(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

ya loh. nowadays when i told my hb that there's activities organised by mummies here, his 1st response is: 'oh... again?' :p

the bear and sheep toy sound so cute. where did you see it? which shop?

I am keen on the gymboree trial too :>
Re: Gymboree Free Trial posted by SY at Parkway Parade
1) Esh_mummy
2) Annie
3) Chicken Little
4) Cookie
5) SL
6) SH
6) Flo
7) SH
8) Denmy
9) Clare
11) SSF
12) sunny

re: birthday bash committee members
thanks for considering my concern raised. me just wanna save cost as much as possible though sometimes really can't resist to spend for bb. :p nowadays my hard earn $ all goes to my gal... *shake head*
me too... I feel so blessed to be here

it's at the B1 atrium. if you entre from the entrance directly opp to the food court entrance/exit.. it was on display by a tenant who has space in the middle of the Atrium..

really veru cute.. the sheep or bear.. actually has breathing rytunm, stomach will raise and fall like inhale and exhale.. then will snore.. very funny to watch...

But these days soft toy I buy must be able to machice wash... theo only surface wash I try not to buy... so I resist.
Count me in!

Re: Gymboree Free Trial posted by SY at Parkway Parade
1) Esh_mummy
2) Annie
3) Chicken Little
4) Cookie
5) SL
6) SH
6) Flo
7) SH
8) Denmy
9) Clare
11) SSF
12) sunny
13) chillies
I'm actually referring to A. Hope I'm just being overly sensitive and reading too much between the line. Likewise I'm very sure AK is being helpful.
Re: Gymboree Free Trial posted by SY at Parkway Parade
1) Esh_mummy
2) Annie
3) Chicken Little
4) Cookie
5) SL
6) SH
6) Flo
7) SH
8) Denmy
9) Clare
11) SSF
12) sunny
13) chillies
14) wennykoh
RE : Games Suggestion
Remember on TV, there's this game where the daddies will hv a fastest diaper changing contest. Wld be fun watching our hubbies rushing through diaper change.
Re. Birthday Bash
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong - Go with majority
3) Sysac - Fine with any amt
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-$30 - $40 PER PAX
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda
25) babylon
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
RE: Games Committee
I am not regular in gatherings. So would like someone that is more regular to volunteer so as to bring up the atomsphere. Also I am very soft spoken, might have difficulties shouting across the room. So any mummies can help out as well?

RE: Events
- To get gift of a budget(to be confirm the price)
- Every baby will go home with a Birthday Present
2) Prize for contest
- Sourcing for sponsorship
- If unable to get, we shall see if any mummies can help to get sash(hope I spell correctly..actually if u watch Miss Universe or what..they have this thing that hang across their chest)

RE: Contest
Can we have a poll here?
Choice 1) We will send in photos to a mummy in-charge then she will post the photo in thread. Then we vote. Final 3 will then be voted again on the actual day.
Choice 2) Actual day, all will walk around to choose their winner. Top 3 with most vote (collect most balls/sweets) will win. (*note: all will be given one ball/sweet so that the voting is fair)

Cast ur poll:
1) Maywong - Choice 2
Hi, can i still join in the bash?

Re. Birthday Bash
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong - Go with majority
3) Sysac - Fine with any amt
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-$30 - $40 PER PAX
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda
25) babylon
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
33) celwong (30 -40/pax)
thanks for helping me take out duplicate. Must be blur blur anyhow post. thread moving too fast. I took out my duplicate again...coz somehow, after you clean up...SH appeared twice again ;p

Re: Gymboree Free Trial posted by SY at Parkway Parade
1) Esh_mummy
2) Annie
3) Chicken Little
4) Cookie
5) SL
6) SH
7) Flo
8) Denmy
9) Clare
11) SSF
12) sunny
13) chillies
14) wennykoh
F n B Committee (Venue & Cake)
(Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF, Sleepingdeer, Mamapanda) is now in the midst of shortlisting. I will try to create a yahoo group for easy discussion

Decor Committee
(Queen, Flo )

Games/Contest Committee & Lucky Draw (Sl and Chicken Little sourcing for sponsorship) Basically I just sent out email to check if any willing party, if yes great. Already ganna reject by 2 liao.

