay.
Actually i should say Caleb learnt quite alot from watching this 'BB can read' vcd leh. Now when we blow bubbles to him, he will try to say bubbles.. but it sounded like Bubbes..
As for waving good bye and stuff, depend on his mood 1 lor. He shiok he do, if not he bo chap lor.
How can the IFC supervisor say that to you? Then you should tell him that in this case, they should bear the costs of Caeden's medical expenses as he keeps falling sick. I think it's really not fair of him/her to say that to you to make your boy stay in the IFC.

I can understand the reason why you've decided to withdraw your boy coz same reason as myself, for their health's sake. So far, eversince Daren was withdrawn from the IFC, he's not been sick once. Just do what you've intended in your heart to do.
If it's due to nap time.. I think it happen to all other babies. But our babies are bigger now... so I thought they can be more flexible that in that sense..heehee...

U can always bring along a stroller in case your baby really must sleep

Thats what I plan to do.

Thanks BD bash Committee for your hard work!

Tomo 12noon?... I can meet u. My lunch time is 1140-1240.. I can meet u guys for a while..
I can bring my Pooh and friend banners and alum ballons along?.. but the balloon is quiet deflated already... and I dun think can blow with mouth, must be helium... should I still bring?

think she just wanted me to stay on lor. I realised that the no of classes had been reduced and there were less children there. Also almost all the teachers except for her and another teacher had changed.

terrible right? My hb said it's becoz my boy is so easy going, that's why he doesn't receive enough attention in the school and maybe that's why he's slow. There's another very needy gal in the school and she could almost walk now. She's only 10mths old. When she was a bb, her cot was in the open area coz she'll cry & scream if no one is ard.
just FYI.. I pump my alum balloon at concourse for $1.50 each.. I have 3 pooh and friend theme balloon and 1 big red dogs ( may not be suitable for the theme).
In case u all wan it to be pump again, I can do so and bring it on Sat.
Hi mashy brainz,

It is unfair for her to say that. Each baby develop at different stage. If she's properly trained, she would have know that and not make that comment.

Normal guide range for baby to walk is 12-15 months. Some earlir, some later.

As for speech, heard from my friend that she tried to send her son to see doc when he can't really speak even at age of two plus. A few doctors refuse to assess her son because they said the guideline is three years old. Some just develop slowly so no point assessing them so young. Now her boy is four and is more outspoken.
Mashy - i think the best educator is none other than yourself ..hw can the supervisor say those words to you??? im sure your son will do very well under your care and less visits to the PD... forget bout wat the fella said...

Re : RP lunch
did anyone juz mention earlier tat there is RP lunch tis fri or sometin???
thanks gals for your assurance.

The IFC just called me that my boy is having fever again.
see, always sick. While milestones are important, i think his health is more important. He will eventually learn all the skills that he needed to.

So took the chance to ask them to reduce the notice period too. Their notice period is 2mths! Hopefully they'll be ok with it. Coz if they're ok, I'll tender next week.
I got mine from JL causeway point but is without the spanish word also. On speech, don't worry my nephew also could hardly speak @ 2 years old and the PD actually even asked my bro and SIL why they are not concern. By 2 1/2 he kept talking non-stop. He's 7 now, will strike conversation with anyone he meet...from the hawker stall vendor to the stewardess on the plane. We sometimes just wish he could keep his mouth shut....haha. There's a old maid's tale that todd who starts talking late will be very talkative when they grow up!

The supervisor is too much, you should rebut him, tell him they did a bad job in stimulating and teaching your boy and demand a refund!

Re: the bash
Just wondering if the program is a bit too long cos i think most of the bb (actually should call them todd) will be cranky before 5pm.
The notice period is so ridiculous! the IFC I sent Daren to only require one month. And one month not even up I stopped sending him already coz he happened to be sick again and also just nice that my maid came in. I think also your boy must be easy to care for that's why they keep wanting you not to withdraw Caeden...easy money to them.