Join may for the games. U guys can get help from us as helper mah.

Come join in the decor or games committee leh. Mummies who are really busy with work or too tied up at home with kid, no worries, your attendance for the bash is the most impt.
Hi. keen on the trial too. saw it once in tanglin mall, looks interesting. Saw both parents participating.

Re: Gymboree Free Trial posted by SY at Parkway Parade
1) Esh_mummy
2) Annie
3) Chicken Little
4) Cookie
5) SL
6) SH
7) Flo
8) Denmy
9) Clare
11) SSF
12) sunny
13) chillies
14) wennykoh
15) celwong
hi chickenlittle,
you gals have MSN right? I'll PM u my MSN id so u can add me to your conversations.

My aunt works in Amara hotel. I'm also checking with her how much is a customised cake if I order through her. Their cakes are quite nice but i'm not sure if they do cake figurines like the ones u posted.

The restaurant my dad ordered my wedding buffet from offers very yummy food although they're not famous like Neo gardens etc. But, the good news is, because they're not famous, their prices are very reasonably cheap. Furthermore, they always give extras to my dad cuz he's their regular customer. If u're interested, I'll get their details from my dad and post.
Tracy - read the May06 thread... wow... open war sia... scary... thank god for our little nice and warm thread
oh, have a good and safe trip to japan..

Re : Bdae Bash for our sweeties
Have added in Wenyl and Valerie's names since we have earlier mentioned helpin out in the decor
hope our karang-ness will pull us thru.. heehee

F n B Committee (Venue & Cake)
(Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF, Sleepingdeer, Mamapanda) is now in the midst of shortlisting. I will try to create a yahoo group for easy discussion

Decor Committee
(Queen, Flo ,Wenyl, Valerie, God's child)

Games/Contest Committee & Lucky Draw (Sl and Chicken Little sourcing for sponsorship) Basically I just sent out email to check if any willing party, if yes great. Already ganna reject by 2 liao.

Join may for the games. U guys can get help from us as helper mah.

Come join in the decor or games committee leh. Mummies who are really busy with work or too tied up at home with kid, no worries, your attendance for the bash is the most impt.
hi mummies
Let's do a poll on type of venue again. I remembered the last time when Rena and myself 1st proposed the idea to you all, I indicated choose chalet (bungalow type) or function room, most opted function room. Last night based on MSN group chat, some mummies suggested renting a bungalow chalet to keep the cost low. so as to help the committee have a bigger picture what the majority prefers, kindly indicate again.

1) Bungalow Chalet (Either located in Changi, PAsir Ris or Tanah Merah)
2) Function Room (Civil Service Clubs or Hotels)

Re. Birthday Bash
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong - Go with majority
3) Sysac - Fine with any amt
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-$30 - $40 PER PAX
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda
25) babylon
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
33) celwong (30 -40/pax)
usually I sleep very early...somehow special for last nite.

Can you share with us more info on the free Gymboree Trial at Parkway Parade please?
did not see your name... your hb still against JH join classes at current moment?
RE: Games Committee

RE: Events
- To get gift of a budget(to be confirm the price)
- Every baby will go home with a Birthday Present
2) Prize for contest
- Sourcing for sponsorship
- If unable to get, we shall see if any mummies can help to get sash(hope I spell correctly..actually if u watch Miss Universe or what..they have this thing that hang across their chest)

RE: Contest
Can we have a poll here?
Choice 1) We will send in photos to a mummy in-charge then she will post the photo in thread. Then we vote. Final 3 will then be voted again on the actual day.
Choice 2) Actual day, all will walk around to choose their winner. Top 3 with most vote (collect most balls/sweets) will win. (*note: all will be given one ball/sweet so that the voting is fair)

Cast ur poll:
1) Maywong - Choice 2
2) Cookie - Choice 1

May> actually both ideas are fine for me... if really need to choose then choice 1 for me... cos dunno how chaotic the actual day will be.

When we went botanica garden, the whole scene is pretty overwhelming and a bit messy la, just afriad end up no one remember to vote for each other. Then you effort wasted.
HI, I am fine with any venue and amount! Thks.

Re. Birthday Bash
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong - Go with majority
3) Sysac - Fine with any amt
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-$30 - $40 PER PAX
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda
25) babylon
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
33) celwong (30 -40/pax)
34) Sharon Sum - any venue & amount is fine
Haha... I super blur forgot to add in my name in my previous mail.

Re. Birthday Bash
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong - Go with majority
3) Sysac - Fine with any amt
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-$30 - $40 PER PAX
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda
25) babylon
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
33) celwong (30 -40/pax)
34) Sharon Sum - any venue & amount is fine
35) Annie - (30-40/pax)
wow so much going on about the bash...i should be free after i return from my trip. so i can help out in games. i'm afraid of balloons so decor is no-no for me :p

wat r u using the twin markers for? maybe i can recommend something else to you as well. of course got discount in bulk lah...PM me the qty and color breakdown, i'll arrange fm there. no probs at all!

Cookie, Chicken_Little,
here's wat is inside the gift pack. sori the pic was not clear..
1) CD / DVD Marker
2) Dr. Grip ball pen
3) Dr. Grip shaker pencil
4) Mini refillable fountain pen "petit"
5) Mini G-tec-c4 (0.4mm gel pen)
6) V5 Grip liquid ink pen
7) Twin head spotliter
8) 0.5mm 2B Pencil lead (12leads in the tube)
9) Eraser

Clare, Rachel,
ok, i'll check out that circle cutter thingy n revert when i'm back.

gonna miss u all and am sure will have thousands of posts to catch up when i'm back! this trip to the villa, bathing is communal type, meaning i gotta be naked in front of the other 5 ladies i'm mtg for the first time! ahhhh!!!
RE : Bbday Bash
I dont mind joining the games committee.

RE : Food
I cater from a regular caterer too. 9 dishes for $12. However the portion pretty big. Mum's friend. Let me know if keen.

this weekend my SIL getting married. So no time.

I go over next week lah. I stay in AMK. Meeting anyone who stays ard here? If not I go to your place next week lah.
Hi Mommies,
geez, one day never come in, and the thread is running liao!

Cake Avenue Cake
Chicken Little, count me in leh! But I am ordering latest latest by next weekend liao, coz celebrating for my gal 23rd, can make it or not?

ohh, yummy, if you are a choco fan too, try a lice of their choc sensation (which is choc mousse with rasins) and Choco fudge (chocolate sponge with choco fudge)... both were great, and I initially preferred the choco fudge, but it can get a little 'ja-let' if you eat more of it... so in the end I'm getting Choc sensation without rasin, coz I can't stand raisins... haha...

I'm going for a 2.5kg cake so, cos we expect about 40 - 50 guests, so the whole cake will cost about $140? Cake prices so exp nowadays hor? Seems like most place charge about that amount, some even more exp, though some will waive the workmanship fee and build it into the cost per kg lah...

I'm fine to be in F & B committee, haha...
Hey Rena,
hope Elijah is feeling better now?

we'll miss you.... I'm trying to see whther I can make it for Positive babies holiday programme on 17th or not.... so busy nowadays...
Regarding "A", Thanks for feeling "bu zi" for me...yah lor, I got quite upset when she keep on claiming that I was making profit from the hair tonic...actually was very fed up and wanted to tell her to return all to me and i refund her the money...but after i cool down, I just think no pt getting upset with these ppl especially when its not true.

In the end, she also ok lah, she wrote to say she didnt mean it that way...that's also why I dun really like to organise BP...so troublesome and its "chi li bu tao hao".....so even if people say TLL earning fr her BP, I gladly pay...cos I know its not easy too....

But in the end, I also dun mind organising some small BP so can meet mummies like you!
didnt have time to read much of the May thread but all I can say is, make sure you gals dun order agar agar for your gathering....hahahah
Re: Falls

Rory just fell down and knocked the left side of his forhead against the computer table's leg. He cried for a few mins but seemed ok after that.