I think the program of the bash would be quite flexi, it's just a timeline. But I would think that the contests would be quite fast. I don't think our darling hbs will take 25 minutes to change a diaper!
hi mummies, thanks for all your inputs regarding walking and talking. i'm not really concerned lah. juz eager to hear him talk! keke... he only blabbers mamamamaa or gegegegege. he's very curious about everything and i believe he's absorbing. as long as he is healthy and growing well, i'm happy already. thou he's a little tiny for his age lah. barely 9kg and only 72cm. small eater, what to do... :p

re munchkin flashcards,
i'll try to look around those places you gals mentioned. thanks heaps! :D
anybody interested in buying this megablok? i have 2 sets from edgar's x'mas and birthday gifts. coz i already have a set myself, i'm thinking maybe i shld sell these. think it's retailing at around $14.95. I am willing to sell at $11. Pick up from my workplace at Raffles Place or my home at Toh Tuck Road.


Yah, it's ridiculous lor. I checked with MCYS before and they said that they do not control the notice period of the IFCs and it's up to the contract we signed. At the time, bo bian, coz it was the best choice.
Regarding this weekend's bash, hopefully we can still attend. Now that my boy is sick again, really not sure whether we can go or not. If he recovers in time, then we'll go. Sorry about that.
there's a promo for mamil gold now. buy 4 tins get 1 free so for step 3 it works out ot be abt 17+ per tin. u wan? they will call me tmr to ask whether i wan. if u wan i can help place the order.

my menses only came when i stopped BF completely. it din come immediately but came after like a month or so.

u did a nice job of the bday invite. so it is 1pm? there is parking at singtel itself. it is open to public but i can't remember whether it is per entry on sat. if it is not, it is quite ex to park here.

yup i will remind him to help take photos.

i may be bringing my maid along. is it ok? i can pay for her share that day.

re concourse,
is it thur or wed? i can join if it's on thur unless my meeting drags...will message either flo or cookie whether i can make it. where are u meeting?

re RP lunch
shall we fix a day next week? initially it was 31st Jan but think no one replied. how abt fix on 6th Feb?
hope caeden recovers in time to attend our Bday Bash.

Hmm.. so if Mashy is really not able to attend, the decor team will only hv like $25.. gosh
U in committee? If yes, is 12noon leh.

I am interested.. anyone before me?
U going to the bday bash? Can take from u then?
OMG...only $25! ChickenLittle what party bag do you need us to get? Is it coming from the $25 budget?

I am going with Queen during lunch tom. Cookie, will sms you when we are there.
Yah i also dipped the 'woolly' part of the ovu kit stick in...but no results seen...no line at all. No idea why?
Nvm lah!

Oh confirmed IFC trying to make you stay! Ignore their comments lah!
nope not in committee.

so u meeting at concourse at 12pm? not sure whether my meeting will end at 12. will sms u tmr.

I can help you collect from Celine on Friday at RP if Celine can bring to office.


Oh no. Din realise the budget went down. Hmm. The wrappers and bags are included in the decor budget. I estimated wrapper about $5. Not sure if the paper bags are cheap otherwise we can get those goodie bags carrier which is about 21 cm by 29 cm. Those should be 10 for $1 plus. You buy 3 packs. I have 3 extra. Tell u what I have , you see if you want to use anything from my party collection

1) Pooh Table cloth
2) Pooh birthday banner
3) Pooh Big Foil Balloon
4) Pooh round foil Balloon
5) 6 12" pooh latex birthday balloons
6) 1 roll of silver curly ribbons
7) Birthday direct boy Blue birthday banner
8) Birthday direct boy blue table cloth
9) Birthday direct boy foil balloon
10) Birthday direct gal butterfly birthday banner
11) Birthday direct gal butterfly table cloth
Ok OK Sms me when u are here.
I'm not committee member too ley. But My office is at concourse so I thought I come down kaypo and bring u my banners. 1 is pooh, another is animal.

we took the family package for the photoshoot.

re: Gain IQ
actually i find the smell of Gain IQ nicer than Similac step2. hb agree too. was doing the switching when my tin of Similac step2 ran out. so took the gamble and fed dylan with Gain IQ totally. so far so good. other than his fart is louder then before, nothing change. hee