The legs of the computer table is 2 planks of wood, he fell from standing position and knocked his head agsinst the edge of the wood. No bleeding watsoever, but when i examine him right after the fall, i saw a small thin 'dent' on the part of his forehead which had made contact with the table. I iced it and i think it's now becoming a baluku.. His GP don't work on sat & sun (arghhh!!), i'm quite worried but don't know if this warrants a visit to the doctor's?

Any mummy had similar experience?
May 2006 Thread
Wah...i just went back to read a bit more. Things got even more heated up to 30 Novemeber! From the agar agar issue to the unbelievable pay that this Annie's colleague is drawing. $200/hr. so do the math, can imagine how much they earn a month and in a year. haha. sorry kaypoh here.
If you dun mind a traditional chinese method, use a hard boiled egg (while it's nice and warm), wrap it in a face towel, and rub the balaku, helps to prevent any blood clotting in the baluku. When Monday comes, best to bring Rory for a check with the PD. Monitor for the time being, i.e. is he less active than his normal self, and any vomitting. hope the info helps.

Thanks for your concern , elijah 's condition not so good coz he liao sai few times, still have cough and running nose .. afternood he has fever..
Mama chan,

actually i am not very kaypoh but you trigger my kaypoh cells.. when i went in to read i really want to laugh..

luckly we are cool mummies who are easy going and we dun harp on small tiny issues..
Re: Pilot Pen promo pack...
here's wat is inside the gift pack. sori the pic was not clear..
1) CD / DVD Marker
2) Dr. Grip ball pen
3) Dr. Grip shaker pencil
4) Mini refillable fountain pen "petit"
5) Mini G-tec-c4 (0.4mm gel pen)
6) V5 Grip liquid ink pen
7) Twin head spotliter
8) 0.5mm 2B Pencil lead (12leads in the tube)
9) Eraser

Order :
(1) Chicken Little
(2) Cookie

Sorry I re write the list again... if I missed anyone in the order list, pls forgive me and write again.

Thanks for the details... wow I tempted to buy liao

Have a good trip... hahaha I will be paisey too to bare myself in front of others :p
I have this very strong urge to go Japan Holiday suddenly... hahaha

Rena is staying in Bishan, do you wan me to pass to her? but then I'm not sure if I will meet Rena anytime soon next week.

Thanks for helping Mashy... I will pass to you if Mashy is ok.
Gggrrrhh... should have brought last week when we meet hor... then easier for Mashy.

Sleeping deer
ya lor... I'm a little suprise to know that birthday cakes are sooo expensive :p
Into adult hood think I never celebrate birthday much. Always bought off the shelf and it's usually $25++ maybe.
so as comapred $100++++ is very expensive ley.
But hor at least u worth while cos serve 40-50 px.. me only with family max 14pax sure cannot finish...very wasted lor...

Re: Scramble egg
Thanks for mamapanda recipe..today I try again the scramble egg, added half an egg white too.
and the final scramble eggs looks good and smell good except it's tasteless to me cos no salt.
Kaelyn enjoy a few mouthful before she decide sleep is more important and start to fuss.

Kaelyn also fell from standing positon and knock on edge of chair leg in Oct. Scare of my life cos there is a little cut and bleed a little. The chair has metal legs and squarish, not a very child friendly chair at my friend's place.
She cried for quiet a while.. and my friend said feed her sugar water to calm her. Guess no need for you...
she was back to normal after a while but mum still feeling very guilty.
somehow her baluku was very slight but there is a slight bruise...
finally I din brought her to PD to check as she was ok and usual.

I remember my PD has mentioned a few points on fell:
(1) the height of the fall... usually falling from 1.2m or higher impact will be much greater
(2) the size of the baluku... an unusually big baluku may hint there could be a crack on the skull. my PD said his even see baluku big and swell 5cm by 7cm and for that case there was a crack and thankfully it heal on it own.
(3) As per what mamachan mentioned. monitor the behaviour of the child. If acting anything just not the usual self see a PD immediately.
Re Scrapbooking Group

Hi mummies,
Just sent an invite to some of you to join Yahoo Group which i've created for scrapbooking... have loaded some of the pictures of the stocks too. will update again tomorrow as I'm falling asleep at my desk already (Poor HB waiting for me until he also fell asleep outside the sofa now haha...) Due to the special rates given I'm only opening to mummies whom I know in this thread. If I have left out anyone in the email pls PM me okie?

ZzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzz... nite nite
How to join the group? I also want leh.

Hope sumo get well soon.

Sigh.. Jamie also sick. Got fever but subside already. Then Friday start to have running nose and cough. Brought her to PD and PD say her inner nose is swollen.. looks like she is having sensitive nose and infection. Jamie refuse to let me us nose drip on her. So no choice on medication now.
RE: Own Birthday Party
So curious want to know if anyone is holding the party on the same day as Jamie.

1) MayWong - 13 Jan
Hi Mommies,

Mamachan and Rena,
me too lah, the moment Tracy and Flo wrote about it, I also went in to kapoh kapoh.... haha...

pooe Elijah... give him a hug from Shannon and Auntie sleepingdeer...

me too, want the pen set, thanks!

Re: Pilot Pen promo pack...
here's wat is inside the gift pack. sori the pic was not clear..
1) CD / DVD Marker
2) Dr. Grip ball pen
3) Dr. Grip shaker pencil
4) Mini refillable fountain pen "petit"
5) Mini G-tec-c4 (0.4mm gel pen)
6) V5 Grip liquid ink pen
7) Twin head spotliter
8) 0.5mm 2B Pencil lead (12leads in the tube)
9) Eraser

Order :
(1) Chicken Little
(2) Cookie
(3) sleepingdeer
wow wow!! wat an ugly scene that May forum is creating. yeah I am glad that our forum is a friendly place to be in. I am so proud of us mummies and thank GOD that I belong here

chicken_little - is the agar agar from Annie in May forum the same as the one that you forwarded?

btw, since there are so many discussion abt ppl making money thru BP. i think i must say something for ak. remember the last time i made the BP for healthy times? i think all of you know that the service i gotten was terrible. i made like 10 over calls to contact the person who firstly gave me the wrong order and resend another box. that was my first BP that i organised and boy it wasn't a good experience at all that i swear i am not gg to do any BP anymore. hahaa...firstly, i spend so much time calling that guy and gg thru my orders, checking my orders when it arrived, consolidating all the orders for each mummies and packing it separately and you know what? i didnt want to share this...but since everyone is saying ppl make money via BP. they are wrong...at the end of everything...i paid like $3 plus extra due to the rounding up of figures. i am not complaining but would like to say that its not easy organising a BP and worst still..definitely not making money out of it. hee...finally said my piece for ak and for those doing BP
I think at the end of the day, so long the mummy's conscience is clear, doesn't really matter what others say though it's quite hurting to read about negative remarks when organizers like ak goes out an extra limb just to deliver the goods. The general consensus in BP is, if you are agreeable to the price and you know it's cheaper than outside and you still go ahead and place order and pay up money, then whatever negative remarks you start making, you're making yourself look bad. Of course this is not applicable whereby in the case of the Bad Egg that some of our mummies encounter. So in this case of the A. person in May 2006 thread, AK ah, ignore her k? She herself claims that she's got very LOW EQ and like to shoot point blank straightforwardness.

Besides, most of the mummies in the May 2006 thread also suan her like crazy and start to say that she really full of BS (pardon my language, am just saying word for word).

NOnetheless, I'm so blessed to be in this forum and to know you wonderful mummies.
sumo is sick? maybe dun bring him out for the time being, even after he has recovered, dun bring him out immediately cos the immmunity maybe low at the time. Maybe quite vulnerable to diseases.

u need help for games? U need a loud voice person ar? I have a darn loud voice hahahaa...Need my help?
Btw, Caleb will be celebrating his birthday on 13th Jan as well..
Yes Yes!! I need your help.. my hubby always say my voice can only communicate with the ants on the floor. Can help me? Hehe..

RE: May Forum
Wow.. lucky I am in the thread.
